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/lit/ - Literature

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15407508 No.15407508[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Is there any literature on this? I was romantically pursuing a girl in my Sociology lecture, we bonded over our love for Tolstoy and I really thought she was into me, we even had a coffee date and she let me kiss her on the cheek at the end of it. But suddenly she stops replying to my texts, and now I find out from a friend that she is FWBs with one of the black football players from our university, who got in because of sports and not grades, and probably hasn't read a book in his fucking life. Yes I'm seething, but wtf is up with that shit? Why do intelligent, well read women choose such men?

>> No.15407518

when will you mature and realize that both women and men are dumb apes who value "good sexy young mate who make me horny" more than intellectual pretensions, or really, anything else?

>> No.15407521

Dumb men normally have high levels of test

>> No.15407524

Intelligence which isn't easily manifested isn't attractive. Feel like most of /lit/ would do well to finally understand this.

>> No.15407525

>who let me kiss her on the cheek in the end
here's your answer you mongoloid

>> No.15407530

Maybe if you weren't a limp wristed faggot with the standard incel physiognomy, she'd pick you over the nigger

>> No.15407533

Whites women are made for the BBC.
Stick to ugly Asian women. They’re cunts too but their slanted eyes warp their vision and they think white men are attractive

>> No.15407537

Intelligence isn't attractive at all. It's worldly, and revealing which are two things antithetical to the mystery of the erotic. This meme needs to die.

>> No.15407545


>> No.15407549


Both kinda scream whore, dont they.

>> No.15407550

>implying niggers are attractive.

>> No.15407552

Not him, but adding in more - women generally want confidence and initiative and a bit of aggression. Waiting/asking permission/etc might be cute, but it's also unlikely to work on the average girl as much as a guy expressing clear and unambiguous interest and just going straight in for a kiss.

Of course, that probably wouldn't work for you because you would have had to be demonstrating that confidence from the get go, otherwise it will be out of character.

Anyways, it's fine to be intellectual, but you also have to be confident, and you should in general not particularly care about the reaction that you generate (not because you want to offend others or are particularly self-centered, or etc, but because you are already certain and comfortable that you are right in your actions. You can be a good, sensitive and caring person while still being confident and taking initiative; you don't have to be an asshole).

>> No.15407554

Women find me attractive because I'm charming and outgoing to all the men around me. The women then hate me because I don't give them special treatment for being a woman, they are generally too dumb or non-confrontational to participate in any interaction. The few smart ones are the type A personality types that develop a spite and jealousy or a confrontational attitude. This causes women to either love me or hate me without any in between. But the one's that love me are generally uninteresting. Oh well. I wish I was gay.

>> No.15407559

Absolute state of Americans.

>> No.15407561

fucking cope, when black panther came out, all my female co-workers couldn't shut up about michael b jordan (and they were from just about every race)

surprisingly, it actually was the black woman who was least enthused

>> No.15407564

But football players aren't attractive because they are dumb.

For instance, I'm not interested in a double D breasted woman if she can't pick up a book and read shakespeare or something. My girlfriend has double D breasts and she reads with me every day :3

Intelligence matters.

>> No.15407571

Read "I Am Charlotte Simmons" - smart pretty protagonist girl ends up not attracted to beta nerd, used by alpha chad asshole, and ends up with dumb alpha basketball chad. Wolfe knew of what he writes.

>> No.15407573

>blacks are universally attractive because normies liked a mixed celebrity

>> No.15407574

post her face and body

>> No.15407583

>But football players aren't attractive because they are dumb.

no that is what adds to the already present physical appeal, it's cute

>> No.15407584

nice blog faggot

>> No.15407585

No she didn't, what I'm saying is that you are using a small minority to represent the larger picture.

Let me tell you what's going on, what she is, is a smart OUTGOING nerdy girl ending up with a football player. Nothing surprising there. I've had my experience with these.

There are plenty of smart women who aren't so outgoing. And in my experience, it's simply a matter of digging in when you get to know them. You have to go out and get that, which I'm assuming you aren't doing either. The majority of women are not outgoing like this and it's usually the result of some defect like being used by a male in the wrong way or being a slut, etc.

