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/lit/ - Literature

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15407939 No.15407939[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Is /lit/ the smartest board? Is /r9k/ the dumbest?

>> No.15407945

Current /r9k/, yes, as it is a den of trannies and faggots and zoomers complaining about their gay zoomer bullshit. But old /r9k/ invented hyper-misogyny, so it is tied for the smartest board on 4chan with /lit/, which is also very misogynistic.

>> No.15407948

nope, /sci/ is the smartest board without a doubt.

>> No.15407949

>implying /pol/ isn't the genius of 4chan

>> No.15407952

Once was, before that top books chart got posted on reddit. Now we're just red/lit/. Smartest board now is probably some specialist shit like that 3D modeling one or /o/.

>> No.15407955

the dumbest board is the board that thinks /lit/ is the smartest.

>> No.15408523

>implying /x/ isn't the genius of 4chan

>> No.15408545

/pol/ is like the racist uncle of 4chan

/x/ is like the schizo neet of 4chan

/sci/ is like the reddit of 4chan

/lit/ just reads a lot, /r9k/ is full of sadboys trannies and hardcore feminists all looking for attention.

>> No.15408566

/sci/ is midwitcore. Most posters there are high schoolers thinking they are the shit because they watched some Elon Musk podcast. Actual science rarely gets discussed there, only brainlet theories (dude what if we live in a simulation dude?). /lit/ also has it's fair share of retards but, it still is better than that shithole.

>> No.15408571

Smartest board is /tv
Dumbest is /fa/

>> No.15408591

how exactly is /fa/ below /v/

>> No.15408592

First thread that appears on /sci/:

>> No.15408595

/wsg/ is the smartest board since they realise the pointlessness of trying to discuss complex topics with plebs and just post cute girls instead.

>> No.15408603


>> No.15408612


>> No.15408626
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>/lit/ also has it's fair share of retards

>> No.15408628

Post 2016 /lit/ really isn't smart. /ck/ is smarter.

>> No.15408672

Average IQ by board:

/his/ - 150
/ck/ - 140
/x/ - 140
/out/ - 130
/tv/ - 130
/s/ - 130
/k/ - 120
/int/ - 111
/fit/ - 110
/lit/ - 110
/sci/ - 99
/pol/ - 90
/mu/ - 90
/fa/ - 90
/cgl/ - 80
/r9k/ - 55
/b/ - 50
/gif/ - 35
/an/ - 20

>> No.15408686
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This board has very few good posts but there are few other places on the internet with any interesting discussion on books

>> No.15408747

The 4chan format is unbeatable

>> No.15408754

/his/ is a cumdumpster for midwits though

>> No.15408777

Old /r9k/ and /pol/ were 140 average boards. Now they're like 80 average

>> No.15408785

I was gonna say /tv/ is the dumbest

>> No.15408787

/po/ is at least 170
/po/ not /pol/

>> No.15408789

/tv/ is the dumbest by far.

>> No.15408792

/lit/ has gone full basic retard because of all the redtards and mentally ill trannies. you cant even say nigger without a few people telling you something negative about it

>> No.15408799

/ck/ is unironically the smartest board. Up until 2016 it used to be /lit/.

>> No.15408800

Almost every board on here is somewhere between above average (110) to about university level (130). Few exceptions, its just the nature of anonymous, most uncensored discussions.

>> No.15408801

there is no board on 4chan with higher than average IQ. it's the same underestimation of common intelligence that makes redditors think they are intelligent.

>> No.15408874

Every time I decide to visit /tv/ all i see is alt right circlejerk / seething about "the sjws". Not smart.

>> No.15408899

/qa/ is the smartest board

>> No.15408901

>gayest is /fa/

>> No.15408914

dont compare 4chan to r*ddit, all that place does is steal content from other websites most of their memes are from here, most of their opinions are from mainstream sites of each respective topic. go back

>> No.15408916

I have been browsing lit, fit, his, sci, r9k and pol for years.
I would say that currently sci is indeed the smartest board judging by the level of argumentation, and it is rivaled by his.
lit, pol and r9k seem to be full of normalfags who are only capable of meme tier posts and soccer mom tier of argumentation at their best.

