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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 118 KB, 539x509, 4hcirnn3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
15463400 No.15463400 [Reply] [Original]

>girl asks to see a pic of my bookshelf
>have to spend 30 minutes removing all the white nationalist and anti-semitic literature
>"anon what's taking so long lol"

>> No.15463405


Quit reading this bs

>> No.15463409

she wont recognize them so why worry

>> No.15463411

The funny thing is that if you could get laid, you would stop being right wing

>> No.15463631

you sound like a frumpy unfunny pumpkin face retard

>> No.15463647


Are you the mystic nazi?

>> No.15463650


>> No.15463661

>the mystic nazi
this must become a meme

>> No.15463668


Yes, do it. With some aura bs and glowing circles. Check some other retard post for references.

>> No.15463673

Is this what leftycels actually believe?

>> No.15463681

You can't hide forever the shitty failed person that you are, anon. She will see your pitiful mind and heart through your words some day

>> No.15463780

You can't hide forever the upstanding patriotic person that you are, anon. She will see your strong mind and heart through your words some day

>> No.15463813
File: 65 KB, 1068x601, literally unironically actually me.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sorry babe
*sets a large tower of books on the table*
I just wanted to introduce you to some of my favorite books.

>> No.15463839

He's just projecting, anon

>> No.15463842
File: 194 KB, 1200x836, Who_7cd51b_6347205.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fuck off
you probably have one or two questionable rightwing books pseud

>> No.15463848

Christ you sound angry

>> No.15463869

Pretty sure you haven't read any of those books.

>> No.15463873

>You can't hide forever the closeted homosexual that you are, anon. She will see your sexual orientation through your all denim outfit some day

>> No.15463894

Don’t make me laugh trannycel

>> No.15463911

>anon why do you only read the classics, where's all the new books?
How do you answer this without sounding elitist?

>> No.15463913

Have sex incel

>> No.15463942

patriotic of the inceland, have fun being a failure forever with midwit conservative cope

>> No.15463946

remember when Sulkowicz got converted by a right wing Chad

>> No.15463949

I've never considered how old a book is, I just read what seems interesting and ignore what doesn't

>> No.15463955

maybe you can give me some ideas from your bookcase if you're free on friday

>> No.15463957

>say you first
>while she's getting hers you can do this


Yeah, leftists are retarded as we already know

>> No.15463960

brb making a stack thread

>> No.15463966
File: 46 KB, 640x640, coolfrog2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

*hands her my kindle*

>> No.15463985

Conservatives and right wingers are more attractive, and get laid more.
For every weak chinned retard neo-nazi there are several soi boys

>> No.15464003

>me handsome u ugly
lmao, unis are a joke these days

>> No.15464012

For the first time they provide evidence of something they argue for, yet they still can’t get laid, funny that.
>sex is for the weak and unpure!
>but even if it wasn’t we are better at it!
Christ, the cognitive dissonance. The card says moops.

>> No.15464019

That's neither what I said nor what I claimed.
Statistically right wing makes are more attractive than left wing males.

This statement says very little about me, and I have not stated my own political beliefs.

>> No.15464038

No wonder most lefty /lit/are unemployed when they are too stupid to construct a decent straw man argument.

>> No.15464040

What are the best right wing redpill books /lit/?

>> No.15464049

We can extrapolate from your post what you value by the fact that you bothered to post at all and provide three different links to prove the point. Your post wasn't about the capital T truth, it was about proving someone wrong in a different mode of attack than other posters have in order to provide a justification for the ridicule the others have already posted. At this point there isn't really a difference between your political beliefs and the end result of your "unbiased" posting even if you believe there is.

>> No.15464057

There you go again! Great job anon, not attacking the argument but only the person to further justify your enjoyment of trolling and owning libs without having any sort of concrete belief system.

>> No.15464062
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>the amount of seething in these response
Really should them, huh fellas?

>> No.15464065

Weak argument,false conclusion.
Also I vote Social Democrats in Europe.

