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/lit/ - Literature

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15415835 No.15415835 [Reply] [Original]

This thread is for the discussion of literature and philosophy. If you want to talk about genre fiction, go to /sffg/. If you want to make low effort bait posts, there is the rest of the board for that.
To start some conversation I'll pose a question. What single piece of literature changed your view on religion the most and why did it change your view?

>> No.15415849
File: 139 KB, 360x360, Aliensimpsons-1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I once saw glowing nigger in the woods.

>> No.15415855

How do I make myself enjoy reading literature? I want to be smart. Have you always enjoyed literature or did you have to "get into it"?

>> No.15415970

There are a hundred other threads for you to bump with your shitty fucking posts, begone.
A lot of people here like to say you're a brainlet for not understanding and liking Ulysses on your first try, but the truth is these faggots don't read, reading is a skill that can be developed. Unironically start with the Greeks, go on the /lit/ wiki and find the chart. Make an effort to read every day and go look for some other charts on the wiki. You'll start to see how different pieces of literature have influenced each other and the longer you read the easier it gets.

>> No.15415988

the bible. i went to a faith school and the stories of the bible were taught as straight facts. feeding of the 5000, david and goliath etc. i remember once we did a lesson about how tall goliath was- 4 (or 6) cubits and a span- and we put ink on our arms and made posters showing his height. even then i remember thinking there was something weird about it all.

>> No.15416000
File: 136 KB, 655x983, 9EAC6DF6-BEE7-49A6-934E-4B2431C571FF.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>and philosophy.
Ho ho ho. Now I know you’re kidding.

>> No.15416005

When Melville describes the right whale as a stoic, whereas the sperm whale is a platonist turned spinozist as they die; does he mean that the right whale accepts it's fate despite the negative aspects whereas the sperm whale follows an elevation to higher purpose?

>> No.15416028

>There are a hundred other threads for you to bump with your shitty fucking posts, begone
They are all redditcore. This is the hardcore thread for us real readers, and as I had nothing in my mind at the time of posting - after all, I was having a shit - I had to select a random image and type related text apace.

>> No.15416033

I once saw one of those on /pol/

>> No.15416081

Were you protestant? I was raised protestant and the people seemed obsessed with teaching us that everything in the Bible actually happened, instead of trying th convey the message that the text is try to impart on the reader. I had an edgy atheist phase but slowly found my religion again as I read The Bible, some Orthodox writings and Augustine.

>> No.15416092
