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15467115 No.15467115[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Can one escape nihilism alone?

>> No.15467137
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I want to put a gun to her head and blow her fucking brains out.

>> No.15467145

I want to do the same to myself, anon.

>> No.15467151

Why do you feel this?

>> No.15467153


I want to do the same to you. Now.

>> No.15467155

Why would you need company to do it?

>> No.15467157

Come get me then, you fucking nigger. I'll be waiting.

>> No.15467173

It just seems so pointless to find meaning on my own. For example, I don't care if my room is a bit messy, but I would find meaning in cleaning it if I had someone who lives with me and cares about me. Don't know if that makes sense. Same with animals, I wouldn't go to the doctor for a toothache, but if my doggo is hurting I would go to the vet right away.

>> No.15467193
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To add to this... each year it goes by, it feels more and more like my own life doesn't matter. If I can't find an SO (something most people have), then there must be something off about me. This feel drags me further down into the pit.

>> No.15467198
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It's pointless regardless.

>> No.15467212

Not that anon, but it's gonna be because girls failed him.

>> No.15467214

I know, but knowing an action is meaningful for someone you care about (even though you know ultimately nothing matters) imbues that action with meaning if nothing else but to see the positive or negative effect it can have.

>> No.15467226

Jean Paul Sartre said, 'if you feel lonely when you are alone, you are in bad company'. these are words I like to live by

>> No.15467228

>I don't care if my room is a bit messy, but I would find meaning in cleaning it if I had someone who lives with me and cares about me
I get you, but it does feel nice when you clean it up and see it in a better shape, there is a sense of satisfaction

>> No.15467234
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Man is a social anon;

but yes, though he is not supposed to he can, through the suffering of the world.

>> No.15467242

Yes, you're right. But it's easier to find meaning when you're doing it for someone else.

I think I know where this anon is coming from, but I wouldn't blame the girls, their actions are just byproduct of their environment.

>> No.15467264


Yes, if you develop habits and have a routine you can easily avoid it. We are prone to be turned into "robots."

>> No.15467306

>it's easier to find meaning when you're doing it for someone else
It is, but I think it's better to find it from within yourself

>> No.15467700

This is an incel moment.

You may be wondering what an "incel moment" is, well here it is, defined.

-When confronted with interracial relationships, this triggers a primal urge in the incel. Half enraged, half aroused he is reminded by his own loneliness and the high desire to be in a meaningful relationship with a women. Protip, he never will
-When confronted by criticism of race and gender dynamics, wojacks, ad-homs will follow. The incel isn't educated so his immediate reaction is to rage and expose his white fragility
-Though he posts photos and memes about how he hates women, all he wants is to be with a women. The problem is, he's not attractive and never will be. Women avoid him like a plague so he attacks anonymously on the internet (notice how he's a complete coward).
-His response when he has no argument is typical "dilate", "nigger", "cope" "seethe" etc. You know when they post this, you've won and witnessed an incel moment.
-Deep down, they're extremely fragile and insecure. They've never really interacted with people outside of their own family so they've never developed proper intellectual and emotional relationships.
-Typically lean right, MAGA despite not really knowing anything about policy, history or society in general. They're obsessed with SJW's, women, minorities even though they don't know any. Easily brainwashed and indoctrinated. Youtubers like PJW, Milo & Steven Crowder have them changing their worldviews every video they post. They're unable to form coherent arguments but are overly emotional when it comes to issues. Notice phrases like "Political correction is destroying our media!" despite not giving any examples on set topics.
That's it folks, a quick guide to spot incel moments and incel rage. Pass it along.

>> No.15467710


but we're never alone

read sloterdijk

>> No.15467713

Do you mean only nihilism or lonely escape?

>> No.15467720

I’m trying to just chase my goals and mute the voice that keeps reminding me that I will only end up alone.

>> No.15467738
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>> No.15467753

>a leftist made this "meme"
to long, did not read kys

>> No.15467760


I prefer the snarling angry wojackette, contemptuous wojackette isn't as funny but still funny though lol

>> No.15467761
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>> No.15467769
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>to long

>> No.15467771

We all end up alone anon, might as well get used to it now.

>> No.15467780

butters do you actually care about her or you just want to fuck her?

>> No.15467812

Are we alone in the universe?

>> No.15467813

I assume by "nihilism" you mean you are suffering from depression, and the answer is yes. You don't need anyone to escape depression, you only need yourself.

>> No.15467830
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Alone? Nothing exists; all is a dream. God—man—the world—the sun, the moon, the wilderness of stars—a dream, all a dream; they have no existence. Nothing exists save empty space—and you!
And you are not you—you have no body, no blood, no bones, you are but a thought. I myself have no existence; I am but a dream—your dream, creature of your imagination. In a moment you will have realized this, then you will banish me from your visions and I shall dissolve into the nothingness out of which you made me....
I am perishing already—I am failing—I am passing away. In a little while you will be alone in shoreless space, to wander its limitless solitudes without friend or comrade forever—for you will remain a thought, the only existent thought, and by your nature inextinguishable, indestructible. But I, your poor servant, have revealed you to yourself and set you free. Dream other dreams, and better!
Nothing exists but you. And you are but a thought—a vagrant thought, a useless thought, a homeless thought, wandering forlorn among the empty eternities!