>> No.15464070

Do you have any scientific articles proving you vote social democrat?

>> No.15464071

There was no argument, I stated right wingers are more attractive and get laid more, on average of course.
I was answered with that I can't get laid, that is not an argument.

I don't see what you're eve trying to achieve with your retarded post.

>> No.15464074

Let me guess. She's an arthoe and you have fetish for them, that's why you hide your ideology.

>> No.15464085

kek someone is mad

>> No.15464095

There's a difference between christ cuck backwater republicans getting laid by chad at the local highschool tailgate party and fucking incel neonazis. What you were pointing out isn't really relevant here except to make these fucking troglodytes think they are part of a group that gets laid more than the SJW they hate. You had a motive by posting that.

>> No.15464099

Stop being a beta-male. They’ll find out sooner or later if you keep dating them.

>> No.15464117

Yes, my motive was to show the ad homien was weak.
Also, I have autism and can't deal with obvious falsehoods.

>> No.15464143


>> No.15464144

The only real Truth is that OP is a fag.

>> No.15464178
File: 75 KB, 1024x553, democracy_the_god_that_failed_hoppe-e1489006553605-1024x553.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Really depends on what you mean by right wing but whether it is about cultural values or economics I'd go with pic related

>> No.15464194

let's say that it takes about 10 seconds per book (its probably closer to 5 if we're being honest), that's almost 200 books anon. why?

>> No.15464195

I've never understood this assertion, I became more right wing after i started having sex regularly. Additionally, the most leftwing person i've ever known irl was a literal virgin and neckbeard, the most right wing was fairly chad-esque.

>> No.15464225

left-wingers might have more sex, but its degenerate sex with disgusting, ugly left-wingers. also, I was liberal before getting a gf and now I'm a neo-Luddite

>> No.15464271

As we speak in generalities about political beliefs and whom is taking action, I think the assumption and assertion is that conservatives generally have a western christian world view, one in which their morality and actions are dictated by a church or institution that promotes celibacy instead of sex education, that promotes chastity until marriage, that demonizes sex beyond one partner, that thinks sex should be for procreation instead of pleasure, that sex outside the bounds of missionary or simple vaginal penetration is also wrong. These things taken into consideration, if one were to live like this, then someones opportunity to have sex seems rather limited. The person wouldn't have sex until they were married, and at that point it wouldn't happen much and it wouldn't be that interesting of an experience.

The left wing degenerate does not see any of these ethical or moral impediments as affecting them. They can have sex out of wedlock, with as many people as they want, however they like, butt stuff and blowjobs included. This provides more opportunity for more partners, over a longer period of time.

The problem with these traditional generalizations of the duality is that those that think of themselves as "conservative" now days, or at least according to this website, are "conservative" not from religious ethical paradigms, but from ideological frameworks. The trad caths make their own threads, but the libertarians or neonazis make different threads, though both are seen as conservative. The nazi doesn't care about his purity in the religious sense, as long as he's banging a white girl that likes skinheads and evola.

But again these are all just generalities and none of it matters because responses to posts like these won't be constructive. The most satisfying sex I have had has been when I was in a committed long term relationship because we were able to find out what the other person enjoyed and work together to waste our time fuckin' each others brains out. The worst sex I've had I don't remember because it was a one time thing and we were drunk as hell. None of it matters. Sex is such a dull topic. It's a waste of time. I hate our biological programming of desire.

>> No.15464273

third post best post

>> No.15464281

With me it was quite the opposite.

>> No.15464300

Getting laid made me realize how unimportant it is overall. So I guess that made me more right wing about it? Dont know

>> No.15464338

The issue you are describing is the use of 'conservative' as semi-pejorative descriptor for anything that falls right of our modern liberal sensibilities. So yes, the sexual opinions of a traditionalist will vary greatly from a libertarian or an actual skinhead.

