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File: 126 KB, 800x1000, 158692016455.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
15443884 No.15443884 [Reply] [Original]

I just read Schopenhauer's "Of Women" and Weininger's "Sex and Character" and got to tell they were pretty enlightening to say the least.
Is there another kino one like those that is worth of being also read?

>> No.15443893

Stop using the word kino you retarded mutt

>> No.15443899

you and schopenhauer are both unwanted and insecure. you should understand that you are vindictive, catty, and weak

>> No.15443907

>you and schopenhauer are both unwanted and insecure.
>you should understand that you are vindictive, catty, and weak
So reading schopenhauer makes you that?

>> No.15443912

Try reading the letters Shopenhauer's mother sent to him

>> No.15443916

Kino shitpost.

>> No.15443950

Dummer Hurensohn, ein Reddit benutzender Nigger ohne jede hervorstechende Qualitäten, bring dich selbst um.

>> No.15443961

You mean those whinny tweet-like menopausal spooks-full little rants from that thin skinned old lady that's only remembered from giving birth to him and no other thing.

>> No.15443973

Ridiculum filius canis, infrahumanae ex Africa sine excellens meritis, ipsum occidit.

>> No.15443995

Fürchte mich Lateiner, Rom wird wieder brennen.

>> No.15443996

t. Schwarz-e-negger

>> No.15444007

Bettr tell us how to write TEEN EGDELORD in kraut.

>> No.15444017

Sounds like she hit a nerve

>> No.15444018

Both words dont have any real translations in german, teen is actually called teenager here too. Schwanzfressenbastardneger.

>> No.15444022

Daily reminder that reading fiction is a very estrogenic thing to do.

>> No.15444074

>Both words dont have any real translations in german,
It's funny, because you keep being absolutely ass-blasted by words that don't even exist in your language.
You're such a kino angsty edgelord teenager, the kind that gets called a lolcow at images boards like this one, and I applaud you for providing us enjoyment with your seething as a major pseud larper.

>> No.15444114

Kino is actually just the german word for cinema anon :D

>> No.15444137
File: 106 KB, 830x974, (You_kraut_kid).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is the kind of guy that pisses his pants just by thinking of a negro when going out. His Jungian shadow writes all that racist shit at intarwebs out of repression because mommy Merkel said it was a bad thing, and babby's first racist slur feels good to spite on mommy and assert individuality.

>> No.15444143

Kino clarification mein fren.

>> No.15444145

Anon you should become an psychologist :D

>> No.15444153

You need to be over 18 to post here

>> No.15444162
File: 31 KB, 601x508, wo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That emoji is literally PIC RELATED
Who the fuck posts shit like :D keke
Ass-blasted kraut 11/10.
Will ass-blast again.

>> No.15444169

And old people like you fail for the most obvious bait.

>> No.15444186

>an psychologist
So at least you're not a grammar nazi, retard, just a regular nazi with bad grammar.

>> No.15444205

I'm not a agry mensch at all!
See? I write an happy emoji :D
You an psychologist :D


>> No.15444214

You forgot to write "nigger" in a dumb kraut elaborate way.

>> No.15444227

You guys sem mad :D

>> No.15444235

Anon you should become an psychologist :D

>> No.15444243

I like this guy, he's so kino for a mutt larping as a white supremacist kraut out of self-hate.

>> No.15444249


>> No.15444263

See guys?
He's not anti SEM-itic at all.

>> No.15444284

Dreckiger Nachahmer.
Ich mag keine Juden :(

>> No.15444285

>mommy Merkel
Are there other nation as emasculated as modern Germany?

>> No.15444298

Sweden, France, UK and some other Euro countries.

>> No.15444311

>Dreckiger Nachahmer.
U sem an mad :D

>Ich mag keine Juden :(
It's your jewish self-hate, the same way Hitler's grandpa was a Jew and that made Hitler into a self-hating partial jew person.
Weininger had it too, actually all jews have it in some proportion.

>> No.15444331

How would you rate them, Anon?
I would say the ordering you used is the best, the most emasculated goes like: Germany > Sweden > France > UK > Rest of Yuropoor.

>> No.15444335

Theyre all fucked, fucked is fucked. Why make a difference between shit and poop ?

>> No.15444341

So you would not care if you would have the option between dysentery, diarrhea or a regular poop.
Fucking passive enabler.

>> No.15444345

Id rather have none of them. Quite the opposite, it all has to burn. Also we forgot Belgium and the Netherlands which are supremely cucked.

>> No.15444360

Anon you should become an psychologist :D

>> No.15444372

Sounds like the "You hate spiders, so you must secretly love spiders" meme.
The projection layers in this reaches infinite levels of autism, what if the person writing the "hit a nerve" response is a whinny old lady with an annoying yet brilliant son?

>> No.15444379

Anon you should become an psychologist :D
and so on and so on...

>> No.15444397

:D mein schwarz

>> No.15444451

Warum seit ihr alle so wütend auf mich :(