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File: 1.12 MB, 2334x3189, 2018_35_nietzsche_new.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
15393770 No.15393770 [Reply] [Original]

Write your best parody of a Neetzsche aphorism

>> No.15393786

Facts don't care about your feelings.

>> No.15393795

When you stare into your wallet, it stares back into you.

>> No.15393797

More like feelings don't care about your facts

>> No.15393799

Dark death darkness, light is just darkness that is not yet darkness.

>> No.15393806 [DELETED] 


The discipline of suffering, of great suffering - don't you realize that up to this point it is only this suffering which has created every enhancement in man up to now? That tension of a soul in misery which develops its strength, its trembling when confronted with great destruction, its inventiveness and courage in bearing, holding out against, interpreting, and using unhappiness, and whatever has been conferred upon it by way of profundity, secrecy, masks, spirit, cunning, and greatness - has that not been given to it through suffering, through the discipline of great suffering? In human beings, creature and creator are united. In man is material stuff, fragments, excess, clay, mud, nonsense, chaos, but in man there is also creator, artist, hammer hardness, the divinity of the spectator and the seventh day - do you understand this contrast? And do you understand that your pity for the "creature in man" is for what must be formed, broken, forged, torn apart, burned, glow, purified - for what must necessarily suffer and should suffer? And our pity - don't you understand for whom our reverse pity matters, when it protects itself against your pity as against the most wretched of all mollycoddling and weakness?

>> No.15393826

It takes all your wit to realize it used to be Chuck's, and the rest of your willpower not to sneedpost.

>> No.15393845

good 1

>> No.15393875

From the fact that somebody is "a big guy" you cannot infer that he is big; perhaps you are small, and this was his plan, to be big - for you.

>> No.15393876

One must imagine syphilis happy.

>> No.15393893

Suppose truth is a woman - what then? Are there not grounds for the suspicion that all philosophers, insofar as they were dogmatists, need to have sex?

>> No.15393923
File: 79 KB, 433x419, xThlVKUGgsQ.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15394043

Life is essentially will to shit, every biological phenomenon can be interpreted as a desire to produce feces eating food and producing progeny are just the necessary tools to produce more of it.
And after all aren't planets the escrement of the formation of a star?
Could the universe it self be nothing more than a waste product of a far greater process?
Oh but look i'm called by the will again...

>> No.15394085


>> No.15394090

Ultimately all the choices are forgone for the one and only course; by casting aside all other means and ends one becomes what one is.

>> No.15394501

gaming educates for freedom. For what is freedom? That one has the will to assume responsibility for oneself. That one maintains the distance which separates us. That one becomes more indifferent to difficulties, hardships, privation, even to life itself. That one is prepared to sacrifice human beings for one’s cause, not excluding oneself. Freedom means that the manly instincts which delight in gaming and victory dominate over other instincts, for example, over those of “pleasure.” The human being who has become free—and how much more the spirit who has become free—spits on the contemptible type of well-being dreamed of by journalists, Christians, cows, females, Englishmen, and other casuals. The free man is a gamer.

>> No.15394514

Tatter is tot

>> No.15394542

thing x which sounds horrible is actually better than thing y which sounds noble. Opposites are their counterpart, because confusion is bad and clarity is for the weak.

>> No.15394569

n will never recover

>> No.15394595

"I died of an STD I got from a cheap Austrian whore."

>> No.15394607

The will to cunny that will yet seduce us to many a risk, that famous cunny of which all philosophers so far have spoken with deference: what questions this will to cunny has already laid before us! What strange, wicked, questionable questions!
WHO is it really, who asks questions of us here? WHAT in us really wants "the cunny"? -- indeed, we stopped for a long time before the question about the cause of this will -- before we, finally stopped completely before an even more thorough question. We asked about the value of this will. Suppose we want cunny: WHY NOT RATHER no cunny? Or roasties? Even old hags? The problem of the value of cunny stepped before us -- or was it we who stepped before the problem?
And can you believe it, it finally seems to us as if the problem had never even been posed before -- as if it were seen looked in the eye, risked by us for the first time? For there is a risk involved, and perhaps there is none greater.

>> No.15394609


>> No.15394615


>> No.15394752


This guy does a pretty good job capturing Nietzsche's voice, though he has Nietzsche say some dumb shit that I assume the author actually believes:

>80. I will give up reading reviews of scientific-romanen in the journals; for they cannot contain their excitement at the pristine ideas contained in the novel, and must ruin it with their dirt [Schmutz]. Such reviewers are nothing but thieves [Räuber], and rob me of my spoils. As in old days they should be branded: ‘despoiler of science fiction novels’

>> No.15395152
File: 1.16 MB, 1897x1660, 1589745667450.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

About the people of the board:

What do they say about the postings on the board? Some in poison black and others in darkest green. The black ones- they are brave in their pride and pride elevates them; The evelevated believe to soar, but truly the horizon curves above them. The greens, the jesters and bringers of wisdom, they will be their culling! Oh how their wisdom fails them! They believe to cut wings but truly they are hooks on fins; They dwell beneath with wit and knives, yet they cling with weights on to the blackest waters. So green and black hold hands and dance in neverending circles. They are the dwellers of stagnant seas. Do not associate with them! Many have drowned in their swamp.