Just realize that most women have diverse personalities and simply because a woman is extremely attractive, this doesn't mean she isn't even a virgin. :3

>> No.15407588

Are you a woman? Didn't think so.

>> No.15407593

he's not mixed in any appreciable quantity, he looks 100% black and you are pretending otherwise to salvage your fragile ego

just continue coping or better yet, modify your appearance to emulate his

>> No.15407599

thanks for the (you)

>> No.15407600

things that never happened
stop making shitty fantasies you lying faggot

>> No.15407603

Very, very frequently white women can be just as racist as white men are. They are simply not as outspoken.

Some are not racist, true. But many are.

>> No.15407605

why are you promoting that nigger anyway? are you a literal faggot or a literal cuckold? you're sickening either way.

>> No.15407609
File: 106 KB, 1200x675, andre.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I say this after years wasted, I promise you I don't see myself as any kind of good example of how to live your life. Learn from my mistakes.
Male intelligence is a cope. You were born to do jobs, if your "smart brain" doesn't let you see basic social cues and guide you into a position of usefulness, your brain must not have actually been very smart.
Women's choices are sort of like yearly income or community standing, they're a rough barometer for how useful you are to the perceived community. A lot of guys want to define themselves as individuals and separate themselves from the masses, trying to replicate the position of aristocrats without the social structure which supported them (as tentpoles of community investment and good taste). So your brain is full of all this useless knowledge, your friends are not useful connections but instead people who reinforce this weird self perception as somehow above or separate from the mainstream, your career (academia or "creative") is a constant cope or validation of your different-ness.
Meanwhile, midwit chad followed the mainstream playbook. Played a sport and got decent grades in high school, social instincts guided him to a group of friends who united in chasing girls and making each other laugh = sweet teen pussy. College, he joined a frat or made a solid crew of friends, male and female, with whom he partied while pursuing a mainstream career. Bam, you are forming some early approximation of an adult community and developing the foundation of stability and meaning to the world. Adulthood, we already discussed.
A smart girl is acting on her basic instincts when she chooses the dumb, unintellectual guy. She knows that an "intellectual" guy probably has emotional instability, is less likely to be a fruitful provider for her children, has neuroses which rob him of the use of his penis in any meaningful way, has strained relationships which will isolate her from the community at large.
All of this is just a theory by the way, I'm trying to figure out where I personally went wrong in life and this is what I've come up with. Feel free to poke holes in it.

>> No.15407615

Did you even read that book? Charlotte is not outgoing, she is shy and insecure. And she doesn't end up with a football player, she ends up with a basketball player.

The book is largely written from her perspective - there's no digging needed to understand her character - it's all right there on the surface of the text.

>> No.15407619

Yeah: you are a depressing shithead and need to reconsider how you view life.

Holy fucking shit... what a mess you are...

>> No.15407620

for the same reason that men on this board fawn over the fantasy of dating an illiterate but docile and sweet broad they can lecture on their latest read for hours on end, i imagine.

the reason often cited is that dumbfucks are "an escape from the real" or whatever. some people just want childbrained but gorgeous rays of sunshine who marvel at the mundane for the novelty of it all. it's stupid as fuck but it goes both ways. both men and women have terrible taste in partners.

>> No.15407623

No what I meant is Wolfe did not know of what he writes.

>> No.15407625

Agreed, and yet there's nothing of substance in your post so I'm still thinking I'm right.

>> No.15407641
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>> No.15407642

at least you're /lit/erate and not some /sci/ poster lmao how do you think they feel about rejection

>> No.15407650

Yup, this looks like that kind of outgoing nerdy girl.

Meanwhile there is a smarter, more nerdy girl you arent attracted to sitting in the back of your class with a crush on you :3

>> No.15407653

she looks like she copied literally everything about her self presentation from an urban outfitters catalog.
Don't forget your worth king.

>> No.15407660

White men aren’t racist to any appreciable degree

>> No.15407666
File: 170 KB, 640x640, 1581379999323.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Imagine the miles, upon miles, upon miles of BBC this chick has taken over the years. Her pussy must be like a federal penitentiary with how many black men shes had inside her.

