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File: 204 KB, 576x864, Elon_Musk_Royal_Society (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
15464424 No.15464424 [Reply] [Original]

Is he the ubermensch that Nietzsche prophesied?

>> No.15464429

No the overman is about value creation and Musk is not a value-creator.

>> No.15464431
File: 119 KB, 800x571, 3B1DC692-FBAB-4AA2-BFFA-A42702CF77B8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why does he look like a ghoul from Fallout?

>> No.15464447

>Is he the ubermensch that Nietzsche prophesied?


>> No.15464584

Not with that hairline, he's not

>> No.15464640

He is the überbugmen

>> No.15464802
File: 378 KB, 545x724, 1556747551666.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The übermensch is evil due to the ignorance of the masses. They'd only later on understand that their values were for naught. Nietzsche described him as devil, tho he was against christians, used a wording/entity of the bibel.

Also he has to be an immoralist, tho I do believe that Hitler tried to fullfill that role he failed trying. Incompetence is as vast as human boundaries stretch.

Last point I'm willing to mention is that he was a degenerate who thought himself better than his modern german fellows and got a huge crush on french people, for a stupidest reason imaginable. Do yourself a favor and stop pretending to know shit, he clearly didn't want spergfags as reader.

>> No.15464814
File: 1.44 MB, 1920x1080, grimes is subhuman.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>heres your überwoman

>> No.15464835

t. Never read Nietzsche

>> No.15464839

God I hate capitalism
This nigger isn't a rocket scientist, yet he is getting praised as if he is the next fucking Tesla.
Just because you threw money at stuff doesn't mean you're a genius, what's next? "Jeff Bezos is a polymath" threads once Blue origins joins the race?
These people are worthless without capital, unlike the scientists and doctors who are indispensable regardless of the socio-economic system in place.

>> No.15464885

Well yes, he writes like a ranting child.

Do yourself a favor and read his works, not the translations

>> No.15464904

Is there no alternative?

>> No.15464905

well, he does rate the 'child'

>> No.15464930


>> No.15465039

He's a retard that got rich and now he's selling his image as some sort of genius by throwing money away.

>> No.15465047

Like he wasnt already a billionare because of paypal

>> No.15465061

No, the ubermensch will not be human at all; it will be a machine.

>> No.15465078


>> No.15465084

Kleinfelters look at his birthing hips too.

>> No.15465089

Nice, and also what I was thinking. They seem to have stopped at the lion, if that.

>> No.15465096

This and /thread.

Mensch is gender neutral. It just means human.
Grimes is just an eccentric artist-muse

We will not evolve into robots

>> No.15465098

>He's a retard that got rich
His daddy owns a bunch of diamond mines.

>> No.15465100


surprisingly based

>> No.15465107

Stop worshiping some capitalist retard

>> No.15465108

No. But he furthers the conditions of his manifestation.

>> No.15465117

No, he's the one that Werner von Braun wrote a book about, literally talked about a guy named Elon on Mars

>> No.15465206

>We will not evolve into robots
No, we won´t. AI will overcome us and our values.

>> No.15465240

>that got rich
He was born into wealth his father owned diamond/emerald mines in Africa. He also didn't found PayPal these memes need to die but people still believe it because its the way he markets himself.

>> No.15465248

It's amazing that you can peddle Mars Exploration and Neural Interface to normies.

>> No.15465255

He's the Memesmench Fascist.

>> No.15465258
File: 1.02 MB, 570x281, B32C2D81-71C9-4136-B3F6-4830BCE2E4E4.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So how long have you been rooting for the matrix?

>> No.15465343

It's an ontological question though. It's likely that at some point in the future humanity will be superseded by a different lifeform. I think our consciousness will someone move beyond a purely physical, static body. Similarly to how AI isn't bound to one machine, but -in practice atleast- can transfer between hosts. Of course the real question is what this consciousness is. Is it a direct continuation of what we are now, or something else.

>> No.15465357

Same with Tesla. He invested a lot of money and then sued the founders out of the company with part of the settlement being that he gets named as a founder of Tesla retrospectively.

>> No.15465455
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I agree, but I doubt robots. And moving “beyond a purely physical” body is a silly notion. Being able to communicate or even be on a quantum level is still physical

>> No.15465461

He founded a private firm that is about to put people in space.