I have been married for 8 years and, while the amount of sex has naturally decreased since the beginning of the relationship, I would still describe it as the most fulfilling sexual experience I have had, superseding even the three month fuck-fest that I had with a recently single slightly older woman a decade back.

The idea that sexual satisfaction is actually tied to political views has little merit in my opinion. There are incels of all stripes, and I am speaking of those unable to have sex, not the r9k beta uprising types.

>> No.15464353


>> No.15464384

I have Mein Kampf, White Power, This Time the World, Savitri Devi, Miguel Serrano, Which Way Western Man?, Francis Parker Yockey, Oswald Mosely, and The Turner Diaries all in clear view. I've had all kinds of girls over to my place and they usually don't even notice. If they do I just say I'm interested in the topic and move on from there. Even Jewish chicks rarely care.

>> No.15464391

lmao at the /pol/ tourists seething ITT

>> No.15464407
File: 2.10 MB, 5000x3333, 1590382003761.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why race matters by Michael levin, race differences in intelligence by richard lynn, white identity by jared taylor, at our wits end by edward dutton, hitler's war by david irving

>> No.15464563

if you display them with anything less than shamelessness and basedness, you are merely a larper

>> No.15464580

Nice larp

>> No.15464600

when i get an erection my penis is really just sieg heiling

>> No.15464611

What is there to LARP? I even have some silly Iron March version of Siege that features as swastika on the spine (the Universal Order thing). I've only ever met one woman who was actually off-put enough by my bookshelves to break off future contact. All the others either don't give a shit, don't take the time to look closely, or ask me why I have stuff like Mein Kampf and move on after I tell them the Third Reich is an interest of mine and has been since undergrad.

>> No.15464650
File: 40 KB, 640x628, 1551813485416.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Girl sends pictures of her bookshelf
>Sorted by colors

>> No.15464659

It’s sad whether you’re lying about having girls over or not. Sad!

>> No.15464665
File: 24 KB, 474x456, 2353CFC9-C3C6-4651-98C1-67EB45E09EAD.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he lives life constantly chasing his next nut and cannot fathom not being Ideologically Horny
left-coomists stay mad

>> No.15464667

I don't want my children to live in a doomed nation

>> No.15464673

How is Serrano? Can't find it on Amazon anymore

>> No.15464678

how to farm (you)s 101

>> No.15464796

Why? I don't even understand what you're trying to get at, honestly.

Yeah, there was some dude from Australia who published a lot of Serrano's works (Manu, the Ultimate Avatar, Maya, etc). along with a few cringy titles (Third Reich Pilgrim, for example) but he went insane, now thinks WWII is a giant hoax, and sold off or destroyed all of his Serrano titles. A real shame, despite their often loose or poor translations. Hermitage Helm Corpus was the blog/publisher.

The Golden Thread is still available fairly easily, as is A Record of Two Friendships, his most mainstream work, but one that still hints at his own beliefs. I'd start with A Record and perhaps move on to NOS if you are interested in the esoteric Hitlerism stuff. Some other books of his like El/Ella, The Serpent of Paradise, or The Ultimate Flower are much more esoteric in many ways, as they aren't overtly political. NOS, I think, fits a nice middle ground of interesting, mythic, and mysterious prose along with some political dog whistles that introduce one to his form of Hitlerism. Hopefully that helps.

>> No.15465367

sex, food, poop, etc. are all for subhumans

>> No.15465521

Indeed, but they are everyone else too.

>> No.15465531

We truly live in a time.

>> No.15465650

Based and Austrian-pilled

>> No.15465696

seething polcels

>> No.15465702

Is your gf a librarian or something???????

>> No.15465740
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going extinct

>> No.15465831

>every single country, even the "based" ones like Hungary still increasing

It's all so tiresome.

>> No.15465881


>> No.15465909

What's going to happen to leftists when the Muslims don't need them anymore?

>> No.15465939

>buys physical copies of white nationalist and anti-semitic literature

you dun goofed and are probably on many lists.