>> No.15407670

Thanks, King.

>> No.15407694

srsly tho this is the universal uniform of the "nobody noticed me when I was authentic so I'm reinventing myself as a hipster girl from 2008" chick, she'll probably fuck anyone who makes her feel sexy. You shouldn't have taken her on a coffee date and tried to bond with her, if you wanted the puss you just had to make the carnal intention known in some non-autistic way. Last call at the bar type situation, no care as about the actual personality of your sexual partner. She'd just as soon be fucking somebody else, she's fucking whoever showed up first and was most convenient. That's fine if you're cool with it. But you can also get to know people, it's just not going to be someone as obviously "playing a character" as this chick.
But I've only seen like one picture and you might be a cuck LARPer so take all of this with a pound of salt.

>> No.15407697

Rent free

>> No.15407719 [DELETED] 

Built for BBC

>> No.15407732

Good post. This is exactly why we're headed to Idiocracy.

>> No.15407746

That’s a man

>> No.15407753

it's not that women like dumb men more than intelligent ones, it's that the first in general behave as higher-T than the later, plus the stereotype nerdy bazinga guy really doesn't help. you need to be the guy who'd beat the shit outta of the Chad football player

>> No.15407773
File: 138 KB, 396x385, 1588119399022.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>faggots are depressing over women like this
come the fuck on

>> No.15407780

I literally have never had sex with a woman, I'm a 22 year old virgin, and this was the first woman to give me the time of day in years. Obviously I jumped on it and am depressed it didn't work out.

>> No.15407782

that's a red flag anon

>> No.15407783

Intelligence is a curse. Any sense of curiosity or knowledge about things outside of the mainstream culture define you as an outsider or different, which develops fight or flight in the masses. Being smart isn't an attractive trait to those that "play the game" as you say. The pretty girls are following their programming and societal roles, same with the chads. The learned set of skills to put on make up, use a push up bra or sock glue, lifting weights proper, are all the extent within the zeitgeist and push for those individuals to not live outside the experience that is comfortable. So when they meet someone who does not have the same social training or the same set of interests there is a fine line of interesting different stimuli and the scary unknown. This fear is what continues to perpetuate the gap between spergs on here and the "normies."

>> No.15407784

Are you serious???

>> No.15407788

>Male intelligence is a cope
>entire post is an elaborate series of copes
what did he mean by this

>> No.15407790

If it makes you feel better, I'm a 23yo virgin

>> No.15407796

Damn, you're right I'm coping but you don't seem to be telling me where my copes are wrong

>> No.15407800

Why can't we get laid /lit/bros?

>> No.15407815

This, if anything male intelligence is only valued by other males, which isn't a bad thing but it won't get you pussy

>> No.15407827

Look for another woman, kid. You'll get over it eventually. A failed relationship happened to me when I was 21 and now it means nothing.

>> No.15407828

Welcome to 'shitty women'. :3

Normal, nice women are not outgoing, but they aren't exactly shy either. Modern society is kind of fucked up, so if you're over in Europe you have it worse actually than America I think, but there's always a chance there's some girl out there for you. Good luck.

>> No.15407839

Imagine you break female preferences into the biggest, most important chunks?

Status, appearance, assertiveness, humour, empathy (towards her), etc. Where does intelligence in the sense it takes to solve a problem fall?

Fifth? Sixth?

You just aren't that attractive anon, or weren't in your interactions with her.

>> No.15407847

Women don't "choose" anything. Women are so spoiled for choices that they are effectively buffeted by those choices, they are out to sea without a paddle or a rudder. They just react to whatever is in front of them at any given time. Because men worship them for existing, they've never been forced to take responsibility for their actions (a normal and essential part of maturing into an adult), so they don't really notice the people they leave by the wayside as they coast through life taking whatever pleasures and pains it gives them.