>> No.15465481

Mommy butterfly please penetrate my hungry mouth with your hard ejaculating nipples

>> No.15465501

His original timeline for that going according to keikaku I take it.

>> No.15465616

he united all his scifi impulses under the flag of his companies?

>> No.15465816

We will become wasps that live solely to pollinate the great mechanical entity through which we must reproduce. Our genes managed through digital selection. Our decisions guided through marketing algorithms. Our goals the eternal expansion of the capitalist host, drawing all our resources from the earth to cast a horrid fruit out into the void to breed more great trees.

>> No.15465833

Capitalism’s ultimate end is our extinction.

>> No.15465848

No he's not

>> No.15465872

Not Nietzsche's perception of the overman but I'd love to see that

>> No.15465888

It will not be so kind. We will remain useful units to help the machine calculate resource allocation problems and to perform unsolved labor tasks. It will adjust us to efficiently perform our roles, and to desire our place.

>> No.15465895

Yes. Everyone envies him and wishes they were him. He acts according to his own will and does things like smokes weed on a podcast just because thats what he feels like doing at the time.

>> No.15465899
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Too much Matrix/acc-faggotry

>> No.15465913

he barely inhaled, went along with it, and looked like a child because he didn't say "no. i would not like to smoke weed right now" BETA AS FUCK

>> No.15465915

Elon Musk is a stupid person's idea of a smart person and the only reason anyone pay attention to him is because of the fact he was lucky enough to be born into a family of billionaires who own an emerald mine

>> No.15465921


>> No.15465933

Cope. Youd never do anything that ballsy

>> No.15465943

We're already at the point where the mass drugging of people and the general society of Brave New World is seen as a good thing. Do you think that when we start drugging everyone to be better producers and consumers that all of mankind will just die? The world will go on, and the capitalist framework will keep expanding.

>> No.15465949

>smoking weed is ballsy

>> No.15465950

He is going to be arrested for securities fraud.

>> No.15465951

Smoking weed on Joe Rogan's show is the opposite of ballsy.

>> No.15465960

Please, maybe he'll be charged and fined, but he won't be arrested.

>> No.15465961
File: 234 KB, 720x887, musk.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ol' Musky isn't the hero we may want, but he sure as fuck is the hero we need right now.

>How to solve the muslim horde?
Shoot all our muslims into space.
>How to solve the mexican drug war?
Shoot all the mexicans into space.
>How to solve pollution?
Shoot all our garbage into space.
>"Oh but that won't work to fix pollution, my dance therapy degree says that launching those rockets will warm up the earth, kill birds, etc."
Shoot the faggots who say that into space.

The future is here, /lit/. Can you smell its Musk?

>> No.15465966

Why do you think they're not making a big, vocal stink about it?

>> No.15465995

Beyond cringe

>> No.15466012

>b-beyond cringe
You get the rocket first. Get off my planet

>> No.15466032
File: 90 KB, 720x540, 4836EB4D-70B0-488D-9F30-DDA1E2B121F4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Mass drugging
And Haphazard genetic rewiring from Monsanto foods, yes. Opiate supplies are easily not taken though. (THX 1138 is a favourite of mine)
The environment is deteriorating. Our way of life is collapsing and depending on our measures to prevent it, we may very well perish. (Nuclear winter always looming) Or, if we do survive, it will be to scrounge around something like after the civilizational collapse of 1177 BC.~
Techno-fascism only need be unplugged. We’ve more to fear from cannibal-fascism in that event.
Horror stories. I prefer to fight them.

>> No.15466192
File: 31 KB, 323x323, 2342424.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Half subsidized by the U.S. Government

>> No.15466465

>Musk is not a value-creator
Yes he is. One of the biggest value-creators in the world right now, in fact.

>> No.15466477

I don’t value his cars or his un-reusable reverso-rockets.

>> No.15466486

What are his values?

>> No.15466502

Electrical cars are worse for the enviroment than normal cars in the long term because their batteries are literal fucking cancer for the planet

Hidrogen Cars is the true green future

>> No.15466505

Read his Wikipedia page at the very least. He has immense influence.

