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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 59 KB, 612x380, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
15394886 No.15394886 [Reply] [Original]

Do they call him John 'Green' because he makes this board green with envy?

>> No.15394895

No that's just his name

>> No.15394912
File: 289 KB, 496x426, cuck greene.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

John Cheerios is more like it

>> No.15394916


>> No.15394963

Where the fuck is the video of him actually saying this?

>> No.15394970

It's a fake screencap.

>> No.15394982


go to :50

>> No.15394990

There is literally nothing wrong with eating a bowl of cheerios after someone else has had their dick in it.

>> No.15394997
File: 39 KB, 220x216, gahaha.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

holy fuck, thanks anon

>> No.15395025
File: 865 KB, 2544x4000, lol.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

such a literary genius

>> No.15395092
File: 779 KB, 2448x3264, Name of the Beta Orbiter.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is now a thread about beta orbiters, cucks, and COPE in literature.

>> No.15395099
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>> No.15395131

It’s a blue board, sir

>> No.15395132

imagine reading 709 pages of this crap

>> No.15395144

jesus christ that is some pathetic shit

>> No.15395145

Is the whole book really like that?

>> No.15395148

I'm amazed at how natural he sounds while saying such a thing out loud.

>> No.15395166
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>> No.15395176
File: 198 KB, 1024x1200, cuck.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

found a pic of the author

>> No.15395177 [DELETED] 
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i wouldn't be surprised

>> No.15395218

The spitting image of seduction.

>> No.15395235

I read it. It's not exactly Ulysses but it's decent pulp entertainment. Oh and the MC loses his virginity to a sex demon and fucks his way around the world. He fucks some barflies and then this dyke bitch who's like ten years older than him and yoked.
He never fucks the girl he's talking about in that pic tho lmao.

>> No.15395270

Sounds pretty retarded. How long even is this?

>> No.15395292

damn...it's actually real

>> No.15395297

Each one is like 700 or 800 pages. They read pretty fast though. Probably the less thinking you do the better. As I typed the post I was kind of realizing how stupid it sounds and feeling bad for enjoying it.

>> No.15395340
File: 133 KB, 491x367, ya lit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The Odyssey is like so dumb. Odysseus has sex with like a ton of girls but he's going to kill Penelope if she's not faithful? That's not very feminist, Ody. You got some learnin' to do.

>Now for today's thought bubble: a little tiny Lysistrata figurine. Oh Homer, we can't possibly hold you accountable for not being a feminist in ancient Greece, after all, it's not like feminism existed back then, oh wait, it totally did, you misogynist pig.

>Back to the Odyssey: is Penelope the true hero of the story? Yes. Yes she is. That's all we have time for today, be sure to like and subscribe and buy tickets to my new movie: The Da Vinci Code with Teenagers.


>> No.15395352

The absolute state of american literature.

>> No.15395363

Where does he actually say that? The video is bad, but I can't find him saying that.

>> No.15395367
File: 80 KB, 306x306, 1587791978811.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

he sounds like my english prof who has the sides of her head shaved

>> No.15395383

his audience is teenage girls so this sort of thing is slightly forgivable. I hope he is at least capitalizing on this once theyre above 18

>> No.15395535

He doesn't talk about Lysistrata, instead he talks about medusa, the whirlpool monster with the crazy name, and the patriarchy. Then he talks about the sexual double standard.

>> No.15395708

john gween uwu

>> No.15395730

No, they call him "Green" because he makes that paper.

>> No.15395840

It's decent entertainment, better than 99% of shit fantasy.

>> No.15396157

The dungeon-master!

>> No.15396299

They call him John Green because he sucks dick for some of that green

>> No.15396402

they call him john green because hes a faggot

>> No.15396415

He is right though. A man getting to fuck as many women he wants and then gets mad at a woman for being unfaithful is literally double standards.

>cuckery for thee not for me

>> No.15396433

Why should male and female behaviour be evaluated equally? They're different entities. A woman who sleeps with a thousand men is exhibiting likely pathological behaviour a man doing the same is behaving in accordance with his biological programming.