This is why even their lows and tragedies are weirdly unreal. They have an entire fake, badly-founded relationship, with a guy who excited them for all the wrong reasons, because again, they never learned to take things seriously and separate the wheat from the chaff in life, so they have no ability to separate childish "he makes my feelings feel like fuzzy feelings when I'm around him (because he's tall)" attraction from more adult "as a human being, I value morality and ambition in potential partners" type attraction. The two priorities remain swirled together, and as a result the latter remains uncultivated and dormant, so that even relationships and partners with potential are squandered, only experienced as childish emotional rollercoasters. When they break up, it's experienced as more crying, more childish self-indulgent sobbing, more rollercoaster bullshit with no attempt to take the reins in hand. Sometimes there's a brief moment of potential for self-reflection when the woman really faces the topsy-turvy, to-and-fro character of her life experiences, but because an easier solution is always available (immediately begin receiving validation from another exciting man, immediately begin experiencing the fun childish girly drama of dating), only women who have some other motivation for self-direction actually rise to the occasion.

You have to understand, women's primary hobby is men, and it's the best hobby ever for them. It's almost better to describe it as a drug they're addicted to, or a whole lifestyle where their addiction to a drug is rewarded and supported. Imagine if you could always attract a dumb immature 20ish hot girl, any time you were bored and lacking some stimulation in your life, and dating/fucking her was like a combination of engaging in your favorite video game plus a methamphetamine trip plus a mild opiate trip. You would never fucking do anything else. That's how women experience dating, and it's an infinite resource for them until they hit the wall. Even the depressed quirky ones are just a subvariant of this, most of the time.

Women are not dating in the way you are trying to date. Women have no responsibility to you or to your fruity courtship attempts. They don't care. They literally stop "seeing" you once you're no longer exciting them, and whether you excite them can be based on a minor flub you made correlated against your attractiveness or based on their hormones that hour.

>> No.15407848

How fucked up is Europe in this regard? I'm always hearing comments about how slutty their women are, but how bad is it, really?

>> No.15407854

All of those but appearence are related to intelligence.

>> No.15407857


>> No.15407865

Too depressing/pessimistic. :3

The world doesn't function like this, and not all women are the same.

>> No.15407866
File: 212 KB, 303x499, dale.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The internet has changed the way connections are made. Everyone on here hates the idea of college and spouts how it should just be skipped to go be a guard or a woodworker or some dumb shit to read all day long. College is the only social platform left where girls who read fucking books and aren't broken hang out. The girls I've slept with from bars have been crazy, or mediocre (drunk goggles lol), had kids, were dumb, or maybe I am just a bad person. Anyway, the internet for those who aren't in college is the only way to really meet people outside of a bar. No book club is going to have hot women who would give you the time of day. Women who read tend to become feminists who read theory and YA novels, which isn't what you want. You want the equivalent of the Bro Chick who watches football and mows lawns and goes fishing. Are you fucking kidding me. Every woman who reads I've met rolls their eyes when I talk about david foster wallace. If you were attractive, or put time into becoming attractive, you wouldn't really be complaining about getting laid because you could just use tinder or any other internet activity to find one of those broken women I mentioned. This is easy, it just takes some effort and time to get there. But it's all eventually not fulfilling. Maybe your real question is, "Why can't I find the perfect girl and fall in love?" My response to that is that we just put the idea of a person on a pedestal. I miss her. But I don't miss "her" i miss the idea of "her". You want the idea of love, when, in reality, it doesn't feel like you think it will feel. Life is suffering and this last bastion of "my life will be okay once this happens" is a farce. It's literally a cope.

>> No.15407875

I really hope no one's actually depressed about losing this 4. Christ OP, get your shit together

>> No.15407876

Get fit

>> No.15407890

Why do most faggots here exclusively want a women who's very into literature?

>> No.15407904

But they are not the facets of intelligence people means when they say intelligence. I already clarified that I referred not to intelligence in its whole in my post anyways. Obviously having a high g is attractive. But being intelligent in problem solving and rational thought is mainly attractive because it implies that you might be similarly endowed in the other facets of g.

