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15398779 No.15398779 [Reply] [Original]

What does it mean to complete the system of German Idealism?

>> No.15398787


>> No.15399896

Best answers I have found are on the pseudodoxology podcast network

>> No.15399962

Not theoretical anymore; so kinda this >>15398787 but unironically

>> No.15399974


>> No.15399975

it means you understand philosophy by listening to the incoherent opinions of a fat troll who reads all this german in translation. There's no Atlantis in Faust, he has no idea what he's talking about.

>> No.15399988

Why do people hate Kantbot this fervently, is it jealousy? He makes funny joke tweets and has a soft spoken good natured podcast with other goofs. Did he hurt you somehow, did you take something too seriously?

>> No.15399990

To fully explain how cognition emerges in the world and how they relate to one another. The basic assumption in German idealism is that cognition doesn’t necessarily mirror nature but imposes certain forms and ideas on it.

>> No.15400016

I don't hate him really, I like his tweets on occasion and don't hate his podcast. What I really hate is people who see him as a philosopher or interpreter and not just a well-read twitter comedian. And this is partially enabled by his own self-aggrandizement which recently, after the mediocre documentary, has become unbearable.

>> No.15400043

he's fine in terms of his interests but he is a self-promoting e-celeb and 4chan is naturally averse to e-celebs and self-aggrandizement, same reason tripfags are reflexively hated here. it's made much worse by people like you, newfag zoomers, who don't remember 4chan prior to your tourist influx, thinking that this is a social media depot for discussing your favorite 'alt right' e-celebs and zoomer webcast streamer vlogs. when i see kantbot, i see a ghostly image of you hovering behind him, giving your parents' money to some broad on twitch, buying refills for your 'vape pen' and talking about how you are digendered, and behind that i see the inevitable killing fields where your failed generation will be mulched into fertilizer for a new race of atomic supermen and i feel physical pain that this won't happen for another 20+ years and i'll have to tolerate you and your e-celeb nonsense until i can personally be the one to pull the lever that vaporizes your body into dust, and i crash back down to reality from my future sight and see your post mocking me and i know that i'm stuck with you, probably vaping right now as you look up more 'podcasts' on your cellphone or macbook, for the foreseeable future

>> No.15400168

Chris Langan did that about 30 years ago

>> No.15400183
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mega based

>> No.15400185

>make idealism not theoretical

>> No.15400196
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>> No.15400246

It's a reference to Fichte's goal. According to him Kant poses in his three critiques 3 different principles: nature (intellect, which determines our whole experience), freedom (reason, which determines a moral law and makes us conscious of it) and their unkowable unity (faculty of judgement, which has to consider the unreconcileable relationship between those two other principles). This is not a controversial reading of Kant, he himself explicitly states it in the introduction of his third critique. To complete the system of German Idealism is to explain those 3 different principles through an higher, unitary principle. Post-Kantian idealists tried to find said principle in the concept of the Absolute, and to do so they all had to postulate the possibility of intellectual intuition (Fichte started this trend, Schelling and Hegel accepted it, although in radically different ways).

>> No.15400259

It’s when you achieve the absolute idea and you don’t have to work eat or shit anymore because all of existence is inside your idea.