>> No.15465968

This is assuming that emigration rates won't increase which they are

>> No.15466116

That chart is under HIGH migration scenario.

This just convinced me that fascism is retarded. Even under high immigration, Europe will still be majority white by 2050.

>> No.15466409


>> No.15466619

I thought you nutjobs agreed with the Muslims on all their social values. What's the problem?

>> No.15466628

New books are for fags

>> No.15466634

>so many salty replies
this thread is a fucking holocaust. Good job anon

>> No.15466716

Nazis the State Capitalists. So rebellious.

>> No.15466732

He doesn't read it. The point is to signal value to a certain group, namely /lit/.

>> No.15466733

I dont understand the relationship between 1 and 2

>> No.15466739

>Is this what leftycels actually believe?
Not really.

>> No.15466747

Dummy. Women love getting into taboo blood occultism. Many dream of impregnation by the furher. Especially the darker ones.

>> No.15466749

Why would you read only the classics?

>> No.15466776

Why would you smoke only that dank shit

>> No.15466791

SJWs are all polyamorous threesome havers. They have more sex than any other group. Yes, even if they're all ugly.

>> No.15466828

>imagine the smell

>> No.15466834
File: 210 KB, 600x600, think-different-question-authority.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

LOL life as a rebel against the establishment. In the sixties you'd be hiding pot paraphenalia and books about drugs. NatSoc are the new hippies.

>> No.15466865

Actually unironically this. Fascinating that the modern resurgence of fascism parallels the counter-culture paradigm. Catalyzed even moreso by memery. One could make the case that this is a true 'cultural revolution'; being a self-aware and acknowledged ideological subversion of past cultural revolutions, before us is the distillate of sublimated masculinity regaining erection post-flaccidity.

>> No.15466869

Because I work full time

>> No.15466879

use more big words and you'll convince me

>> No.15466883

based. mashallah!

>> No.15466887

Counter culture is not a real thing. It wasnt real in the 60s, and it's not real now. Actual counter cultures get assraped by the state or attempt a coup

>> No.15466898

how does it feel to have fallen for a controlled opposition? your whole ideology is a big LARP

>> No.15466944

>A counterculture (also written counter-culture) is a subculture whose values and norms of behavior differ substantially from those of mainstream society, often in opposition to mainstream cultural mores.

The alt-right fits this definition. The counter cultural trends of the 60s impacted marijuana legalization legislation. The memes and dup are harbingers of new sentiments, which remain to be determined in the degree of their impactfulness.

>> No.15467059

Reading only the classics is more akin to smoking a single strain.

>> No.15467067

You have eight hours a day to read outside work

>> No.15467079

>The alt-right fits this definition.
It doesn't though. The norms and behavior of the alt-right are those of most of America.

>> No.15467082

>>left-wingers might have more sex, but its degenerate sex
It might be decadent, but they don't even have more of it. >>15463985
They roleplay having loads of it while demonizing incels. Nothing surprises me from them anymore though.