>> No.15407907

Dating apps allow attractive men to monopolize all of the dating in a given area. That, combined with non-monogamy, creates a steep dating hierarchy for men

>> No.15407930

I have the same fucking problem as the rest of /lit/'s incels except I'm asian so it's 2x as hard for me
>time to rope

>> No.15407931

Because we all want to share our interests with someone who will appreciate us for it. I remember I finally slept with the girl who I went to school with and saw at anime conventions. If it had been 5 years ago, I would have loved this, because at the time, I was really into that scene. Costumes, cartoons, drugs, parties, etc. all things I spent my time on, but I don't do that anymore. It's been compartmentalized. We want to share mutual interests and knowledge with someone because otherwise it takes far too long to catch them up to have a conversation about it. Another example, the girl I slept with a few times who was 19, 9 years younger than me, knew almost nothing about any of my interests or references except for a handful of bands in a particular genre. It was the only time I have tried that much of an age gap, partly because she was pretty and I wanted to get laid, but partly to understand the generational difference. It was stark. We are on a literature board, and people on here define their identity by what they spend their time on, mainly reading and shitposting. We want to feel accepted and related to when we are so intimate with another person.

>> No.15407933

Rational thought is gay. No wonder you faggots can't attract women. If that is your idea of intellifence, you will never get pussy putting this as your best quality.

>> No.15407942


>> No.15407965

using a medium (like literature, movies, music, etc.) has nothing to do with forming a connection with someone

>> No.15407971

dude, what the fuck

>> No.15407974

Read/watch High Fidelity, friend.

>> No.15407975


>> No.15407984

you know I used to think like you, right? I had exactly your opinion 3 years ago

>> No.15407991


It seems you are forgetting the single most important thing that eclipses all of the others to the point they barely even matter
I am speaking of course about wealth
As long as you are good enough at at least one of those other things the one and only path is to leverage it to gain wealth and basically that's how you actually get female attention that lasts nothing else will do it
But of course in a university setting nobody has wealth at least not their own maybe their parents do but that's obviously unreliable so in the absence of that females just fall back to more primal instincts of physical attraction
Whatever you do don't fool yourself into believing you can change yourself to be more appealing in some other way the real world is not like a book you will not go on a grand journey to better yourself and live happily ever after only money will make your dreams come true in the real world and you will probably get it in a very boring way but remember money will never fail you even if every one of your other plans afterwards fail the money will still be there

>> No.15408000

why are you seething so much? i've always suspected the main reason /pol/cucks rage about black men "stealing" white women is insecurity about the bbc meme. you needn't worry, while many women do fancy the idea of fucking muscular black men, the majority will still end up with a lil dick white boi like yourself

>> No.15408003

What opinion is that? FWIW I'm not the anon you were initially responding to. I am actually a married boomer (i.e. mid-30s). Wife and I share some hobbies and not others. Both of us read, but desu we have more overlap in other interests (gardening, food, drinking, husbandry, etc) than we do in literature.

>> No.15408009

Obviously it does. The material content or genre of whatever you talk about with another person doesn't much matter, but there must be a connection at some level in order to move past it to the procedural aspects of the conversation. The way it flows, the way non verbal actions occur, the emotional reactions or aspects of the conversation. The only reason groups of friends go to do shared activities is because the act of bonding over bowling/movies/dinner etc. will trump the conversational aspects of deepening your understanding of the other person with whom you probably don't share a whole lot with other than the fact that you and these people have known each other for a long period of time. Relationships with others can vary tremendously, and you are partly correct in that there are some relationships in which the personality types mesh so well that it doesn't matter if there is a shared activity or that the two people don't have anything in common. Having a shared medium is just as critical a role socially as small talk, it is an ability to gauge and understand the other person. I also agree that it is an extreme thing to solely base a relationship on shared consumptive media. The personalities may not mesh well, for sure. It's a mindset many people have that doesn't actually provide any satisfaction for the individual. The idea is again put on the pedestal.

>> No.15408019
File: 1007 KB, 4000x2668, 1588010473518.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What makes men choose the bimbo cosplayer that openly says that her BF's dick is too small for her on her Tinder profile?

Their dick of course.

>> No.15408030

Wealth is a component of status. Perhaps I could have spin it out separately to further, but nowadays wealth and status are one and the same.

>> No.15408040

only manwhores go for whores

>> No.15408041

Why am I so weak willed bros? Why does my dick drive me to do dumb things?

