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/lit/ - Literature

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15443619 No.15443619 [Reply] [Original]

Do you think that the "erasure" of Latin and Ancient Greek from the curriculum had a negative effect on the quality of writing produced? Did the knowledge of these two languages make for better writers, or was it a meme all along?

>> No.15443745

Every educated person has to know at least 2 languages and every writer - at least 3. Doesn't really matter which ones.

>> No.15443772

Imagine being educated without knowing the models that Western literature and poetry has learned from and used for the past two thousand years.

>> No.15443815

>you need to learn about the geocentric model before understanding the heliocentric model of the solar system.

It's a nice bit of trivia to be aware of, yes, but hardly essential.

>> No.15443849 [DELETED] 

Abandoning the ideas that were written in Greek and Latin was the worst part. It is not like educated people stopped reading Plato in Greek and Cicero in Latin in order to read them in English. Educated people don't really read either of them. Or at most read one of them in a very superficial way.

>> No.15443982

You can understand Shakesperean and scientific words better since theyre just made from Greek and Latin building blocks

>> No.15444181

Essential for what, my dear bugman?

>> No.15444208
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Slurping that sweet, sweet söy milk, my dear /pol/tard.

>> No.15445403

Just make an etymology course and maintain classical studies.

>> No.15446034
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ITT: People who can't into ancient greek/latin.