>> No.15467085

>explaining the joke

>> No.15467101

god, this thread is so epic. it's completely redpilled. its just so based. i love it. i'm being redpilled. i can see it all. the zog. i cna feel myself getting more redpilled with every word. it's so based. you see, it's really so simple, i realized this. it's all niggers and jews and it's based and epic. i always knew, deep down i always knew, that the normies and niggers were out to get me and out to get the white man, because they're so afraid. it's based how afraid it all is. you see, redpilling is just as simple as opening your eyes in the morning and seeing the niggers on the street. it's epic. and you see them and you see them look at you and you look back at their faces and smell a tinge of fear of the white man and that he knows that they're being genocided, one by one, by not sex. if there was sex today for white people it'd be so easy. it'd be quick and easy. this is why the women are niggers and jews, white women, but we must save them too by redpilling them and shwoing them how epic and based it all is. because reading the things in this thread, its so easy, its like opening your eyes in the morning light and seeing it all when you wake up in the morning. it's just so clear. its epic. and i told my mother all of this, about how how based it is, and how we have to dezog oruselves. and how the whites have to fuck and not the niggers. she said she didn't undersatnd and i got so angry because it's so easy. it's so clear and simple. i told her to read this thread and i showed her some graphs i found. i shwoed her the genocide that's happening and how the zog anad the jews are poisoning us with the trannies and the niggers and she didn't say anything until i asked mother isn't it so clear? and she said nothing and left and the next morning she was gone until the evening when she brought my dad over, and he doesn't come over all the time, and he told me i had to leave and i told them hw they're just the niggers too and how they must be subhuman for not seeing how based it all is. its epic and redpilled. i said you have to get redpilled to see it all so clearly like water in a glass and yelling this as my dad was yelling at me. my parents are boomers and boomers are just old niggers and jews and subhuman and im glad to see how it all works and fits together now that i'm redpilled and based too.

>> No.15467140


If this is true, does that mean they will do more for saving the white race than most right-wingers?

>> No.15467161

Yeah moonman "kill a nigger tonight" is real popular kiddo

>> No.15467172

Okay, this is EPIC

>> No.15467192

This is why no one gets to borrow my Kindle to "see how it works". It's a dangerous game we're playing!

>> No.15467215

based, show her the FBI crime statistics

>> No.15467267

imagine literally going insane because you can't handle the concept that some groups of humans are dumber on average. What a ridiculous era

>> No.15467279
File: 176 KB, 576x573, M.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>girl asks if certain book on my shelf is good
>i-uh, i haven't r-rread it...
>uh uh... yet

>> No.15467361

ha ha kekek ha ah lol lkek lele thank you aha ha i think so too ha ah its so good to be with other redpilled people ha ha its feels so good to be redpilled i think its epic too kek ha ha. i became redpilled and based after coming here and seeing threads like this that show me how it all is and makes me feel like im redpilled too. its hard to be redpiled and alone because everyone else is a nigger an normie. im in school right now and its hard to not redpill zoomers who are normies and faggot zogs. ha ha ha its true. one time i was sitting with this girl at lunch and she was sitting with her friends and they were talking about the niggers and this one nigger especially whose nigger name is jake but i call him nigger jake to mysefl and i coudlnt help myself and said to her oh you mean nigger jake. and her friends all stared at me a laughed a tiny bit ha ha ha and it hink they were redpilled a bit by that. but the zoomers make me doomer someitmes you know kek kek lol its hard because their boomer parents zog them up by cutting off their penis skin and saying that its fine to be a lib and a tranny and these girls stared at me chuckling when i sad nigger jake was a subhuman and that pretty girls shouldnt fuck niggers because 13% cause all crime. but they mustve been jewed from a young age because the basedness didnt go all the way and they called out to a teaher hwho yelled me. i told the teacher that she was coping but she didnt seem to hear me but i said she was coping. she was coping and the girls who were sitting together were clearly seething kek its was based. she took me to the principals office called my boomer faggot mom but she was still at work at the gasstation and so i had to walk home which is okay kek becaue i got to post about it on 4chan and everyone agreed it was based and redpilled ha ha ha. i was posting it in a based thread but then nigger jake showed up with the jewed girl and said that i fucked up and i said i din du notin over nad over but he mustve not have heard me because nigger jake kept saying to the white jew girl what the fuck is this guy saying and i said it again and then he was afraid and seething because they both walked away together and left me alone so its good that i can post about it here

>> No.15467393

Don't stop

>> No.15467412

>girl asks to see a pic of my bookshelf
>remove everything and leave only one book
>"On the Jews and Their Lies"
>She asks me to come over right away

huh. Guess it works pretty well.

>> No.15467421

It's the only thing they believe.
Sex is the only thing they have that doesn't (necessarily) cost money and it's the closest they'll ever get to a "transcedental" ideal of any sort.

