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15463055 No.15463055 [Reply] [Original]

fuck irony and sarcasm

No one is genuine anymore, we’re all giggling and to ourselves and to those around us because each and every single one of us is on the joke, it’s fucking pathetic and I hate it. I just want to live a real life and be surrounded by sincere people

>> No.15463064

Irony and sarcasm was considered genuine due to the currents of the time of attacking conventionality but yeah we forgot to replace it

>> No.15463070
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reject irony

embrace sincerity

>> No.15463072


No, people need to have some fun too.

>> No.15463074

go home david you're drunk

>> No.15463077

but on a serious note, do you think that everybody has adopted irony because it's easier to brush off and use as an excuse?

everybody seems to be afraid of being cringe. and you can't be cringe without displaying something genuine and candid about your self. but if you act ironic, you can just pretend otherwise.

>> No.15463087


Making things clear seem important. Otherwise people start going crazy thinking you are serious.

>> No.15463090

I sincerely love you anon

>> No.15463096
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who chortler here

>> No.15463100

Irony and sarcasm are coping mechanism for dealing with the hellscape that is modern society, with its cancel culture, job insecurity, and inability to form lasting bonds with friends or partners.

>> No.15463103

i love you too, anon

>> No.15463106

the fuck does this even mean?

>> No.15463113
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Then be fucking honest. You dont need to be like other and if you change people arround you will change.

>> No.15463115

>No one is genuine anymore
I've gathered a group of friends and found a girlfriend who are all quite genuine. Your problem, OP, is likely that you are afraid to break with your surroundings and hang out with those who are genuine. You probably look at them and wonder why they don't care so much for their appearance, why they take themselves and the world around them so seriously, and why they care so little for the opinions of others. You might even find them "cringeworthy."
If you really want to find people who are genuine, you will have to be willing to jeopardize the superficial web of relationships that you have built up around yourself. You will have to become like the people you likely look down on, and learn to accept living among them if you truly want to be around genuine people.

>> No.15463118

He wants to suck your dick anon

>> No.15463141


KEK I need help.

>> No.15463181

It’s hard to be genuine. There are a lot of deep problems in the world that nobody wants to deal with. Responsibility is forced down to the lowest point possible. Many people know (hope) that their current home won’t be where they are now, but don’t know when they’ll be moving. It’s a crazier world than ever, but people get mad if you start pointing it out.

>> No.15463230
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Be honest about yourself and the world TO yourself, none else deserves truth. They're all content with lies and have no interest in truth so don't bother them with it. Even if you tell them the truth with good intentions they'll just assume the worst and you'll be blamed for bothering them.

Lie to all of them, but not to yourself.

>> No.15463249

is there a self? or is it just an illusion of consciousness? what is truth?

gib sauce on pic related

>> No.15463256


Don't be like that. Find a middle ground, be a mature person.

>> No.15463258

>mature person
well meme'd my good sir

>> No.15463267


I'm trying ok?

>> No.15463329
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Frank C. Papé

I'm not gonna be the one to bother you with a 'Why?' but I don't much see why I should shoulder any burden of truth for the sake of others. If they have an interest they'll seek it out for themselves, we all have the means to do so.

>> No.15463338


It is fun. Oh, I forgot that I'm talking with philosophy people. Yes, nvm that, truth is always important, language is supposed to be always bland and clear, because that is nice and good.

>> No.15463351

not lit

>> No.15463362

>muh sincerity
What is this? 2013?
Grow up already

>> No.15463377

Why aren't irony and sarcasm "genuine"?
Maybe you simply cannot accept the fact that human existence is ironic?

>> No.15463384

Its just another version of purposeful ambiguity which has always been a social tactic

>> No.15463385


Little do we know, OP is actually on many layers of irony here.

>> No.15463390


Maybe, but that was better than most shit threads. Got some nice laughs out of it.

>> No.15463412

Humanity wouldn't survive for a day if everyone suddenly became honest. Lies and ironic detachment are essential to our existence as are vision and hearing. There's a reason why you post on anonymous website instead of voicing your epic insights to your interpersonal social group, you damn well know how corrosive the truth would be to your life, your relationships, your status. Resolve to speak truth and only truth and humanity would murder you in a week, or put you in a house with soft white walls.

>> No.15463415

I can't be sincere without being ironic. Maybe I have to be ironic first and realize its not what I really mean, maybe irony is the only way to convey what I want to convey - my sincere thoughts I mean. In the end, you can't ever force sincerity, or try to be sincere.. isn't that just the antithesis of sincerity? If you want to be sincere, you can't really be sincere as long as you are conscious of yourself being sincere. Maybe human sincerity presents itself as a mess of trash and truth compared to the straightforward sincerity and seemingly concrete reality of nature all around us because humans are weird monstrous abstractions of nature, exceeding nature? In hindsight, I can see I wrote that with sincerity, and in the near future I might find that embarrassing

>> No.15463537

Johnson's "wit deserts us at the brink of the grave" goes for most, but not all, irony. Tragic irony also exists, or the sublime irony of an exultant survivor having his frolic-time while the possibility for it is there for today's seizing. Despair and mourning in face of calamity is as necessary to health as responsiveness to the exquisite in nature and art is, and it is only those who attempt to dwell always in the latter condition, or never escape the former, regardless of prompting circumstance and change, who have failed at life. Neither does Wilde's "All bad poetry is sincere" exclude sincerity even from art, since not all sincere poetry is bad. Most of the time we're not pretending anyway, as the artist does while in the mode. The whole point of it is to enhance, but not supplant, as a painting is pointless without a beholder who is moved and informed by it. As for company, and their dismal instruments, beneath all distinctions between misery and joy (let's just say that where the diagnostic criteria are conspicuously forensic) you're not wrong that such creepy-crawlies are in fashion these days. Just don't follow it, and you'll be fine as could: The swarms of contrarians patrolling here are anything but, and their theme is old and mean and always tired.

>> No.15463541

You must be fun at parties

Also you're delusional

>> No.15463730

I wish it was him, man.

>> No.15463750

Everyone needs to read Paul De Man's "Rhetoric of Temporality"

>> No.15463752

thanks. i hope you have a great and meaningful day

>> No.15464390
File: 34 KB, 590x550, alkash.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fuck these made me chortle

>> No.15464413

what's there to be honest about? since we basically just make shit up for reasons why we care about anything (shallow lapel-pin political movements like "anarcho-capitalism", pretending to care about the plight of niggers, larping as a christian or a pagan, etc), even our sincerity is fake, there's just nothing to care about at this point
at least with the flippant lol so ironic i don't care about anything ethos we're honest about our insincerity

>> No.15464433

To be ironic is to be receptible to the comedy of life. Laughing in the face of adversity.

>> No.15465018

Watch all this newfaggots falling for the pasta.

>> No.15465683

Isnt saecasm a jewish invention. I for one think its pretty gay. Its jew thought and we, as white people, shouod reject it wholeheartedly. Fuck kikes.