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/lit/ - Literature

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15443051 No.15443051 [Reply] [Original]

I want to thank anons on here from the bottom of my heart. Im 6 months clean of coke and whores, 3 months clean of benzos and booze. 45 days clean of cigs.

I can finally walk and breathe again. Thats making it for me. Not money, not whores, not girlfrieds, not affection, not attention, just being able to follow my breath and walk anywhere i want without thinking im going to have an heart attack.

Mindfulness meditation, zen buddhism, greeks, romans, even schopenhauer unironically saved my life. Everything you guys recommended to me. Inb4 nice blog faggot, if any anon is going through hell right now, look where i was and i made it out of it. Do not give up. Especially eastern philosophy and the stoics will help you out of it. Thats all i wanted to say.

>> No.15443062


Naisu, anon. Sincerely glad to hear it.

>> No.15443077
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Cool that you found your method :D

>> No.15443081

Based and hopefulpilled.
Care to list, say, the ten or twenty books that most helped you? How did you engage with them, did you read and take inspiration from them, or did you also follow practical exercises from them?

>> No.15443090

Great job OP. I'd say you're more /lit/ than the vast majority of folks here

>> No.15443107


>> No.15443220
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I'm coming down from using heroin everyday and I'd call this going through hell. I really don't want to go back after fucking up and getting sick again. anyway I've been reading tolstoy's what is art and the gospel in brief, after someone here recommended the former.

>> No.15443291

Encheiridion by epictet
Full works of seneca
Meditations by aurelius
Full works of thich nhat hanh, especially how siddhartha became buddha and his biography
Way of zen by alan watts
Zen mind beginners mind by suzuki
Walpola rahula, what the buddha thaught
Infinite jest
Power of now by eckhart tolle, its new age but its still a good read
Miyamoto musashi
The coiled serpent
confessions by st augustine
Kants 3 critiques with secondary lit
The two works of schopenhauer

Both actually, most works force you to reflect and think on your life and how you have lived up to this day. What i did is when i read something which blowed my mind, i stopped and went hiking in nature to meditate about it and all this process became automated over time. I needed absolute silence for this and i keep this silence up to this day. You get in some sort of flow where everything starts to make sense and all the pain and desires start to fade day by day. I didnt summarize what i read but i wrote alot of what was going on my mind at that time, lead by inspiration. Like a journal. Practical exercises were given from the eastern philosophy mostly which were great and made up a big % of my day. Its nothing complicated or mystic really. Simple anapanasati is all you need. For the first time in my life i felt absolute freedom, thanks to the silence. No drugs, no girls, no social media, no smartphone. Its just me and my breath. Sorry for my english, i hope you can make something out of it

>> No.15443345

You are going to make it anon. Maybe this list can help you


>> No.15443352

Thanks a lot. I've experienced that silence you describe a few times, especially at night. I'll take to heart your advice about the journal. And I'll read those books.
I'm nowhere near having drug problems but I'm nonetheless at a standstill in my life so this could help.

Anyway congrats for defeating addiction, that's no small deed. I hope you keep treading that path anon.

>> No.15443380

Thank you and good luck to you!

>> No.15443494


>> No.15443681

Good job anon

>> No.15443774

Good to hear fren

>> No.15443825
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Good job anon.

>> No.15443831

>Mindfulness meditation
How to do this

>> No.15443900
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Hey anon. I recommend you start with this one

>> No.15443919

thanks bro

>> No.15443946

Pay attention to something. When your mind wanders, bring it back and take a second to relax. Keep doing this until the attention is very stable (you'll know when), and then pay attention to a feeling of pleasure, either emotional or in the body, until it becomes very intense (you'll know when). When you get this far, read the book Right Concentration.

>> No.15443959

so proud of you, Anon!

>> No.15444308

Thank you anon

>> No.15444387

Good stuff anon.

You could start to look into alternative health and yoga.

Liver cleansing, detoxing and 90 minute bikram sessions can take you from normal to demi god in a short space of time.

Onwards and upwards!