>> No.15408048

I'm who you replied to, and I'm married. Did IQ help me? If it did it was only because the way I think is similar to her father.

>> No.15408068

"...Yes, and behind this fact lies the basic wisdom of knowing how to use our wills in cooperating with divine grace to practice Christian chastity. Before we go on to examine how we are to cope with these sex stimuli, let us be sure we know two things: Christian chastity is impossible without God's grace, and we have a free will precisely that we might cooperate with the grace of God. Remove either of these two elements, grace and free will, and chastity becomes what the whole science of secular psychology calls it, a pathological repression of perfectly natural human desires."

you'll never do it on your own

>> No.15408069
File: 22 KB, 440x499, oj.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>hate belle delphine
>believe she is a horrible monster
>believe what she represents is literally apocalyptic in scope and she is only the tip of an iceberg of pure evil
>know her whole brand is managed by her boyfriend and she probably has an IQ of 75, she might as well be computer-generated
>objectively don't find her attractive
>objectively, rationally know how all the makeup and filtering and posing and favorable angles work
>objectively know she has a mediocre flabby little boy body
>literally would turn her down for sex because she's a used up mediocre piece of shit
>have actually slept with more attractive women than her
>hate coomers and simps
>see picture of belle delphine
>suddenly smell the color pink and taste cotton candy and feel pointless frustrated attraction to her

Fucking hate being a man

>> No.15408072

I openly post on both Reddit and 4chan, although I've been on 4chan longer.

Pessimism is a battle you have to fight, and you're losing.

>> No.15408078

Not really. Brad Pitt has a higher status than some Chinese rich guy with the same amount of wealth.

>> No.15408086

>objectively don't find her attractive
>suddenly smell the color pink and taste cotton candy and feel pointless frustrated attraction to her
So you do think she's attractive after all and you are just coping? Half the internet likes her, there's no shame in thinking that she's attractive.

>> No.15408099 [DELETED] 

she looks like she fucks black guys

>> No.15408117

Interests don't matter. Values do.

>> No.15408118

>believe what she represents is literally apocalyptic in scope and she is only the tip of an iceberg of pure evil
This is hysterical, in every sense of the word

>> No.15408120

>I openly post on both Reddit and 4chan
ye I know that’s why I said it. go back

>> No.15408125

>I openly post on both Reddit and 4chan

We know

>> No.15408129

I, on the other hand, covertly post on 4channel.

>> No.15408136

>and now I find out from a friend that she is FWBs with one of the black football players from our university, who got in because of sports and not grades, and probably hasn't read a book in his fucking life
This is bait, and also off-topic.

>> No.15408138

How do you develop those values bro?

>> No.15408472


>> No.15408485

this is a picture of me.


>> No.15408495


>> No.15408589

oh my fucking god

>> No.15408609

based. Post a picture of OP if you have one. I wanna see what we're working with

>> No.15408613

you shouldn't be a slut.

>> No.15408623

You've been online too much today Chang

>> No.15408624


>> No.15408635

dude white women are the most non-racemixing group in America, all other groups sleep around other groups more than white women do

>> No.15409102

I know this is fake, but if it isn't you two should just fuck already.

>> No.15409293

>My anecdote about one particular blackie proves that all of them are more attractive than whites.

>> No.15409447

How could Europe be any worse for interaction than America of all places? Here you have to date a fellow student or co-worker half the time and they're usually married or seeing someone else

>> No.15409463

people actually replied honestly to this race bait

>> No.15409471

c'mon man...

>> No.15409472

>Here you have to date a fellow student or co-worker half the time
What's wrong with that?

>and they're usually married or seeing someone else
Lol dude, no

>> No.15409474

This anon is correct

>> No.15409491

why did anyone honestly reply to this thread lol

>> No.15409539

Literally a dime a dozen, m8. Your average Arts program is packed to the brim with these replicants.

