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File: 705 KB, 887x358, noam.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
15431157 No.15431157 [Reply] [Original]

The most quoted living author and most prolific academic who gave up studying fields at interested him to debunk US foreign policy. In the end his actual reach was little to nothing and now he accepts interviews from anyone that end up not even breaking 1k views. Kind of sad.

>> No.15431202

What a fraud. The reason he became popular was his "universal language" theory which was always colossally retarded but it was used by materialists to fill in a blank spot in their doctrine. Then he used his popularity to shift into social commentary and ended up getting anally penetrated by Foucault on stage

>> No.15431248

>mmmmmmm votebide mmmmm gurgle fart mmmmmmmm

>> No.15431317

Universal grammar. But, otherwise, yup.

>> No.15431331

His analysis of US foreign policy in the Cold War years had a big influence on me when I was younger, but seeing how he flounders on the issue now gives up the game he was playing the whole time.

>> No.15431335

Universal... Grammar?
[Laughs in Duolingo]

>> No.15431352

google syntactic structures, probably don't need to read it, but it's influential in machine learning and coding...according to some of my peers

>> No.15431394
File: 142 KB, 600x733, 342844181.0.x__01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

he's always done small interviews (eg all of pic related.)

also, 0/10.

>says there's no such thing as matter

>> No.15431446

Noam Chomsky is an important linguist and it's stupid to pretend that he isn't. Nonetheless, he's still just some boring analytic-cum-anarchist, I don't have much time for that sort of thing, whatever good work he's done will be forgotten because of his own pop-culture (politics) writing.

>> No.15431974

it's okay to admit your studies are based on a bunk academic. it happens to the best of us

>> No.15432281

>The most quoted living author and most prolific academic
The most fool proof argument to contemn the man that could possibly be given. Now that chumpsky has been weighed and measured so; I can return my verdict— he means nothing.

>> No.15432327

>now he accepts interviews from anyone
He has always done that, retard.

>> No.15432344

>implying commoners care about academics
They would much rather listen to charismatic demagogues.

>> No.15432440

You mean a hack whose completely unsupported linguistic theory got debunked by evidence so he latched onto his new shtick of criticising the government in the extremely leftish academia environment.

>> No.15432448

>books and learnin' is fer faggits
Good one, Cletus.

>> No.15432453

*He's was a popular linguist. Like Lamarckism was a popular biologist. His word was vague and basically unsupported, and how popular it was is an embarrassment to the whole field. Linguistics has been trying to distance itself from him every since.

>> No.15432596

itt: nobody who knows a thing about linguistics or Chomsky

>> No.15432766

It's okay to admit you just skimmed through his wikipedia page and argue against him to get cool boy points on the internet. It happens mostly to the most retarded of us.

>> No.15432779

The man is a walking corpse and has sold out to Big Liberalism at this point - why would anyone care what he has to say?

Chomsky should be grateful that more aren't openly disavowing his earlier works for his unconditional support of the DNC

>> No.15432794
File: 75 KB, 584x666, 1590071587208.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>just do nothing and become a chemical engineer bro
>look how much my life has amounted to, under my management the product gdp statistic leverage increased by 0.001%!

>> No.15432837
File: 47 KB, 482x493, C9FC9783-421E-4741-A1C0-20C61600141C.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

he looks rough

>> No.15432840

Chomsky is a hack who constantly gaslights his ideological opponents just so he’s doesn’t have to confront their arguments in any intellectually honest way. There’s a certain pointlessness to Chomsky that may be endearing, but taking him seriously past 19 once you should’ve overcome your edgy anarchist phase is pathetic.

>> No.15432848

Or you could understand that at 91 he's not nearly as sharp and informed as he once was.

>> No.15433113

fuck all you niggers chomsky is based

>> No.15433784

Jews by definition cannot be based

>> No.15433831

The saddest thing about chomsky is that he is a liberal, an anarchist. Have you heard how he tries to debunk lenin?

No one should should see him beyond his great influence on linguistics and as a mediocre stepping stone for priveleged whites barely able to understand the world

>> No.15434046

tankie bullshit isn't welcomed on this board

>> No.15434133

Fuck off lib

>> No.15434158

Bro... Freud was Jewish.

>> No.15434178

Imagine a 6'4 black guy walks up to him and gives old Chom a heart attack. Something like this: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sa7WzP4qKmo

>> No.15434198

>now he accepts interviews from anyone that end up not even breaking 1k views. Kind of sad.
Oh wow how terrible that he talks to people who want to talk to him instead of going on Ellen, wow what a tragedy