Direction, organization, cohesion, community, production.

>> No.15466530

>cashes in on government subsidies
if this is the overman I want out

>> No.15466536

How do those "values" address the Death of God and subsequent nihilism?

>> No.15466539

He's an ubertwat

>> No.15466541

He doesn't create anything. He merely owns shit. He's basically a functionary that moves capital around between other people who create shit. Saying that he creates value is like saying a bank does.

>> No.15466543

>how does having goals, responsibilities, and creative opportunities address nihilism
Beats me.

>> No.15466553

>Saying that he creates value is like saying a bank does.
>banks full of money don't have value
Jesus christ, /lit/ is retarded today.

>> No.15466557

Holding/hoarding value=/=creating value you fucking buffoon.

>> No.15466559

If you don't know how his values overcome nihilism then he is not the overman.

>> No.15466585

Banks with money can provide loans, attract wealthy residents to the area, and many other things. That which has value creates value.

Oh, I know how. You're the one who's having a problem figuring out a matter as simple as this.

>> No.15466601
File: 1.42 MB, 1100x825, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Badass engineer doing what his passion is: Check
Does whatever he feels like: Check
Makes lefties live with ressentiment and slave morality towards him: Check
Doesn't complain about what others think of him: Check
Basically a Philosopher King: Check
Would do it all again forever: Check

He's as close to an ubermensch as we will ever get to see. I have no doubt that he will go down in history as a great figure like Napoleon or Ceasar.

>> No.15466605
File: 173 KB, 1280x720, 6A47BAC6-ABD2-4C93-9231-6654E17CBBDF.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This video/podcast has more value to me than a sociopathic richbitch making more money.
He’s a marginally interesting person, but he’s not valuable or influential. He’s a techy nerd, but not inventive or particularly smart


>> No.15466606

Alright cool I've arrived at a point with you where any further argument would just be capitalism(cringe) vs. socialism(based) and that'd go nowhere have a good day me lad

>> No.15466608

The only reason wealthy residents should be attracted anywhere is so they can be rounded up and hanged.

>> No.15466625

Just because he doesn't create value for you doesn't mean he creates value for no one.

>> No.15466662

He creates an overpriced product for rich bastards.
Electric cars ought to become cheaper soon enough, but he won’t be why.
He isn’t an innovator of anything.
But hey, I’m not as angered by him as a lot of other rich bastards.

Here. Try to understand why he isn’t anything like an übermensch

>> No.15466672

>He isn’t an innovator of anything.
Cars aren't the only thing he does and his involvement with cars isn't as simple as your brief posts. Really, you just sound very spiteful.

>> No.15466680

This is the ressentiment I was talking about

>> No.15466748

How nearly all new tech has to start out. It would be nice if the government foots some of the bill like it used to.
He isn't the innovator behind Tesla but he does good work championing it, better than nearly all companies out there. If they become cheaper he will be a big part of why, for having proved the market exists and scaling battery production

You're right psychologically he isn't an ubermensch, and more of an autistic manchild, but his optimism and achievements are commendable

>> No.15466755

As a capitalist, he’s getting money poured into his pockets. I resent the system.
But I repeat, he isn’t an übermensch for being rich and cool to you people.
All other resentment you perceive is imaginary

>> No.15466773

What is an ubermensch supposed to look like, psychologically?

>> No.15466774

me thinks the tranny doth protest too much

>> No.15466780

A men who unites his psyche behind an individualist cause

>> No.15466786
File: 48 KB, 620x631, CD093118-2432-4035-8E23-E51B9D49D795.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Like Pippi Longstocking.


>> No.15466794

How do you know that isn't Elon and all you're seeing is the public image?

>> No.15466795

>Oh, I know how. You're the one who's having a problem figuring out a matter as simple as this.
What are you even talking about? You made a claim it's up to you to explain it. I have no idea what's going on in your head, if you're going to sit here and say "DURRRR IM RETARDED DURRRR WHY CANT YOU READ MY MIND DURRRRRR" what's even the point of posting?

>> No.15466796

You are the retard who doesn't know how value is created. You are normie tier. Read Marx. Or even Adam Smith.

