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15466835 No.15466835 [Reply] [Original]

What's /lit/'s drink of choice? For me, it's a mint julep

>> No.15466837

Green tea

>> No.15466838


>> No.15466839


>> No.15466845

Ah, a (wo)man of culture

>> No.15466856
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Preferably beer or white wine, but ultimately whatever I could get my hands on.

Got out of rehab a while ago, sober for 3 months now.

>> No.15466859

>Identifying yourself by consumption
Never gonna make it.

>> No.15466880


>> No.15466884

Has to be wine.

>> No.15466893

water usually, but if I'm feeling a bit excited I don't mind brewing some oolong tea hehe

>> No.15466917

Vodka. Neat.

>> No.15466926

Beer. Preferably, Two hearted ale.

>> No.15467015

Cuba libre or four roses

>> No.15467433

Whiskey sour, egg please.

>> No.15467439

water, monster zero, diet coke, orange juice

>> No.15467445


>> No.15467456

Diet monster energy drink.

>> No.15467867

Vanilla milkshake with extra sugar

>> No.15467877

pussy juice and dry nipples

>> No.15467993

anything that holds tiase

>> No.15468005


>> No.15468025
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>> No.15468052

Apple cranberry juice with cherries thrown in

>> No.15468074

Whiskey or White Russians

>> No.15468156
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>> No.15468184

Water, mostly. I allow myself a four-pack of root beer once a fortnight, and on rare occasions, when I'm eating out, I might have a Dr. Pepper.

>> No.15468214


>> No.15468254

a kelp shake

>> No.15468309

my man

>> No.15468373

In descending order:
>Coffee, milk + sugar
>Water (not bottled shit tho)
>Black tea, milk no sugar
>Whiskey (straight)
>Peppermint tea
>Good beer
>Whiskey (mixed)
>Cheap beer
I don't like white spirits or most "herbal" teas.
Other dark spirits are fine but I wouldn't usually choose them.
I don't drink wine but if I did itd be a dark, rich red wine.
I also sometimes drink iced coffee or smoothies on hot summer days.

>> No.15468377
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>Green tea virgin
>Not an Earl Grey chad
Never gonna make it

>> No.15468614

Cheap wine

>> No.15468627

Coffee with milk and sugar to wake me up
Hennessy to put me to sleep

>> No.15468639

Kool-Aid (any flavor)
Chocolate milk
Strawberry milk

>> No.15468643


>> No.15468669
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water or black coffee

>> No.15468677


This anon gets it.

>> No.15468709
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>> No.15468772

How did it get to the point where Americans will try ridicule you for *drinking water*

>> No.15468781


Didn't knew this was a thing. Dunno, I like water, it just works, you know?

>> No.15468990


>> No.15469042

>consuming empty calories instead of calories from protein

>> No.15469049

Johnny Walker Black Barrel
Jameson Black Barrel

>> No.15469331

Whiskey sour with egg, not aquafaba.
Red wine
Single Malt Scotch
Extra strong English tea with sugar and milk
Beer on occasion

>> No.15469446

Water, tea, way to much beer and not enough hard liquor.

>> No.15469575
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Tatratea Outlaw.

>> No.15469596
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I recognized that obese courier by his gut. I'll just have one of whatever he's having.

>> No.15469598

I think they are trying to ridicule people who just drink water and eat salads to "stay thin" and "show how healthy they are".
But yeah I agree it's clearly a burger who consumes fastshit all day.

>> No.15469613

But the people he replied to all drink things other than water, and made no moral or health claims about beverage/diet choice.
Americans are insufferable.

>> No.15469624


>> No.15469681


>> No.15469706

Vodka Tonic

>> No.15469771

congrats on that, man

>> No.15469783

Single Malt Scotch

>> No.15469798

Mate or black tea with sugar and milk
As for alcohol, I stick to beer.

>> No.15470016
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ah, a man of culture

>> No.15470188

>all these water fags


>> No.15470195

Chianti, Rosso di Montalcino

>> No.15470197
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Water please.

>> No.15470319

Pálinka or kräuterlikör.
This post was made by Austria-Hungary Gang

>> No.15470457

I'm from the north of England and Earl Grey is considered tea for posh wankers but I still keep a box next to the Yorkshire Tea for when I'm reading. Absolutely patrician taste, anon.

>> No.15470471

Water, milk, coffee, coffee with milk.

>> No.15470484

Don't dunk on based eirefag

>> No.15470503

Water and coffee for the day,
Jägermeister at night.

>> No.15471340

Wild Turkey on the rocks

>> No.15471393

Very midwestern and /lit/ of you. Personally I've had too much of the stuff.

>> No.15471473

Cuban coffee like La Llave or Cafe Bustelo in the mornings. Water during the day. Gin and Tonics (usually beefeater or bombay sapphire) or occasionally bourbon at night (night starts at 3:30 pm).

>> No.15471490


>> No.15471615

cheap beer, until i start to embarrass myself in front of random chicks and get in a fight with a twink
t. last night

>> No.15471867

Tumeric tea

>> No.15472199

based, care to greentext the full story?

>> No.15472482

read The Drinker last year, pretty good stuff

>> No.15472484

how ya lads drink yer earl grey tea with? milk? lemons? sugar? pure?

>> No.15472696

Just bought this, sounds great.

>> No.15472741
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black coffee, but i wouldn't mind a rum and coke

>> No.15472867

not really its a shit story, ill tell a good one some other time

>> No.15472904

coffee with a shot of absinthe

>> No.15472905

bit o milk, nowt else pal

>> No.15472957

Scotch on the rocks with a twist.

>> No.15473814


>> No.15474742

Weissbier and Jagermeister

>> No.15474799

that's countrapoints' favorite drink

>> No.15474960

Chianti or Zinfandel or Malbec

>> No.15474993

Feeling supersonic
Give me Gin and tonic

>> No.15474998
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water>chilled green tea>black coffee

I don't drink much but if I do I go with my friends to the store and get the cheapest local beer or whiskey they have. Obsessing over drinks is weird, at least its weirder than the average consumer fetish

>> No.15475002

Choccy milk:)

>> No.15475022

water or chai latte

>> No.15475100

good choice fren

>> No.15475109

Milk of the poppy

>> No.15475119

MILLER LITE, in the 24oz can, from the hood liquor store, The store that had the cashier behind glass(bullet proof) before corona chan.

>> No.15475125
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>> No.15475129

Beer (ale).

>> No.15475176

WTF kinda based, not sure

>> No.15475231
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cheap scotch and cold sherry

>> No.15475733

>a four-pack of root beer
You drink it all in one night?

>> No.15475738

morgenthaler method amaretto sour

never ordered one at a bar because i'd assume they'd fuck it up

>> No.15476194
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