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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/lit/ - Literature

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15426262 No.15426262[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

This is not a good board. I am leaving. You should too.

>> No.15426266

So Long And Thanks For All The Pic

>> No.15426302

Yes, I'm probably getting back to college or something. The internet is too repetitive. Uni wasn't that fun, but it wasn't that boring.

>> No.15426350

please dont leave

>> No.15426357

See you tomorrow fag

>> No.15426374

But there is no other place to talk about literature online. 95% of the anons here are shit retards, but the other 5% are kind of cool and helpful.

>> No.15426382
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Yes. The disparity between the actual source material and what the underage dilettantes/undergrads spew on here has grown to be staggering. It's anti-knowledge at this point.
Effort-posting is dead and the few insightful anons that used to hang around here seem to have vanished. Although those last few Dugin threads were pretty good.

>> No.15426735

I can't summon up the will to effortpost anymore. I'm just a zombie now, mooching about for (You)s and an empty feeling of belonging. Once this lockdown ends, I'm going to start trying to be social again, no matter how awkward I feel; aimlessly traipsing around the internet is getting dull.

>> No.15426745

I enjoy trolling psueds too much to leave. I’ve tried.

>> No.15426747

>once the lockdown ends

>> No.15426750

This is a wonderful board. No joke.

>> No.15426766

You know, people used to use instant messenger and IRC chat... and other stuff...

This anonymous imageboard format is so frustrating. It's close to perfect, but there's just something in it always bends it towards self-destruction.

>> No.15426783

not that i don't agree, but if this isn't a good board, what is the rest of 4chan?

>> No.15426802

>Although those last few Dugin threads were pretty good.
Yeah, you're just as inept as the people you're criticizing.
Why not help to bring back board culture, the only reason the board was ever good was because of a handful (less than 20?) good posters, you could be the next generation and liven this place up, might seem like a waste of time, /lit/ seems dead, but I'll always feel indebted to some anons who helped guide me way back when and sometimes I try to do the same for others.

>> No.15426865

this is the only place on the internet I can spend an hour on without feeling like I'm wasting my time and interacting with imbeciles

>> No.15426878

ive always wanted to do this ive been a semiregular lurker since like 2015 but it always felt faggy to put actual effort into an image board

>> No.15426879

I’m only here for /sffg/

>> No.15426907
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Honestly 50% of effort posting is just including actual images. /lit/'s decline is pretty much concomitant with the lack of image posting. For example if you went back a couple years ago probably like half the posts had images, some of which were OC, nowadays it's like 10% or less. I think that's a big reason the board is going RIP, not only do people not put any effort, but they don't even seem to know where they are (an image board), since they're newfags

At the very least anons should be posting girls, even ugly ones, any images count and it make threads way funner especially with OC

>> No.15426924
File: 16 KB, 739x415, 526AE75E-F2DC-4443-A0EB-2CA3E77763FA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

post hoes, got it

>> No.15426936
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Anime hoes are best hoes :)

>> No.15427106

What is the alternative?

>> No.15427181
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Something even better that we must build. Fuc luddites. They are throwing away gold to eat dirt.

Do you understand what this place is? You can spend 12 hours here in a blink of an eye, and be entertained the entire time. You are having socially pleasing experiences where you can be yourself. It has just a few problems, but if this experience were solved and enriched just a bit, it would be bliss. It would be utopia.

The solution is not "out there," it is in here. This is the time and place. This is where you belong. This is the place to be.

>> No.15427214

If Neuralink ever takes off it will be like a 4chan, but 7 billion strong, and all of them in your head.

>> No.15427230
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>The solution is not "out there," it is in here. This is the time and place. This is where you belong. This is the place to be.

>> No.15427274
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this is a good post

>> No.15427414

whats the best board on 4chan? I lurk /g, /mu

>> No.15427473
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/lit is love, /lit is life, once you leave you can never come back whole. Outside world is treacherous, infested with feral blue haired beasts, they seek you of pure mind and body and they will do to you what they done to themselves, they will spread their disease and you will never be man again.

