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15424367 No.15424367 [Reply] [Original]

why couldnt hegel predict this

>> No.15424378 [DELETED] 

It's because niggers are selfish and farsighted, right? And spics literally just want to yell. And white women think they should support them both. And white men are now pussies.

>> No.15424388

/leftypol/ tried to warn you about idpol, but you didn't listen.

>> No.15424389

if anything, this is a confirmation that racism and tribalism are dumb and neoliberal. yet /pol shills will defend it.

>> No.15424390


>> No.15424403 [DELETED] 

No no no don't get out it that easy you cuck. Racism and tribalism accelerate competition and scientific analysis and rigorous predictions models based off what the niggers/spics/chinks/poos will do.

>> No.15424407

I always thought that it was something along the lines of preventing employees from goofing around and hanging out during work, but this also makes sense.

>> No.15424453

kek and yet you faggots have the GALL to say that being a conservative and being a capitalist do not contradict each other? Fuck you. This IS capitalism of the highest order. The reason why capitalist pushes for diversity is because a population that is diverse and fractured is easy to control than a population that is similar and united. Capitalists LOVE immigrants. They love how they lower the costs of production, they love how they pay taxes without getting any real benefits, apart from the diversity, of course. If you are a conservative and you support capitalism you're going against your own self-interests .

>> No.15424468

>kek and yet you faggots have the GALL to say that being a conservative and being a capitalist do not contradict each other? Fuck you.
No you mouth-breathing dumbass, people say that being right-wing and being capitalist contradict one another, modern conservatives are just market liberals with an added dose of Christian morality, they aren't really right-wing

>> No.15424469
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National socialism is the only way out of this nightmare.

>> No.15424485
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lol no

>> No.15424494 [DELETED] 
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whatever you say, kike.

>> No.15424514

No dude, white women are even more racist than the average white man. And that's not a good thing

>> No.15424517
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Marx predicted it.

>> No.15424522
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>people say that being right-wing and being capitalist contradict one another
Not on /lit/.

>> No.15424530

You're most likely right. I'm the guy you replied to btw.

>> No.15424538

conservatism is just replacing the already retarded meritocratic principle of capitalism with an even more retarded one like race, gender, or some non-existent concept of volk.

>> No.15424542


> Idpol is a capitalist construct
> Not an inevitable consequence of a multicultural, multiethnic society with competing interests.

This is where leftists fail. The accuracy of your observation is overshadowed by your delusional fantasy that we can all hold hands and sing kumbaya

>> No.15424550

Pretty much this. There's no real left-wing nor right-wing in the US. Most Americans are liberals. They're either conservative liberal or progressive liberal but all are liberal.

>> No.15424554

I think it's fine that corporations push liberalism. It benefits them by being "inclusive" and it tricks leftist retards into supporting conglomerates. Meanwhile it encourages this activity, which reduces the birth rate and encourages degenerates to have worse and more dangerous lives.

The real redpill is to encourage others to be liberals while not being one yourself. Relish the schadenfreude of seeing others eat bugs, live in pods, and seethe endlessly about imagined social issues. Relish them not having children and getting abortions and genetically offing themselves. And then seeing the ones who do have kids turn them into faggots. Meanwhile, I have a kid with one on the way. They won't be watching this, but will be reading classic books like Dr Seuss instead. When my normal, advanced, hetero kids apply to jobs, they will be hired over the mentally ill tranny retard with a women's studies degree who takes Prozac. Then my line will continue with more money concentrated in my family.

I love encouraging liberalism in others. Especially people who might have been otherwise successful.

I pretend to be mad about suburbs online too, calling them soulless and gauche. I just want you all to fuck off to the city where it's "classy" so it's less crowded here and your daughter gets raped one night.

>> No.15424558

>bans unions and strikes

>> No.15424564

"reality is dumb" haha ok dweeb

>> No.15424565

>provides full employment and a welfare state during the great depression, while the rest of the world is literally starving
>but they don't have unions

>> No.15424571

>allows rich western corporations to exploit working class freely under """socialism"""

>> No.15424572

Arent unions also trying this muh diversity shit and simping for illegals. Does it work for then either?

>> No.15424573

Nice falseflag. And suburbs are soulless nests btw.

>> No.15424582
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because the labor front was superior

>> No.15424589

you have to go back

>> No.15424590

except this didn't happen

>> No.15424595

This only works if you're Asian or European. Americans have to go back.

