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/lit/ - Literature

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15398409 No.15398409 [Reply] [Original]

>Read Men Without Women
What the fuck. I thought this was about lonely, disillusioned, bitter young men, instead I have to read how every single short story protagonist is fucking like crazy. What a shitshow, I should've read some reviews first, last time I buy blindly.

>> No.15398420

take it back to the store

>> No.15398491

kek, who knew murakami was an "incel" filter

>> No.15398504

Yeah but Kino was kino

>> No.15398511

you've already forgotten more things about being a lonely, disillusioned, bitter young man than a book could teach you

>> No.15398548

Literally anyone who read a single one of his books

>> No.15398596
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If I read a novel and people have sex I instantly drop the book and leave a 1 star rating

>> No.15398714

Very based

>> No.15398741

>tfw no qt azn gf

>> No.15398783

What if the plot of the novel is that a virgin vigilante goes around killing people who have sex?

>> No.15398792

Depends how detailed the description of the sex is

>> No.15400052
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Pleb status: Filtered

>> No.15400179

This is the premise of every slasher movie.

>> No.15400229

I was angry about that book for the exact same reason, OP.

>> No.15400925

Read Hemmingway's version

>> No.15400986
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I liked it

Made me remember some girls I really liked, and some men I desperately tried not to be like

>> No.15402096

when did lit become so hostile against incels ?
that aside murakami is a YA novelist at best , i got memed into reading Norwegian woods and bruh the salt of the earth deadpan MC kept getting laid and laid and laid none of which is earned he just fucks you feel me ?
i think anyone who reads murakami past his 18 is kinding setting himself up for disappointment

>> No.15403550

To Kill A Mockingbird suffered a similar issue and I gotta say it really impacted my enjoyment of it!

>> No.15404764

it was an ironic title to capture your attention

his goal was to show what importance women have to men.

>> No.15404782

I lost my copy of Blind Willow Sleeping Woman and I really want to reread some of the stories :(

>> No.15404796

i feel like i’m the sane with movies, anime and music.

>oh the story revolves around some dilemna with interpersonal relationships, not about the existential pains of life

>> No.15404829


>when did lit become so hostile against incels ?

"Incels" dont exist, it just an astroturfed term being championed by nu-progressives.

>> No.15405922

but sex is a part of life
ok maybe not your life

>> No.15405934

>reading a Murakami story and expecting the protagonist to not be an uber Chad

I remember one of his stories is about a lawnmower man in the 60s or something and the entire plot is him fucking some lonely housewife. His works are basically porn but a bit too depressing to actually get aroused at.

>> No.15405945

>play any video game developed before 2007
>sublime cathedral of beauty developed exclusively by males, made exclusively for males

>> No.15406049
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i wanna go back bros

>> No.15406146

Well, the term started by the people themselves, their forum is literally called incels.com or whatever, but then progressives extrapolated it to mean basically all virgins for some reason

>> No.15406443


I couldn't finish "Oblomov" because the hole premise was lost in an boring as lovestory.

>inb4 incel/virgin

>> No.15407308


You faggots are no better than normie girls who drop a book because "the characters are unlikable."

>> No.15407979

no anon-san murakami books are so much surface level that even porn won't salvage them
i don't like his book not because i don't like sex but because i feel like the characters are just on a different planet where sex is nothing but a given
no lead up nothing feels earned it's all just porn but even that is botched you can't jerk off to it because he has to write muh depression
so yeah he's a hack for adults but low to okayish for 15 year olds

>> No.15408008

Read Temple of the Golden Pavillon

>> No.15408140

Why should I read a story about a topic I have zero interest in, when i can read something I enjoy instead?

>> No.15409469


>> No.15409518

Read Whatever

>> No.15409682

Literally all of his books have a plain flat boring main character who gets laid regularly and easily. Only thing that is boring about his books. Cant stand the main character. Also they are usually forgettable.

>> No.15409719
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I had been wondering where my cat was when the phone rang. It was a woman offering to have no strings sex with me. I made some non-committal remarks to her and put the receiver down. I hate those cold callers. I had nothing to do that day, or any other day, so I walked down the back alley and fell into a desultory conversation with a random 16 year old girl who had a wooden leg and a parrot on her shoulder. She suggested I help her make some easy money by counting bald people. That sounded about as good as anything else to me, after all, as I have already explained, i had nothing to do. At all. And I was doing it. It was kind of a cool period in my life when i wasn't really doing anything. I didn't have a job, I had become estranged from my family and for some reason I could not quite put my finger on, i had no friends. So we counted the bald people for a while and then we stopped. We went back home, or should i say, she went back to her home, and I, of course, went back to mine, where I prepared a simple evening meal consisting of grated cucumber, a little olive oil, half a smoked mackerel and a pot of basil. I didn't put the tv on because I didn't have a tv because if i had had a tv i might have switched it on and seen something on it that was actually interesting. Then the cold calling sex woman rang again and this time she said that she couldn't quite tell me how she knew this but she knew something was going to happen to me but she did not say when it would. I decided to rehang the curtains in the front room. But not right away. Maybe later. I picked up the novel I was reading. It was a long one by a very modish Japanese writer called Haruki Murakami. It was about this English guy called Paul Bryant. He was kind of dull but all these weird unexplained things kept happening like he was a magnet for all the weirdness around. I don't know how to explain it. Neither did he. Neither did Haruki Marukami. I read for an hour and found I was on page 303, which in my paperback edition, was the exact centre point of the novel. I put it down. I had a feeling that in this novel things would continue to happen but the things would all be made of blancmange, a tasteless gooey substance which looks a little like wallpaper paste but isn't. And the people in the novel would all be not really real but also not really not real, if you know what I mean. My arm felt slightly tired holding the book.

>> No.15409728

I shifted to a different reading posture on my couch but it did not help. The strength went out of my arm. I do not know why. As you may have noticed, I do not know anything at all. I struggle to recall my name on most days. The novel fell from my hand. I had the feeling I would never pick it up again. I did not know why I had that feeling, but I was pretty sure that I had it at the time I was having it. Although later, I was almost sure I had no memory of it. When I looked up a completely naked woman was sitting at the table eating a slice of thinly buttered toast. I asked her who she was and she said she was not at that point in a position to be able to divulge that information. She asked if she could borrow my car. I explained it had been taken by my wife who had left me two weeks ago. This did not seem to phase her. I noticed that her body was almost the same as that of my wife. She had two breasts, two nipples, and although the table was obscuring the lower parts of her anatomy I was sure that the rest of her was also not dissimilar. She consumed three pieces of toast and told me in a cool voice that I would never see my cat again except possibly in a place that began with the letter H or has a H in the name somewhere. She borrowed my wife's smart summer coat and a pair of her stilettos and left after about 15 minutes. It began to rain but I did not notice. I thought about paying my electricity bill.

>> No.15409739

put a tiger in ur tank anon
It took me three of his novels to realize he's not that great. His shorter stories are much more fun to read. The elephant disappears has 1-2 good ones

>> No.15409827


>> No.15409841 [DELETED] 

This guy apparently has crazy eyeswideshut orgy parties with his fanatic fans