>> No.15396444

People shouldn't have sex until marriage. Solves the problem.

>> No.15396458

The proper way to have sex as a human is in a lifelong relationship with someone you love. All the rest degenerates you to a beast

>> No.15396468

The problem isn’t casual sex by itself. The problem is when you have causal sex with women and then get mad when one the women you had sex with goes off to have sex with another man when you are literally fucking any woman you can. This is clear narcissism and hypocrisy

>> No.15396472

That's a good one, Chip

>> No.15396478

Those men may be classified as fuckboys. Promiscuity is a sign of an inferior soul in either sex.

>> No.15396483

Ok, so the problem is casual sex.

>> No.15396485

Wouldn’t you agree that a fuckboy who is also a righteous hypocrite is worse than just a fuckboy who does not chastise women for sleeping with other men?

>> No.15396493

No the problem is casual sex. Humans can’t help but become jealous of their sexual partners past and current lovers. The idea of the one you love having a future lover is revolting. Sex is both the most sacred and most disgusting thing in our relationships with others. The best thing to do is have a culture of monogamy; not necessarily one where you have to be married, but one where people only have sex with someone they at that moment see a real future with and have built a relationship with for a few months. Profligate sex has always and will always breed resentment, jealousy, and distrust between the sexes. Man is not capable of turning the other cheek here, it is best to keep the situation controlled

>> No.15396498

Wouldn’t you agree that a fuckboy who is also a righteous hypocrite is worse than just a fuckboy who does not chastise women for sleeping with other men?

>> No.15396507

I’m not choosing between eating a turd and eating chicken smeared with turds. Fuck off with justifying bad behavior with worse behavior

>> No.15396509

Most certainly. Whoever judges others for the same things they do is an undeniable hypocrite and brainlet.

>> No.15396512

You are literally missing John Green’s point. Green is talking about double standards here not anything else. And for some reason people on this board find what he is saying as oh so terrible

>> No.15396526

I understand that hypocrisy is bad. The problem is that he’s justifying promiscuous sex at all, and using a comparison between bad and worse to do it. The right thing to do is have sex like a human, in a relationship with someone you love, so that you don’t send ripples of emotional pain through society. John Greene doesn’t see that promiscuity causes those ripples, he’s either too woke or too much of a panderer.

>> No.15396626

Because his prescription for that is damaging. Basically he's saying women shouldn't be judged for sleeping around. Ok, no double standard - now we have a society of degenerated nd emotionally broken people, but at least we aren't hypocrites. The right way is to save sex until marriage. John Green essentially wants the opposite.

>> No.15396639
File: 269 KB, 332x332, 1588815570817.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Its okay for men to fuck tons of women because men are better than women and therefore make the rules. Any woman who sleeps around is a whore and should be stoned.

>> No.15396788
File: 115 KB, 824x1080, General Leonidas Polk, CSA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


No, it's because he makes this board green with sickness and disgust. Allow me to demonstrate:

>"Augustus Waters," I said, looking up at him, thinking that you cannot kiss anyone in the Anne Frank House, and then thinking that Anne Frank, after all, kissed someone in the Anne Frank House, and that she would probably like nothing more than for her home to have become a place where the young and irreparably broken sink into love.
>"I must say," Otto Frank said on the video in his accented English, "I was very much surprised by the deep thoughts Anne had."
>And then we were kissing. My hand let go of the oxygen cart and I reached up for his neck, and he pulled me up by my waist onto my tiptoes. As his parted lips met mine, I started to feel breathless in a new and fascinating way. The space around us evaporated, and for a weird moment I really liked my body; this cancer-ruined thing I'd spent years dragging around suddenly seemed worth the struggle, worth the chest tubes and the PICC lines and the ceaseless bodily betrayal of the tumors.
>"It was quite a different Anne I had known as my daughter. She never really showed this kind of inner feeling," Otto Frank continued.
>The kiss lasted forever as Otto Frank kept talking from behind me. "And my conclusion is," he said, "since I had been in very good terms with Anne, that most parents don't know really their children."
>I realized that my eyes were closed and opened them. Augustus was staring at me, his blue eyes closer to me than they'd ever been, and behind him, a crowd of people three deep had sort of circled around us. They were angry, I thought. Horrified. These teenagers, with their hormones, making out beneath a video broadcasting the shattered voice of a former father.
>I pulled away from Augustus, and he snuck a peck onto my forehead as I stared down at my Chuck Taylors. And then they started clapping. All the people, all these adults, just started clapping, and one shouted "Bravo!" in a European accent. Augustus, smiling, bowed

