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15421101 No.15421101[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

So recently I've accepted Jesus Christ as my Lord and Saviour. It's been an enormous gift to me. I was an atheist as when I was younger and wasn't degenerate but very depressed with life. Jesus Christ helped me out of my hole in life and saved me.

My problem is so I've decided to be abstinent until marriage, but when I do get married what community will I raise my children around? I was raised Catholic, but never confirmed, I know next to nothing about Orthodoxy other than it has less central authority. I grew up around Protestants and they seem weak and compromised by their acceptance of evils like homosexuality.

What church still promotes the divine essence of Jesus Christ without being caught up in doctrine? Going to a Vatican ll mass as a child was incredibly uninspiring spiritually. No one read me the Bible. No one demonstrated to me the power divine love. It felt like an institution more than a place of spiritual peace and salvation. Obviously i will try to do this as a parent, but what community can my family be a part of that will help in that goal? I don't want my children to grow up not feeling the presence of God in their lives.

>> No.15421127


>> No.15421131

I'm doing a self-amish one just me and my family but I've heard orthodox is pretty trad

>> No.15421134

Have you considered switching to Islam?

>> No.15421135

become a quaker

>> No.15421145


>> No.15421149


>> No.15421192
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Unless you're willing to completely surrender your freedom of conscience to a corrupt institution, become Protestant. All of the elect form the True Church, not a physical and worldly institution. The elect can be found in any Christian tradition. Justification is by the grace of God through faith alone, and not of your works, lest any man should boast. I ask this: what was the penitent thief next to Jesus on the cross saved by if not FAITH ALONE?

>> No.15421218

Protestant nonsense as usual. Probably b8.

>> No.15421232

Being raised Catholic, I agree that mass is uninspiring and spiritually dead. It actually turned me into an atheist for a while. I would say to look into Orthodoxy or just accept the fact that your best bet may be teaching your children yourself. I’ve talked to some Orthodox members who were very wise and I’ve considered joining if I want to go back to church, but I don’t feel the need to because my religion is personal and I don’t see why I need to join a community to continue my practice

>> No.15421235

The Catholic Church is the One True Church of Jesus Christ. It is the only Church that matters. It's become less gay than it used to be. It has less pedos, too, because we've begun to actively root them out.

Try to find an FSSP parish. They celebrate the Latin Mass, so if you don't like the Novus Ordo they're a natural choice for you. And they don't have a dicey heretical relationship with the Pope, like the SSPX does.

>> No.15421255

what is faith? just believing and thats it?

>> No.15421265

The situation is I'd like to find a community for my children to grow up in and my family to be a part of. If you have kids those kids will be around others kids. Obviously it's better for them to be around children brought up in households with spiritual traditions.
I'll check it out. Thank you. I was considering Latin Mass might be the better option.

>> No.15421267

catholics are pretty much faggots in my experience

>> No.15421273
File: 26 KB, 678x380, cardinalsarah_2018_vatican-678x380.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There are good Catholics and bad Catholics. I hope you're not expecting EVERY Ortho you meet to be some kind of based redpilled culture warrior. There are faggoty Orthodox, too.

>> No.15421380

Praise the Lord, brother.
There are numerous different types of churches, some liberal, some conservative, some Protestant, some Catholic. And the only real way to find out if a church is for you is to visit it on Sunday, listen to the pastor preach from the Bible, and fellowship with your fellow Christians. Good luck brother.

>> No.15421403

Only Protestant or Orthodox can claim to be real Christianity. Catholicism has a bunch of anti-biblical heresy: pope claiming he was sent by God, praying to Mary or other saints, saying purgatory exists, getting into heaven by good reads and not faith alone, etc. None of this is in the Bible and some is straight up against it.

You must accept salvation and pray to Jesus to protest you when judgement comes. We are all sinners and deserve to go to hell but it’s through God’s mercy that we will be saved and go to heaven.

>> No.15421422

Hebrews 11:1 Now faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen.

Faith in God is a personal relationship. No one else can know 100% whether or not you're saved because it is a personal matter between you and God, but your faith is demonstrated with works. We all sin, but a real Christian always wants and strives to do good. In this way faith and works are united in the Christian life.

>> No.15421537

Thank you, brother. I will start searching. Praise the Lord and God bless you.