>> No.15466802

>he’s getting money poured into his pockets
No he isn't. He's doing something right for other people for that to happen. Only criminals have money poured into their pockets without giving value to those who are paying.

>> No.15466805

I never claimed I did

>> No.15466809

My nigga Bezos has way more money and a lot more pull

>> No.15466814


Pippi Longstocking doesnt meet the standard you've held Musk to in this thread.

>> No.15466818

How do you mean?

>> No.15466825
File: 181 KB, 399x378, 123123123.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>click link
>its real

>> No.15466830
File: 77 KB, 620x601, C82189C2-F2BE-4D67-9BCB-B61D4E8CC32E.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She’s fictional. Appropriate enough for such a high minded concept

>> No.15466840

>>What are his values?
>Direction, organization, cohesion, community, production.
Funny because there must be thousands of high level engineers on this planet who have the same value you describe as direction, organization cohesion, community, production. Yet they don't have Capital, like Musk, so they aren't workshipped by exploitation apologists like you.

>> No.15466847

Capital is power and power creates value because power is life.

>> No.15466848

>overpriced product
Blame the government for that by adding so many regulation and extra taxes

>> No.15466851


>> No.15466855


>> No.15466860

Mods I made a fucking thread like this 1 week ago but with a different entrepreneur and you niggas removed my thread in like 2 minutes

>> No.15466862

That comes out of which movie, kid?

>> No.15466876

So not the Kayne one? Which entrepreneur do you think is the übermensch?

>> No.15466878

Literally sound like something a bot could create.

>> No.15466882

Resenting the system because of landlords I get, but resenting it when it's working as intended, rewarding someone who creates things people value? Peak tranny

>> No.15466888

>Appropriate enough for such a high minded concept
This is the problem. There's nothing fictional about the ubermensch. Nietzsche's whole project was to finally pull philosophy away from Platonic idealism so that our intellectual roots could grow in earth's soil, not the soil in some cloudy fantasyland.

>> No.15466912

Nachlass (1889)

>> No.15466915

He did get lucky coming up during the internet boom, which is how he got rich making X/Paypal. Staking all his capital on space x and tesla is pretty admirable though, and sets him apart from many other successful engineers from that time.
Though yeah it's pretty cringe the cult of worshippers he tries to make, fortu seem to see less of them these days

>> No.15466929

He isn’t the creator of electric cars, rocket or satellites.
Peak liberal bootlicker

>> No.15466943

>There's nothing fictional about the ubermensch
There are no übermensch, anon.
> not the soil in some cloudy fantasyland.
Such as the socialist utopia I envision. I know.

>> No.15466951

Literally a snake oil salesman

>> No.15466956

>t. too poor to buy a tesla

>> No.15466960

>There are no übermensch
There are, you just keep denying them in favor of a system where no one can become such a being.

>> No.15466979

Than I have ascended. For I am that which Friedrich called a cross between an anarchist and an aristocrat.
Follow me. (Not on Twitter)

>> No.15466994

I saved for a real car.

>> No.15467005

He's the "creator" (as in he staked his own capital when others thought it couldn't be done) of reusable rockets. He popularised electric cars by making ones that don't look like trannymobiles and continues to make them more widespread and affordable so we don't have to guzzle gas forever.

There's a lot that's fucked with the current liberal order, but he's one of the increasingly rare examples of it working as intended, to benefit people. It's pretty sad watching you try your best to demonise him anyways. I've seen the threads where you stop replying once people spot the all the holes in your proposed Communism But With Excel™ utopia so it's not like you've got anything better on the cards.

>> No.15467024


>There are

t. Didn't read single line of Nietzsche

'Never yet has there been an Übermensch. Naked have I seen both of them, the greatest man and the smallest man. Too similar they are too each other. Even the greatest man I found all too human!'
- from Thus Spoke Zarathustra

Remove yourself from this board please.

>> No.15467035

he is a welfare queen of the 1st order. gibs created this faggot

>> No.15467036

Do Americans really do this?


>> No.15467045

>Do Americans really do this?
Great rebuttal I'm floored

>> No.15467055

What is the ubermensch supposed to do anyway? Would Jesus, Socrates and Buddha be considered Ubermensch? Cause they went beyond good and evil and stablished a new set of values for society. Is the ubermensch a prophet in the end?