>mfw a grown man wrote this garbage

>> No.15396803
File: 184 KB, 2358x623, John Green.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I post this every time he comes up

>> No.15396860
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>> No.15396965
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>And then they started clapping.

>> No.15396967

Yes you got me

>> No.15396970

I thought this was an Anne Frank fanfic at first

>> No.15397099

It's true that you can still "enjoy" "using" someone after 48 other people have "used" them. But why does he think that proves it doesn't matter? Are women just sex objects to him, unironically?

>> No.15397105

Wait, he wrote an actual Anne Frank fanfiction?

>> No.15397143

Nazis are cancer, love conquers all. Everyone claps. Deep shit. Is Italian the European accent he's talking about?

>> No.15397174

lit seems to think this guy is a cuck when he's clearly a pedo. Too many facebook mom posters here who can only imagine some YA chad is desperate to fuck their fat asses instead of all the preteen poon he pounds for pleasure.

>> No.15397177

Fucking tons of women is a cope and destroys society. Abstinence, monogamy, and the belief in God results in more happiness than degenerate sex every time.

>> No.15397231

there are fucking geniuses all over the place and their minds will never be put to any real use and it fucking sucks.

>> No.15397234

idk i don't get pedo vibes off him. i get cuck vibes. he probably lets his brother nail his wife.

>> No.15397243
File: 830 KB, 3500x2400, Knights in Grey.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


What bothers me is not so much that shit is beyond crass and outright offensive (we're on 4chan after all) and that no person in their right fucking mind would do this unless they were looking to be dragged out of the building by security, it's that it served no purpose. Green could have just set this scene in a regular museum or a church service and it would have played out basically the same. He chose the Anne Frank House as the setting in a piss poor attempt to be "edgy" and therefore relevant. So his fellow bleeding heart liberals would point at it and go "look at how stunning and brave he is for doing that."

Granted, the parts of the Confederate soldiers soldiers saving pregnant Anne Frank fanfiction I have actually written are themselves, crass, intentionally offensive, and even downright disgusting with sex and violence that would make Game of Thrones blink, but it actually serves a number of purposes in the narrative, which are

A. Challenge readers' preconceived notions about the Holocaust, Nazism, American foreign policy since WWII, and the South in particular.

B. Explore Anne's maturation from that of a child to an adult, a process that is accelerated (physically, emotionally, and sexually) by her own impending motherhood.

C. Explore the largest and most devastating largest military confrontation in the Western Hemisphere and the long shadow it cast and what the ramifications of a Confederate victory would have been (beyond slavery).

D. Explore the Confederacy as a nation that is essentially in a spiritual war with itself, struggling to come to terms with the consequences of a conflict that was not a glorious victory (as is often envisioned in alternate history), but a hollow one, as the Antebellum way of life which it fought so hard to preserve, is ultimately sacrificed to protect itself from re-subjegation by the Union.

E. Explore what a person (Anne Frank, Peter van Pels to an extent) who has no emotional or familial investment in the titanic struggle of North against South would make of points C and D.

>Is Italian the European accent he's talking about?

