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15446668 No.15446668 [Reply] [Original]

>going to heaven

No thanks. Why would I do that? I'm not a coomer. I don't need a reward.
Would you really find peace in heaven, knowing that your friends, family, fellow humans are suffering for all eternity? I'd rather suffer with them, out of solidarity. Nothing could be more noble.

>> No.15446675

you could try to get your friends to accept christ

>> No.15446706

If hell exists, and I they go there voluntarily like me, they have already accepted Christ.
Perhaps, the whole heaven/hell thing is the final test - are you an egoist, and just want endless pleasure? Or are you truly selfless, and your well-being is of no consequence to you?

>> No.15446710

If you don't love Him more than your family, you're not getting to heaven anyway.

>> No.15446715

I don't make friends with people of other religions.

>> No.15446722

>voluntarily entering hell means accepting christ
not really. one could do it to spite christ. in fact thats a big part of paradise lost.

>> No.15446724
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>Would you really find peace in heaven, knowing that your friends, family, fellow humans are suffering for all eternity?

>> No.15446735

I think it boils down to whether a person will accept judgement in the end. If you can't cast off your pride you'll be trapped trying to twist the truth to fit a lie.

>> No.15446749

You can't force love, and knowing how hard it is to even love a "real" person - loving the "absent" God is going to be a near impossibility, Heaven is going to be pretty much empty, you won't even get in (as you love yourself more than any other person).

>> No.15446757

>Would you really find peace in heaven, knowing that your friends, family, fellow humans are suffering for all eternity?
Absolutely, what a retarded fucking question

>> No.15446777

t. hedonists
that's pretty much what your religion boils down to, it's entirely self-serving

>> No.15446818

There are numerous people that I care for that are worse off than me because of bad decisions, such as getting addicted to drugs. I think it's a shame that they've put themselves in such a state, but it doesn't drive me to start shooting up heroine with them. Nor will I refuse heaven simply because those that I love do.

>> No.15446837

Rejoicing in the presence of god isn't self-serving.

>> No.15446844

Only God knows who will go and who won’t. I mean, the Protestants are a lot more focused on who gets in and who doesn’t than the other sects. And the Protestants are the most likely to take an egoist approach regarding their own salvation as supremely important. Yes, evangelizing but at the end of the day throwing up their arms at the slightest resitance from their listener and saying “well I tried, I guess you’re going to hell then!” As a Catholic, our running gag is that we can do anything so long as we ask for forgiveness. That’s why you see a Catholic Church scene in every mobster movie. But yeah, I guess you can make the whole thing about egoism if that makes you feel better about not living the way you know you should be.

>> No.15446853

Why religious people never admit that they are praying and "loving" God for themselves ?
There is nothing wrong with that because no one want to burn for eternity.
But why all this hypocrisy ?

>> No.15446861
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Christianity destroyed in one picture

>> No.15446872

How can they possibly recover from Eskimo man?

>> No.15446878

That's not true. Everyone that isn't saved goes to hell. Not knowing isn't a defense.

>> No.15446884

>Would you really find peace in heaven, knowing that your friends, family, fellow humans are suffering for all eternity
As if they aren't already.

>> No.15446888
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>why do people think they know the inner workings of their own minds better than I do?
I don't know man, it's tough to say.

>> No.15446894
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damn... God must have really hated all those born before Christ, and those who lived in a remote geographical location, and unborn children, and aliens...

>> No.15446895

We don’t know what God allows that person to experience in their final moments.

>> No.15446901

how is it just that all these people that lived before Christianity was even introduced went to hell?

>> No.15446902

What kind of fucked up logic is that?

>> No.15446907

Dumbasses with little imagination.
It’s called Abraham’s bosom. Christ visited there upon his death and gave those pious ones and opportunity to go to heaven. It’s like I’m dealing with atheists (using this term because mental retards has become offensive)

>> No.15446908

I assume that this is either just a meme, or a case of some incredibly bad theology. The Catholic stance on it would largely be that if someone has never heard of Christ then it's possible for them to go to heaven, but far from guaranteed, and it is indeed better to hear the gospel. This idea that somehow never hearing of Jesus would guarantee you salvation is some utterly braindead heretical theology.

>> No.15446911

That's just how it works. If you're not Christian, you go to hell.

>> No.15446918
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Obvious bait.

But some people really belive that sort of shit.
Christians are the niggs of religions

>> No.15446919

for jacob have i loved and eskimos have i hated

>> No.15446925

What about mentally retarded people that can't even comprehend reality?
Also, if I get a choice to accept jesus right before my death, couldnt i just live my whole life as an atheist and convert to Christianity in my last moments to go to heaven?