>> No.15409551

>I literally have never had sex with a woman, I'm a 22 year old virgin, and this was the first woman to give me the time of day in years. Obviously I jumped on it and am depressed it didn't work out.
I feel ya. Just keep going, bro, that's how it rolls. Also, take the greek pill. Our women doesn't have to be even literate!
They just have to be pretty, good mothers,
not-completely-dumb, kind, and so on...
Remember: The woman Blake married didn't even know how to read when they got together. Keats fell in love with a peasant. Tolstoi literally got tired of fucking serfs. Do you think he cared if the women in his bed read Pushkin?
No! He loved them by what they were. Women are for fucking/love/caretaking.
If you want intellectual joy search another men. You can talk about your "big-brain" books on lit/. There are more important things to search in a woman partner.

>> No.15409576

Bait. But I'm willing to see this play out. Post proof it's you.

>> No.15409642
File: 1.20 MB, 1200x1200, 1530310019604.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The only thing you need to get satisfatory casual sex (because you're obviously alone, miserable and needed of attention and that's what you should look for instead of simping over eldritch abominations) is to :
- have a big dick
-make her laugh
-be confident & attractive
-get her drunk obviously
You probably are dumb as a brick because having internet connection,reading Tolstoy and attending sociology lectures (oh no no no) are not even remotely desirable.Also stop caring absolutely about women (and asking these kind of questions on a fucking literature board).Trust me.

>> No.15409664


>> No.15409735

What's wrong with a woman who reads Tolstoy?

>> No.15409749

what kind of faggot would want anything to do with a woman

>> No.15409853

>What's wrong with a woman who reads Tolstoy?
Nothing wrong with that. Just don't limit your options nor think that's the most relevant thing in a woman ignoring much more important stuff. Not him btw.

>> No.15409963

This. Girls love me because i'm retarded

>> No.15410057

>What's wrong with that?
Don't shit where u eat. If u break up with someone at school/ur job u still have to see them a lot and it could spell bad news for ur career/connections

>> No.15410097

wanting a /lit/ women sounds like hell

>> No.15410198


>> No.15410206

Poor Chad, ending up with some scrawny bookworm. He should've ended up Stacey and her Double Ds

>> No.15410215

Value your virginity. Maybe score a trad girl and play it off as saving yourself for marriage.

>> No.15410219
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Come on buddy

>> No.15410275

If you adjust for population they really arent.

>> No.15410482


>> No.15410499

based bait

>> No.15411157


>Caring about women who study sociology

Major red flag. They almost always turn into feminist whores.

>> No.15411175

Models by Mark Manson

>> No.15411634

Sexual attraction is above all else, this is always the case, there is nothing wrong with this however, because the unattractive aren't healthy and shouldn't reproduce. Sex is optional in life, there are other things one can do in life, love isn't given to everyone neither is sex nor relationships, either overcome this desire or succumb to resentment and die worthless to both women and the world.

>> No.15411670

Women are hypersexual since they have many ways of COOMing. Either learn how to lick clits and nips or be funny or, even better, both. They chase the feelgood sensations.

>> No.15411702

Because he has other qualities you don't that makes him more interesting and fun to be around and his physique is guaranteed 50x+ better than yours. You didn't sincerely think that because you share 1 thing in common that you are entitled to a relationship with a person did you?

>> No.15411719

Just imagine her getting that Chad BBC despite him not having read a word of Tolstoy. Lmao

>> No.15411720

This is incorrect. You assume there's a method to communication as if one can become sexually attractive to a women by doing the right things or saying the right things, as if this is a dialogue tree in a video game or a quiz. Everything is downstream from attraction and you would know this as would OP if you would just flip the sexes and imagine a woman unattractive to you attempting to use the very advice you give on yourself instead of a hypothetical woman, you wouldn't end up with a woman you weren't attracted to, regardless of what she said or did and this is exactly the case for women as well! Civilization has given so much suffering to those who nature would have culled, unfortunately this is the case for those who can't find love, love is not meant for everyone nor is sex for everyone nor are there women or relationships for everyone precisely because these things are meant to IMPROVE our species! Weakness dies in nature and who does the killing? The strong. Natural laws apply to us even though we live in a artificial and civilized world. There is no way to jujitsu a woman into liking you, because in the end you can lie to yourself but nothing can cause attraction to occur where it is absent.

>> No.15411725

post tits

>> No.15411746
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Because dating people with the same interests as you is annoying man, hobbies are private personal matters and having an outside influence project influence over the innards of your work loses its cuteness after about 1 day.