Probably Fr*nch

>> No.15397313
File: 149 KB, 476x476, 1589416786323.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Comparing popular published fiction to your own fanfiction

>> No.15397316

I think I really fucked up my one chance at
happiness in this fucking earth.
>be me
>have gf of 6 months, lost virginity to her, feeling good
>completely comfortable together
>we're just fucking around before bed, play fighting
>she throws a piece of plastic at me
>Think it will be funny to shove it in my asshole and take it out
>Do that, plastic goes into asshole
>She starts freaking out and yelling
>decide it would be hilarious to take it out and throw it at her
>Do it, unfortunately a hair smeared with shit residue was clinging to it
>It hit gf in the face
>Freaked the fuck out, kicked me out and blocked me on all platforms
>have been getting messages on my phone from mutual friends
>put my phone down after my "friend" posted on their instagram comparing me to a monkey
What the fuck do I do? Is my life really over just from that stupid shit?

>> No.15397328

why does it feel like his voice is sped up 60%

>> No.15397337

thank you anon i will learn from your mistakes

>> No.15397339

you're way off

>> No.15397380

holy shit I thought this was a joke

>> No.15397389

i will try and seduce his wife and see what happens, wish me luck

>> No.15397390

thats the most cucked 15s of video i have ever seen on youtube

>> No.15397392
File: 763 KB, 761x761, kvack.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

good luck bro, have a duck of luck

>> No.15397397

oml XD

>> No.15397402

Your wife will have sex with me

>> No.15397410
File: 1.30 MB, 2100x3150, mydestiny.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

thank you my good sir, inshallah my noble quest will not be a futile one

>> No.15397420

el goblino...

>> No.15397427

Post physique.

>> No.15397430

yeah it's not that bad actually, the first book is much better though

>> No.15397491
File: 64 KB, 758x644, 1579212505974.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yes, it's hypocritical for a fuckboy to chastise women for sleeping around.
There is, however, a big difference between men and women because a woman can just open her legs and it's a guarantee that a guy will want to fuck her.
By being promiscuous a woman shows a failure in character, a lack of self control.
Meanwhile a guy who can fuck a lot of women is a very capable guy, why? Because most men don't get to fuck many women.
The most virtuous behavior for a man is for him to have the ability to fuck as many women as they want and choosing to have a single faithful relationship with a woman they love.

>> No.15397498

dis mio...

>> No.15397503
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>> No.15397513
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>> No.15397538
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>> No.15397541

Sorry bro, I don't think you would pass the standards you set. Nice try, though. Maybe one day you, too, will be loved by a "goblina."

>> No.15398230

Men only get to fuck as many women as they want because women encourage it. If women stopped rewarding fuckboys and boytoys and started chasing after virgins you'd see that double standard die overnight.

>> No.15399286
File: 151 KB, 900x600, jgreen_15.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I hope he is at least capitalizing on this once theyre above 18

Somehow I don't think he's waiting that long.

>> No.15399358

another incel thread? Wtf is this r9k now

>> No.15399622

Am I the only one who gets extremely creepy vibes from this video? Just imagine the audience he is addressing, and look at how old he is.

>> No.15399650

>that milf with the fuck me eyes

>> No.15399667

Why is one pathological for the behavior but not the other? Pretty sure what we consider pathological behavior exists beyond gender.

>> No.15399688
File: 36 KB, 752x253, green cheerios.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>how to make green cheerios
with the seamen of several dozen men

>> No.15399727

Because men and women are different. If a man tried to breastfeed his child this wouldn't indicate soundness of mind. Psychological differences are as biologically grounded and real as those related to anatomy resulting among many other things in a different moral structure within society. Just to be clear, there is huge variability concerning individuals, I'm talking about societal norms.

>> No.15399826

Pretty much exactly right

>> No.15399862

Why does this trigger this board so damn much?

>> No.15399893

Ha, reminds me of one morning I had no milk, so I asked my wife's boyfriend whether he could provide me something creamy. My wife would often tell me of the huge loads he would deposit in her, and he didn't disappoint.

>> No.15399903

How does he not get beaten up on a daily basis by anyone he interacts with?

