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15449820 No.15449820 [Reply] [Original]

Thoughts on her? She seems like one of the few leftists that recognizes the disastrous consequences of open borders and other leftist cultural issues.

>> No.15449847

I like all stupidpol adjacent leftists

>> No.15449863

Who gives a fuck
This isn't 2016

>> No.15449885

you're doing something wrong if NRx retards praise you

>> No.15449891

Wasn't she accused of plagiarism?

>> No.15449902

credibly, yes

>> No.15449919

This is just another iteration of Tracey's personal grievance against wokism. Sorry but no amount of "being patriotic and antiworkr" or whatever other garbage would have made Southern blacks do anything other than give Biden the nom. This is just another instance for him and Nagle (and Therese et al.) to feel superior. Leftist politics are DoA in America and these people are just fighting in their insular little bubbles for Patreon bux

>> No.15449954

The "anti-woke" left is a dead end in the west because nobody likes them. The other anti-woke people think they are just delusional slaves to the postmodern evil gommunists and the woke people consider them to be cryptofash.

>> No.15449984

black vote is only somewhat important in the primary, you don't need them in the general.
what you do need are the rural white people. and the reason why all the working white people abandoned bernie is because he went full anti-white and gay.
as they mention in the article, combining the economic left and the cultural right is the winning formula as has been shown in denmark.

>> No.15450027

This seems superficially plausible, but so much of this sort of analysis sounds like the sort of ad hoc speculation you could hear from any pundit on CNN except edgier. Are most working-class whites so engaged with racialist politics that Bernie pandering to the woke crowd or gaining support with young Hispanics really enough to turn them off? He still really mostly continued to talk about raising taxes on the rich, the usual litany of Federal programs, and supporting labor. It seems more likely to me that after losing once he was written off as a loser.

>> No.15450029

The black vote is incredibly important for Dem nominee in both the primary and general. Working class white people abandoned him because he was too woke and then... voted for "my husband" Buttigieg and Amy "womynpower" Klobuchar? Give me a break. Rural voters like most voters are fickle and don't make choices based on purely rational or ideological grounds. The "cultural right" in America (vulgar individualism and materialism cloaked in dubious religious garb) is antithetical to leftism. So even if that was the winning formula, it wouldn't be in America. The contradictions are too great. Trump was quite right as he often is when he said in his State of the Union that America will never be a socialist country.

>> No.15450084

>working white people abandoned bernie is because he went full anti-white and gay.

Working-class white people only voted for Bernie in 2016 because he was the anti-Hillary choice. Look at the 2020 Michigan primary. Bernie lost every county, losing the whole thing by 300000 votes. As soon as she wasn't on the ballot, they abandoned him for someone who is slightly more palatable than Clinton.

>> No.15450160

The difference was turnout. Bernie got virtually the same number of votes, but Biden got 200,000+ more than Clinton

>> No.15450191

Here's the thing that the American left and left-liberals don't understand (or refuse to understand): only educated urbanites care about credentials and 'being civil and respectable'. The average rural person hates that attitude and finds it insultingly fake. It works in Vermont and California, but nationwide elections do not work out this way. They vote for the guy who they would have a beer with. Bush seemed down to earth compared to the tree hugging Al Gore. Obama seemed like a cool guy while McCain was an old curmudgeon. Trump was entertaining while Hillary was a smug tryhard. Bernie failed against Biden because Biden came across like a lovable and well intentioned grandpa who sometimes makes a gaffe while Bernie, to the eyes of people outside of cities, came across as a preachy academic who thought he knew better than everyone else.
I think Biden stands a chance at winning 2020 because of demographics + being relatable unlike Hillary, but the American left has no future until they find somebody who the rural masses can get along with. Which means no AOC, Tlaib, etc. - they all come across as catty academics like Bernie.

>> No.15450195

Black turnout rate wins or loses elections for the Dems.

Germanoid boomers in the Midwest turned out again for muh normalcy

>> No.15450297

This is really just a truism though. Basically everyone is attracted to charisma, but it's not going to move the needle if you both believe and care that Obama is going to implement gun control. You're going to vote for Romney

>> No.15450319

The future of US politics is just technocratic oligarchy anyway, caring about elections is a waste of time.

