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/lit/ - Literature

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15467709 No.15467709 [Reply] [Original]

Oh boy

>> No.15467719

Nonfiction anon.

>> No.15467729

Unironically not a bad idea
If ou can’t force people to read, hopefully you can still get them to learn

>> No.15467743

where is the factory where "white startup guy" gets made

>> No.15467756
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>reading nonfiction
Is there anything more pedestrian, more dimwitted?

>> No.15467766

Yes. Reading bullet-points of nonfiction books on your smartphone

>> No.15467781

don't pretend like you ever went past the wiki/cliffnotes.com on the western canon

>> No.15467800

>not reading
>reading fiction

>> No.15467808

I was going to say, all these fucking dweebs look exactly the same. They have this pasty, rat-faced quality to them that ties them all together.

>> No.15467835


Bugs Bunny and Looney Toons were is legitimately funny, good visual gag.

>> No.15467839

And then they're always standing in front of a brick wall or a garage door in their pictures. It's prophetic in some way.

>> No.15467842

i bet the fucking retard who made this post actually thinks education makes you smarter lol

>> No.15467844
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>They have this pasty, rat-faced quality to them that ties them all together.

>> No.15467845

you should've eaten more carrots bugs

>> No.15467852
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>i bet the fucking retard who made this post actually thinks education makes you smarter lol
autodidact? or just a drop out? same difference

>> No.15467873
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>> No.15467874

We need the opposite of this for /lit/

>> No.15467884


>> No.15467895

it's called howard bloom

>> No.15467909

>education doesn’t make smart
>I gain knowledge through osmosis
holy shit, I knew you fucks were retards but this here might take the cake

>> No.15467982
File: 3.98 MB, 224x224, 1589407084878.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>be me: eternal bugman
>ideology tells me that I have to be "woke"
>buy only fair trade chocolate with a symbol of a black hand shaking a white hand on cover
>SCRUM meeting went well today, did only 2 unpaid hours more because my boss allowed us to drink mojitos in office
>boss ehh I meant friend, you know he makes 3x my salary but dresses like a dad so we are basically eye to eye
>take zoloft
>now my moral needs are satisfied
>my spiritual needs are luckily commodified as well
>read a "science is fucking awesome" meme with infos about the moon titan
>we are so small in the universe
>time for blinkist
>read "universe in a nutshell" by stephen hawking
>have new half knowledge I can spout to my balding friends
>tomorrow I will drink an extra strong yerba mate, bossfriend will give me my well earned high-five
>pay 2000 dollar rent
>watch sissy hypno until estrogen spike makes me finally want to sleep
>I am an academic

>> No.15467990

Can we make a green text of all the important books? Is there already one? I unironically love reading greentext summaries.

>> No.15468002

The one in the middle is pretty cute

>> No.15468008

>basedboys disseminate books in the form of curated soundbites
ill pass

>> No.15468012

Your mom's womb.

>> No.15468026

they call that thing the great poster oven

>> No.15468030


ONE fucking job

>> No.15468039


Is this guy legit? Or is it another meme?

>> No.15468042


>> No.15469078

Oh, no.

>> No.15469086

must... consume... onions...

>> No.15469090


i had this conversation the other day where this guy said the word 'educate' had become politicised and used as a way to talk down to people lol.

>> No.15469099

pretty good

>> No.15469111
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>> No.15469117

It's called being white, genius.

>> No.15469139

In all fairness, there are a lot of nonfiction books that have one or two ideas that are padded out by hundreds of pages of filler.

I wouldn't use this service, but the idea isn't terrible.

>> No.15469151

I'd use it more as a sample service. You pick a book, get the jist of it from what they've boiled down and then decide if it's worth your time reading the whole thing. My only concern is how much do they editorialise the works they're summarising?

>> No.15469166

fucking kek

>> No.15469184

>coomer summarations for coomer brains

>> No.15469236
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When you think about it, the history of books since Gutenberg has been a tendency towards quantity over quality, which defined the illustrated manuscripts of previous generations.

Now any block of text can be replicated potentially infinitely with minimal costs. The average USB drive can hold hundreds, if not thousands, of books, and technology like wikipedia is calling into question the entire linear structure by which we have been trained to engage with information.

Idk if "Blinklist" is anything more than a blip on the radar, but we have reached the uncanny valley of literature. I expect more apps like this to surface. Personally I'd like to see crowdfunded audiobooks, if a thousand people pay $10 Tom Waits will read Moby Dick and so on. That's a future I could get behind.

>> No.15469262

McKinsey and the like. They have the network and know how to sell their ideas to VCs.

>> No.15469269

>let us tell you whats important in he book
literally propaganda.

>> No.15469283

>The service provides summaries of more than 2,500 bestselling non-fiction books
So does wikipedia? I dont understand the value of this 'service'

>> No.15469343

Wise thoughts: Summaries of classic philosophical works in words of one syllable


>> No.15469420
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>Blinkist raised over $35m in fewer than six years. VC firm Insight Venture Partners, early investors in Twitter, Tumblr, and HelloFresh, were first in line. Vice President of Insight, Harley Miller, understands what makes the world’s best startups work and describes Blinkist as “a whole new category of self-optimization.”
>Blinkist built the solution: a microlearning app that fits reading into busy routines whenever there’s a spare minute. Investors see a huge future in this new style of education
>considering the key points from a whole book take just 15 minutes to read or listen to, learning on the go is easier than ever.
>'We want to make knowledge more accessible'
>The books in Blinkist are created using neuroscientific research to ensure it’s easy to remember what’s been learnt through the app. The way content is written and the way audio is delivered has been specifically designed to ensure it’s retainable, memorable, and applicable to a user’s life.
>Plus, the content is created using relevant examples and case studies – which means users are less likely to forget what they’ve read, and more likely to remember and implement what’s useful to them.
It's packaged opinions you can consume while enjoying your Soilent at your dead-end job, and the best part is they do all the thinking for you, so you don't have to worry your tiny pea brain about it and can spout it back and forth between your friends and their "partners" in between watches of your next installments of your favorite capeshit movies.
God, it's just so easy to think now. :^)

>> No.15469433

This is like that Newspeak dictionary in 1984 where each dictionary gets smaller and smaller over time until the only word left is "yes".

>> No.15470308

Only after I've read the book myself.