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15390577 No.15390577 [Reply] [Original]

German philosophy has been a disaster for the human race.

>> No.15390631

Yes, but only because the man who carried out its program didn't finish the job. The world would be much happier today if the years leading up to 1945 - the key years for the survival of, er, "German philosophy" - had gone differently. As it happened, the program was left incomplete and it gave the enemies of humanity a great sob story with which to tighten their stranglehold over the planet.

>> No.15390657

Are you saying that if Hitler had killed more Jews Kantian and Nietzschean nihilism would not be pervasive in western culture?

>> No.15390748

(((German philosophy)))

>> No.15390757

You forgot "and its consequences"

>> No.15391265

Hitler never killed Jews en masse. I mean he should have eliminated Jewish influence from Germany and the west through mass relocation, as was his plan. I have no problem with Jews living, I just have a problem with them ruling my country with their Talmudry.

>> No.15391283

Never forget that all of the german nihilists anti-life philosophers became pomo because they didn't have the balls to follow through with their ideas

>> No.15391328

>all of the german nihilists anti-life philosophers
such as?

>> No.15391340


>> No.15391343

Redundant. The consequences are implied by it being a disaster. If there were no consequences, how could it be considered a disaster?

>> No.15391398

The guy had no solutions to the problems he diagnosed apart from "muh superman mothafucka" and went insane. Nobody following him has been able to propose a solution and our god is now technocapital.

>> No.15391453

>nietzsche is a nihilist
Get a load of this dude

>> No.15391463


>> No.15391687


>> No.15391712
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>he had no solutions apart from the solution

>> No.15391752

Only Greek and German philosophy can properly be called philosophy.

>> No.15391766
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>> No.15391898

>If I don't like it, it's Jewish
Fuck off /pol/

>> No.15391947

German philosophy consists of dead-end systems. It's essentially rigorous world-building with every "philosopher" having the arrogant presumption that they've ended philosophy.

>> No.15391963

>It's essentially rigorous world-building with every "philosopher" having the arrogant presumption that they've ended philosophy.
I don't know of any philosopher who made that claim besides Wittgenstein.

>> No.15391967

Bad Jewish behavior can, and should, be blamed on the Germans.

>> No.15391974

They all implicitly think they've taken philosophy as far as it can go and said everything that can be said. Kant, Hegel, Heidegger, Wittgenstein.

>> No.15391975

t. kike

>> No.15392003

Jews would be a non-entity if Napoleon didn't emancipate them for some more tax revenue.

>> No.15392020

german philosophy consequences: herero genocide, rape of belgium, stalinism, pol pot, maoism, RAF, cultural relativism, transgenderism, the nazis, WW2, obscurantism, nick land, edgy teenagers, french philosophy
british philosophy consequences: modern science, liberty, democracy, freedom of speech, rule of law, coherent ethics, the possibility of rational debate, computers, enlightenment, abolition of slavery

>> No.15392021

When did they say that? I know Kant considered his work to be the philosophical equivalent of the Copernican Revolution which sounds to me like he felt he was restarting philosophy rather than ending it.

>> No.15392091

german/austrian philosophy might be:
> fichte, schelling, hegel, lotze, von hartmann, klages, heidegger, scheler, etc
> leibniz, kant, schopenhauer, bolzano, herbart, frege, meinong, wittgenstein, carnap , the vienna circle, popper
> vogt, brentano, mach, avenarius, husserl

the second school was a disaster, yes, but i don't know why people think it's the only german philosophy

>> No.15392107

I just finished Empedocles, how much further do I have to go to understand Hegel?

>> No.15392113

i mean the first school

>> No.15392289

>no Hamann, the best German philosopher

>> No.15392309

But there wouldn't be the first "school" without Kant.

>> No.15392341

not a philosopher. at least herder, but i don't deem him a philosopher either.

>> No.15392363

well. maybe. But erase German philosophy and there is missing a lot.

>> No.15392435

>german philosophy consequences
>british "philosophy" consequences

>> No.15392872

>jews kantian
Please elaborate, this is the first time Ive heard someone associating Kant to Judaism,

>> No.15392883

ok foucault

>> No.15392894
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>> No.15392912

imagine believing the "consequences" of the latter aren't the preconditions for the former. kys angloid

>> No.15393183

Get better at reading comprehension. He's asking if the total success of the Holocaust would've helped solve the philosophical problems that Kant and Nietzsche talked about.

>> No.15393212
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Luther to Hitler, through Hegel

>> No.15393536

*German trauma

>> No.15393559
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I will finish what German Idealism started

>> No.15393631

note how there's no slavic philosophy ... or slavic anything outside of russia

>> No.15393736

But it has been a boon for the Übermensch race.

>> No.15393792

About 2,200 years.

>> No.15393831

Reminder that the most influential German philosophers of the 20th century believed that we needed to rage-quit philosophy and return to a primitive, animal-like state of mind.

Slavs already intuited this. The difference is they don't need to pay someone $7000 for four years to figure it out.

>> No.15394331

I don't think so.