>> No.15450343

White people are taught to suppress their racial instincts, but they come out bursting whenever somebody appeals to it and that's what Trump did. MAGAtards would never admit that Trump's election was racial in any way, but it obviously was, considering that 90% of Trump's voters were white. It had been over 30 years since a politician had actually addressed white working class directly and had advocated on their behalf.
When they see a politician like Bernie talking about trans-queer immigrants, they're instantly confused and turned off. Only elites and upper-middle class people care about boutique issues like that.
Also, most people have no direct relation with Wall Street and they have no idea what the fuck it is or what they do. What Trump did was actually relate these issues with their daily experiences. For example he told them that he would stop Mexicans taking their jobs and Chinese taking away their factories. Something working class could easily grasp and latch onto.

>> No.15450646

If you notice, Buttigieg and Klobuchar were actually the most culturally moderate (least divisive with their rhetoric) people in the race other than Biden. Also Buttigieg mostly hid his sexuality (there's a video of a midwestern lady getting upset when she finds out he's a fag after voting for him). Where the fuck are Cory Booker, Kamala Harris, Beto O'Rourke, Kirsten Gillibrand and Julian Castro? These were the most vocal crazy liberals that said crazy shit like "free transgender abortions" and "environmental justice". They got blown the fuck out.
I agree that most voters don't vote on purely ideological grounds, but that doesn't mean voting patterns are just statistical noise.
As for your criticisms of the current right wing, I completely agree, it's an absolute individualist mess. But that can be reverted as shown by George Bush in the aftermath of 9/11 (towards a bad direction) and Donald Trump in 2016.
Nationalism and left wing economics go hand in hand, the notion of nationalism is a pro-social and a collectivist position, which means that people are invested in each other's fate and well-being. Meanwhile, leftism is cultural individualism/libertarianism. History, race and culture don't mean anything, we're all interchangeable. This creates a hedonistic and individualistic society where everybody looks out for their personal well-being.

>> No.15450713

> Meanwhile, leftism is cultural individualism/libertarianism. History, race and culture don't mean anything, we're all interchangeable. This creates a hedonistic and individualistic society where everybody looks out for their personal well-being.
This is false imo, history, race and culture mean everything in America. The ethic of the Victim that we adhere to today requires the Victim to be part of a "race-class" (read: has some inborn characteristic that was viewed negatively pre-WW2) with at least something resembling an actual historical grievance. Like, if you go on about how you identify as (insert made-up gender here) everyone will rightly mock you as belittling Victims. It's hardly individualistic either, seeing as all these "Individuals" act exactly the same.

>> No.15450721
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Leftists used to take that position all the time, because when they were somewhat based they knew the consequences of unbridled free enterprise and the disastrous ramifications it can have for the environment especially. That was until this cunt, pic related, came along.

>> No.15450821

Would anybody else be a leftist if it weren't for immigration + lgbbq2etc ideology? I think it was all by design at this point, to completely ZOG the right and shit up the left with cringe.

>> No.15450835
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Yeah lets blame midwesterners for this shit show

>> No.15450863

You're right, what you said is true for non-white people. I was thinking about white leftists when I was talking. They're completely lacking identity and they're ashamed of their ancestors and history. The only form of culture they have is the bugman comic books and video games they consume.
I honestly don't believe that blacks are actually culturally left-wing. I doubt blacks care much about gays and environmentalism, they're just there for racial stuff and gibs.

>> No.15450896

she has nothing to contribute for non-leftists, and leftists will excommunicate her from their tribe. pointless

>> No.15450905

Their identity is the historical Victimizer, they need to repent for their past and continue working towards equality.

>They're completely lacking identity and they're ashamed of their ancestors and history.
Well yeah because they see their entire history as tainted by Black slavery and Nazism.

>> No.15450910

trump won because nog males didn't turn out for hillary

>> No.15450923

What do you guys even mean by 'working class white people'? This is not a homogenous group in any way

>> No.15450963

This is an american interpretation of leftism. Leftism, traditionally, is very opposed to liberalism in the american sense. European leftism is bureaucratic, hierarchical and state centered. It is mainly about centralising power in the government and away from the privatism. A good example is putting most of the housing market in the governments hand (this is a popular european leftist idea). The idea is the government can control prices and there will be less speculation, ensuring everybody a baseline standard of living. This is the main idea of traditional leftism. It is mostly economy centered and pro state authority. So in essence it is anti liberiterian.