>> No.15467057

I hope it was used or leased or something

I know how capitalism works well enough.
> There's a lot that's fucked with the current liberal order
No shit. Stop cheerleading it. (I may be more ornery because I’ve been drinking) again, he’s not anything special for what he’s doing. He’s just that guy with the money
>I’ve seen you stop replying...
I stick with them as long as I can, but a girls gotta get to sleep sometime. I reject your characteristic of them. I do have better, I just don’t have a ruby mine and a government contract

>> No.15467092

I prefer Linus Torvalds, Satoshi Nakamoto or Bram Cohen as respected fitgures.

>> No.15467109
File: 118 KB, 1080x1350, 75149948-F8CB-4FED-BB27-5A432D9E3C4C.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



>> No.15467121

Nice ass, though it would probably be too hard to enjoy

>> No.15467130

John McAfee is the only ubermensch in the world today- a man who lives by chaos. Yessss. A real ubermensch never kowtows to ZOG like this musk faggot.

>> No.15467201

I'm not cheerleading capitalism. He's simply one of the last "good ones" left, especially when you contrast him with Google/FB etc, who are literally trying to own everyone's stream of consciousness.''

How do you see us avoiding climate change under the present global political situation, ie MAD-nationalism, unless its by making renewable energy / electric cars cheaper than their fossil counterparts.

>> No.15467221

yes, beyond cringe and right into based

>> No.15467233

He wrote that roughly 150 years ago.

>> No.15467250

>Linus Torvalds

>Bram Cohen
Good piece of communist technology, which sadly under the capitalist status quo has had the side effect of devaluing artistic work. Divorcing how widespread/influential a work is from how the creator gets compensated. Especially now that rona has hit and concerts/theatres are shut down

>Satoshi Nakamoto
Accelerationist trying to help capital escape the shackles of government once and for all. Can't see how this is a good thing if you are a communist but I'm up for it

>> No.15467254

Let’s see some more titty pics bb

>> No.15467259

how do so many bugmen worship this fraud? you would think they're familiar with how tech companies cucks you from your intellectual property and pay you a pittance from the money it generates

>> No.15467263

You’ve posted this before; your routine is boring

>> No.15467276

>tech companies cucks you from your intellectual property
How, exactly? And if your work is so valuable why don't you just take it and form your own company?

>> No.15467291

I don’t have any pics of Clair’s tiddies

I just disagree. He’s getting money for not being the worker/engineer. Watch the Rifkin YouTube link I posted. Hope we can shake all this off in time.

You’re in a thread for the Übermensch. There’s my ideal Übermensch. You think she’s boring? I think Musk and Kanye are boring.

>> No.15467308

>He’s getting money for not being the worker/engineer.
It takes more than manual labor and engineering to make things happen. Things need political, social, and economic clearance, and protection from competitors.

>> No.15467325


Yeah we truly have surpassed man in the last 150 years. Great job everyone.

>> No.15467329

Not we. No one here is even close to an ubermensch.

>> No.15467334

>He’s getting money for not being the worker/engineer
He's getting money for being the ideas man

>> No.15467371

>Accelerationist trying to help capital escape the shackles of government once and for all. Can't see how this is a good thing if you are a communist but I'm up for it
BTC is built on peer to peer technology. Not the other way round. It's an exchange value tool, based on out of the exchange value foundations. You seem to not understand that value can be created out of the exchange value system.

>> No.15467381
File: 275 KB, 639x624, C8B9DAD2-32C5-4670-A659-EB7E44679005.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Liberal cheerleading this hard

>> No.15467387

It's really quite pointless arguing with you (noticed you didn't answer my question) but I'll give it one more post

>He’s getting money for not being the worker/engineer
So because he's working from within the system to stave off the climate collapse Rifkin is talking about, he's reprehensible? He should be advocating the overthrow of the capitalists instead. But please explain how he does that without threatening nuclear war on Russia/china/capitalists elsewhere, when its still in their interest to burn fossil fuels perhaps because they aren't as exposed to climate change as other countries.