>> No.15446927

so why have prophets?

>> No.15446928

>why reveal his will to people if it is better for them to hear his will?

>> No.15446931

>couldnt i just live my whole life as an atheist and convert to Christianity in my last moments to go to heaven?

>> No.15446937

That really depends. It’s not as simple as putting a signature on an agreement. I do not know if God will give you us an option but I do know you will actually have to believe in Jesus with all your heart and want to believe in order for any such thing to work. As for denying reality? You don’t even comprehend reality so that is a pointless topic of discussion here.
I don’t understand the question.

>> No.15446942

Do you believe in free will?

>> No.15446944
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This whole "judgment" thing is full of holes. It's just carrot and stick, incoherent babble to force people to do what you want them to do.

>> No.15446950

Unironic reddit-tier atheism.

>> No.15446956


>> No.15446961
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Damned Infants by Richard Joseph Michael Ibranyi

>> No.15446962

Can you prove to me that it exists?

>> No.15446967

Occam's Razor, bitch.

>> No.15446995

I can...choose not to.
I’m not sure anyone can prove anything to you, my good man. The reality is, you would not be satisfied by any argument. I hope you are not a determinist, as I would say there is even less “reason”, as you probably define it, to be one. Our existence, especially ours as elite 4channers, suggests a will. We have to become counter-intuitives to suggest otherwise.

>> No.15447001

>infants are guilty of the deadly sin of original sin and hence are sinners, impious, and children of Satan

Based. Fuck kids, they always annoyed me, the little bastards.

>> No.15447024

Very cool Satan vary cool

>> No.15447029

>I can...choose not to
What is "I"?

Determinism seems to be the most logical philosophy in this day and age. It's why the least Christian countries nowadays are the ones that weren't historically changed by the spread of Christianity

>> No.15447039

if god was just visiting people personally when they died why have prophets spread the word?

>> No.15447054

> Every human in hell began life as an infant; and when they were infants, God saw their end in hell. God knew they would be evil even before they were created, even before the world was created—“For all things were known to the Lord God before they were created.” God looks at the infant and sees the lying, cheating, murdering, fornicating adult that it will become if God allows it to become an adult. When Judas Iscariot was an infant, God saw the evil adult. God did not see the innocent infant that humanists see in all infants.

But just a splash of water, and all is averted. What is this lunacy?

>> No.15447062

There’s nothing logical about it, it’s simply envogue because the university science departments peddle the new religion and they have reduced everything to ‘physical monism’ which frankly isn’t even the proper conclusion given their beliefs. Determinism is much easier, you need only “turn your brain off” and you will be accepted as a hip-with-it thinker. You even alluded to that by means of “popular opinion” to prove your point. Has the problem of the Boltzmann brain even been rectified under a view of the purely physical and probabilically determined universe? I don’t think it has. Hard problem of consciousness, qualia, Chinese room, you have a lot to answer before you can proudly declare yourself a determinist but Neil Tyson doesn’t like to dwell on that stuff.

“I” is the being which is an eternal spirit filtered through physical mind here on earth.

>> No.15447070

I don’t know that God does that for everyone. He may not. If I had to guess I would say He rarely does that but like I told you, I do not know. He already did so much for us in the way of allowing us to be saved that it would be unreasonable to ask for more. All I ever said was we don’t know if he allows people who never heard of Jesus an opportunity to accept Him in their last moments. Certainly life on Earth is better with the teachings of Jesus so why wouldn’t the prophets want to spread the word?

>> No.15447089

>“And I will pass through the land of Egypt that night, and will kill every firstborn in the land of Egypt both man and beast: and against all the gods of Egypt I will execute judgments: I am the Lord.”
>“O daughter of Babylon, miserable: blessed shall he be who shall repay thee thy payment which thou hast paid us. Blessed be he that shall take and dash thy little ones against the rock."
>“Let Samaria perish, because she hath stirred up her God to bitterness: let them perish by the sword, let their little ones be dashed, and let the women with child be ripped up."


>> No.15447107

What I'm getting from your post is that you deny science

>> No.15447118

Heaven's not about you, you're guaranteed hell because all you can think about is yourself.

>> No.15447122 [DELETED] 

You dare speak of God with your limited understanding?

But Christianity helps some people, even the Dalai Lama said so.

>> No.15447124

Not really. I deny the conclusions of our current scientific distributors. If we accept all that we know of science we don’t really arrive at determinism. We arrive completely dumbstruck at the fact we even exist. The probabilities are so low. They’re actually so very low that we should assume we don’t exist despite all this physical evidence. But I’m not sure you’re doing that. So, I’d have to assume you’re the one who doesn’t believe in science.