>Why is modern leftism so focused on the cultural aspect?

because the debates happen in a capitalist context. There is no more obvious proletariat. It is capitals agenda (especially in neo-capitalism) to erase signs and symbols of class deivision. Your boss likely pretends to be cool and easy going for example (fewer dress codes and formalities). The only obvious division happens at the fringes of society (trannies for example). The left latches onto these talking points as a surrogate for transgression. The capitalists in power encourage this kind of division because it is no danger to capitalism itself. On the contrary the left produces more capital for the machinery (leftist podcasts, conversion therapies, merchandise etc.). It is important to note that there is no capitalist who consciously plans these things. Your cool easy going CEO actually believes that he is just being more "motivational" that way. He has no big agenda in mind. Capitalism is autonomous, it is closest to human nature and that is why it is so succesful. I am not being pro capitalist here. What is natural is not always the best. Human beings strive in the unnatural but it needs to be integrated violently or it will be rejected by the collective spirit.

>> No.15450984

>. A good example is putting most of the housing market in the governments hand
Are there examples of this working well? I ask this honestly

>> No.15451176


>> No.15451178

Rent free

>> No.15451183

Germany was a lot more socialist prior to the 80s. Most infrastructure was state owned. Also the state was in many cases directly your landlord. When thatcher and reaganomics dominated the world, the german government caved and sold most state owned property to the private hand. Neoliberalism dominates europe today almost as much as it does america.

>did it work

It worked pretty well. Housing was much cheaper, government wages were more common (because telecom and others were state controlled) and standard of living used to be higher. Honestly it is hard to asses if it would still work. Nothing happens in a vacuum. If you implement these things nationwide you lose on the global market. I think if there was a world government that would universally implement these things that it would be feasible. Honesty I am the wrong person to asses these things. I need to read more into economics first. But I think I understand where a person like zizek is coming from

>> No.15451227

So all you need is a homogeneous culture that dates back into prehistory to really pull that off. Nice.

>> No.15451257

Exactly. Ethnic homogeneity and socialism go hand-in-hand.

>> No.15451297

I half agree. I am opposed to refugees etc. But I am certain that you lose in global competition if you become nationalist. Also it is dangerous to appeal to nationalists. In the end this shit does not lead to socialism but to populism and empty promises. For the far future, full globohomo mode with socialism is utopia. BUT still with borders and cultures stay respectfully segregated

>> No.15451580

left-wing economics requires nationalism for any viability beyond the short term, but this nationalism doesn't require a racial-ethnic component, especially in a country like the US. the path forward for the american left is a huey long-style populist left movement, discarding the gun control policy and the worst excesses of liberal identity politics, bringing in a coalition of the rural white working-class, black & brown voters, young people screwed by debt, and leftists.

true, plus the working class globally has moved more towards the third world and east asia, unions were gutted by the last half of the 20th century, and the american political context is still largely driven by the Great Society-era democratic coalition against the Reagan-era republican coalition

>> No.15451606

Ain't no leftist if she is against open borders

>> No.15451631

Is it true that she is a terf

>> No.15451660

AOC is super popular, only conservacucks dislike her
And you can say what you want about Bernie, but criticizing him as being too much of a cold academic is fucking retarded, have you ever watched him speak

>> No.15451669

>AOC is super popular
Only among young people (who don't vote).

>> No.15451671

Nobody sane is for open borders right now, what are you talking about

>> No.15451693

She got elected as a congresswoman so she clearly has some support
And the boomers are in their latest anyway

>> No.15451708

>AOC is super popular, only conservacucks dislike her
Except "conservacucks" make up the backbone of the Democrats. Most of the old latinos and black people are conservatives who are scared of Republicans.
>but criticizing him as being too much of a cold academic is fucking retarded
He's a preachy academic obsessed with a guy who ran for president for 30 years yet got nowhere, not a cold academic. Rural Democrats think he's some university elite asshole who thinks he knows better than everyone else and had no work ethic, unlike Joe Biden, who they see as a good natured Christian man who wants the best for everyone and was friends with Saint Obama.

>> No.15451744

Oh, and let's not forget the middle aged white women who would be Republicans had Republicans been pro-choice.

>> No.15451760

>Except "conservacucks" make up the backbone of the Democrats. Most of the old latinos and black people are conservatives who are scared of Republicans.
That has nothing to do with aoc why are we jumping all over the place
>Rural Democrats think he's some university elite asshole who thinks he knows better than everyone else and had no work ethic
Not really, he got crushed mainly because of electability

>> No.15451769

It has everything to do with why AOC will not get the nomination if she runs.

>> No.15451788

>sort of
>kind of
Irish, when they play at being intellectuals, are especially comical.

