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/lit/ - Literature

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15405973 No.15405973 [Reply] [Original]

>As it happens, Mishima loathed Dazai, undoubtedly because he owed him so much in influence. Once, he followed Dazai to a party, styling himself as Dazai’s assassin, and told him to his face, “I hate your literature.” Dazai coolly looked him up and down and replied, “And yet you are here.”

Who ended up being the better/most impactful writer?

>> No.15405984

Was he mixed race? If not surely he must have some blood of those early portugese or dutch explorers.

>> No.15405992

Why do you say that

>> No.15406006

>google Dazai
>anime fills the results
>google Mishima
>see scenes from the famous film on him and also scenes from after his suicide

I think Mishima won this one

>> No.15406020

he was a Jomon chad

>> No.15406021

Reminder he wrote Confessions of a Mask at 24.

He was a genius.

>> No.15406022

Wouldn't you want to be immortalized as a cute anime boy, husbando'd by millions of girls (and probably boys)?

>> No.15406025

That's a fate that would make a man commit suicide all over again

>> No.15406033

To each his own.

>> No.15406055

His facial features arent those typical of japanese people, and he does look like he has some european genetics

>> No.15406083

I teach english in japan.
My students get Dazai assigned in their japanese class
I have also been recommended Kikakuji by one of my coworkers.
I would say both have their merits. Literature isn't a zero-sum game.

>> No.15406092

He looks like a regular japanese person, unless you think all japanese people are walking exaggerations.

>> No.15406125
File: 266 KB, 1060x1600, Mishima-Yukio-1966.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He doesnt

>> No.15406131

I don't really see it, he just has a stronger jaw than most people. I'm not Japanese though so I can't really judge.

>> No.15406132

He does.
What features make you think he has 'european genetics'?
I am >>15406055

>> No.15406133

Sorry, I meant the post below that. I am a little drunk desu but my point still stands.

>> No.15406134

There are two different genetic factors groups of Japanese people. I forgot the actual names for them.
But one is your stereotypical moon face. The other looks "normal" like Mishima

>> No.15406140

The Japanese aren't carbon copies of eachother. They look as different from person to person and I do to you. But I bet if you did a test on ol' Yukio's bones you would find that he was 100% Japanese.

>> No.15406143

Mishima is obviously the better writer, but that doesn't mean there isn't something to be celebrated in Dazai's simplicity. I think the length and depth of Mishima's novels allow him to paint far more complex, deeper psychological portraits of his characters and some of his passages are just beautiful. But then Dazai can deliver than one-two punch that just hits you in the gut, and his books feel more youthful, less beleaguered than Mishima, and a lot 'cooler'. Apples and oranges at the end of the day. I can see why Mishima would have disliked/envied him though.

>> No.15406149
File: 49 KB, 500x500, Mishima_Yukio600.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Definetely not typical japanese

>> No.15406152

Merchants and explorers rarely mingled with the locals and most of Mishima's descendants can be traced back anyway.

>> No.15406158

He mentions in Confessions of a Mask that he is part Jomon

>> No.15406161
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>> No.15406164

>trusting the credibility of an infograph that uses racial slurs

>> No.15406165

'Rarely' is a keyword here. It only had to happen once (and it likely happened more than once), and a person born 400 years ago probably would have several hundred descendands today

>> No.15406172

being 1/60 European isn't even going to have much of an effect on how you look even if that was the case

>> No.15406178

Why do non-Japanese care so much about the appearance of a Japanese man?

Very strange.

>> No.15406180

Chances are some of his ancestors were distant cousins and intermarried, not an uncommon thing even today in more remote or less populated places, a friend of mine dated a girl who later turned out to be his third cousin.
Suddenly 1/60 becomes 1/45 or even 1/30

>> No.15406182

>a friend of mine dated a girl who later turned out to be his third cousin.

>> No.15406186

Then why don't Europeans look asian or black? Surely 400 years ago someone race mixed and then that 1/60 became 1/45 or even 1/30

>> No.15406185

He is handsome (no homo), people are normally attracted to good looking people (in ways other than erotic or sexual)

>> No.15406194

Why do you care what non-Japanese people do

>> No.15406197

Well a lot of spanish do have arabic or middle eastern features, same for portugees, a lot of anglos dont look european at all (russel brand), others have blue eyes and blond hair

>> No.15406204

Just imagine the scene with larping 5'1" faggot Mishima in an assassin outfit vs 5'9" Dazai in a suite, and this was all happening in a party lmaoooo

Holy shit, what a fucking embarrassing larper Mishima was

>> No.15406211

Wasnt he 5'4?

>> No.15406212

nice try Mishima.

>> No.15406229

no matter what, he's the perfect height for sniffing my rural white teen armpits.

>> No.15406240

He really lost it when he did LSD in San Francisco

>> No.15406273

Yayoi is chinky
Jomon is more melanesian
Wasn't Mishima that faggot artist who died like a bitch after delivering a failed speech?

>> No.15406278

Jomons were European

>> No.15406310

he was 5'2" autistic manlet coper

>> No.15406320

I have heard the south Sundanese are also European.