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/lit/ - Literature

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15396695 No.15396695 [Reply] [Original]

recent acquisition thread
post and r8

>> No.15396708
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>> No.15396713

I'm irritated by the condition of your Moby Dick. You get that as new for nothing.

>> No.15396723

I read Copenhaver & Schmidt's Renaissance Philosophy. I think the story was Schmidt was a big name but he died before finishing the book and Copenhaver finished it up for him, but I can't recall exactly. I loved the book though. It was beefy as fuck, not a light skim. I had no idea he edited the Hermetic Corpus. Does it have commentary at all?

Today I bought three books by Northrop Frye from Abebooks:
>The Great Code
>Words With Power
(his books on the literary symbolism and legacy of the Bible), and his short book on TS Eliot for $2

>> No.15396729

It's funny, I was going to say in >>15396723 "nice copy of Moby Dick"

I prefer getting old well-used books because you can tell the past owner loved them and it encourages me to appreciate them properly too

>> No.15396852

It was the equivalent of less than 5 usd. New books here tend to be way overpriced because shipping is so far.
It looks worse than it is. Internally the condition is perfect, and the cover is stained but not actually that damaged physically. It's got a rather nice matte finish (reminds me of those orange penguins).
It's like 80% notes, commentary, and index lol. I asked about what copy to get a while ago because I was considering getting a copy by Tarl Warwick, but everyone told me that was a terrible edition and Copenhauer was *the copy* to get. Unfortunately it was way to expensive to get shipped here (USD 50+30 shipping) so I didn't think I'd get a copy, but then I just happened upon one in my local secondhand bookstore that wasn't there before.

>> No.15396857

Ah, a kindred spirit. 10/10

>> No.15396863
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Recent is kind of a stretch since I've been working through them since quite a while.
Pretty good though.
The newer Suhrkamp binding if fucking garbage though. I want the comfy linen back or whatever it was.

>> No.15396906

just finished col49 today and it was an enjoyable read. way too many five dollar words

>> No.15397033
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>Copenhaver's Hermetica
I see you're a man of culture as well.

>> No.15397064

Only really just starting to dip my feet into that world. Figured this would be a good place to start. I was super surprised and happy when I found it at my secondhand bookstore, I was about to settle for a cheap bullshit edition.

>> No.15397171

wew, what a schizo

>> No.15397641

Holy based....

Check out his other books as well if you haven't already.

>> No.15397713


>murican literature


>> No.15397721

That Hermetica has a poor choice of book cover. It looks like some KKK shit. Can’t read that at coffee shops lol

>> No.15397733
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>> No.15397802

>not going into starbucks in your full Klan attire and whipping out a schizo book
You should try it, it's real empowering.

>> No.15397827

Hell yeah brother see you at the next Santee meeting

>> No.15397844

John Williams is severely overrated, otherwise based

>> No.15397858

The pseud starterpack. No creases or tells of weariness in any of the books as well, typical /lit/. I often wonder how many people here actually read books, I'm sure that 90% of you just buy them to put on a shelf, make you feel smart and post them in stack threads.

>> No.15397865

The thread is about recent purchases you spastic, the guy probably bought them new

>> No.15397882

Yeah because someone purchases 10000 pages worth of books all at once, no one in their right mind would do this, he just wants them all on the shelf to make himself feel smart. He would buy them one by one and read them at a time like a normal human, but he's a narcissistic pseud like you.

>> No.15397892

You say that, but I, for one, do buy in bulk. And judging by stack threads I'm not alone in that.
I live in a pretty remote area and driving to the post office just for one book would feel odd.

>> No.15397902

Ok, but all of his purchases are entry level literature, it's obvious his first time buying and his first thought was to brag about it here like he's smart.

>> No.15397909

Why are you so upset? Some people like to buy one book at a time, some 10. Also, for example, I live in a country that doesn't have operating Amazon warehouses/offices, and whenever I buy books I make sure to buy as many as possible, since the international delivery costs alone + the custom fees would end up being more than the book itself.

>> No.15397915
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>buying 10 books at a time is normal! im not a pseud that pretends to read books and post them on /lit/ i swear!

>> No.15397932


>> No.15397935

All your replies are based on a false assumption than everyone who buys on a bulk is automatically a pseud who doesn't actually read them. Yes, no doubt, people like to brag about their latest purchases, that's what the thread is about after all. But come on, spending hundreds of dollars on books just to post pictures of them on the internet for (you's)? Hard to believe

>> No.15397973
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This month I bought these books, sorry for the shitty collage.
I like those Everyman's.

>> No.15398005
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I am actually only going through Williams because I was thoroughly impressed by Augustus, a book not talked about on /lit/ nearly ever, if at all. Butcher's Crossing was very middling in comparison though I enjoyed it, but it was more of an aesthetic pursuit, and I'm tired of seeing Stoner threads for 4+ years without having read it so I might as well take a peak.

Yeah, new books typically look new. Imagine your shock. And in consideration for your second post, it was also a backorder of three Amazon orders, ordered between April 1st and April 20th, arriving nearly all at once as their delivery times slowly repaired around the beginning of May and they began to rush out such backorders. Considering there's no tell whether the Corona situation is going to continue impacting the logistical aspect of our economy in the coming months, I would rather stock up. 10,000 pages isn't even accurate, nor would it be impressive even if it were. Stay retarded

>> No.15398107
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Got these with my last paycheck. Already read Map and the Territory and wasn't too impressed. Read Ivan Ilyich when I was a teen but it was a library copy and now I can read it again, has some nice stories in there too (which I have already read but do want to revisit them again). This is the second NYRB Shalamov book, first was incredible and one of the best books I have ever read, finished it last month and can't wait to start on this. Had Boys in Zinc on my kindle and read around half, but kindle sucks so time to read that properly.

Reading some history now before going back to fiction, so a few weeks before I read the rest in the stack.

>> No.15399212