>> No.15467875

get involved in your community yall. that's what really matters.

>> No.15467919

>Working towards goals
>Don't play vidya
>Have attained normie achievements
>Hate men and women because I'm inclusive
>Still want to die in my sleep
I can just picture some fucking social media obsessed bitch making this and thinking she's being profound

>> No.15467925

eh, you're pretty much the average normie

>> No.15467926

I want to put my dick to her face and shoot hot cum up her nostrils.

>> No.15467940


>> No.15467946

Probably the only time frogman was right. Seeking happiness/contentment from outside is futile. If you feel incomplete a girlfriend isn't gonna fix it

>> No.15467948

>on the left: ressentiment
>on the right: ressentiment
very cool meme, dude

>> No.15467956

stop reading knee tzhee

>> No.15467957

it was not made by the girl on the right, you retard. you took the bait. fuck you

a leftist did not make the meme

>> No.15467963


>> No.15467964

You're obviously succeeding at life in some average capacity, most normies hide their resentment beyond a mask of civility, and they meme about suicide constantly

>> No.15467968

because you're obviously replaced thinking with reading

>> No.15467972

who made it? redpill me

>> No.15468016

Ok fair enough. I guess those who proclaim themselves to be content are the greatest liars. Though, I haven't really outwardly made such a statement. I've made plenty to the contrary though to the disapproval of others. But yeah, I guess I'm still part of the herd oh well (not being sarcastic).

>> No.15468032

I just want to keep her from being needlessly killed.
I’m sure her boyfriend there would appreciate it.
The degenerates on lit need to keep their dirty thoughts under wraps or just off themselves before they hurt someone

>> No.15468053

Is anyone else really tired of how anons idealize and drool over images of unattainable ephebic beauty like this goddamn

>> No.15468067

no, highschool girls like this fuck 5/10 boys all the time

>> No.15468077

Yeah, who are in high school themselves.

>> No.15468081

this, she is quite average - still unattainable to me though, since I'm incapable of being social in any other capacity than purely formal

>> No.15468099

Joshu began the study of Zen when he was sixty years old and continued until he was eighty, when he realized Zen.

He taught from the age of eighty until he was one hundred and twenty.

A student once asked him: "If I haven't anything in my mind, what shall I do?"

Joshu replied: "Throw it out."

"But if I haven't anything, how can I throw it out?" continued the questioner.

"Well," said Joshu, "then carry it out."

>> No.15468111

I don't get it, did joshu become a zombie just saying two default responses to everyone?

>> No.15468124

Nothing exists?
Throw it out.

>> No.15468126

It will be extremely painful

>> No.15468134
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It's been 4 years since my last relationship and in that time I feel I have grown wiser, more accepting, more willing to look at my flaws and take steps to correct them. I read, I work out, I spend time in nature, I get a dose of society at my local bar and Cafe and invest a little of each paycheck.

In spite of all this, finding the right girl has become harder, but I know it's for the right reasons. I have a better understanding of what's important and am content with solitude while I wait for the right one.

It's good that you care for others and that it drives you. It drives me too. Improving yourself improves your ability to give and improves your ability to recognize a good woman. If you care, which you do, you will get there in time.

>> No.15468158

Based EasyGerman poster. Some absolute dime-pieces on that channel. I really need to go to Germany.

>> No.15468172
File: 2.64 MB, 604x850, islandgf3.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>ywn get a 20yo college gf with this mindset

>> No.15468177

why do you think that?

>> No.15468182

you literally proved anons point Lmao
imagine posting wojacks and thinking you are anything but a faggot onions memelord newcunt

>> No.15468207


>> No.15468239

A narcissist?

>> No.15468297

>implying a woman could think this deeply

>> No.15468420

ITT: passive nihilist teens

>> No.15468533

what's the diff between active vs passive nihilst?

>> No.15468681

One is cope and the other one isn't

>> No.15468796
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>> No.15468822

you don't know what you're talking about do you

>> No.15469013
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>> No.15469024

He was an extraverted social animal who fucked little girls so I wouldn't listen to anything he says about being alone

>> No.15469126

its just a common expression.
''Only boring people get bored'' come to my mind too.

>> No.15469213

Exactly right, Being is Being-with.

>> No.15469222
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It gets better when you except that you'll probably never be loved like that in your life. Enjoy your family and close friends who actually love you; enjoy the intimacy you can get from those around you, but you have to accept that you don't have a 'signifigant other' and if you do, you'll probably never recognize them or even meet them in this lifetime. You'll feel the pain for awhile, a kind of void that you can try to fill with work or some hobby that requires a lot of time and dedication. You'll never truly replace that need, but it will get to the point where it doesn't hurt so much.