>> No.15400019

Because it's a (at the time) 32 year old man pandering to teenager girls by saying some woke shit in a "how do you do fellow teens" way that is both creepy and disgusting. His books are more of the same and made him a millionaire so the intensity of the reaction grew proportionally.

>> No.15400063
File: 151 KB, 400x350, 1585562183178.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They call him John Green because he makes FAT FUCKIN' STACKS SON. Fucks 14 year-old bitches like Mick Jagger and cranks out multi-million dollar movie franchises like it's fucking NOTHING. Go JOHn! GO!

>> No.15400114

Okay, I see your point. But I don't like your example in this context because we aren't talking about child rearing, we are talking about sexual expression which is a universal human experience regardless of gender. I have the stance that much of our societal norms are completely adopted and the human being is much closer to a tabula rasa than cultural traditionalist believe. This is a basic premise of postmodernism applied to gender and sexuality. That's how we get people becoming Trans and non binary because they reject gender essentialism.

I concede that their is biological difference between men and women, specifically on a hormonal basis. Women lack testosterone and they possess estrogenal hormonal cycles because of their genitalia. This plays a significant role in brain chemistry and personality. But the majority of the differences we see in men and women today are purely adopted differences. We literally separate male children from female children, dress them differently, treat them differently, condition them to their assigned gender.

So, we say that Penelope is pathological for seeking many sexual partners while Odysseus is simply a healthy man for this behavior. This has nothing to do with the behavior of either of them, but what is dictated as societally healthy. We only say Penelope is behaving pathologically because she is straying from the puritan standard that women should only have one male partner, get married, and become a mother of children. So any behavior that strays from this predetermined path becomes "evidence of pathology." The hypocrisy here is that it has nothing to do with Penelope or Odysseus is the fact that they are man and woman and for some reason require different behaviors for them to be moral. Both of them are being stripped of individuality and autonomy and compelled to act in a way that does not fulfill them, but requires to serve the polis. I know that this is not the point of the scene in the Odyssey, but traditionalist anon is literally projecting their christian morality onto a time period of a completely different culture. Where homosexuality was much more normalized and women weren't even championed as protector of the homestead.

But if we look to Victorian England where all these rich women were becoming "hysterical" because their husbands would smoke, drink, gamble, and never indulge their wives emotionally or sexually. Quite literally their is evidence that abstinence requires pathology and sexuality is a powerful drive that needs some form of sublimation.

>> No.15400191
File: 27 KB, 400x400, 1584646488757.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Arguably those adopted differences are extensions of sexual dimorphism i.e. different clothes, different colors, different toys, etc. It's been shown that boys and girls deviate naturally and will gravitate towards certain areas the other will not. This makes sense -- young girls can't interact with young boys, not without the boys significantly altering their behavior patterns and playstyle, and vice-versa for the young girls. Before the onset of puberty, both sexes appear to naturally segregate themselves in order to develop primary social skills before moving on outside of their sexual spheres to interact with the other sex on a more intimate and involved basis.

There's certainly societal conditioning that influences this nature, but our nature came before our society. I'd make the argument that whether we like it or not, while most of our differences are ostensibly window-dressing, they have their root in near-immovable and immutable biology. The way we think about the form these things take may be up for discussion and re-interpretation -- but the biological truth, or whatever you want to call it, will remain.

>> No.15400215

>while Odysseus is simply a healthy man for this behavior
Has anyone ever actually said that?

>> No.15400349
File: 210 KB, 1200x1200, dixie gigachad.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Comparing popular published fiction to your own fanfiction

Yes, because mine's is actually an original concept and is intended to be deeply subversive..

>> No.15400508

ok man we can't have them all am i right ha ha...i still wish you good luck with john's wife...keep filling us in

>> No.15400578

I'm not that guy. I just don't approve of shitting on other people's looks online.

>> No.15400619

haha ok man...

>> No.15400629
File: 776 KB, 1526x2339, C1F50D15-53F4-4B26-BA47-193BF3E96327.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15400776

It's true. /lit/ is a shining example of this.