Rifkin talks about the dropping cost of renewable power generation, the flip side is batteries/storage. What is musk working on? Tesla, Solarcity, developing potassium batteries instead of relying on lithium, etc. He's not going to save the world by himself no shit but your criticism truly rings hollow when he's actually trying to help and you've proposed no better ideas.

>> No.15467398

Nice argument as always

>> No.15467402

There is no way to put concerted effort into their projects considering all the sectarianism present in government without someone amassing the capital necessary for these endeavors themselves

>> No.15467406

I don't see where our disagreement is. Free-market capitalism is peer-to-peer. Bitcoin is an exchange value tool that isn't controlled/printed by government. How does that not fit what I described

>> No.15467408

>has never made any products that really mattered
>doesn't know how to make a dime
>blames others for it
That's a pretty girl though, I'd cum deep down her throat.

>> No.15467431

you didn't present shit yourself you liberals truly are fucking braindead
trashy plebs

>> No.15467461

>White knoghting butt hurt
Also noone defended him you retard

>> No.15467468

He's not even a big ear or a big mouth. He's a big wallet.

>> No.15467499

Idea: you do the work but make me the money ;^)

>> No.15467505

>He popularised electric cars by making ones that don't look like trannymobiles and continues to make them more widespread and affordable so we don't have to guzzle gas forever.
No, that was Martin Eberhard and Marc Tarpenning.

>> No.15467506

>the manager does nothing but take the worker's profits
Marxist drivel. You aren't a deep thinker.

>> No.15467507

It's really an idea that works

>> No.15467515

Fuck Elon
Fuck Nietzchse

>> No.15467517

>he's reprehensible?
He’s nothing that special. Certainly not the übermensch. All I keep saying. All my criticism is.
(I’ve been drinking. Am I wrong?)

>Idea man

>> No.15467535

>You aren't a deep thinker.
I didn't realize I also had to be deep as well as make money! What crazy system are you in?

It works because you work!

>> No.15467540

He didn't make PayPal and got removed from it after a year of retarding with family's slave mine

>> No.15467555

Fun fact: Did you know that Musk became obsessed with making PayPal run on Windows and that's part of why they kicked him off?

>> No.15467560

>the manager does nothing but take the worker's profits

That is correct though. Managers are just babysitting middlemen who are completely unnecessary.

>> No.15467564
File: 544 KB, 500x706, 1577247109506.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>It works because you work!
Heh I don't though

>> No.15467565

Anarcho Capitalism will be a short phase, a few decades, paving the way for classless society.

>> No.15467573

I didn't call him the creator did I? He bought it out and raised more money/attention for it than it would've gotten otherwise with his gay PR cult of personality. I wouldn't've have sacrificed as much pride/self respect as he did for the "greater good" if it ends up being that
yes ik the greater good was a lucky addendum to lining pockets but im not about to stop shilling now

>> No.15467578

They would be unnecessary if most workers weren't babies.

>> No.15467580

Whether this is true or not, toy spaceships for the wealthy won't solve the climate crisis.

>> No.15467581

Why do you think it's gonna be a short phase?

>> No.15467589

What's desirable about classless society?

>> No.15467596

>How nearly all new tech has to start out.
Teslas will always be for rich kids. Cheaper electric cars already exist, and more will likely to exist in the future, but Tesla is not the cause of this.

>> No.15467603

It won't. Not unless radical and total changes are made to human nature, specifically in respect to IQ and other innate characteristics.

>> No.15467611

Musk paid his way onto the creator list for Tesla. All he did was accrue the capital. That's not value creation. All Tesla did was create a long failing (perhaps soon to not be failing) company on endless federal and state handouts. That's not value creation (yet).

>> No.15467619

He made X, which he merged with Thiel's Paypal since they would rather profit together than compete away their margins. Gets booted as ceo but who cares when you're still the largest shareholder. Not unlike Kentley-Klay, who still keeps his stake of a company with a good chance of winning the self-driving car race just by being an "ideas guy"

>> No.15467621

Tesla got a loan under Obama's stimulus package. Tesla also gets tax easing in various states. The company has gotten loads of money.

>> No.15467628

A pipe dream. You're counting on some dickhead like Bezos to "win" capitalism and then charitably institute communism in its place. Not 100% implausible but expect many many caveats in your classless utopia

>> No.15467637

>All he did was accrue the capital. That's not value creation.