>> No.15424600

Good keep saying that, that is exactly what I'm hoping you'll say! Please stay in the city. More culture there. Don't want to be around ignorant rednecks like me on the 800K$ house. It is a mcmansion after all amirite

>> No.15424602

It's got nothing to do with IDpol. multiethnic places just have lower social trust that is all.

>> No.15424611
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You don't need unions and strikes when all your neighbors are Aryans and understand reciprocal assistance.

>> No.15424616

That's gonna be a based from me my dude

>> No.15424621

No but the research is lying my professor said Marx said it's Trump!!!>>15424602

>> No.15424624

Ill take anything, communism, natsoc, fascism, anarchy as opposed to this shit at this point

>> No.15424627


This is not a bad thing except that people allow it to be
Unions are a band-aid for a much bigger problem
In a world where the government does its one and only job to provide for its citizens there is no need for unions of course we do not live in that world

>> No.15424629

Surburbs are just smaller cities. You dont actually live outside the city if thats what you think. All of modernities degeneracy still prevails there. This is not true if you actually live rural or in a closed community like Mormons

>> No.15424637

Worry not bros. The big bad is coming. Phallic energy has been resurrected and nothing can stop it.

>> No.15424642

Rednecks or hicks are just degenerated european peasants. Don't pretend you live in a high-IQ farming enclave.

>> No.15424649

>Provide for its citizens
Who gave you the idea that a state exists to feed and clothe you?

>> No.15424650

love it when jannies censor me on /lit/. didnt know they were. hiring niggers and poos nowadays.

>> No.15424669

I'm a doctor lol. I live around other doctors. I go to a country club with lawyers. My public school has 2 percent blacks.

But please talk down to me about the suburbs Mr. State College Philosophy Degree. Stay in your fucking apartment and eat vegan. Don't have any kids either faggot.

>> No.15424684

lol this is cope

>> No.15424688

Kodak, Hugo Boss, Fanta, IBM, AP.....just to name a few. Also there were many private businesses working under nazi Germany.

>> No.15424707


>> No.15424714


>> No.15424722

So it was just the extension of Capitalistism.

>> No.15424728


What makes you think I implied that?
I'm simply saying that the government has (or rather should have) a duty to protect the millions of citizens being abused and dehumanized by corporations right under their nose to the point that they are driven to form a bizarre economic militia

>> No.15424731

It was an expansion of National Socialism

>> No.15424742

*National capitalism

>> No.15424744
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>> No.15424745

you're a dumbass

>> No.15424752

*National Socialism

>> No.15424772

Free Market fags love immigrants. You have no clue what capitalism is.

>> No.15424773

Call it whatever you want to but nazi germany was an extreme form of capitalism.

>> No.15424791

Great share - thanks, anon.

>> No.15424799

> State decides what business can and can't operate based off party ideology
> Extreme Capitalism

Are you a retard?

>> No.15424800

>free-market capitalism is not capitalism

>> No.15424805

The solution is anarchism and small scale communities, not nationalism which is a cancerous detriment to the planet

>> No.15424810

If I corrects the problems of capitalism as we know it who gives a shit. You commie tards always want to play semantics as if anyone cares about your personal definitions.

>> No.15424811
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>it's legal in America for politicians to hold dual citizenship, especially of they are from Israel
Absolute state of burgers

>> No.15424818


what you are describing is exactly just pure tribalism and we already tried that

>> No.15424829

This time we have technology and mass communication

>> No.15424832

Marx saw Communism as an extreme form of Capitalism. Read the book.

>> No.15424834

they just provided surveillance so large chunk of capital goes to very few. working class had no ownership over the means of production.

I am talking the definition by Marx you retard.

>> No.15424835

don't be like Wile E. Coyote. Try it again but do it right this time.

>> No.15424836
File: 95 KB, 638x479, singapore-diverse-business.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What you don't understand is that it is the logical conclusion of globalized capitalism to foster multicultural, multiethnic societies with competing interests.
Marx and Engels were already alluding to such a state of affairs in 1848:
>Constant revolutionising of production, uninterrupted disturbance of all social conditions, everlasting uncertainty and agitation distinguish the bourgeois epoch from all earlier ones. All fixed, fast-frozen relations, with their train of ancient and venerable prejudices and opinions, are swept away, all new-formed ones become antiquated before they can ossify. All that is solid melts into air, all that is holy is profaned, and man is at last compelled to face with sober senses his real conditions of life, and his relations with his kind.
>The cheap prices of commodities are the heavy artillery with which it batters down all Chinese walls, with which it forces the barbarians’ intensely obstinate hatred of foreigners to capitulate. It compels all nations, on pain of extinction, to adopt the bourgeois mode of production; it compels them to introduce what it calls civilisation into their midst, i.e., to become bourgeois themselves. In one word, it creates a world after its own image.