>> No.15444401

Will do anon! Thanks alot

>> No.15444756

Yup thats based

>> No.15444807

wait howd you get rid of the stomach thing? im constantly torn between my desire to drink as heavily as the highest Renaissance men and my desire to not be nauseous every other day

>> No.15444829
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Not based. Opiates, tobacco and stimulants are not as addictive as the natural vice of copulation and masturbation. I abstained for a year. It was harder to root out habitual masturbation than any drug use in my life. Drug addicts are usually brain dead hedonists who find food, fucking and frivolous amusements harmless yet think drugs are bad. The drugs aren't the problem. They are.

>> No.15444835

Stomach issues are 90% caused by mental pain. In my case it was both mental and also ulcers from just throwing up permanently destroying tissue. What helped was obviously my path to become sober and some medication in form of 40mg omeprazol daily for a month

>> No.15444849

thanks anon. i used to be on the omenprazol + psyllium fiber life but stopped out of lack of results. maybe it’s time for me to quit drinking all together.

>> No.15444856

op here. I tend to agree with you that porn and masturbation are just as hard to quit than hard drugs. I quit them all aswell though. Being addicted to being high while fucking or masturbating is not easy to quit anon. What helped was reading the coiled serpent and yourbrainonporn and all other books i listed here


>> No.15444873

You will feel a thousand times better. Good luck to you anon.

>> No.15444875

I revoke the statement and indeed certify you as based, signed - CEO of based.

>> No.15444889

Thats nice anon. Thanks.

>> No.15445093
File: 100 KB, 1200x675, 8217127F-5A55-4E68-93F0-E896F3502BC2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

glad to hear it anon, keep at the good habits

>> No.15445128

Any tips on killing a porn and masturbation habit? I've been going on nearly a year now, with various success and failures

>> No.15445165

I’m reading your brain on porn right now, and it makes a lot of sense as to why i was addicted to porn and masturbation.

I thought me edging for 6 hours, while having 300 tabs of porn open, and not even finishing a single video because i was in search of the perfect one to finish was a problem unique to me, turns out it is not.

The book is exceptional at addressing the addiction problem and explains why you are addicted to something and how it came to that. I highly recommend it. My only gripe is that he keeps going on about the benefits of no porn on having sex, probably doesn’t apply to most people.

>> No.15445179
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Op here. This and the coiled serpent will set you free my man. 100%

>> No.15445287

Damn this thread did me good

>> No.15445325

Anon, I'm really happy for you!
Stay clean, and stay happy. God bless you.

>> No.15445404

Thank you anon! Wish you all the best.

>> No.15445515

Proud of you anon

>> No.15445852


>> No.15445865
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Thank for the reading list, Reddit. Going to make sure I avoid all this junk.

>> No.15445881

>being miserable by choice
You will grow out of it hopefully

>> No.15445911

I just quit heroin (again, though the withdrawals were light, since I didn't work up a considerable habit this time) and am beginning to feel optimistic and physically capable again, so I'm glad that you're feeling well. The early stages of sobriety are nice because: ‘If I were to wish for anything, I should not wish for wealth and power, but for the passionate sense of the potential, for the eye which, ever young and ardent, sees the possible. Pleasure disappoints, possibility never. And what wine is so sparkling, what so fragrant, what so intoxicating, as possibility!’

>> No.15445915
File: 33 KB, 512x509, 8d2443ac6098c59457bb031940d7e842c41dc3ebv2_00.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Everything you read is self-help for female college freshmen. Your taste is vulgar and pathetic. You should try reading actual books next time. I'm surprised Jordan Peterson isn't on your list; that's how plebeian your list is. Honestly, I'm surprised you're here and not on Reddit. You literally check marked all the meme phony pseudo-Eastern self-help books available. Your benchmark for improvement is just quitting drugs you should've never been doing in the first place and saving money on prostitutes. Pathetic. What's your next read, pal? The Four Agreements? The Alchemist? More feel-good LARP for "I'm spiritual, not religious" type faggots?