>> No.15451804

I think it's pretty hard to look at the numbers Bernie put up in counties he won against Clinton handily that later went on to vote for Trump and his numbers in most of those areas in 2020 and not arrive at the conclusion that AoC and her DSA shit about abolishing customs and border partrol--at the very least--didn't make him more popular with this demographic. You can bark all day about how rural white people are "lumpenproles" and while you won't necessarily be wrong, it still won't change the fact that most working class people are white and many of them do not at all view it as morally obvious that every single person in latin america should be allowed to move here to compete for work with Americans.

>> No.15451839

It's all optics she just shouldn't use terms like democratic socialist who scare the boomers, the policies themselves are fairl6 popular

>> No.15451860

What policy are we talking about. And are you talking about Bernie or aoc.

>> No.15451876

>AOC is super popular, only conservacucks dislike her


>30 percent favorable
>47 percent unfavorable

>> No.15451912

I'm talking about AoC mainly but given how tight the connection between these two was throughout the campaign (which it had to be because she's the superstar "justice democrat" or whatever) the point is that AoC and her platform, which includes abolishing both ICE and customs and border patrol among other pretty leftist culture war issues (only makes sense she's from NY and in the DSA) were both explicitly endorsed by Sanders and clearly integrated into part of his movement. She was undoubtedly a dead weight around his shoulders and probably a turn off for exactly the kind of voters Bernie's electability argument depended on his being able to win back from Trump (again, if the 2020 primary results are any indication of that)

>> No.15451936

Biden will win 2020 and the American left will be completely and permanently discredited.

>> No.15451994

I could potentially see an argument for this after super tuesday but if you think people aren't going to be able to be appealed to with FDR nostalgia once we get deep into this new recession you've got another thing coming.

Once Trump is gone all the impetus for "unity" in the Democratic party will totally disappear. With no more evil orange man to terrorize people into voting for a guy in obvious cognitive decline after the primaries were obviously sandbagged once again against the grifter Bernie Sanders I think we're more likely to see a proper schism within the DNC than the left being "permanently discredited".

>> No.15452131

>discarding the gun control policy and the worst excesses of liberal identity politics, bringing in a coalition of the rural white working-class, black & brown voters, young people screwed by debt, and leftists.
So a pipe dream, basically. Idealism is a curse, lad.

>> No.15452205


If you actually read the article in OP they start off with a long list of successful recent left wing parties that more or less did exactly that (adjusting for peculiarities of american culture)

>> No.15452265

I like her and Aimee somewhat.
Their politics doesn't have elite patronage and will forever be confined to podcasts.

>> No.15452278

Aimee actually has politics? I thought she was too busy engaging with the left with intellectual arguments only and then projecting the limitations of her world view on to everyone else.

>> No.15452321

Ultimately, the biggest thing in the way of Anglo non-centrists is FPTP and instant-runoff voting (yes, "ranked choice voting" is absolute garbage and barely better than FPTP). Anyone who hates liberal centrism should be campaigning for approval voting. It is not mathematically possible to escape these confines without getting rid of it.

>> No.15452374

is that a fucking joke? kek

>> No.15452379

I have no doubt that leftists elsewhere can achieve something like that. But American leftists cannot possibly achieve that given their obstacles. Gun control is and will remain a top priority. Something has gotta give and those with the money will come out on top of this crisis, politically and in every other capacity. That faction that will control the DNC for the foreseeable future are all heavily invested in subverting and steering the left away from your vision, and furthering the intersectional politics, open borders and the debt machine. It's just more profitable. They are the most prominent advocates for the spic-nig cycle, actively orchestrating and asserting its moral importance even at this point.

>> No.15452435

The fact that the American left is obsessed with disarming working class people is a pretty good indicator of why they are a failure and will continue to be a failure indefinitely, now that I think about it.

>> No.15452441

You're not wrong about any of that but those are just facts meaning the possibility of execution is idealistic not the proposals in and of themselves, which, again, I don't dispute that point.

>> No.15452621

If they stopped being spooked by incel spree shooters, but the incel is way to engrained in the current lefts psyche to just not care about them

>> No.15452650

They have idpol brain damage. During the Virginia rallies, they were all fuming about how the white protesters were armed. But a lot of black people are armed protesting the murder of that kid and they're creaming themselves over it.

>> No.15452652

They're not dumb enough to not realize that mass shooting of all kinds are statistically irrelevant. They are perfectly capable of realizing this is true when discussing Muslim terrorism.

