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File: 121 KB, 625x1311, Carrington_Maja_de_Tarot.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
15459275 No.15459275 [Reply] [Original]

I despise you whiny zoomer cunts. Kindly, I say fuck you.

Incessantly moaning in a self-congratulatory circlejerk about your social incompetence, sexual starvation and drought of ambition.

A pathetic hivemind thirsting after pity and attention like a cunning parasite, a self-proclaimed heir with a bratty attitude expecting some creditor of justice to come along the way saying – "indeed, life owes you a great deal, you lazy, uninspired fuck"

It is all the same with you, wailing to the skies of storms sweeping culture and debris of decay, fancying that you're tormented by your own desolate genius, nailed to the cross of stagnation for being a prophet of existential dread, that you have imaginatively exhausted all that life has to offer by your early 20's, that you're a prodigious victim of the stars and that there's an unfathomable pain sweeping through the world whose name neither you, nor it, knows.

Fuck you, fuck this board, fuck the jannies

>> No.15459288

You're not as good of a writer as you think you are. Also, you're a faggot.

>> No.15459522
File: 86 KB, 1000x788, Hunter-S-Thompson.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Try harder, bitch tits.

>> No.15459576


Ok, get out.

>> No.15459629


Happy 16th birthday faggot

>> No.15459814
File: 33 KB, 236x431, 918a0bf9730807f4d1fe7c2e1476f7a8--illuminated-manuscript-medieval-art.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A pity party, friendship stimulator. That's all this site is ever going to be. I used to feel sympathy and rapport with fellow broken anons, but this board culture is neither a solution or a bastion – it's a necropolis for the living dead.

None of you actually responded to the content of my post, purple prosed as it might have been. Effort posting is dead. Folks come here to get (You)'s, and like a sleek PUA, they are willing to contort their entire being for a petty minded goal.

Once again, an emphatically fuck you.

>> No.15459832

Ok Karen

>> No.15459847


Look, kid. I'm sorry, but people in here got better things to do. Why don't you be nice and leave before people start being jerks to you?

>> No.15459924

>None of you actually responded to the content of my post
that's probably because there was none

>> No.15459998


please never post again.

>ps op is a faggt

>> No.15460067

>Effort posting is dead
There's such a thing as too much effort OP, as your truly awful writing demonstrates

>> No.15460078

sauce on those gals scissoring?

>> No.15461123

it's a painting by Lenora Carrington, check out the work of Remedios Varo while you're at it

>> No.15462459

You whine about zoomers and offer no constructive criticism. Also, your prose is gay and you should consider suicide.
t. zoomer