Even if you look at an authoritarian capitalist city-state like Singapore, which is extremely neat and tidy, rich people from all over the world gather there and they have signs in English everywhere, even though it's nothing more than a small independent part of Malaysia in the end.
Capital with absolute ethnic homogeneity is a pipe-dream. You can't have airplanes delivering commodities from far-away lands at your local supermarket, and at the same time being a totally autistic mono-culture. Japan and South Korea pretend to be so, but in reality, they have been cucked to death by Americans during the Cold War, and very little of their ancestral culture remains in their daily life there. They wouldn't be relevant otherwise.
Nick Land is right on the money when he says:
>In so far as Blood and Soil identitarianism will manage to attain power in various ways, it will see its worst days, it will be forced to deliver and perform, and will fail to do so. The more they are actually in a position to implement policy, the more they will become ineffective in their own terms. They will lose the potential for mass globalization and be associated with failure. I would like to see those experiments happen on a small enough scale that they can be educational, rather than globally catastrophic.

>> No.15424860

National Socialist Germany was National Socialist

You're just calling whatever you don't like capitalism

>> No.15424861

Kek, capitalism and socialism are different economic stages.

>> No.15424863

I’m trans if that matters btw

>> No.15424866


oh and where do you think all that came from?
The post tribalism world that's where
How exactly do you expect the production and maintenance of literally any of that technology and mass communication to continue in a tribalist world?

>> No.15424874

Corporations have "diversity" to comply with Civil Rights laws. In the late 1800s in the US you had rich businessmen supporting the Comstock Laws instead.

>> No.15424875

National federation, worldwide HRE for every ethnostate

>> No.15424889

Unions are anti illegal labor, I would think.

>> No.15424892


>> No.15424896

>allowed big private businesses to work freely under it's banner
>never abolished the private property
>working class never owned the means of production
What kind of socialism is this?

>> No.15424898

The only reason "globalization" works is the US supporting it via the Navy and the relative backwardness of certain states that can serve as cheap labor. Once equilibrium is approached and the US stops subsidizing globalization it will go away.

>> No.15424904

Not any more, they just toe the Democratic line on that issue. The Democrats flipped on immigration once they realized they could have a permanent majority through it.

>> No.15424905

They used to be until Clinton signed nafta. Now they cuck like everyone on the left. Left wing anti idpol doesn't exist except to deflect in threads like this.

There are no extant anti idpol left wing organisations of any scale anywhere in the world. And that includes unions in their current form.

Think about that the next time one of these false flaggers lies to you.

>> No.15424907
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>Takes full control of the economy.
>Insures business is directed at improvement of the Nation as a whole not for profit.
>does not pit citizens against each other but encourages class collaboration

>What kind of socialism is this?
National Socialism retard

>> No.15424913

corporations have diversity to prevent workers from organizing together and demanding higher wages

>> No.15424916

So it was state capitalism, nice.

>> No.15424918

its both you guis

>> No.15424922


>> No.15424926

Thats not how history actually went mate, in almost all cases they're complying with Civil Rights jurisprudence. No companies had problems busting unions in the 1800s for example.

>> No.15424936

Sure, once the US fails, capitalists will content themselves with a tiny national market and won't try to take advantage of the Chinese Belt and Road Initiative.
How fucking naive are you?

>> No.15424948

Yes, I'm sure the problem isn't taking very radically different groups of people and forcing them to share the same political system and directly compete with eachother over the same pile of table scraps.

>capitalism is shit so you must choose progressivis- I mean Marxism
That's not how it works. Surely, you should have figured out by now that the kinds of right wingers who frequent this place aren't your typical conservatarian, free-market goons. You're preaching to the choir.

>> No.15424949
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Capitalism is too stronk. Not even galaxy brain Hegelians could fully comprehend its level of adaptability.
Dystopian capitalist Anarchotranshumanism is the inevitable future.

>> No.15424963

BRI is largely a meme. The reality is without the US subsidizing shipping costs, cheap energy etc. it becomes cost-ineffective to have commodities travese the ocean 10 times, to say nothing of doing the same over land. This was done by the US for primarily political reasons. The US was still subsidizing Chinese shipping until like... 2018.

>> No.15424970

And yet now it's part of Amazon's algorithm. It's almost like your gay Marxist historical analysis is useless and doesn't reflect reality but rather serves corporate interest. Weird.