>> No.15408920

/lit/ is the idiot's idea of a smart board

>> No.15408922


>> No.15408928

Boards I like are smartest ones me no like are dumbest

>> No.15408929

idk, prob. /sci or /lit
definetly /pol

>> No.15408940

>most of their memes are from here
Caring about "memes" indicates an 80-level IQ.

>> No.15408941

what a garbage post

>> No.15408943

isn't tv pedo core central?

>> No.15408948

That's all been drowned out by the post-2015 wave of mouthbreathing trumpcuck morons.

>> No.15408969

>trying this desperately to show that youre smarter than everyone by taking small parts of people sentences and using it to fit them into a stereotype

the point still stands that redditors are annoying unoriginal and steal everything they hold dear.pretending to know someones iq based on 5 words you took out of context is pathetic and sad and will never be an argument no matter how hard you try

>> No.15408975
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yes but stop asking us our opinions on things not /lit/ related thanks

>> No.15408976
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>That's all been drowned out by the post-2015 wave of mouthbreathing trumpcuck morons.
There's people that complain about him all the time on there.

>> No.15408977

t. normie newfag

>> No.15408982

yes, hence the smartest board

>> No.15408983

that's not dumb. /tv/ is dumb, but that isn't why.

>> No.15409002
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>> No.15409021

>since there are people who oppose Trump that makes your statement invalid
Flawless logic. Excellent.
Fantastic grammar. Spectacular.

>> No.15409028


>> No.15409042

no u

>> No.15409059

There's people on /tv/ that act like that but they aren't an overwhelming majority that you're trying to make it out as.
>Nitpicking a grammar mistake
My bad. Don't have to be a jerk about it

>> No.15409060

fake, post source

>> No.15409067

nah dude i know the guy who made that, it's legit

>> No.15409081


scientist here, yeah its real 100%

>> No.15409129

>tf when no /diy/

>> No.15409141


>> No.15409142

There are no smart people on 4chan. If they were smart, they wouldn't be on 4chan.

>> No.15409176

Over-socialized brainlet detected.

>> No.15409188

Look! He did it again!
is/are, it's/its, there/they're/their, your/you're
Remember these. These are the basics. You're on /lit/ for fuck's sake.
They are still there, they are still loud, and they still shit up the board with garbage political rhetoric.
I'm not the same anon that made the initial post. If you're critical of another anon's post, and you use faulty logic to dismiss that post, you better expect to take what you dish out.

>> No.15409190

>spends dwindling youth on imageboards like a boss epic style

>> No.15409229

>Are English majors the smartest people in the world?

LOL. no

>> No.15409240

Dont google tv television and film

>> No.15409253

>nooo not the dwindlerino youtherinoooobnot the precious adolescenterino nooo you cant just waste it doing stupid shit like most people do...b..but think of the heckin societrino...you gonna give me a frighten!

>> No.15409257

>/lit/ just reads a lot
No one here reads. Are you new or something?

>> No.15409264

Yes because clearly tiktok would be preferable

>> No.15409266

>They are still there, they are still loud, and they still shit up the board with garbage political rhetoric
And I will not deny that they are there. Why are you trying to make it out as though I am?

>> No.15409280

well i discuss books on here with people dont know how they would do that if they didint read

>> No.15409306

Then why did you bother posting this? >>15408976

>> No.15409308

Actually made me chuckle.

>> No.15409312

sci has the smartest but with a huge variance imo, some legitimate researchers and big brains there, but also lots of iq, 0.999... and conspiracy posting without the nuances of metascience

>> No.15409333


>> No.15409337

Because the comment implies it is overwhelmingly so. There is just as many /pol/tards on there as there is on other boards

>> No.15409362

Novel idea, anon. I’ll consider it.

>> No.15409367
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Okay bye

>> No.15409369
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/diy/ and /out/ probs, at least functional intelligence.

>> No.15409381

God bless you anon

>> No.15409388

"There’s," when contracted, is perfectly acceptable in an informal register of English, especially when spoken. Native speakers talk like this all the time and literally no one blinks.