Efficient resource allocation obviously generates capital. How many chromosomes do you have?

>> No.15467638

>He bought it out and raised more money/attention for it than it would've gotten otherwise with his gay PR cult of personality.
Er, no. Musk has sat on the company and blocked a lot of further investment for a long time, it took a while to get to public stock and he still owns something like a quarter of the shares, preferring to pursue other revenue streams like pre-ordering or down payments.

The cult of personality came later too. Tesla was 5 years with no Musk, and when he jumped on board was around when the first Iron Man movie came out. Musk was still better known for crashing a McLaren F1 at the time.

>> No.15467640

Can anyone even point to these so-called classes that society is apparently made up of? Like, physically point to any of them?

>> No.15467641

Kanye is a far more likely candidate than Musk.

>> No.15467648

>rewarding someone who creates things people value
Musk didn't create anything. He's just a venture capitalist.

>> No.15467658

A venture capitalist is literally someone who helps create something.

>> No.15467663
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>> No.15467666

>then charitably institute communism
I think it's more that his rein will be so brutal and horrifying for everyone but the top that the worker's revolution will be all but inevitable. I think it's more like that Bezos "wins" capitalism and simply enslaves or kills everyone and builds a trillionaire utopia on Mars.

>> No.15467668

>I helped!

>> No.15467673

They fund it, but they have no hand in the creation. In Musk's example, he used his money to get put on Tesla's found list when he did no real work to get there other than be rich.

>> No.15467682

I think the race to space now is trying to keep capitalism or even a return to a kind of feudalism going, it's part of that immortality and eternal youth fantasy.

>> No.15467690

I suppose we could ask "Value for whom?" I think that too often people speak of value as if value in an individual billionaire's stock portfolio is value to a society.

>> No.15467703

I tend to agree. Oligarchy, feudalism, enslavement, all of these things will likely come to pass as capitalists continue to accrue power in their hopeless quest for immortality.

>> No.15467733

>blocked a lot of further investment for a long time
He controlled the company already, why would he want to dilute his stake by seeking more investment than necessary? Clearly it was enough at the time, seeing how far its come now.

I'm guessing the original founders regret signing over as much of the company as they did to Musk, so why are you suggesting its Musk's mistake to not do the same. As it happened he shouldered all the millions of dollars of risk it took to make the company, so any wins out of tesla are his wins

>> No.15467735

>They fund it, but they have no hand in the creation.
Funding it is having a hand in the creation.

>> No.15467746

Except no.

>> No.15467757

Without money it wouldn't happen, so...

>> No.15467768

It's possible, but he needn't be anymore brutal than necessary, ie Amazon pays more than the minimum wage atm. You could easily imagine many ways things can be more brutal than they are at present while still being "tolerable", especially as the consoomers of tomorrow become even more BNWed than they are today.

I wouldn't count on it being hopeless either

>> No.15467810

The myth that the wealthiest are also the wisest is highly damaging to the culture. Americans especially seem to think that having a bunch of money qualifies you to speak on any topic with doctoral authority. Bill Gates is perhaps the worst perpetrator of this money equals credentials fallacy and also one of the biggest recipients of this kind of intellectually servile deference. You are no virologist. mr Gates! You see it with Warren Buffet too, as if the man knows about anything besides the insurance racket and how to buy stocks.

Elon Musk is not far behind however. But his flimsy and often poorly substantiated pseudo-intellectual assertions are more transparently baseless because he does not have the general intelligence to compensate for his lack of specialist knowledge.

>> No.15467816


>> No.15467840
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He's a goobermensch lmao

>> No.15468289

Causality reversal. You think i'm "counting on people like Bezos, but it's thanks to people like Bezos why the Capital will fall. I'm not counting on any human will. The tendency of the rate of profit to fall is inevitable. Like you cannot stop a tsunami, you cannot stop TRPF.