>> No.15424971

And one day for no reason at all...

>> No.15424982

Businesses supported civil rights laws you retard. It wouldn't have happened if they didn't want it to happen.

>> No.15424992

I generally consider myself a leftist, but if /pol/ spent as much time citing sources and detailing historical arguments like this picture did, I'd probably be full on nazbol at this point. I'm so sick of /pol/ propaganda of unsourced pictures with some fuzzy jpeg artifact text slapped on it about wooden doors and shit.

>> No.15425010

Not the person you're replying to, but you've got some things mixed up. I'd recommend actually reading instead of browsing an image board. Have a nice day!
faggot heh

>> No.15425017

Nope. National Socialism

>> No.15425023

>wooden doors

>> No.15425025

thats where you're wrong m8 this isn't the 1800s corporations today use diversity as a more effective way to break up unions

>> No.15425031

>Belt and Meme Initiative
Overseas trade, dingus. It's lot easier and cheaper to move goods over water than land, especially given that the proposed highway for the belt and meme initiative cuts through third world shitholes that have no means of maintaining them. US Navy stops being guarantor of global trade --> global trade becomes less secure --> global trade decreases/ globalization is on hold. Simple as.

>> No.15425049

>I generally consider myself a leftist
opinion discarded

>> No.15425055

How was the US subsidizing Chinese shipping?

>> No.15425068

*National Anarcho-Monarchism

>> No.15425071

>discarding opinions
Opinion appreciated

>> No.15425078

So THIS is the power of Marxist thought....

>> No.15425082

the US had the WTO class China as a "developing country" which made them eligible for reduced shipping rates among other forms of gibs. In some cases it was cheaper to ship from Shanghai to a given state, than to ship between two adjacent states.

>> No.15425089
File: 16 KB, 271x409, isjdifj.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Please tell me why the answer to these problems of capitalism is always an authoritarian regime where everyone's white or a diffusion of power where everything is the same but rich people don't exist. "workforce diversity helps prevent unions" is obviously just an innocuous headline. Make the fucking argument and provide some evidence that your way is preferable than what we have now and moving towards fixing the issues of diversity while reaping its rewards.

>> No.15425090

yo I don't get why /pol/ hates corps but loves auth gov. Like, brah, corps are run the same way internally. It sucks. You'd think they were all wage cucks that understood the problems come from way up, not the niggers they serve burgers to.

>> No.15425093

This changed somewhat now because the US withdrew from the Universal Postal Union (UPU) which provided the subsidies via the USPS. So a ton of other countries were also getting subsidies, China was just the most egregious offender.

>> No.15425098

hahahaha you think i'm a marxist

why are you such a pleb anon

>> No.15425105

I see you've given up

>> No.15425122

Who cares if American tax payers stopped subsidizing shipping costs for Chinese eBay sellers? I'm not American, it's not my problem.
My point is that even if America manages to re-localize its production, sooner or latter, capitalists will want to sell their commodities abroad to maximize profit. It's this drive that gave rise to globalization, and if America fails as the global coordinating agent of the world market, then the Chinese or someone else will take its place, simple as.
You can't have capitalism with an absolute monoculture. It's just impossible. If you truly want a monoculture, you need a different economic system that needs to be resilient enough to resist capitalism.

>> No.15425159

>My point is that even if America manages to re-localize its production, sooner or latter, capitalists will want to sell their commodities abroad to maximize profit.
They can try, but it literally won't be especially cost-effective to do so in many cases because transport costs will be a lot more expensive.
>and if America fails as the global coordinating agent of the world market, then the Chinese or someone else will take its place, simple as.
I wouldn't count on it, China doesn't have the Navy to do that, and the US probably wouldn't want them to do so anyway.

>You can't have capitalism with an absolute monoculture. It's just impossible. If you truly want a monoculture, you need a different economic system that needs to be resilient enough to resist capitalism.
I'm not advocating for a monoculture lol, I'm not advocating anything more than the Western world sending their coolies back home when they're done working like the rest of the world.

>> No.15425164

No, it shows that forcing diversity helps government exert their power over us. That is the only reason they are doing it. UN forcing shitskin immigration quotas are how they are going to get their one world government. Diversity divides.

>> No.15425177

It's a great thing. Women should be more selective of their partners.

>> No.15425191

What are they going to govern when society itself erodes under rampant immigration? What's the point of going through all this NWO work if they are going to rule over Favelas?

>> No.15425205

This thread was moved to >>>/pol/258407968