>> No.15447131

The Dali Lama has a nice Patek Phillipe solid gold watch. I know, I know he cannot refuse gifts.

>> No.15447159

You sure proved me wrong

>> No.15447168

>If we accept all that we know of science we don’t really arrive at determinism.
Where do we arrive then? I can at least point to studies showing how chemical reactions in brain correlate with our certain responses
How do you justify your belief in god?

>> No.15447212

>you guys are retarded, god tells people that wouldnt otherwise know about everything they need to know at the last minute. he isnt sending people to hell when they don't know any better!
>oh.. we-we-well he probably maybe does it only sometimes i guess, i dunno.

>> No.15447220

Yeah but you’re already accepting so much at face value when you cite a study like that.
If you hold science dear then you should be starting at the probabilities of existence at all. The link above provided three perspectives given what we already know, namely that the existence of our probability is however small it is (for all intents and purposes zero). Yet we do exist (if we accept that). At least something that is convinced it is us exists. Again, according to what we know of science, it’s far more likely that ‘we’ dont exist. A collection of atoms coming into this particular formation we call our observable world spontaneously and for only a moment is more likely than them persisting. Essentially the less you ask for, the more likely something is. We can reason that all the way down to, it is more likely we are a single brain imagining this world than we are actually existing in this world. Merely talking about probabilities here but that is where the science should lead us if we’re taking nothing for granted. I’m not saying anything mind blowing here. And yes, many things can be done to the vessel that limit the ability of the driver from accomplishing certain tasks. You can render me brain dead or paralyzed and it will seem as though I have lost all free will or arguably never had it.

As for how I justify a belief in God, I don’t think any of them would satisfy you, as I said. In my personal experience, the world is against God and the evil of the world has demonstrated this which helped me to understand who was right and who was wrong. But as far as reasoning that got me to God. Once you accept that we are more likely not to be here than here. Far more likely. The chance of our existence being negligible, then it seems to me you need to accept what I said above or you need to accept a designed universe. Then we get into classical theological arguments about a designer and what that designers intentions would be given what we are.

>> No.15447229

You make too many silly assumptions. I guess you just hate God by default? If so I feel pity for you. We don’t know what kind of opportunities God granted these individuals. We don’t know the role grace played in their lives. Anything on the topic of conjecture but we know the official teaching of the church to be that those who perished before Jesus resided in Abraham’s bosom (has nothing to do with God sending them information) and were saved accordingly. The whole ordeal is called the harrowing of hell.

>> No.15447246

Because God told me to tell you you dumb fuck.

>> No.15447257

Then you bash his brains in with a brick of ice

>> No.15447262

>In my personal experience, the world is against God and the evil of the world has demonstrated this which helped me to understand who was right and who was wrong
Apart from, I daresay, those 1500~ years in which fanatical Christians censured any works that disagreed with their views, attempted to force the conversion of anyone who disagreed with them, or indeed murdered by various means anyone who continued to disagree with them (all whilst whining about persecution against themselves, ironically enough)

>> No.15447279

It’s time to read the grand inquisitor chapter of Brothers K.. not sure you’re at the point where you’d enjoy the whole novel but I think you’ve missed the point and are now confusing organized religious bodies for the teachings of Christ. I would actually stand with the church against a lot of your accusations (as if censoring is so horrible) but even the church can be infiltrated

>> No.15447312

>confusing organized religious bodies for the teachings of Christ
The teachings of Christ were selected by religious bodies though. None of the scriptures were written by the apostles, that's just a later addition to give them more "authority".

>> No.15447325

If you say so my good man. Sounds like you’ve got this religion thing figured out. But if you’re the same guy, just take notice that you’re pivoting. You asked me if I deny science and I brought it to your attention that it seems you do. You asked me if I had justification for God, I gave you my personal reason and a more academic consideration and you’ve focused only on the personal, you’re now creating historical arguments as to why one should not be a Christian. You have a right to, okay. I’m not sure these arguments are as great as you think they are but that is fine, if they do the job for you. Though none of them actually address whether or not you should be believing in God, as simple as The Prime Mover

>> No.15447328

Only if his sin imperils the souls of others.

>> No.15447332

A truly classic argument. You proclaim that the vast majority of Christians who have ever existed (!) are not true believers because they immediately began burning books and putting heretics to the sword the moment they gained temporal power. Attempting to insult me won't do you any favours, nor does it make you look any less of an idiot.

>> No.15447344

Not the same guy, I'm just saying that all the teachings of Christ were passed down by other humans, you're not really getting them directly from the source.

