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15435679 No.15435679 [Reply] [Original]

The more I think about it, the more it seems like all philosophy is cope for the truth that natural law is tooth and claw, and ultimately might makes right – and this is to be understood descriptively. Ethical nihilism is the only rational position. Normalfags feel that something like raping a child is objectively wrong (or good) otherwise it starts making them feel funny, thus they begin elaborately coping.

Books confirming this or refuting me? Christcucks need not apply

>> No.15435685

philosophy is for people who don't have lives and just think about things in their heads

>> No.15435686
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Did you think of this while you were in the shower, or did you think of it while you were smoking weed?

>> No.15435691

>philosophy is cope
it literally is a coping mechanism today because how shit the world is.

>> No.15435692

I thought about it while reading lots of coping here and from normalfags throughout time. Thrasymachus was never refuted

>> No.15435700

The world has been a lot worse than it is now lol

>> No.15435716

>record suicide rates, depression drug abuse, bad relations between genders, wagecucking, impending environmental disaster
Maybe if you judge from the perspective of temporary material abundance in some parts of the world alone.

>> No.15435741

You have no idea what philosophy is.

>> No.15435742

why adopt your own way of thinking when you can just adopt the medias narrative for extra good boy points

>> No.15435749
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>You have no idea what philosophy is.

>> No.15435750

>>record suicide rates
When boredom is our greatest problem, things aren't that bad
>depression drug abuse
always existed
>bad relations between genders
ok incel
Remember when children used to wagecuck for pennies just to survive?
>impending environmental disaster
We're already figuring out better more efficient ways to live, if people went vegan that would be enough

>> No.15435760

/pol/cuck blackpilled narrative isn't that much better, it would be better to look inwards and see yourself as the problem which is the case 99% of the time

>> No.15435768

>you’re the problem, not society!

>> No.15435770

cope > cop

>> No.15435778

Are you a troll or are you retarded?

>> No.15435780

Society was never perfect, but you have an abundance of opportunities to carve out a place for yourself. If you can't adapt to society, you're by definition a loser faggot

>> No.15435785
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I’m correct.

>> No.15435790

Is all science a cope? Is all human activity a cope? Define something vaguely enough and you can generate millions of vague questions with vague answers.

>> No.15435804

I will entertain you.
In your opinion, what is the good? What will give you a good life?

>> No.15435805

Posting pics of nude men is definitely a cope.

>> No.15435816

>what is the good? What will give you a good life?
Doing what I view to be in my self-interest is always good.
>Is all science a cope?
>Is all human activity a cope?

>> No.15435820

Nearly all ethics has basically assumed what you think is a unique invention of yours. Remember, the stoics never said, "x is objectively wrong" but "x will make you less happy and fulfilled than not x." They then came to the conclusion that raping a child, for instance, causes more long-term unhappiness than working with a charity.
Read Seneca.

>> No.15435831

>Doing what I view to be in my self-interest is always good.
If someone viewed that it is in his self-interest to eat shit or smoke crack, would that be good for him?

>> No.15435832

>Remember, the stoics never said, "x is objectively wrong" but "x will make you less happy and fulfilled than not x."
So am I cucked into an Abrahamic way of looking at ethics without even realizing it? I’ll pick the book up, thanks for the recc.

>> No.15435842

You contradicted yourself. How can philosophy but not science be a cope? They are the same activity.

>> No.15435848


You are a cuck for simply uttering the phrase 'might makes right'.

>> No.15435849

Keyword is MY — MY self-interest

>> No.15435858

what has more value in society?
>a woman who sells her nudes to horny brainwashed men online
>a man who spent his entire adolescence in pursuit of knowledge in greatness

If you pick the latter then you are, by definition, blackpilled because media chooses the sexworker who is empowering women.

>> No.15435860

>You are a cuck for simply uttering the phrase 'might makes right'.
It’s true though, regardless of one’s opinion on the matter.

>> No.15435861

(BEEP) Keyword is retarded. Retarded was the right answer.

>> No.15435862

But what guarantees that you know what is in your self-interest? That all your decisions will lead to your good?

>> No.15435868

The self is a spook, sweaty.

>> No.15435869


>> No.15435873

Some good ones are "On the Shortness of Life" and "Letters from a Stoic."
Here are online pdfs if you're into that type of thing:
On the Shortness of Life:
Letters from a Stoic:

>> No.15435896

It can go either way. Generally speaking you know what you need if you are thinking rationally and consider possible consequences.

>> No.15435930

Thinking rationally about what is good for yourself is not that easy, isn't it? Charlie Sheen rationally thought that living like a rockstar would lead to his own good. The women who were inspired by Sex and the City and who now regret it also thought rationally that their lifestyle would lead to a good life, and that was also not what happened to them.

So, wouldn't you say that you need to think a lot about what will give you a good life? That it is not easy to say what will be for your own good and what will not be for your own good?

>> No.15435983

Alright anon if might makes right then neither is it "objectively" wrong for someone to use their power to prevent you from raping a child. The problem I have with a lot of the normy Nihilists I see around here is the idea that nihilism=being edgy, raping people, etc. and the more edgier it is the more nihilister it is. It just feels like angsty immature misanthropy. Like if you really grappled with the full consequences of a nihilistic position, that is the denial of the possibility of any kind of moral knowledge, you would realize that neither is it possible to construct an objective argument against someone preventing you from raping a child. Not of even a nihilist btw just tired of hearing all of the supposedly "profound" thoughts from people who've clearly not even gone to the bare minimum effort of skimming Wikipedia.

>> No.15436012

It isn't at all. For instance, do you think that the 'good' participants of a conflict always win?

Good always wins the war, but you have to understand evil will win battles. These are principles of life, not subject to some subjective moral bullshit.

>> No.15436092

>the truth that natural law is tooth and claw, and ultimately might makes right
That's a philosophy.
Does that mean this too is also a cope?

>> No.15436147

The problem with that philosophy is that society generally requires a cohesive narrative to flow. If everyone were fighting there would be little to no space for technological advancement.

>> No.15436175


What philosophers support this view that ARENT AYN RAND

>> No.15436407
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>"The purpose of philosophy is to orient ourselves toward the divine."
Source: my dream. Philosophy for any other purpose is fruitless wanking.

>> No.15436428

I can make the same argument and call what you just wrote coping and shit
no one ever knows who is coping or not

>> No.15437096

Read Plato republic the part with thrasymachus

>> No.15437153
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Nihilism derives from Latin nihil meaning nothing. When you say ethical nihilism you are saying that ethics are nothing, not that might makes right. You can't call might "right" and be a coherent ethical nihilist. In a framework of ethical nihilism might is as indifferent as weakness, you only call might "right" because you're a brain-dead Sophist.

Now fuck off back to retard land.

>> No.15437182


This is simultaneously and obviously both historically and philosophically false. Do you think before you write?