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File: 127 KB, 680x574, 820A55C5-3BB7-4C91-AAEF-4B1B9CE8F85C.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
15450241 No.15450241 [Reply] [Original]

Everything is material.
Everything can be explained scientifically.
God is a stupid fairytale for babies.
Deal with it, philosofags.

>> No.15450271


>> No.15450281

It’s so much more freeing when your morals are dictated on your own terms

>> No.15450288

>everything is material
debunked by quantum physics

>everything can be explained scientifically
debunked by logic

>> No.15450299

>Everything can be explained scientifically.
How can bees fly if, against all known laws of physics, their wings are too small to lift their fat little bodies?

>> No.15450308

Prove it
Prove it
Prove it
Prove it
(Pro tip, you cant, and you need philosophical and epistological inquiry to get into any one of those)

>> No.15450313

So science can explain why you're STILL single? Cool!
Is it your poor physical features or just your poor personality?
Get back to me with your findings and gave a great day!

>> No.15450345

>Everything is material.
Borders, laws, rules, language, etc. would like to have a word.
>Everything can be explained scientifically.
Only the material world, by definition.
>God is a stupid fairytale for babies.

>> No.15450380


>> No.15450385

Materialism has been falsified.

>> No.15450389

How can God be a stupid fairy tale if it's the foundation of our sciences? Science is just the search for the One.

>> No.15450396

consciousness is not explained materially or scientifically

deal with it materialfag

>> No.15450406


>> No.15450415

>hello, 19th century?

>> No.15450428
File: 680 KB, 500x281, giphy[1].gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

if everything just boils down to material, then how come human transmutation doesnt work?
>check mate faggot

>> No.15450439

>Everything is material
>Everything can be explained scientifically
Retroactively refuted by Kant (pbuh)

>> No.15450546
File: 155 KB, 840x648, 235-2353753_post-thinking-pepe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what's the mass of your thoughts?

>> No.15450729

Negligible. Doesn't the entirety of the data stored on the internet weigh as much as a strawberry?

>> No.15450740

Not OP. How so?

>> No.15450828


>> No.15451679

Cope harder

>> No.15452768

Not arguments
Epistemology is a series of category errors. Taken to extremes "prove it" becomes meaningless but materialism is far more feasible than any other philosophical system. There is nothing that cannot be explained by material explanations, and things like the soul cannot be proven at all and thus, do not exist.
Human constructs, with no actual existence beyond that.
Material world is the only world, you cannot prove otherwise.
Consciousness is a product of the brain, and while not completely understood, with time it will be. Neuroscience has better explanations and predictive power than anything else at least.
cope, I doubt you even know anything about the ideas within those articles, they don't refute materialism at least.

>> No.15452956

> So many people today - and even professional scientists - seem to me like somebody who has seen thousands of trees but has never seen a forest. A knowledge of the historic and philosophical background gives that kind of independence from prejudices of his generation from which most scientists are suffering. This independence created by philosophical insight is - in my opinion - the mark of distinction between a mere artisan or specialist and a real seeker after truth

>> No.15452963
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>> No.15454306
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Cringe thread.

>> No.15454347

Materialism and scientism are philosophies.

>> No.15454356
File: 1.00 MB, 1024x1024, bloomer.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

All religious beliefs or lack thereof are valid and everyone should learn to coexist.

>> No.15454798

This kids is a STEMfag in his natural cope habitat. STEMfags also known as dirt diggers are the passive observers of a nature.
Sir, sir I have a question !! What is the question Jebediah ? What the fuck is philosophy, who are these faggots that "study" imaginary concepts such as : everything else. Interesting question Jebediah *pulls a gun* *shots the kid. Now kids lets continue our class, open page 112 in your "Cope with imaginary concepts such as math and empiricism to explain everything " book and pee your pants.