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15440712 No.15440712 [Reply] [Original]

I never considered myself a nervous or anxious person but after "treatment" with anti-depression medications I had been prescribed (9 months) triggered my first panic attack.
Now I struggle with panic disorder and try to cope with it using non-medication methods like meditation.
Could you recommend me books on how to improve my ability to control my thoughts much more efficient?
I don't like these self-help style so I am looking for classic authors who can say anything on controlling your thoughts.

>> No.15440788

If you want classics then it's the stoics. Not sure if they help with panic attacks. Check out the Meditations by Marcus Aurelius, Seneca's Letters from a Stoic and the Discourses of Epictetus

>> No.15440821
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Yea that was the first that comes to mind.
I am somewhat have been interested in stoic philosophy not long time ago and considered to revisit it right now(because of the situation)
Thanks anyway.

>> No.15440870

If everything else fails then pick up the Bible OP. One may not like it but religion obliterates any self help advice.

>> No.15440926
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Honestly I tried to believe in God when I was sixteen I was reading a lot of Dostoyevsky (still love him a lot).
But I doubted that I really believed in God because of striving to be a better person and not for personal benefits. I felt myself terrible like I am hypocrite. I abandoned it and decided that this thing just not for me.

>> No.15441003

For some reason this reminds me of a story.
I forgot their name but there was a metal band that wanted to know how to blaspheme correctly and they started reading catholic theology. In the end they liked what they read so much that they became a catholic band.
But I feel you OP, I have a similar standing with christianity, I know I wouldn't be a good christian so I don't want to larp.
Hope you will overcome your struggles, with or without religion.

>> No.15441043

Go to Russia and let someone put you in a coma.

>> No.15441147
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Thank you! I think I've seen this story too.
I am in Russia already, heh.
Speaking of untraditional treatments I am recently had my first seizure (hopefully last I did lots of tests and everything says it was one time thing and I don't have epilepsy) too and for my
surprise I actually feel better. I did some research and found that there is event treatment where using electroshock they simulate a seizure in order to ease mental illness.
This is the thing that Wallace tried(unfortunately didn't help for him).

>> No.15441234
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I've struggled with these problems too in the past and having a lot of friends,fucking attractive girls and developing physical and tradeable skills helped a lot.
Also i recommend you martial arts (in my case jiujitsu).
If you're interested in meditation i'm assuming you would like to try yoga too, in that case check Kriya Yoga and Raja Yoga. Good luck OP :)

>> No.15441286

was depressed and then panic prone, I became indifferent, nihilistic, it helped short term but I became disgusted by indifference (not myself lol learned that lesson) and started building moral principles for myself. It's the path I took to become calm and content and I suspect it's different for different people. took 4 years to heal mentally. remember it's moral to be kind and gentle with yourself in your mind, punishment for a transgression isn't good, only not transgressing again is good. you can punish infinitely a sinner and they will keep sinning and your punishment amounted to only more evil, show the light instead. there's a reason threat and bribe works and torture don't.

i also have an imaginary friend carrying around the severed head of another imaginary friend-pretender in a burlap sack dripping with blood. he punches it if it speaks

some things last a long time

>> No.15441367

I'd say 50% of the reason why people get depressed now is because they don't acknowledge their own fucking feelings. Stoicism is just a trend, there's a reason no great civilization was built off its principles. Its ok to feel sad, only the shrinks trying to sell pills would say otherwise.

>> No.15441572


i suffered through this for years... walking helped me a lot.. keep ur mind occupied and try not to let your mind spiral w/ thoughts of impending doom.. trust me i suffered greatly for years.. there was no discernable trigger for mine, they just occurred out of the blue.. really exercise helped me 100%.. have not had any issues for a long time.. i would stay away from meds too as the few i tried are just terrible