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15443960 No.15443960 [Reply] [Original]

Other than Book of the New Sun, what is some other stuff by Gene Wolfe that you have read?

I read The Fifth Head of Cerberus, and enjoyed it a lot despite not really being able to figure out what was going on. Thinking of reading Peace at some point, along with The Wizard Knight. I should probably also get to the Latro series.

>> No.15444025
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It really is all good.

I just finished the Fifth Head of Cerberus novella trilogy and liked it a lot. It wasn't what I expected, which is a reoccurring thing with Wolfe. Lots to ponder. Every facet seems to reflect every other. It's as if you have to read the stories through the stories if you take my meaning.

>> No.15444055

Read the whole Solar Cycle, Wizard/Knight, Soldier series (dropped mid Soldier of Sidon), 5th head of cerberus and a few short stories.
I"ll probably read more of his short stories.

>> No.15444485

I've only read 5th Head of Cerberus. I enjoyed the first and third part but the whole second part feels like a fever dream. I had no idea what was going on.

>> No.15444667

Wizard Knight. Enjoyable but also a struggle

>> No.15444842
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another Wizard Knight recommendation here. As much as I love BotNS it scratches an itch I never knew I had

>> No.15444878

Peace and Latro

>> No.15445263

Recently been reading his short stories,really REALLY liked his essay The Best Introduction to the Mountains.
Unfortunately the only place I could find it online is at some guy's website where it has an "introduction" in which the guy makes an homage to "giantess" Ursula LeGuin, virtue signalling to his readers that he prefers a woman author's essay on the same subject to Wolfe's. IMO LeGuin, while good before she got all shrill and chiding in her fictionly didactic in her old age ( for exampleThe Earthsea Trilogy is really good, but its sequel, Tehanu, is simply awful), is not nearly in Wolfe's league. But the essay is very politically incorrect so I suspect that this guy was protecting himself from criticism with his virtue signalling. Whatever, here is a link:

>> No.15445275

The Death of Doctor Island is the only good thing the old hack every wrote.
(do not confuse with other similarly-titled short stories)

>> No.15445286

I quite enjoyed 'Soldier of the Mist', though I didn't read any of the sequels.

>> No.15445381

Thanks and yes that guy is obviously is a bit of a twat judging from his website logo

>> No.15445418

>LeGuin (...) is not nearly in Wolfe's league
At least read her essay ("The Staring Eye"), which is where that blogger's drawing the comparison, before you make it a gender / virtue signalling issue, you absolute retard.

>> No.15445540

John C. Wright is a catholic writer and one of his favorite authors is Wolfe

>> No.15445548


This little bit still throws me off:

>This essay was offered by Mr Wolfe to the anthology “Meditations on Middle-Earth”, edited by Karen Haber, but was rejected.

>> No.15445556

>It is said with some truth that there is no progress without loss; and it is always said, by those who wish to destroy good things, that progress requires it. No great insight or experience of the world is necessary to see that such people really care nothing for progress. They wish to destroy for their profit, and they, being clever, try to persuade us that progress and change are synonymous.
Damn, that essay was kind of based.

>> No.15445591
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I’d say the issue is with her and not Wolfe

>> No.15445736


>> No.15445918

She made it as much a good while back you illiterate ape. At least read the whole post before immediately sperging out about your queen.

>> No.15445984

What the fuck are you talking about?
Author of the blog post says his personal best ESSAY on Tolkien is by Le Guin. His second is Wolfe.
This retard >>15445263 goes on to talk about virtue signalling and Le Guin not being so good as a WRITER (citing one of her BOOKS as an example), and not in Wolfe's league, again, as a WRITER (context given by her trajectory and the mention of 2 of her books).
That shithead wasn't even comparing the essays, or both writers as essayists. He was making a general observation of their quality.

I suggested he measured their essays, which is exactly what the blogger did and what he said. He never even said Le Guin was a better writer.

Do you want me to draw some diagrams to help guide your shitty reading comprehension, you silly faggot?

>> No.15446118

The Sorceror's House. Was not expecting the American convict protagonist to get a fox girl waifu who calls him Bax-san. The part were the sexy werewolf girl bluntly tries to seduce him by flashing him during a fight also felt very anime.

>> No.15446136

As is stated in the title, it's a story written by John V. Marsch, which means that it's a a story written by VRT, who took Marsch's identity after he died.

>> No.15446365

well that's convincing. I know what to read after I finish Master and Commander, Latro later as well

>> No.15447158

>I should probably also get to the Latro series
Indeed you should. It would be top of my list.

>> No.15447463

The land across is low key amazing

>> No.15448778

Wright is a pretentious buffoon, the kind of person who converts to just because being an atheist isn't earning them contrarian points anymore.
Fuck Ellison for interrupting Wolfe here just so he could repeat the same things he said in every other interview. That guy had a real ego problem.

>> No.15450018

The Wizard Knight. It was great, but I probably should reread it. I definitely missed quite a bit.
Wright is an interesting writer, even if not on par with Wolfe or LeGuin (at least her earlier work, but I haven't read her later material). He's definitely not concerned with political correctness. Golden Age was pretty solid and Count to a Trillion series has its moments, even if he feels a bit one-note.

>> No.15450320
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Daily reminder that we're all pseuds and Gene Wolfe is a genius who hates us.

>> No.15451070

BotNS is way more simple than most people make it out to be. Behind all the "puzzle box" elements is a pretty straightforward story about redemption that you can pick up on from a first reading without having to worry about all the metanarrative stuff. Wolfe likes to play tricks, but he's never subtle about the main themes of the book. Someone who treats BotNS like just another fantasy story and someone who comes up with obsessive fan theories are both going to come away from the book with the same message.
I don't know how anyone could read the book and honestly say it's "devoid of any higher truth or spirit." This guy sounds like another bootyblasted /sffg/ queer who has to convince himself to dislike anything the rest of /lit/ likes.

>> No.15451129

I love Wolfe's work but this guy's response was too good to not save.

>> No.15451965

Does Soldier in the Mist have a self contained ending, so that I can read it by itself? Or do I have to read the other 2 books?

>> No.15452427

The last post looks like some Anno copypasta.
I think so, yeah.

>> No.15453884

lol filtered