>> No.15445925


Take it from an opiate addict - there is nothing, and I mean nothing, in the entire world that is as addictive, that you can crave, absolutely need, obsess over, as opiates. Have you ever had a serious opiate habit? I see your point, but I think you'd do better to emphasize the commentary on drug addicts that suggest that opiates are not the king of addictiveness.

>> No.15445933


How long have you been withdrawing for? For me, I could just about bear it during the day, but the nights seemed to go on forever. Just remember that if you can push through to 96 hours (and if you can push through the next hour, the next minute, the next second, etc) you will start to come out of it and you can start to read and focus on things, eat, etc. If you're going through hell, remember that you're already close to the peak. Once things start to get better, focus on how they are getting better, rather than the symptoms that remain.

>> No.15445941

I think benzos are up there anon. Once you hooked its game over for almost anyone.

>> No.15445966

Im happy. I feel bliss right at this moment. I do not care about your standarts or opinion at all anon. There is nothing you can call me to make me upset so i do not understand your intention. Just chill meng

>> No.15445971

You know it’s sort of obvious as to why you have so much enmity towards OP.
I’m going to tell you that it is not that hard to get your life back on track as well.
Start by using the internet less often.

>> No.15445972


>> No.15445980


>> No.15445981
File: 85 KB, 640x481, 164c9fd41ab892e2997d2d318925c2a2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>i do not understand your intention
Of course not. You're not even intelligent enough to see how you got duped literarily speaking. You read trash. You read self-help for women. I genuinely feel bad for you, and I look down on people like you who find cheap comfort in pseudo-spiritual nonsense. Read real books, not feel-good garbage for females with double-digit body counts trying to cope with the abortions they got recently.

>> No.15445990
File: 28 KB, 446x359, 174053dea3e8f2048f958684e513187ddb8e7986r1-446-359v2_uhq.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm trying to bully OP into reading better literature. Shut the fuck up, faggots.

>> No.15445995

>being such an incel that you think women would ever read Seneca, Mishima, Kant, Schopenhauer, or St. Augustine


>> No.15446006
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>> No.15446005


I don’t care if this is some fake and gay bait post for yous; I’m glad to hear someone turning their life around and making something of themselves. Good on you op, fills me with hope.

>> No.15446011
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>Of course not. You're not even intelligent enough to see how you got duped literarily speaking. You read trash. You read self-help for women. I genuinely feel bad for you, and I look down on people like you who find cheap comfort in pseudo-spiritual nonsense. Read real books, not feel-good garbage for females with double-digit body counts trying to cope with the abortions they got recently.

>> No.15446022

So what is wrong with kant, schopy and romans? Are you genuinenly braindead? What do you call better literature?

>> No.15446024
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>Full works of thich nhat hanh, especially how siddhartha became buddha and his biography
>Way of zen by alan watts
>Zen mind beginners mind by suzuki
>Walpola rahula, what the buddha thaught
>Power of now by eckhart tolle, its new age but its still a good read
Do you know how many roastie whores read this trash? It's primarily marketed to them. This is literally a Reddit-tier reading list. I don't know how people are letting him get away with this. This is the reading list of fat woman!

>> No.15446030

You no brained single cell parasite wouldn't understand a single word out of the 3 critiques. Weak bait. Try again.

>> No.15446031

Nice effortposting anon, congratulations on everything

>> No.15446037
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>Especially eastern philosophy and the stoics will help you out of it.
He put emphasis on the gay pseudo-Eastern shit he is reading, and stoicism is literally R*ddit-tier.

>> No.15446043

>bashing op for getting his feet wet with self help eastern shit
>ignoring the rest of his list
10/10 autism

>> No.15446048

Kek, you are trying way to hard. Full blown incel shizo

>> No.15446056


>> No.15446061
File: 31 KB, 472x522, eckhart-tolle--1000x675.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>You no brained single cell parasite wouldn't understand a single word out of the 3 critiques. Weak bait. Try again.
You read gay goblins like Eckhart Tolle, you don't get to gate-keep me, you absolute faggot.

