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File: 652 KB, 1598x2015, 1566037683690.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
15423444 No.15423444 [Reply] [Original]

Any good contemporary adventure novels? Not necessarily set in the present time.

>> No.15423576

Harry Potter & the negro squad

>> No.15423588

Not really contemporary, but it’s post-WW2 atleast.

>> No.15423590

Harry Potter & The Man With The Golden Gun

>> No.15423616

You should understand that most of /lit like to smell their own farts. Asking for a adventure novel, contemporary no less will only draw the ire from these people.

>> No.15423670

The Beach?

>> No.15423726

how does someone see this picture and not develop the slightest hatred of white people?

>> No.15423735

>of white people?
of women and their orbiters?

>> No.15423744

Because asians sell their countries and their bodies to white people. Thats even more disgusting.

>> No.15423746

What’s wrong with it? They just want to preserve the moment in a photograph. Do you have a family photo album at home? Would you, if you were around back then, complain about paintings of historical events/portraits? What’s the difference?

>> No.15423747

Its more historical fiction, but the "Tyrant" series, and really anything else by Christian Cameron is very cool, has quite some adventure. Also very comfy antique camping.

>> No.15423750

They are simps

>> No.15423765

>instagram thots are my family
based and orbiterpilled

>> No.15423773

Roastie detected

>> No.15423774

Your incel mind might function differently to mine, but could you try to make me understand what exactly is the issue with what those people are doing?

>> No.15423781

I assume they’re dating/married, lol.

>> No.15423790

There is literally nothing wrong with doing the same things as other people. What if it was picture of four people reading Dostoyevsky on the bench

>> No.15423803

These "men" are taking photos of their gfs because they coerced them to, probably to put them on their Instagram account and having the views and likes feed their already bloated egos. The "men" are enabling this because they are spineless wimps aka simps

>> No.15423824

>What if four men posed for a picture of them reading Dostoevsky together on some bench
this... isn't peak cringe?

>> No.15423849

The men are probably either married to them or dating them. They are also likely not autistic as you seem to be, so see nothing wrong with taking a pic of their gf when asked.
How insecure about your own masculinity do you have to be to think that taking a picture of someone makes you feminine? Lmfao.

>> No.15423879

if they were holding their smartphones for the picture I'd say you have a point
they are using $500+ dollar cameras at least (front and back that is), probably more and who knows what else for the lenses
these are not boyfriends taking a casual picture, you pathetic white-knighting simp

>> No.15423892

Are you really that naive or are you being intentionally dense? Why would the photographer take that photo if not to draw attention to the fact that these couples aren't enjoying themselves at the beach but rather that the women are coercing their beta providers into taking pictures of them to put on their Instagrams? You can see that's the real purpose here, none of these bitches have any originality, they're there to post pictures of them at the beach so they can craft the narrative that their life is so good and they're rich and shit on social media. Meanwhile those "men" are going along because otherwise the thots might threaten them with dumping their loser asses. Hence why they simp

>> No.15423927
File: 2.77 MB, 2976x3800, 1589733833868.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>go on an adventure, bro!

>> No.15423967

I have no idea how miserable you'd have to be to become this cynical. You don't know anything about these people, yet you've managed to convince yourself that their characters are morally corrupt and vapid. You've even figured out, somehow, that the men are only taking those pictures because they were threatened with a break up. Like some sort of Sherlock Holmes type who can tell someone's entire family history from a slight bruise on their arm.

>> No.15423987
File: 12 KB, 283x333, 1587242802818.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Holy shit youre retarded. Also you should have taken another pic OP, or nice bait

>> No.15424135

That's rage inducing pic if i ever saw one. And i can't point out exactly why. Guys just going along because gotta put your dick in a wet hole no matter what, girls being unoriginal as fuck and probably choosing that spot because they saw it on their instagram feed. As if the only reason they are there in the first place is because of the photos/insta likes and not because they really wanted to go there/explore/enjoy the moment/etc. Reminds me somewhat of my ex who kept bothering me all the time what "inspirational" & "wise" quote should she post with her insta pic. Looking back now, deep down i probably hated her guts for being so basic and boring.

>> No.15424880

have sex

>> No.15425783
File: 2.04 MB, 1280x720, Horton heaves a ho.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Travelthots must die
>teehee i went to thailand to fuck an elephant #wanderlust #cosmopolitan

>> No.15425793

check yo' privilege Karen; it's ok to shit on you pasty monsters

>> No.15425806

A High Wind in Jamaica.

>> No.15425827
File: 33 KB, 508x507, 1588936249259.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Karen meme
Time to die, redditor

>> No.15425845

holy projection

>> No.15425853

Seconded. Heart of Darkness counts as an adventure as well.

>> No.15425861
File: 32 KB, 409x421, 1428941278214.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Stop appropriating our memes.
Those bullets mean nothing to me.

>> No.15425880

If actual explorers' diaries are too dry for you, there are some good contemporary write-ups of the stories of OG adventurers.
-The Raft of the Medusa
-A Labyrinth of Kingdoms

I like this gif for several reasons.

>> No.15425918

its a webm though not a gif

>> No.15425923

and they need those fancy photos in instagram for internet points, you know i know it they know it. its all one big theatre for them, the life
t. highly intellicent individual

>> No.15426217

There is something spiritless about using nature to satiate your vanity.

>> No.15426227

'The Long Ships' by Frans G. Bengtsson.