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/lit/ - Literature

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15403785 No.15403785 [Reply] [Original]

Currently we’re reading Moby Dick, and we’d like to continue the rhythm of reading together, so we are voting for the book for next month, based off of the most voted books from our last poll.
This poll will be running until the 21st, so everyone has a week and a day to get the book.
The poll: https://forms.gle/5qgnXjzmgQrLFXfw7
The discord: https://discord.gg/yZKKKEK

>> No.15403897

>1000 pages
>meme book
>ruslit that everyone has already read

god damn it

>> No.15404206

looks like the dudebro lit is winning

>> No.15404360

for the love of christ vote for anna karenina

>> No.15404412

vote Don Quixote, I propose One Hundred Years of Solitude or The Savage Detectives

>> No.15404434

discord circlejerk is in full effect but i hope you suggest those titles for next month

>> No.15404442

I can't believe people are comparing it to Moby Dick in the discord. Mccarthy's books are trash that tries to make up for their shit narratives with flashy prose.

>> No.15404935

For the love of all that is Holy vote for Don Quixote.

>> No.15406403


>> No.15406411
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no thanks

>> No.15406441
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I don't even read books and I voted for anna karenina. Kindle is comnig in on monday.

>> No.15407493


>> No.15408149

Fair enough

>> No.15408413


Wtf, it's already May 21 here on Guam.

>> No.15408445
File: 245 KB, 898x577, Blood Meridian, or The Evening Redness in the West is 14 dollars and 95 cents.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


The poll says that /lit/ wants to read Blood Meridian together. On Barnes and Noble, the book is $14.95. Can't you guys just choose Don Quixote which actually has some humor in it.

>> No.15408559
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>Blood Meridian is winning
Nice, I was about to read that book next anyway. Do I have to join the discord or can I post in these threads? Where is most of the discussion happening?

>> No.15408593


I was planning on buying other books from Barnes and Noble, $14.95 is a lot of money for a book and I've already bought Some of the Witcher novels which many of them were like $15.99. Can't you guys choose Don Quixote since you can download it from Gutenberg?

>> No.15408633

Here it is, Blood Meridian in PDF and mobi format, for free.


>> No.15408651

>The discord
Why do you faggots do this? This is forum, we don't need a gay chat room to discuss things. Fucking newfags

>> No.15408742


Are you kidding me? I can't download the book for free, I have to actually order a physical copy and read it after paying for it.

Also, Calibre uses .epub files, I think.

I'll go ahead and order Blood Meridian along with the mangas I'm thinking of buying, which would be Claymore. So, instead of spending $8.99 for Malazan: Gardens of the Moon or $8.99 for The Black Company, I'm just going to buy the Blood Meridian book.

>> No.15408796

>Also, Calibre uses .epub files, I think.
You think wrong. It reads .epub, .mobi, and .azw, among others. Calibre can even convert them into other formats. You've got no excuses.

>I can't download the book for free
Certainly not with that attitude

>> No.15408957


Oh shit, you're right. I have mobi files from another laptop that I transferred to the current laptop I know use and have used the calibre program to either read the mobi files or convert them.

But I'm going to buy the Blood Meridian book and read it that way.