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15440864 No.15440864 [Reply] [Original]

Why is he so smug?

>> No.15440952

You get to be smug when you're correct.

>> No.15440960

hes an arab who doesn't live in the middle east, why wouldn't he be happy?

>> No.15440966

He didnt cut his face while shaving.

>> No.15441568

He is posturing
Look at the crippling insecurity in his eyes

>> No.15441592

because he has high IQ

>> No.15441631

That tends to happen when you’re right about everything

>> No.15441951

he spent his life watching unethical people who hold power make terrible decisions over and over, and he realized that liberal politeness was only enabling the idiocy

>> No.15442355

He's Levantine you dog, descendant of the true Greeks, not some Arab. Fuck you. This is not Taleb.

>> No.15442377

because he is a pseud
in your heart you know it's true

>> No.15442388

To quote a wise anon "Taleb is an unsufferable Arab but he's kind of right about everything."
Every word in this sentence is important.

>> No.15442399

>He's Levantine you dog, descendant of the true Greeks, not some Arab. Fuck you. This is not Taleb.
your petty racial distinctions are pathetic, you cling to them to avoid confronting reality

>> No.15442448

more pseud = more arrogance

>> No.15442475

everyone on this board who calls him a pseud always gives shit evidence to support their claims or none at all

>> No.15442497

Because he is both very smart and very rich, I would be smug as well.

>> No.15442509
File: 78 KB, 601x740, 1_dvvBFludHXwlKf1vs-BhtQ.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Monsanto shills. Fuck off, imbeciles.
Based fellow Talebians

>> No.15442561

I like his skit about saying the "nigger" word.

>> No.15442594

Because he knows he's secured his place in the Arabic philosophical canon.

>> No.15442601

he's as smart as Ben Shapiro, Jordan Peterson and even Joe Rogan and all uneducated pseuds who talk and sound like knowledgeable men but once they face real knowledgeable men in a fair debate they fall apart and become the cringy children they are.

Also rich? almost all stock traders are millionaires, even the failed ones. If your career started as a trader in America 1980 and lasted during the longest and easiest time to become a millionaire literally doing virtually nothing then a monkey is a smarter than you. If you put a 1 million dollars in the retarded Dow Jones and went for a 40 year coma you will be worth 35 million dollars now, even with all recessions and coronavirus and 9/11 and shit

>> No.15442831

>he's as smart as Ben Shapiro, Jordan Peterson and even Joe Rogan and all uneducated pseuds who talk and sound like knowledgeable men but once they face real knowledgeable men in a fair debate they fall apart and become the cringy children they are.
Taleb is the smartest person alive. This is indisputable, and you would know this if you follow him on Twitter and read Incerto.

>> No.15442867


>almost all stock traders are millionaires, even the failed ones. If your career started as a trader in America 1980 and lasted during the longest and easiest time to become a millionaire literally doing virtually nothing then a monkey is a smarter than you. If you put a 1 million dollars in the retarded Dow Jones and went for a 40 year coma you will be worth 35 million dollars now, even with all recessions and coronavirus and 9/11 and shit

you have no clue what you're talking about

>> No.15442874

very compelling and succinct argument, anon.

>> No.15442902


there isn't anything to argue, you fool. no more than 20% of professional daytraders make money, the rest lose money. careers in that game are short. it would be a waste of time explaining anything else to you

>> No.15442943

>there isn't anything to argue, you fool. no more than 20% of professional daytraders make money, the rest lose money

sounds like a real pseud, traders usually don't lose their own money you retard. Even the biggest hedge funds have been underperforming the sleepy S&P in the last decade yet all their hedge fund managers are in the 100M+ net worth area. trading is easy if you start from a good starting point (tens of millions today or hundreds of millions for small hedge funds), even doing nothing will get you far.

>> No.15442970


>you can lose other people's money consistently and still win
>you can consistently do nothing with the money that you've been given and generate no return, and still have a job
>conflating the actual hedge fund manager with the actual rank and file traders, or even the algorithms that do a good amount of work now

yeah, this is pointless. i'm no taleb cheerleader, but you're some kind of dumb commie

>> No.15442982

taleb, it's over..

>> No.15443026


>writes up a terribly written and vaguely written piece defending psychology and psychology
>god emperor peterson is still licking his wounds from his benzo addiction
>indirectly prove him right that IQ is primarily a measure of obedience and finding patterns where they don't actually exist, not intelligence or virtue
>ignores of the academic charlatans that are deliberately lying to you right now, especially in the wake of coronavirus

why even post this shit man

>> No.15443033


and vaguely racist*

>> No.15443054

even the most successful hedge fund managers admit that almost half of their trades are losing ones. Most money are made during crisis when plebs and conservative institutions are getting out at any cost. They aren't geniuses and finance isn't engineering or physics, they just have the means to buy underpriced assets during big shifts like 2008 or even what just happened in the last 2 months. Even in normal times they usually can't just match the indeces performance.

If all people were as lazy, greedy and arrogant as traders we would have been still screaming monkeys inside caves in 2020. But fortunately some of us had to do actually a real job to advance the world and not make money and then make fun of everyone else on Twitter for the rest of their lives like Taleb.

>> No.15443092

No, they're pretty explicit about it.

>> No.15443172
File: 539 KB, 1787x1000, RomanDrawing3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He's a son of Rome.

>> No.15443577

LOL. Taleb has already spoken out against open borders. Curt Doolittle is a moron.