>> No.15446063

Glad that this thread is 99% just full positivity for OP and only 1% fucking retarded.

>> No.15446065

>being this upset because op recommends buddhism and the stoics to an heroine addict
Take your meds you fucking faggot

>> No.15446069

It's just a single shizo who lacks sex and projects his frustation

>> No.15446072

have sex incel

>> No.15446075

Good on you man, stay clean

>> No.15446082

Fuck off retard, le Reddit isn’t an argument, reading light hearted shit is good, you probably have shit taste too

>> No.15446086

Good stuff, anon. Ignore the children itt

>> No.15446087
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Let me help you out, OP. Since you don't seem to get it, or understand where you are (no doubt you gave yourself brain damage with your exorbitant drug addictions). YOU READ FAGGOT SELF-HELP LITERATURE WRITTEN BY HOMOSEXUAL SATANIC GOBLINS WITH THE POSTURE OF GOLLUM. It's that simple.

Here is what you're going to do. You're going to go to the store right now, you're going to buy a big fat bottle of fortified wine, a nice Port wine should be fine, but a Moscatel de Setúbal is better. You're going to get a thick, stocky cigar, something beefy. And you're going to open up that bottle, light that cigar, and read MALLARMÉ. I don't give a fuck if you think it's hard. You're going to read some real literature for once in your life. And you're not going to read it in translation. If you don't know French, start learning it immediately. I don't want to see you trade drug addiction to become the spiritual equivalent of a roastie whore in her freshman year of college whose brain is rot from birth control and SSRIs. Throw away your gay Eastern books. Start weight lifting and reading Verlaine, Huysmans, Céline, etc. It's time to take the next step. Toss out the trash and come with me.

INB4 gay cope.

>> No.15446099
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>muh positivity
Shut up, faggot. You literal women. YOU HAVE TO GO BACK.

>> No.15446106

This guy needs his pills apparently
Imagine throwing a tantrum over somebody’s else book preferences, your butthurt only proves your immaturity and lack of proper reasoning

>> No.15446119

Im not gonna relapse on alcohol any time soon anon. I dont like cigars without alcohol. Dont plan on learning french. I been lifting weights for years, even in my drug haze, and am pretty /fit/ by now. Those eastern philosophy books i read and posted were and are still very rewarding though. Call them reddit all you want meng. Maybe they are not for everyone.

I still took notices for every book you posted. Will look into them. Thanks.

>> No.15446122
File: 88 KB, 686x582, f4d.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm trying to improve board culture. Stop being an apathetic faggot. I'm tired of sharing this space with plebs. The influx of /pol/tards and redditors has literally killed this board. Nobody here reads anymore and the people who do read here read entry-level garbage. It's getting embarrassing. Nu/lit/ is fucking trash. And shut up, you clearly were never here when effort-posting was still a thing or my style of posting wouldn't shock you so much.

>> No.15446140
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>I still took notices for every book you posted. Will look into them. Thanks.
Nice, I hope you enjoy them, anon. Don't let my abrasive style of posting put you off from the writers I mentioned. Sometimes you really have to push some buttons around here to elicit the proper emotional response that can incite one to action. Anyways, I know you'll like those authors. They speak for themselves.

Now, I sleep.

>> No.15446151

Thanks man, have a good rest

>> No.15446154

I’m sorry I really don’t care what your goal is, adults are trying to have discussions here, maybe you should try gatekeeping somewhere else braindead turbofaggot

>> No.15446173

just let the man be happy you raging autist.

>> No.15446178


>> No.15446186
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Its been like 4 days, and yeah nights have been hard, even if I manage to fall asleep I wake right back up, even more uncomfortable. thanks for the encouragement though, living without dope is looking very depressing, and I'm afraid I'll never be creative the way I was before, but I really don't want to get stuck in the same rut I've been in, or go through withdrawal again.

>> No.15446188
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Night, losers.

>> No.15446195

Good night, try to make your points less corrosive next time

>> No.15446361

Happy for you bro

>> No.15446366

Did you break from the tranime as well?

>> No.15446733