>Thus spoke zarathustra

>> No.15395287

Ultimately, I reject sexuality because of the impurity of its reproductive process. The smartest girl I've ever met is a monkey compared to me, the smartest woman I have HEARD of is a child, and I am going to mix up the genes of my brain with THAT? The subhumans will find this outrageous, but the subhumans are addicted to a bunch of chemicals in the brain and can't see beyond an orgasm, so of course they'll be outraged; they have their eyes ON THE NEXT HIT, not on the future. And besides, their genes are so mediocre that the worst that can happen to them by mixing is more mediocrity, and if they are lucky they might even get a lucky hit. That's why sexual reproduction is indeed a sound strategy — IF YOU ARE MEDIOCRE.
Now it's true that in the long term, if I get a good wife, and if our children mix with other good children from good families and have many descendants, a higher race, or at any rate a higher tribe will result, as with the aristocrats of old. But there is no more higher caste to protect and nurture them today, and my son could very well pick up some plebeian slut because she is pretty. He wouldn't be compelled to find a wife FROM WITHIN HIS CASTE, because THERE SIMPLY WOULDN'T BE ONE. Also, I wouldn't have many children because it's not the custom anymore. What modern wife would agree to give birth five or ten times? Also, I want immediate results, if possible, not a hundred years after I die. Ergo, the only way forward for us is cloning.

>> No.15395397

loud kek

>> No.15395471

1010. Why do I charge more than any other writer on the internet for a subscription to my websites? It didn't use to be this way. I started off offering low-priced tiers at $5 or even $1 per month like everyone else. But then what happened was that some people would subscribe for a while, and then unsubscribe when the frequency of my posts would decrease, only to resubscribe at a later time when I would resume posting more frequently. This was easily 50%+ of the readers and it was infuriating. There I was, posting the greatest philosophical aphorisms and art theory essays in the history of mankind, and some retarded nameless schmucks were essentially telling me that they weren't worth five dollars! It's not about the money, fuck your fucking five dollars, it's that you're fucking forcing me to be exposed to your shitty mindset every fucking month! I know you think so basely and meanly of culture that you'd spend less on quality reading than fapping material, but I don't want to be fucking reminded of it every time I visit my fucking sites and receive my fucking income reports! (especially on the last couple of days of the month when those dipshits would suddenly forget that "you changed my life" and would remember how important to their financial health their shitty five dollars had suddenly become). Moreover this shitty behavior continuously incentivized me to lower the quality of my output by churning out many lower-effort essays as opposed to fewer higher-effort ones. I could literally see my earnings spike every time I posted a bunch of reviews of random games in quick succession! Didn't those Einsteins understand that that's precisely the kind of behavior that creates armies of pandering journalists who have nothing to say yet end up saying far more than those who do, and flooding society with their pointless, inane and ultimately even harmful chatter? Had they not understood a single thing that I or any other genius before me had explained to them? Did they not value any of it? And that was obviously the truth at the bottom of the matter. I am not saying that any of those wretches were deliberately trying to annoy me by treating my sites in the same inconsiderate way that I might perhaps treat say The Economist or Netflix, and I am sure this entire analysis will be news to them because they literally have not the faintest clue of the consequences of their shitty actions or the baseness of the psychology they betray, but the end result was the same nevertheless: to annoy and disgust me every month by repeatedly exposing their psyc

>> No.15395481

The son forgives he sins of the father by repeating them.

>> No.15395494
File: 17 KB, 460x288, SamuelJohnson_1479794c.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>people unironically pay to read The Orgy of the Will

>> No.15395570

135. It is just now dawning on one or two minds across the West that immortality will never be reached by the sciences. But this piece of foolishness—this "will to immortality"—is merely the result of hereditary weakness and a lack of acquired resources available to squander luxoriously; it is poverty which lays at the bottom of all peur de mourir.
On the contrary, noble and aristocratic natures who only respect two things—bellum and otium—take refuge in death and sacrifice, to the point where they become one and the same. This includes their own. Only they could recognize how life as a value is destroyed when immortalized. One wonders just how the lower classes will be forced to realize this. But the time for that, too, will come...

>> No.15395576

Not only that, he has a PUA site now they also pay to post on

>> No.15395595

>It's not about the money
>Moreover this shitty behavior continuously incentivized me to lower the quality of my output by churning out many lower-effort essays as opposed to fewer higher-effort ones
So... it was about the money.

>> No.15395596

When you stare at Nietzsche, he stares right back at you