>> No.15447346

this hilarious passive aggressive attitude and refusal to answer any arguments makes you look like a bitch
how far the Galileans have fallen

>> No.15447349

I suppose you think pedophile homosexual clergy who enjoy orgies and exchange Masonic handshakes are followers of Christ because they say so?

>> No.15447363

Who are you to decide that? Further, propagating silly conspiracy theories is bad form. The fact of the matter is that saying "the world is against God" is such an egregious untruth when you look even a few centuries back in history that it beggars belief.

>> No.15447370

Are you making arguments? Every post you’re trying complete new angles and hanging on a single sentence I’ve written that I imagine you think you can gain ground on. I’ve tried to address what I can here. We obviously do not agree on the matter of the Bible. There’s no point in airing that out here because it’s neither a philosophical or scientific matter which is where you wanted this conversation to go until you suddenly didn’t. It’s not my fault you’ve been convinced by “chemical reactions in the brain” that you’re a robot though you’ve never quite explained how that proves a deterministic universe.

>> No.15447379

The world is against God. Satan offered Christ anything He could have possibly wanted in this world. It is a tenet of Christian belief that Satan is the prince of this world. Grace exists here but it is a supernatural phenomenon and so it supersedes this world. You didn’t answer the question about the priests. Are they Christian or not?

>> No.15447383

>Are you making arguments? Every post you’re trying complete new angles and hanging on a single sentence I’ve written that I imagine you think you can gain ground on. I’ve tried to address what I can here. We obviously do not agree on the matter of the Bible. There’s no point in airing that out here because it’s neither a philosophical or scientific matter which is where you wanted this conversation to go until you suddenly didn’t. It’s not my fault you’ve been convinced by “chemical reactions in the brain” that you’re a robot though you’ve never quite explained how that proves a deterministic universe.
more passive aggressive adhoms with a refusal to answer even one argument
you're only deceiving yourself, friend

>> No.15447388

It’s a good argument if you assume/reason that there is no God. It’s a poor one if you think the other way.

>> No.15447402

If you feel personally attacked you might as well step away from the computer. Not sure what I’ve neglected to address? You dropped the science angle a long time ago with good reason. The math isn’t in your favor either. All you have is some historical argument you’ve only just started pushing and I’m not sure it’s worth addressing if you think everyone who says they’re a Christian is one.

>> No.15447408

The existence of God is irrelevant to it, unless you believe in the divine providence in how the Bible was made. And if you do, you pretty much have to accept organised religion and the Church fathers' teachings and so on.

>> No.15447417

Explain how that is irrelevant. It seems your post is saying “it’s irrelevant unless it’s not”

>> No.15447425

If God didn't guide the authors, His existence is irrelevant to the fact that the teachings were compiled by men.

>> No.15447426

>The world is against God. Satan offered Christ anything He could have possibly wanted in this world. It is a tenet of Christian belief that Satan is the prince of this world.
Ah of course, how could we forget such evil Satanists as the American natives (forced to convert at swordpoint, many burned), the Greek pagans (forced to convert at swordpoint, religious texts and even defenses of them such as Julian's polemic burned and anathemized, religious sites destroyed), the Germanic, British and Baltic pagans (forced to convert at swordpoint, texts burned, holy sites desecrated and destroyed), The SEA hindus and Muslims (a similar story), indeed the list goes on and on. Strangely enough, it seems the Christians were the ones hunting them down and slaughtering them mercilessly? Luckily they were pawns of... uh... Satan, and thus it was entirely justified.
>You didn’t answer the question about the priests. Are they Christian or not?
What on earth does whether a sinful priest is a Christian have to do with the argument of the world being "against God"? Why try to change the subject so transparently? You as a Christian yourself should understand faith is a deeply personal and complex matter. Perhaps some of the pedophiles in the Church weren't Christians, though it's quite a stretch to think that someone who dedicates his life to the clergy wasn't.

>> No.15447432

I won’t speak for everyone who believes in God but yes, it is widely believed that he scriptures are inspired by the Holy Spirit but I think you know that already.

>> No.15447445

Which means you have to follow the inspired teachings of the Catholic Church.

>> No.15447446

you did nothing of the sort, other than assume I'm someone that I'm not

>> No.15447465

I agree. Of course others disagree. Orthodox Church adherents tend to believe that Catholics were corrupted by Satan, obviously the Protestants feel the same. Within the Catholic Church there have been many apparitions and prophecies detailing infiltration. So while I think I understand what you are saying, I’m not sure it’s an issue.