>> No.15427575

/mu is shit now

>> No.15427827

>This is not a good board
Yeah. There should be a rule against posting
>one liners
It would force the retards to give a little more effort, but they would find ways to circumvent it (eg. posting pastas). If the will is not there there's nothing rules can do.

>> No.15427914

4chan is shit and makes me depressed, but where else do I go to talk about books. I have this passion for something and no one to talk about it with

>> No.15427924


Yes, it has everything to be great, yet it is lame. Probably going to check out reddit /r/books or something.

>> No.15427927

>Once this lockdown ends
It will only get worse from now, it's only just started.
Life will never be the same

>> No.15428024

the old text-only boards were better

>> No.15428047


>> No.15428063

Man.. I miss the IRC era. Early-mid 00s was nice, in hindsight. Internet changed when social media popped up
t. Boomer

>> No.15428131

I thought they were just read only now but the link doesn't even work anymore :(

>> No.15428300
File: 894 KB, 1228x1850, D239D231-F23D-4777-AC92-3E2DC900E1FC.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The dilemma here is that there is no good alternative. 4chans setup is fast and easy while also being able to support a complex conversation. Reddit is dogshit because of moderation, non-anonymous, the voting system. Goodreads is too normie and also not anonymous. You can try to find people in real life, but it’s very hard at an older age especially at a time like now, and you’ll be very lucky to have them a click away like you have on an image board. A big problem with 4chan is the kinds of posters that kill a board are also the kinds of posters who have nothing better to do, so they’ll always overtake effort posters with lives who take more than 5 seconds to respond “dilate”. This problem only gets exasperated as the Internet/4chan becomes more accessible and quality assurance measures like lurking and board culture get forgotten.
Idk man, this world is just going to shit in the material and in the binaries

>> No.15428390

>because of moderation
A group of the dedicated should have made a break from this and yes, moderated it. Formed a community. Of non-anonymous. Anonymity is for trolling. Always has been.
Nice pic

>> No.15429696
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Yes but where's better?

>> No.15429705


>> No.15429709 [SPOILER] 
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>> No.15429710

>while also being able to support a complex conversation.
this point is not brought up enough. It is so much easier to have a long back and forth on this site, or read other people doing so, than anywhere else. It's all just on one chronological page with hyperlinks connecting each reply.

The formats on reddit and twitter are so bad in comparison. Most blogs are too.

>> No.15429734
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>> No.15429754

I come here to test my opinions, 95 % of which is retarded shit, and 5 % is kind of cool and helfpful.

>> No.15429760

I think I'm drunk but holu shit boxy. Damn son. That was a whole thing. I put effort and energy into discussing a dumb teenage girl with people here. fuck. If I wasn't here I'd be toats NPC, but I am here and I know this and participated in this. I don't. I just. fuc.k

>> No.15429776

2007. 7th grade. on and off. i remember i deleted a sticky with a moot post when i was 14 on one board, created one of the most widely spread charts on another, and am now trying to quit heroin alone at my parent's house.

don't forget you're here forever. i try to forget.

>> No.15429795

2015 was the last time 4chan was good

>> No.15430470

The wormhole I went down when this happened robbed me of a year of my life.

>> No.15430476

That's fine, but where can you possibly go from here? Honest question.

>> No.15430484

The narwhal bacons at midnight my dude.

>> No.15430485

Off the internet.

>> No.15430490
File: 83 KB, 800x600, en_garde.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And if I refuse?

>> No.15430509


Would an image board where people can only vote for entire threads work? As soon as the discussion gets too cluttered by stupidity people would be able to just kill it and start something new.

>> No.15430888

Then you rot on here forever.

>> No.15431428
File: 27 KB, 300x250, 1575154138539.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>people used to use IRC chat
what do you mean "used to"? Are you some faggot discord users?

>> No.15431450

Yea this is probably the worst board on 4chan
If every board other than /b/ can be rated by how many posters actually sincerely enjoy the topic they’re posting on, this would be the lowest
No one reads here. More people are here to successfully feign literacy and callnothers stupid, often failing embarrassingly

Run OP. Go pick up a book

>> No.15431569

Back in the day, everyone used IRC. Shit like discord and Twitter didn't exist
Good fucking times