Sometimes you'll see girls in public or something, and you'll get this melencholy feeling, but it passes quickly and you have to make sure you don't dwell on it. Sometimes I wonder, out of all the girls i've seen or met before in my life, if one of them was the one I had been looking for, but I had just missed it. I remember this one girl I met at a party; she was from England, visiting her parents here in the states. We starting talking and damn, we got along really well. We were up into the early hours of the morning, talking and laughing about everything: passions, goals, dreams, outlooks, worldviews. I have a more quiet, melencholy temperment and she was outgoing and social, but not annoying; we both complemented each other really well. I genuinely think it was one of the best nights of my life, I had a great time, and I would like to think she had a great time as well, with all the laughing and talking she did. We ended up exchanging numbers, and after awhile she left with her friends. I texted her the next morning, told her I had a great time the night before, and said I would like to hang out again sometime in the future. She never responded. I texted a couple more times over the months, but got nothing but silence. I later found out her mother had had a stroke, and was in the hospital, and she had gone back to England to be with her.

This was six years ago, and I've never met a girl like that since. Fuck, I haven't met any girls period, that was around the time my social life really started to degrade. I like to think about what could have been, even though I know I shouldn't. This kind of heaving, throbbing pain makes a great motivation to get your life together; it drove me to finally quit porn. You'll realize you're able to get through life without love and intimacy, you'll find something else to fill that hole. It just takes some time, but you'll get there. I did.

>> No.15469237

No I clearly don’t. Please enlighten us.

>> No.15469247

damn its real sad hours here on /lit/, i hope you find a girl like her again bro

>> No.15469265

> I genuinely think it was one of the best nights of my life, I had a great time, and I would like to think she had a great time as well, with all the laughing and talking she did.
Very similar experience anon except quite recently. I ended up reciprocating interest on another occasion afterwards because she was the one who actually initially struck up conversation with me. After that second time, she started acting strange around me and was thrown off thinking I came on too strong so I backed off. I was just dumb faggot who didn’t realise that’s what some girls do and the perceived interest probably didn’t diminish. I think I fucked up by not just going further and pursuing her harder. It came to a point when one day I glanced a smile at her when she was walking by with friends and she just stared at me for two seconds as she walked by and kept walking. Later that day, we were going to cross paths again but she visibly avoided me.

I’m still hurting from it and quarantine hasn’t helped. I’ve thought about messaging her but it’s too late now. It’s just going to be pathetic and weird. I fucking hate myself so much.

>> No.15469272

Just realised typed “walk” a few too many times.

>> No.15469325

>I think I fucked up by not just going further and pursuing her harder.

You did fuck up anon. The thing is... it's not "late" she was interested at some point.
She's evading you because she thinks you "missed your chance".

Don't be weird, don't dwell to much on it. If the opportunity arises, make conversation with her. If not, just move on.

>> No.15469369

Thanks for the reply anon. Not sure what you mean by this:
>it's not "late" she was interested at some point
If she's indeed determined I missed my chance, surely that means the door has closed.

And the reason why I've been dwelling on it is because it was probably the first time I've had mutual interest with a girl. Everything prior was unrequited. That's also why I thought of just messaging her out of the blue during quarantine. I'm probably not going to see her in person until the second half of the year.

>> No.15469405

>Thanks for the reply anon. Not sure what you mean by this:

That you caught her attention at some point. It will happen again.

>If she's indeed determined I missed my chance, surely that means the door has closed.

Nothing is forever. If you are still interesting to her she will try to talk to you again. Just give her space. Work on you in the meantime.

>That's also why I thought of just messaging her out of the blue during quarantine.

Don't do that. Give her space. You will find her again in person and probably will have the chance to struck conversation as a means to catch up.

Until then. Keep your spagetti on your pockets.

>> No.15469437

Thank you anon. It might not mean much to you but it means a lot to me.

>> No.15469461
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>> No.15469559
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only 3 ways to escape existential dread:

>> No.15469569


>> No.15469660

There would need to be a point for it to be pointless. If life really has no meaning, then the concept of meaning wouldn't even be applicable to life. If >>15467173 can't see enough benefit (purpose) in cleaning their room when they're alone, it's possible that they can shift perspectives to find motivation to clean their room when their on their own, or to completely stop being bothered by the fact that their room is messy when their on their own if they ultimately don't care about their messy room. Same thing with the toothache example, if your current perspective is making a dogs pain more important to you than your own, you should be working towards shifting that.

>> No.15469678

holy fucking based

>> No.15469691

I think it was Houellebecq who said something similar, I can only paraphrase: A good way to create some sense of purpose would be to have another being depend on you. If you can't find a partner, get a pet or at the very least a plant.

Something like that.

>> No.15469700

>I think I know where this anon is coming from, but I wouldn't blame the girls, their actions are just byproduct of their environment.
Not him, but I'm pretty sure he wasn't blaming girls, but anon that wants to kill them.

>> No.15469729

Why do people still believe some girl or boy is "the one"? That's what you see in cartoons

>> No.15469866

:'( i love you senpai