>> No.15447470

>I suppose you think pedophile homosexual clergy who enjoy orgies and exchange Masonic handshakes are followers of Christ because they say so?

>comparing "pedophile homosexual clergy" with the vast majority of the Popes, some of the Apostles, and many of the foremost Christian theologians in history who advocated various forms of forced conversion, """"holy"""" war, the systematic murder of unbelievers, etc.
though I suppose they were probably pedos too, like most christians (led astray by Shaitan)

>> No.15447474

So...who is this guy ?

>> No.15447484

I sense a lot of vitriol on your end. It’s unhealthy. And yes I don’t rule out the possibility that it’s been corrupted from nearly the very beginning with a combination of some trying to right and others not. I don’t rule it out. What bearing does that have on whether God exists?

>> No.15447499

I think there is a high probability you are demonically afflicted.

>> No.15447501
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I'm unironically going to hell, because I can't stop cooming. Nothing works. At this point, I'm unironically looking at what medication has impotence as a side-effect.

>> No.15447509

>I sense a lot of vitriol on your end. It’s unhealthy. And yes I don’t rule out the possibility that it’s been corrupted from nearly the very beginning with a combination of some trying to right and others not. I don’t rule it out. What bearing does that have on whether God exists?
Not that guy
If you, a random fellow on the internet not involved one can only assume with the clergy, claim to know better than (and it seems even claim that they were not truly Christian?) your own popes and the great Christian theologians from even the time of Augustine - then I think we've reached the end of the line. Perhaps you should start your own schism based on plausible deniability?
>I think there is a high probability you are demonically afflicted.
Why, thank you. I shall seek an exorcist with all due haste.

>> No.15447512
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Heaven and hell is the same place.
The fires of gehenna is the same as the light of God's love.
It's your deification that will decide how much shame and regret you will make yourself feel, and God's forgiveness will be undeserved and become burning flame. "Ignorance is bliss."

>> No.15447521
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>"Ignorance is bliss."
So if you're a unfeeling cold psychopath, hell doesn't exist for you?

>> No.15447524

Do you want it to exist?

>> No.15447549

Praying for you
Why are you saying I claim to know better than them? I never did say that. At the end of the day such matters a beyond my scope. In my mind, those who act in such ways, specifically act in such ways that attempt to damn others to hell are not Christian. But as someone else pointed out it’s not for me to know (and I’ve said it since the start of all this that only God knows who gets to heaven and who doesn’t until the time has come). I also never claimed they weren’t Christian (although I have now said that I assume they’re not—if they promote and partake in such actions as to destroy the salvation of others). Earlier I merely posed the question to another anon who was talking about the historical evils. I was wondering if that anon believed they were all Christians merely because they claimed to be. I am still sensing demons.

>> No.15447558

Who knows, I'm horribly self-critical. There is always something that I can make myself feel bad about. So yeah, if hell doesn't exist, I will probably make it real.

>> No.15447565

>I never did say that.
Apologies, whatever comparing the great theologians and popes to homosexual masonic pedophiles entails then - I correct myself.
>although I have now said that I assume they’re not
I look forward to seeing your new Church in action.
>I am still sensing demons.
I assume you are joking, but if not I daresay most priests would advise you to seek professsional help (and I would tend to agree)

>> No.15447567

>going to heaven
>No thanks. Why would I do that? I'm not a coomer. I don't need a reward.
Your apprehension of heaven is egocentrically skewed, and naively erroneous.

>Would you really find peace in heaven, knowing that your friends, family, fellow humans are suffering for all eternity?
If you were noble, your actual friends, family, and fellows, would, by affinitive necessity, also be possessed of nobility, thus, by virtue of noble lifestyle, they would be sent to the plenitude.

>I'd rather suffer with them, out of solidarity. Nothing could be more noble.

1. One suffers alone in hell.

2. If you would rather suffer amongst the enemies of God, then you are, by definition, ignoble, an by election - evil.

>> No.15447574
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Psychopathy is a consequence of the fall, all consequences of the fall is unmade in the eschaton, every man is made a Son of God through the adoption of Christ's incarnation. You will all know Life and God and Evil and become 'like us'.
Hell is not a place of active infliction of torment. It is to live with your sins and regrets for eternity.

>> No.15447579

>If you were noble, your actual friends, family, and fellows, would, by affinitive necessity, also be possessed of nobility, thus, by virtue of noble lifestyle, they would be sent to the plenitude.
That is not in the least-ways true. In fact, that's the most absurd assertion I've seen for quite some time.
>2. If you would rather suffer amongst the enemies of God, then you are, by definition, ignoble, an by election - evil.
Who are you to say that those who don't follow the Bible are evil? Not even Christ himself went so far.