>> No.15468294

Yes, that's wrong

>> No.15468440

The "tendency of the rate of profit to fall" is the same as the tendency of technology to satisfy all human demand.
So yes you could nationalise amazon and be off to a great start but the capitalist rat race isn't over yet, not by a long shot

>> No.15468517

36.8 billion USD

>> No.15468578

i need a translation of what you JUST TYPED

>> No.15468652

budget tony stark

>> No.15468802

Tony stark isn't real.

>> No.15468819

neither is an ubermensch

>> No.15468882

He's literally an autistic redditor

>> No.15468950

Our society would kill or imprison a potential Übermensch before they reach maturity. Most probably be singled out and forced on psychotropic pharmaceuticals before puberty

>> No.15468956
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Which is why Goonan is the ubermensch.

>> No.15469100



>> No.15469103

Hitler was the fallen hero though

>> No.15469114
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>> No.15469138

since butter is a lesbo wonder what she thinks of aggie
probably has dirty thoughts about her

>> No.15469350

They ARE both INTJ, lol.

>> No.15469359


>> No.15469360

Hitler was a predator and a fool.

>> No.15469368

>line2 was the basis of PowerPoint
>Solarcity is the largest solar company in the US

no value he says

>> No.15470109

Go to bed, Elon

>> No.15470657

now everyone stop replying to this shit bait
(including me)

>> No.15470797

Couldn't even launch his rocket because there was a cloud in the way. More like the untermensch.

>> No.15470958

By definition the ubermensch is an inevitability.

>> No.15471011

Evil is a subhuman term. The Overman is certainly "evil" as far as subhumans are concerned about him, sure. To the Overman, it is just a part of being beyond good and evil (beyond the subhuman).

I think it was in his unpublished notes where Nietzsche wrote that Carlyle mistakenly projected his slave morality into the greats and that the greats are always advanced in both their virtues and their vices. Basically, you don't become a great individual without having great appetites.

>> No.15471835

I wonder if we will witness a Gilgamesh or Alexander the great in our life times.

>> No.15471948


>> No.15471965

75 years too late

>> No.15472015

Not at all. Another option is the last man, and there's nothing to suggest you either get the ubermensch or the last man.

>> No.15472026

>line2 was the basis of PowerPoint
Musk was like 16 when PowerPoint first came out, and that was based on earlier already established software.

>> No.15472031

How does creating a payment processor for an online market solve nihilism?

>> No.15472036

It seems more appropriate to believe that both happen simultaneously and inevitably.

>> No.15472058

Why does it "seem"?

I think there's inevitability in the last man, but using a Nietzschean ontology that isn't widely accepted and even denounced by Nietzscheans today.

>> No.15472082

heckin epicrino bro

>> No.15472088

The future is uncertain, but going by Nietzsche's depiction of the world as will to power, both would arrive at the same time, as if in response to one another. Also, if will to power is true, then they are inevitable, since they are the opposite ends of that will (the ubermensch is will to power fully embraced, the last man is will to power fully exhausted).

>> No.15472116

Adolf Hitler is the fallen hero. Who else, in our time, had such wisdom in embracing the thing-becoming that was the expiring German soul? Only the Furher, realized manifest people-will, could wrap together his own and Germanys' fate into one point, micron sharp tipped haft of German flesh, flung this whole being at the opaque future, and was incinerated thereby. Such a tragic and proud man has not yet lived since. For your memory, mein fuhrer, our blood-frenzy is devoted.
Heil Hitler.

>> No.15472221

>the world as will to power
You have fundamentally misunderstood Nietzsche's idea here, as if it's something like Schopenhauer with a find and replace. Will to Power is something that comes out of how we make sense of the ever changing world, Will to Life is an prerequisite for having a viewpoint on the world. Neither are inevitable, Will to Life can be escaped with artistry, Will to Power is fundamentally different in this respect and you'd see this with Nietzsche's discussion of the Apollonian and Dionysian.

In fact in TSZ they're given a choice to go towards the last man or the ubermensch in response to nihilistic ideas, so they're presented as exclusive.

>> No.15472488

In the Nachlass he wrote: "This world is the will to power and nothing besides." Where does he talk about will to life in contrast with will to power?

>> No.15472539

Also, inevitability wasn't being applied to will to power or will to life, it was being applied to the ubermensch and the last man. Both are part of the will to power and they are different responses to nihilism, as you mention in your reference to TSZ.