>> No.15467494

Sad thing is, sex usually does 'cost' something or require something for them, they're just blind to any cost that isn't directly financial and doesn't emerge from an overt hierarchy.

>> No.15467543

Someone post the study where right wing voters have more sex than liberals

>> No.15467600

>>girl asks to see a pic of my bookshelf
>fascists think I'm Marxist
>Marxists think I'm fascist
>Catholics think I'm heathen
>Protestants think I'm Catholic
>White nationalists think I'm a race mixer
>French people think I'm German
>Germans assume I'm Austrian
>weebs think I'm koreaboo
>koreaboos think I'm a weeb
>faggots think I'm bigreedy
>Straight people think I'm a faggot
>pearl clutchers think I'm pedo
>pedos think I'm gonna curbstomp them
>Hicks fans think I'm in advertising
>people in advertising think I'm deep end nk commie
>psychiatrists think I'm Freudian
>Freudians think I'm normie
>nihilists ask for hiking tips
>poets think I'm not serious enough
>expressionists and swingers offer me free drugs and bodypaint on the condition we can write poems on each other to melt in the rain

>> No.15467609

yes this, this this is based and true. this is true commies think about nothing but sex and its unhealthy and jewed. i see it all the time. i hear everyone talking abotu sex and how they want sex and have sex and i think its all degenerate. its degenerate beause they want to be coal burners and fuck the niggers i see it all the time and its even all over porn sites. did you ever notice hwo all the porn today is blacked? i see it all the time. its al niggers and not white men fucking the white women so people think its okay for the niggers to do this i see it all the time. andits bad to jerk off all the time like a cooomer kek because all you see are trannys and nigger dicks and it makes you think about the nigger dicks. its based how it is that people are fighting back against it and making it white dicks instead of nigger dicks with photoshop because when you do need to cum its hard to find a video with a white dick and sometimes you just have to stare at the nigger dicks and think about the smell of it all and its digusting and degenerate. its hard even when not watching porn when you imagine white people fucking. i think about the jewed girl and how she gets coal burn by nigger jake and i see them fucking and it makes me sick but i still cum to it beause im not redpilled enough. sometimes eent he only white porn is all trannys and femboys which are degenerate but at least theyre white and not niggers even if theyre lib jews who want to stop us from securing futures. at times like this i think about weimar and think about how degenerate it was and how hiltler stopped it when he could and ended the degeneracy. my boomer mom even asks me about having a girlfriend and i tell her how women are nigger fuckers and how i even posted the jewed girl on coalfax to show the world that shes a niggerfucker and sucks niger dicks and my mom said nothing and didnt ask me again but i think shes becoming redpilled even though i was kicked out

>> No.15467632

>prog starts ranting about blacked
remember it is projection when they say this is a right wing thing

>> No.15467650

This is what happens when you troll /pol/. You end up broken :(

>> No.15467662

Holy shit that was too easy for (You)

>> No.15467686

Which is not even enough time to read all of the classics

>> No.15467706

kek yes its so easy to trigger the libs i do it all the time. i call them cringe and they seethe and its so easy every time they seethe when i call them seethe and say that theyre coping it almost makes me feel bad kek. every time its like theydont know what irony is kek and they take me so seriously its so fun. i respond on twitter to libs and theyr eact every time i say nigger its so easy kek. it makes me glad to think that i dont get triggered.

its true beause i only jerk off to white people having sex which is how they should be having sex anyway. its jsut another jew attempt but im strong enough notto fall for it.

>> No.15467773

Very successful bait from the look of it.

>> No.15467900

I wonder if this is what Faulkner would write about if he were alive today

>> No.15467952

My mother is right wing and she got laid. Check mate onions

>> No.15467967

You can't put an onion in check; it will clash with its stripes.

>> No.15467969

good ass post, didnt cringe once

>> No.15468222
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>> No.15468859

Leftists are mentally weak

>> No.15468864

based and truth pilled