>> No.15447591

I would never have a new church. I’m more of the wandering monk type, kind of like a Clint Eastwood in collar. Doing good and right as I can but begrudgingly because I am still merely human

>> No.15447600

>Hell is not a place of active infliction of torment. It is to live with your sins and regrets for eternity.
A psychopath by definition would not consider any form of sin regretful. You mean to say that hell is not punishing for such a person?

>> No.15447617

>Hell is not a place of active infliction of torment. It is to live with your sins and regrets for eternity.
Yeah, but can I commit some new sins, and have more regrets? If not, am I really alive? Is my free will stripped away?

If not, isn't sullenness/despondency a sin? Seems like you'd be constantly committing that in hell.

>> No.15447621

What about the gnashing of teeth and fire and all of that shit? Seems like inflicting suffering.

>> No.15447629

Based hypocrite

>> No.15447647

This. Just because the violence committed by God won't be physical, doesn't make it any less barbaric. "Reason" is much more insidious and deadly than a fist.

>> No.15447659

>That is not in the least-ways true.
If you actually believe that, then you ignore, either: what is nobility, and, subsequently, the universal imperativity inherent to its lifestyle, or what it means to have/be a friend, family, and fellow.

>Who are you to say that those who don't follow the Bible are evil? Not even Christ himself went so far.
The judeochristian bible is not relevant to my previous post.

>> No.15447661

Is Hell actually a place of suffering? Is it just nothingness?

>> No.15447664

How many fucking times do I have to repeat that all diseases and mental disorders are unmade. You will no longer have psychopathy nor will you even need to have someone explain something twice to you for you'll no longer be retarded.

>> No.15447688

So, people will become just a sea of same-ish drones with no defining features, and sin will be eradicated by robbing them of free-will? What a horrible fate.

>> No.15447696

There’s a hierarchy in heaven

>> No.15447710
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The fire is identical to God's presence and the sea of forgiveness.
Sure there will be pain in having all your evils removed from you. Especially if you identify with your evil, if you are nothing but sin and depravity, if you are pure evil, then it will be for like dying. But the inherent good of your heart will remain, and now you will have the innocence of a babe and mind of a young child. Your 'second death'.

>> No.15447717

>the first will become the last
Read the parable about the vineyard workers.

>> No.15447727

>Would you really find peace in heaven, knowing that your friends, family, fellow humans are suffering for all eternity?

Fucking kek yes. If they rejected God (including being ""agnostic"" or unbaptised under Catholic rites aka wilfully not believing) then they DESERVE to burn. I'll be up there laughing at them for eternity.

>> No.15447738

>misunderstadning heaven

>> No.15447741

Ok, pharisee.

>> No.15447750

You will be free from sin and temptation.
It's not possible to choose evil without fallen nature and temptation.
But there's not only one good to choose, do you wanna explore this star or that one? There will be a new earth and new heaven.

>> No.15447758

If it's genuine then yes

>> No.15447764

>What about mentally retarded people that can't even comprehend reality?
God's judgement is perfect. Not for us to know their soul

>> No.15447772
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Catholic theology is pretty fucking clear that those who do not believe in Christ when they know his message are gonna fucking burn


Their pain will be like getting flayed and boiled alive times 1000. Liberal bugmen will seethe knowing this. I find great pleasure knowing that it is JUSTICE - something most of you cucks forget about.
You grandma might have been 'nice' and done all kinds of charitable works, but I will fucking laugh in joy knowing she got her punishment if she wasn't baptised and faithful in our saviour.

>> No.15447786 [DELETED] 

>That’s why you see a Catholic Church scene in every mobster movie.
Mobsters are also generally from swarthier parts (i.e. the Roman-Catholic zone).

>> No.15447787
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Luckily for us catholicism is heresy.

>> No.15447798

Romans 2.

>> No.15447812

Pretty sure Catholics are rather humanist, preaching forgiveness and whatnot. That is, they're not infant torturers.

>> No.15447817

I was born and raised Catholic. Go fill your fucking pew with whores and sodomites protestant bug.
Maybe after the globohomo Vatican II.

>> No.15447828

There's a new revised catholic dogma every 50 years contradicting some other dogma at some other time. Both contradictory statements are infallible and guided by the holy spirit because of MUH KEYS. So you can probably find a teaching for every claim about the eschaton, pseudo-protestantism.

>> No.15447843

See. Rejects vatican 2 which vatican 1 says is church doctrine. Trad caths are protestant who pick and choose what their arrogance thinks is right.

