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15452277 No.15452277 [Reply] [Original]

>Ça fonctionne partout, tantôt sans arrêt, tantôt discontinu. Ça respire, ça chauffe, ça mange. Ça chie, ça baise. Quelle erreur d’avoir dit le ça. Partout ce sont des machines, pas du tout métaphoriquement : des machines de machines, avec leurs couplages, leurs connexions. Une machine-organe est branchée sur une machine-source : l’une émet un flux, que l’autre coupe. Le sein est une machine qui produit du lait, et la bouche, une machine couplée sur celle-là. La bouche de l’anorexique hésite entre une machine à manger, une machine anale, une machine à parler, une machine à respirer (crise d’asthme). C’est ainsi qu’on est tous bricoleurs ; chacun ses petites machines. Une machine-organe pour une machine-énergie, toujours des flux et des coupures. Le président Schreber a les rayons du ciel dans le cul. Anus solaire. Et basedez sûrs que ça marche ; le président Schreber sent quelque chose, produit quelque chose, et peut en faire la théorie. Quelque chose se produit : des effets de machine, et non des métaphores.
So... this is the rumored power of French theory.

>> No.15452301


>> No.15452316

>basedez sûrs que ça marche

>> No.15452325
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>using the frog language

>> No.15452341

Deleuze and all his cliques are notorious pedophiles that signed a petition to the Assemblée Nationale in order to remove the age of consent.
On the same vein, in 60s Cohn-Bendit was talking about his attraction to children openly on TV, they really thought that ship would sail. Nowadays if you confront him about it he'll sweat bullets, yet he's still invited on TV.
These times were truly strange, and I dare say close to what could be seen during the Weimar Republic

>> No.15452345


>> No.15452356

Va te promener, schizo.

>> No.15452376

>La bouche de l’anorexique hésite entre [...] une machine anale
>Le président Schreber a les rayons du ciel dans le cul.
>Anus solaire.
Why are frogs such deviants? Why do they obsess over anal anatomy so much?

>> No.15452381
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>"g-go for a walk, schizo" but in Surrenderspeak

>> No.15452438

kek. Really though what is the point of this passage, just to note the possible functions of various objects?

>> No.15452445

>>La bouche de l’anorexique hésite entre [...] une machine anale
He means when they compulsively vomit I'm fairly sure.

>> No.15452449

That's just the intro, check out the rest, real brapcore hours:

>> No.15452467
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>le french surrender epic meme

>> No.15452478
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>> No.15452504


>> No.15452506

The idea that Weimar republic was degenerate is a meme. It was a mess but it wasn't really worse that what came before or after.
Worth noting that many of the signatories of this petition understood it as a protest against anti-homosexual discrimination rather than a advocation for pedophilia.

>t. never heard of Shakespeare

>> No.15452527

Why are Anglos so salty about the French? Must be a complex.

>> No.15452550

you're going to blind the entire hemisphere with projection of that magnitude

>> No.15452560

>The idea that Weimar republic was degenerate is a meme
>understood it as a protest against anti-homosexual discrimination rather than a advocation for pedophilia.
Do you enjoy just brazenly lying

>> No.15452575

Just read English newspaper and compare to French newspaper, it's not even close. The English still have negative stereotypes about the French, on the other hand the French don't bother and just portray the English as lovable eccentrics.

>> No.15452588

Show me a lie in anything you quoted. You have four hours.

>> No.15452600

>French don't bother and just portray the English as lovable eccentrics.
I beg ton disagree, as a Frenchman, I consider Anglos as subhumans.

>> No.15452617
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>as a Frenchman

>> No.15452624

I thought it was a playful satire of Freud but I could be wrong

>> No.15452642

Me too, but that's not the same thing as being salty about them. They're lovable eccentric subhumans, like pets.

>> No.15452667

Exactly proving my point, utterly obsessed, literally on an Anglo website right now seething about anglos.

>> No.15452676

Not proving anything desu, but good show for a pet.

>> No.15452683
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>I literally can't go three seconds without thinking about the anglos

>> No.15452686

the last "man" that came out of france was foucault and he was retarded and a faggot

>> No.15452691

You realize Anglos barely even notice you guys exist? it's not 1750 Pierre, you lost. This is why you're assfucked even by fucking Canadians

>> No.15452702
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>f-fuck you, anglo!!! it's not like i-im obsessed or anything desu!!!!!