>> No.15452693

Name one actual leftist for open borders

>> No.15452728


>> No.15452883

/pol/ thinks cultural Marxism is a thing and think Joe Biden is a cryptostalinist, discussing any left ideas there is impossible

>> No.15452904

Oh, that's right, I totally forgot
you're all a bunch of pussies. go colonize the board if you actually care about your ideas

>> No.15452916

stalin was a crypto-Bidenist

>> No.15452936

Yeah because white supremacy is real as a political force, it means something different when blacks do it since they have little actual power.

>> No.15452949

But if the USA is an apartheid white supremacist hellhole enforced by racist fascist cops, why do you support gun control policies that would disarm black people and give cops a monopoly on force?

>> No.15452953

blacks in America constantly assault, rob, rape, and murder whites, to the point that whites simply abandoned many of their cities because they could not fight back, being disarmed, and not wanting to live Somali tier conditions, while the police refused to actually police.

>> No.15452972
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>> No.15452992

Why invent a conspiracy when "cultural Marxists" are pretty open about what they want? They are diehard capitalists who think the only problem is that "marginalized folx" don't have enough capital. I don't see how giving the factories to black people instead of white people somehow establishes communal ownership of material society.

>> No.15453000

Fair enough. I wish you luck.

>> No.15453016

It's a Jew thing. Jews stopped using communism to subvert the West, switched over to Neocon and idpol, play both sides. If you view Marxism as nothing but a Jewish ploy to weaken white countries, then it makes sense they'd abandon it for something that works better.

Peterson and co don't realize that the theory originated as being explicitly about Jews.

>> No.15453023

>But if the USA is an apartheid white supremacist hellhole
Who said it was.

>> No.15453072

But Marx shittalked Jewish people, as did most of the early socialists.

>> No.15453078

>No true Scotsman puts sugar on his porridge

>> No.15453113

I would agree that it doesn't really fit. I dont feel like discussing jews though atm, I was just letting you know where that stuff originally came from.

I dont think that most people using the term dont realize that about it. And we've seen very similar terms arise from other people, eg. Bioleninism.

>> No.15453146

communism is right wing and anti-jewish. Strong state and army? check! All production for the good of the community? check! Respect for tradition? check! Rid the world of sinful personal property and materialism? check! USSR made jews illegal but had plenty of Christianity.

>> No.15453169

Why is open borders left? Open borders allows for the free flow of labor and markets across the world. its completely uninhibited markets. No dealing with import and export, no local gov or laws to follow. Just complete unfettered capitalism.

Having strong borders is extreme left. You know like stalinism wanting to create a strong communist state before exporting it to other countries. Stalin had "forever international revolution" Trotsky assassinated, remember?

>> No.15453180

White supremacists have little actual power.

>> No.15453193

Open borders are neither Right nor Left: they are crony, in essence.

>> No.15453197

In the USA, the left was anti-open borders up until 2016. After that, the Democrats had a kneejerk reaction to Trump's isolationist protectionism by saying we needed open borders and more offshoring in order to help poor brown people and make up for Trump. Bernie Sanders was strongly against open borders up until then and called them a "Koch Brothers idea", but eventually gave in before the 2020 election because he was afraid of being called a reactionary xenophobic bigot. As OP's article states, this was his downfall - the white and black working class decided to vote for Joe Biden, who did not support open borders unlike the rest of the blue candidates.
Historically, the American left was against open borders. Labor activists had a habit of shitting on immigrants for being scabs.

>> No.15453198

>AOC is super popular, only conservacucks dislike her
AOC won an election because her district was gentrified and young whites liked her. The minorities from the district mainly voted for her opposition in the primary. Her win came from a very specific set of circumstances, and I doubt they exist in most districts.

>> No.15453203

I'm curious as to what you think will happen in 2024, after Biden is in obvious cognitive decline and Pelosi (who will probably still be the fucking speaker) nudges him to step down for VP Kamala Harris. Trump could easily run again--it's his party now, after all--or, much more likely, we see Josh Hawley, Tom Cotton, or Ted Cruz lean hard into national socialism and totally ambush a Democratic Party that is still beholden to the neoliberal PMC. If you think racial grievance politics are bad now, imagine four years down the line after a dogshit recovery and millions of people still out of work

>> No.15453253

>If you think racial grievance politics are bad now, imagine four years down the line after a dogshit recovery and millions of people still out of work
I honestly imagine that as we get closer to November, this election might become a referendum of slavery reparations. If it's not, 2024 will be.