>> No.15394667

Please turn this into a meme image.

>> No.15395451

and how's that working out for them now?

>> No.15395464


>> No.15396328

>Most wealthy country in Europe and de-facto leader of the EU
Seems like it worked out pretty well.

>> No.15396341

>Reminder that the most influential German philosophers of the 20th century believed that we needed to rage-quit philosophy and return to a primitive, animal-like state of mind.
Varg is actually Norwegian

>> No.15396543
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>Kant's revolution was basically nihilism with a christian veil over-top. His takeaway is "you really can't know things" and then in the vacuum he creates he slips in his prejudices to keep you from panicking: "treat people like an end in themselves!"
>Schopenhauer's philosophy is literally about denying the will to live, because there is nothing worth living for, the first manifestation of Kantian nihilism
>Hegel's philosophy is literally mystical hypnosis meant to trap the world in confusion and stagnation. Once you become "conscious" of history, it no longer "just happens" - you have to make it. Yet, making history is a literal oxymoron, history is only what is past. In essence his magick spell forces us to put effect before cause and thus freezes time and prevents action.
>Marx and the Young Hegelians attempt to break out of the Hegelian spell by substituting idealism for materialism, denying god, and creating social sciences, but it was really just falling into old Hegel's trap, and the proletarian revolution failed to materialize.
>Nietzsche is the first to really recognize the nihilism in Schopenhauer's pessimism, Hegelian negation (if you negate everything, what is left but nothing, nihilism), and atheistic materialism, but all he can do is go insane and predict the emergence of the overman if we manage to survive it all
>Heidegger, in his infinite autism and naivety is blind to this and just creates a jargon to justify the suicidal idea of Nazism

how did they get away with this?

>> No.15396559
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>british philosophy
>not just another strain of platonic nihilism rapidly swirling towards the void
try again you idiot

>> No.15396608

The Germans continued the project of the pre-Socratics. At a certain point you have to let go of your sure footing and leap into the unknown. Only then is your philosophy complete.

>> No.15396669

20th century philosophy in general is useless sophistry.

>> No.15396782

>platonic nihilism
Never go full retard

>> No.15396969


>> No.15397063

The Germans introduce some of the most destructive ideas into the Western canon and it's the Jews and French who always get blamed instead. They can't keep getting away with it!

>> No.15397255
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>Fuck off /pol/

>> No.15397267


>> No.15397310
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>> No.15397487
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>> No.15397652

5 star post

>> No.15397653

Involuntary nihilism is still nihilism. He was an innie.

>> No.15397657

Exactly this. And the ones who go the hardest against the Jews and the French often think the Germans are the master race. Very sick world we live in.

>> No.15397664

I smell Randroid coming from you.

>> No.15397674
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>basedjak poster

>> No.15398648

Brainlet understanding of Kant

>> No.15399454

>herero genocide
Man. If only.

>> No.15399496

Oh god, please be bait.

>> No.15399509


>> No.15399700


The Royal Air-force was a consequence of German philosophy ?

>> No.15400446

It's not bait. It's absolutely ridiculous to think if Hitler had killed more Jews the west wouldn't be stuck with the nihilism promoted by Germans.

>> No.15400464

>nihilism promoted by Germans.
How the fuck is nihilism promoted by German philosophy? If anything it's A*glo empiricism that leads to thinking nothing really matters since there's nothing beyond the base material.

>> No.15400490

That's not the part I was saying it's bait about.
>Kantian and Nietzschean nihilism

>> No.15400569

Go back to r*ddit fags

>> No.15400730

No one takes anglo philosophy seriously except for anglos. German philosophy is more rigorous and deceptive. Its nihilism corrodes much deeper and is more pervasive.

>> No.15400770
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The English mentality, certainly, has no aptitude for metaphysical conceptions, but neither does it have any pretension to having any, whereas the German mentality, which is not any more gifted in this regard, creates for itself the greatest illusions... if we consider German philosophy, we find only hypotheses and systems with metaphysical pretensions, deductions which originate in fantasy, ideas which want to pass for profound when they are simply nebulous; and this pseudo-metaphysics, that which is furthest from true metaphysics, the Germans want to find it in others, and of which they will always interpret in light of their own conceptions: this last fault is nowhere more invincible than with them, because no other people has a frame of mind as narrowly systematic...the Germans imagine that their philosophies have thought all that is possible for man to conceive, and no doubt they believe they bestow a great honor on other peoples by assimilating their conceptions to this philosophy of which they are so proud.

It would be unjust to not recognize in the Germans these very real qualities of erudition which they possess: the truth is they excel in the composition of dictionaries, grammar books, and voluminous works of compilation and bibliography which require nothing more than memory and patience; it is extremely regrettable that they did not entirely specialize in this genre of work very useful for consulting on occasion, and which, appreciably, save others who are capable of doing other things from wasting their time.

When we are incapable of doing metaphysics, it is best assuredly to not occupy oneself with it, and positivism, despite being narrow and incomplete, seems to us more preferable to the wild imaginings of pseudo-metaphysics.