>> No.15447844

>born and raised Catholic
>globohomo Vatican II.
And now, you're an apostate. Congrats, you'll burn in hell like all the rest of them.

>> No.15447858

No you'll burn in fucking hell unless you repent and stop rejecting Jesus and his church out of PRIDE.

>> No.15448239

no, you'll burn in hell

>> No.15448275

How will k*ds ever recover

>> No.15448319

Then why did God declare Abraham righteous before the Covenant (and later the Law) was established?

>> No.15448336

This but unironically. St. Thomas, St. Bellermine and St. Alphonsus , all Doctors of the Church, all agree that not only are the wicked to be chastised with eternal torments but the just rejoice at it.

>> No.15448456

>Ah of course, how could we forget such evil Satanists as the American natives (forced to convert at swordpoint, many burned), the Greek pagans (forced to convert at swordpoint, religious texts and even defenses of them such as Julian's polemic burned and anathemized, religious sites destroyed), the Germanic, British and Baltic pagans (forced to convert at swordpoint, texts burned, holy sites desecrated and destroyed), The SEA hindus and Muslims (a similar story), indeed the list goes on and on. Strangely enough, it seems the Christians were the ones hunting them down and slaughtering them mercilessly?
I think you should read a book.

>> No.15448492
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This. Currently laughing audibly at all the bugman crying that their kind wholesome grannies are burning like the roastie whores they are for not worshipping God the way I do.

>> No.15448590
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It's not about hell. It's about sharing the truth and salvation of your soul. Sharing the word of God and having the chance to build a relationship with him and be truly fulfilled.

>> No.15448594

seething demonic insect

>> No.15448614

seethe more heretic arachnid

>> No.15448631

>you would go to heaven if you massacred 100 people and then suicided just becasey you didnt hear about God
whoever said this was obviously wrong. if you sin too much then you wont make it.

>> No.15448701

Based and Matthew pilled

>> No.15448707

this is false flagging. that or youre one of those larpers who doesnt truly believe
this. the message has been skewed at times by people, but jesus's message ultimately was forgiveness and peace.

>> No.15448721

>this is false flagging. that or youre one of those larpers who doesnt truly believe

Keep your head in the sand. Theology is pretty fucking clear that those who don't believe go to hell. There are very fucking few people in invincible ignorance you fucking faggot

>> No.15448739

theology also says you shouldnt go around damning people, and telling someone they're going to hell if they dont convert is a very poor way to spread the message and get converts.

>> No.15448773

Their damnation isn't based on me, God isn't some weak soiboy faggot

If they go to hell because they didn't happen to meet the right guy to convert them then it's still THEIR fucking fault for not believing

>> No.15448796

i'm sure God wouldn't like someone who is purposefully driving people away from Him by goign around being an ass claiming to be working for God.

>> No.15448797

Kek tradcath larpers on 4chan will low key go down as one of the most pathetic things ever to happen on the internet

>> No.15448824
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this is an 18+ board, kiddo. go be an edgelord on facebook or something.

>> No.15448831

I'm actually in quite close contact with my SSPX priest. He's never raised qualms with my conduct and I confess anyway.

>> No.15449280

Psychopathy is part of someone at a genetic level in the same way that their hair color is.

>> No.15449405

>guy getting executed for warcrimes or being an enemy combatant asks christians "if god so good why are u killing me"

*rolls eyes*

>> No.15449802

burning people alive isn't a warcrime in your book?
>being an enemy combatant
so, if somebody is invading your home, you're just supposed to roll over?

>> No.15450810

it spreads like a virus hu? to save yourself you need to pass it to someone else.

>> No.15450912
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>posts image of redditor-appeasing show made by corporate-fueled McAtheist Justin Roiland
>a-aliens totally exist and god doesn't!
>Source: my faith in the existence of aliens
Seems about right.

>> No.15451043

Thats not how viruses work dumbass. lol.

>> No.15451067

Yes, the existence of other lifeforms outside Earth is much more probable than the existence of some old bearded man in the sky. Your human morals and sensibilities are entirely local in nature, and personifying them in the form of some almighty supernatural being is both primitive and retarded.
You're just a speck of dust on a tiny rock, aimlessly drifting through a gargantuan abyss. You're powerless and limited. A tiny spark, you're already growing dimmer, fading out. Your dream of being a person will soon be over, along with all the delusions and lies that you keep telling yourself.

>> No.15451090

>no evidence of aliens
>assembly-line "you small" quote copy-pasted from Reddit
Okay, we get it, you bingewatched Rick And Morty.
Got any other things your masters let you believe in besides aliens?