>> No.15453260

Yeah, because white elites allow them to - they feel that they're so childlike that it would be cruel to hold them to white standards. They will rationalize this with appeals to "righting historical wrongs" or whatever, but they know it's true. There are no Blacks involved in making these decisions. Every Black movement in the US has been run by white liberals trying to feel good about themselves and prove the universality of Our Democracy (tm). Black movements are like political minstrel shows - a farce of politics produced for the entertainment of guilty white elites.

What I mean by that is, all of the persons in positions of power in the US are white or Ashkenazi Jews. Blacks are just a cudgel they use to beat political opponents.

>> No.15453289

Immigration to Canada greatly increased during the tenure of a "conservative" prime minister, Brian Mulroney.

>> No.15453303

>What I mean by that is, all of the persons in positions of power in the US are white or Ashkenazi Jews. Blacks are just a cudgel they use to beat political opponents.
I don't really believe that, they might be underrepresented but they're not literally excluded from power. Even a hundred years ago there was a small black middle class with a limited but not inconsiderable amount of political power.

>> No.15453358

If Biden wins, 2024 will definitely be a mess for the Republicans. It'll be split between classic Republicans, the Trump cult, and the newer current fueled by people like Tucker and Hawley. I don't think Trump will run again, so the party elites will probably throw a "safe" loser out like Marco Rubio, who will proceed to embarrass himself. Then the monetarian Republicans will shrug, decide that the Democrats are more aligned with what they want, and flip teams, leaving the future of the Republicans in the hands of the populist true believers who think capitalism is taking Jesus and family values away. The Bernie crowd will struggle to decide if they prefer progressive politics or anti-capitalist politics.

>> No.15453399

They are, all Black movements are run by white elites. Even muh Civil Rights was bankrolled by billions from the Ford, Rockefeller etc. Foundations.

>> No.15453427

>It is important to note that there is no capitalist who consciously plans these things. Your cool easy going CEO actually believes that he is just being more "motivational" that way. He has no big agenda in mind. Capitalism is autonomous, it is closest to human nature and that is why it is so succesful.
I can't believe how many people can't see this. Not that there aren't actually power circles who try to push their <<<agendas>>>

>> No.15453446

And yet, Mr. Donald Trump is the 45th President of the United States of America. Nothing will surprise me anymore.

>> No.15453470

>Yeah, because white elites allow them to - they feel that they're so childlike that it would be cruel to hold them to white standards.
This, but it's not like they are wrong.

>> No.15453562

in my heart of hearts, i know that's true, but it's all i have to pin my hopes on. i truly believe that's the right way forward for my country. but in the end, the most likely outcome is probably Hawley and others like him combining the GOP's current cultural/social/anti-democratic stances with more left-wing economics -- more charles coughlin than huey long. i don't know what we'd do if that comes to pass.

>> No.15453658

how tf is this still up but jannies at 9am in the morning delete posts containing the word “nigger” or “poo in loo”

>> No.15453822

Do you have one? Unless you're trying to argue that neoliberals should be considered leftists

>> No.15453917

November's election absolutely will be a referendum on racial grievances, largely because Trump has stoked them consistently as an electoral strategy since before he was in office. However, I don't see it being a referendum on reparations at all. The main impetus for that, Coates, I can only view as an increasingly spent force, so butthurt at allegations that he isn't just another bougie upper middle-class black person accepted by whites that he pretty much bowed out of public commentary altogether. His 2014 essay was a flash in the pan, albeit an influential one

Republican primary dynamics are strange, and since the advent of the Tea Party they've been pretty antiestablishment, although they certainly have been able to be harnessed by the establishment to various ends. Classic Republicans (if by this you mean neverTrumpers?) are pretty much dead; this is a party of Crenshaws, Tuckers, and Hawleys now. The real question is whether or not they're just cloaked neocons; for people like Hawley and Cotton, who are so hawkish on China, I would say yes, but that doesn't negate their shifts in domestic police RE Google and trade deals

>> No.15454267

Same in Australia, permanent migration rates increased from 70,000 to 200,000 under the last 7 years of Liberal-National governance. Sneaky bastards appeal to the rural voters by being tough on asylum seekers and refugees, but let in orders of magnitude more Indian, Chinese and Brits etc. Makes sense seeing as the boomers who vote for them need the inflated property/labour pool to keep their investment properties/businesses profitable. Rents and house prices soar, cities sprawl out thanks to poor planning, transport infrastructure comes under immense strain and your standard inner-city leftists are too worried about seeming "racist" to admit that it's going to be a big problem for workers if this continues