This is why I keep my whores seperate from the arts, I like women who are dumb as bricks but know how to fuck and suck like a good little girl.

>> No.15411753

I am not a femanon I'm just an oldfag who has learned how humans interact with each other after I stopped being a recluse.

>> No.15411770

( X )

>> No.15411776
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>> No.15411797


>> No.15412078

women obviously are not attracted to intelligence. you should have figured this out in high school

>> No.15412743

What a bullshit picture m8 :3

Women need a free will of their own. However, they also need to understand that spiritually they are lesser than men.

This middle ground of understanding is important. They deserve rights like anyone else though, of course. I just frequently find that women ruin men's lives much more often than men ruining women's lives (although of course it happens both ways).

It isn't very often God makes a GF as awesome as mine :3

>> No.15412771

You misunderstand my point if you think I am saying that there is some set phrase or language or words that can be used to 'get a woman to like you' - I did not say that.

I instead said that women are by and large attracted to confidence and initiative, and that you can develop confidence by being sure of yourself and your actions and not judging those actions based on how others respond (I also added that you can be confident without being an asshole, but that was more of a tangent to the point).

Another anon in this thread referenced Tom Wolfe's "Charlotte Simmons" - you might enjoy this article - https://claremontreviewofbooks.com/a-woman-in-full/ - which I think gets to both of our points. Obviously physical desire is a huge component here, but it's not the sole component that drives whether a woman sees a particular man as attractive or not.

>> No.15412848

I can guarrantee that not only is that guy smarter than you, he's also not an ugly manlet with a chip on his shoulder.

>> No.15412915


>> No.15412929

t. incel

>> No.15412932

Just said goodnight to her, asswipe. I'm not talking about butterfly, she doesn't even come on here anymore. Just shows you I am indeed not dependent on her. :3

>> No.15412970

You have to put yourself out there. It's the only way. Yes it's painful, yes it's awkward, but socializing is a skill like any other and if you never practice it you'll remain a failure for the rest of your life.

>> No.15412984

>Unironically studies fucking sociology, the fucking least of the social sciences
Well, maybe you should start studying something a little more rigorous than basic pattern recognition.

>> No.15413070

Run of the mill roast

>> No.15413076


>> No.15413113

You are a jackass.

>> No.15413206


>> No.15413228
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>> No.15413248

>Studying Sociology
You deserve it.

>> No.15413250


>> No.15413796

>Because dating people with the same interests as you is annoying man
Fucking THANK YOU.

>> No.15413830

>social sciences
pfft hahahahahhaahahahahahahahahaha

>> No.15413854
File: 3.84 MB, 2888x2844, 99CD90AA-5D5E-417F-991F-E202A2441239.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

embrace monasticity brother

>> No.15413861

There are too many retards in this thread. It's not hard to be intelligent and be attractive. There are many ways of doing it. A generic example would be pushing a mysterious vibe. But the bottom line is, you're not that intelligent if you cannot figure out how to acquire a mate.

>> No.15413870

Bet she’s a fatty.

>> No.15413916

>she let me kiss her on the cheek
there are so many things wrong with this I don’t even know where to start. Her rejection has got nothing to do with books and everything to do with you being a subservient (and I hate to have to use this word) simp.

>> No.15413923

OP I don't even know you and I know you can do better. Quit being a fag.

>> No.15413924


>> No.15414041

Male natural sexual relationship with a female is of domination.
If she is into you, she will be into whatever you like.
You can teach her and she can learn by herself if she is a good student.

There is an old saying in the manosphere and redpilled communities that girls hobbies are actually the hobbies of her exes. There is some true to that fact.
Girls will take the passions of guys they are really into.

Also you main priority for picking a woman shouldn't be that she know your retarded fringe music bands, Jesus Christ.
Unironically watch "500 days of Summer" and understand that was a critique to hipsterism and not a defense of it.

>> No.15414541

t. black incel

>> No.15414554

OP you're a giant pussy. Raise your fucking testosterone

>> No.15414557

Read The Book of Pook

>> No.15414636

I got laid