>> No.15451189

Holy based, someone finally acknowledges how cringy is to use the word fucking every 2 seconds

>> No.15451210

Evidence? I thought you didn't believe in scientism. Oh well, I guess you just say whatever suits your fancy. Whatever lets you sleep at night.
I can't wait for the time when we finally discover pre-human civilizations on Earth. Their existence is another thing that is very probable, with how less than 1% of organisms turn to fossils, and even less percentage of them are discovered. We have trouble finding human civilizations that are just a few thousand years old. And life is five billion years old, baby. Stone age civilizations predating humans are probably guaranteed. I wonder, did they believe in the big daddy in the sky too?

>> No.15451238
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>If I did not know about God and sin
But you do. Otherwise how would you be able to ask me this question? Everyone has to be raised knowing it's bad to lie, steal, rape and kill. You're told it's a sin so you stop doing it and also to get the reward of heaven, you won't be able to live in this world anyway without knowing about God, we as christians are meant to spread Him around and also to teach you about sin so you stop sinning because God is offended by sin nonetheless, so if you can ask that question then you can figure it out by yourself, anyone who's not retarded or deaf will know about God, because he's real and you have to follow his will in order to get to heaven, good atheists are most likely to not go to heaven, because they didn't worship God, so no, you would have still went to hell even if you didn't know about God.

>> No.15451241
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You have no idea how difficult Christianity is to actually follow, and the denial it asks (bear in mind I'm not talking about Protestantism). It is the exact opposite of hedonism, and actively challenges it.

>> No.15451256

>our running gag is that we can do anything so long as we ask for forgiveness.

You don't actually believe this, right?

>> No.15451286

Behold! The Bride of Christ! All you have to do is convert now and you too can become as transcendentally perfect and civilised as this magnificent specimen!

>> No.15451304

No matter how much you shake, discipline and deny yourself - in the end, you do it purely for yourself. Religion is just like learning any other skill or trade, you're climbing a ladder to personal success. It's actually even worse than hedonism, for nothing in the material world can satisfy you. You cast it all away, like a nihilist, call it ugly and sinful.

>> No.15451346
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>No matter how much you shake, discipline and deny yourself - in the end, you do it purely for yourself.

Talk about a cynical nihilism regarding yourself -- you can't even fathom that a person would live life for both God and others, and put himself last, which is absolutely what is required of a Christian. To you, everything is reductionist. Sort yourself out, big guy.

>> No.15451373

>person would live life for both God and others, and put himself last
>live life
But you reject life, as a temporary vanity. To you, it means absolutely nothing, but a stepping stone to heaven. Oh, what a great sacrifice! A 100 years, for an eternity in paradise! You're so selfless!

>> No.15451378

Why do you live for God? God's supposed to be faster then a speeding bullet, more powerful then a locomotive and he can leap tall buildings in a single bound. Why does he need your help? Do you have a secret signal watch which you use bring sins to his attention?

>> No.15451393

Ow the edge.

>> No.15451456
File: 91 KB, 720x871, 1577503009174.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>You're just a speck of dust on a tiny rock, aimlessly drifting through a gargantuan abyss. You're powerless and limited. A tiny spark, you're already growing dimmer, fading out. Your dream of being a person will soon be over, along with all the delusions and lies that you keep telling yourself.
every religion teaches this lmao

>> No.15451474

Religion also teaches that everything revolves around humans, that they're the crowning creation, and they should follow certain set of morals, not eat X on Y, and it will all be fine in the end

>> No.15451494
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>But you reject life, as a temporary vanity.

I celebrate life as long as I have it by living as virtuously as possible, and I actively choose to champion that which promotes life.

> Oh, what a great sacrifice!

It absolutely is considering the amount of shortcuts and temptations there are. Some days it's easier to be shortsighted because heaven seems far, when in reality the scythe is always at our neck.


Nice Carlin-tier boomer post, dude.

>> No.15451500
File: 118 KB, 674x374, babyloniancosmologybiblke9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There is no abyss in Christianity, see the attached diagram, the area outside the Earth is supposed to be the Kingdom of God.

>> No.15451517

Christcuckolds love the concept of hell because it rationalizes their hatred of their enemies with a moralistic disguise
This is also why they believe that punishment is inherently moral and not in a consequentialist sense>>15451494

>> No.15451519

>There is no abyss in Christianity, see the attached diagram
lmfao reread your gay little diagram you dumbass

>> No.15451544

It's an abyss in that it's space, but it's not infinite or godless in the way an atheist would think of outer-space, it's literally part of god's plan, he has to put his hands in there every-time he opens the floodgates, as attested in the story of Noah's Ark. It was a amusingly bad choice of words though, you're not wrong about that.