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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 21 KB, 330x413, 14e85dfc1464cfe0511e80a16c106cc9b9-02-encounter-jordan-peterson.rvertical.w330 (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
15382267 No.15382267 [Reply] [Original]

>The corruption, the ruination of higher men, of the more unusually constituted souls, is in fact, the rule: it is dreadful to have such a rule always before one's eyes. The manifold torment of the psychologist who has discovered this ruination, who discovers once, and then discovers almost repeatedly throughout all history, this universal inner "desperateness" of higher men, this eternal "too late!" in every sense—may perhaps one day be the cause of his turning with bitterness against his own lot, and of his making an attempt at self-destruction—of his "going to ruin" himself. One may perceive in almost every psychologist a tell-tale inclination for delightful intercourse with commonplace and well-ordered men; the fact is thereby disclosed that he always requires healing, that he needs a sort of flight and forgetfulness, away from what his insight and incisiveness—from what his "business"—has laid upon his conscience.


>> No.15382276

Can I get a quick rundown?

>> No.15382311

notjordanpeterson defeated the man. a mere AI, mind you. such is the power of corrupted technology

>> No.15382406
File: 41 KB, 500x500, artworks-000206371365-8mfpw3-t500x500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I miss him bros.

I don't think he will be coming back. Even if he does come back to sanity and normal intelligence, I don't think he will ever live up to the image of him that was built up by his fame. I don't think anyone could.

I remember when /lit/ used to like him, back in the days of his Kermit video, and him speaking up against the University of Toronto.
We used to have several pro-peterson memes: the one I remember best was the one modelled off the Bogdanoff meme, and the one with him looking behind a shrub with the message "hey kid wanna know some archetypes?" People were genuinely curious about him back then: the counter-memes weren't being parroted yet, and it just seemed people were kinder. Not so cynical. And, I don't know, it felt like something new was breaking into the world for once.

Something changed since then around here.
Maybe we all got a little older and wiser and more cynical as time went on, or maybe different people browse here now.

I miss those days.

I spend longer and longer from /lit/ each time I leave it now. And I know that very soon will come a day that I no longer come here.
I will be someone who "used to browse 4chan." And this too will be good and proper, and another part of what is called growing up, although the thought of leaving here, where I have learned so much, fills me with a lingering sadness, a sadness that I am still unable to name.
That feel hits differently nowadays.

>> No.15382430

I always liked the meme with the two-dimensional political compass laying flat, with a background of Yahweh destroying Leviathan, and Peterson's position off the chart above it.

>> No.15382724

>Something changed since then around here.
He started wearing custom suits
That was it, the harbinger of all upheaval;

>> No.15382791

A few were off the rack Tom Ford suits with minimal alterations.

>> No.15382836

>Jordan Peterson introduced a new generation to mythology, gods, archetypes, how reality can correspond to these pre-chosen archetypes
>people start coming up with their own lore, interpreting the mythology, realizing anyone can do it not just overeducated twats from Canada

waaaa why don't ppl like daddy Peterson no more

>> No.15383370
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>> No.15384589

>introduced a new generation
You mean "gave a micro-culture permission to project their unhappiness onto old stories they had discarded when their 8th grade English teacher (female) actually encouraged them to open their minds"

>> No.15384639

he ded?

>> No.15384664

He's never actually dead

>> No.15384675

Post body

>> No.15384691

>live up to the image of him that was built up by his fame
that was his problem though. the image of him that was built up was FAR larger than he himself ever was. his wheelhouse is psychology, which is what he should have stuck to. instead he decided he had to talk about politics and started running his mouth about every political issue. he did a tour of podcasts and every time the interviewer would suck his cock and validate his every claim. he thought he was infallible.

>> No.15385859

See you next week

>> No.15385939


As someone who has been coming to /lit/ since it started, Jordan Peterson destroyed this board. Fucking destroyed. /Lit/ used to genuinely be the best website for discussing literature on the internet. After the one two punch of Trump and Peterson, the place was ruined. Just ruined. I don't care if you like those guys or not. They irreparably changed the face of this board to something much more expedient and shallow.

>> No.15385943

>I will be someone who "used to browse 4chan."

no, you'll be back.
you might be gone for a few years but eventually you just find your way back and become a regular again

i recently returned from a 4 year break

>> No.15385972


>> No.15386091

jej just kys pussy

>> No.15386668
File: 82 KB, 226x274, bdc.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>yfw cobra tate

>> No.15386685

lol rekt

>> No.15386841

That's nothing; I'm back from a 7 year break

>> No.15386873

hey guys its been 20 years since I've posted on /lit/, can someone fill me in on what I missed?

>> No.15387946
File: 9 KB, 199x253, 54563465.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>As someone who has been coming to /lit/ since it started, Jordan Peterson destroyed this board. Fucking destroyed. /Lit/ used to genuinely be the best website for discussing literature on the internet. After the one two punch of Trump and Peterson, the place was ruined. Just ruined. I don't care if you like those guys or not. They irreparably changed the face of this board to something much more expedient and shallow.

>> No.15388349

This is fantasy. I feel like whether it's the right-wing or left-wing posters one hates (it should be both), /lit/ died the second someone posted a "/lit/'s favorite books" on reddit. That brought all the chapofags, all the Trumptards, and all the reddit atheists.

>> No.15388382

it´s litterally all on himself it´s almost poetic.

>> No.15388664
File: 128 KB, 1195x960, Tedpill.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you're trying too hard to fit in
Peterson was just one of many fashionable idiots who had their heyday in our autistic sun, he's nowhere near as significant as having ruined this or any place, he is simply one part of a running trend in internet culture which now dominates the ever dwindling ever more centralized places of 'discussion'

/lit/ has been garbage for years before Peterson

>> No.15389912

>Something changed since then around here.
Yeah he outsted himself as a Jew-shill and controlled opposition. I thought he was legit too back then, but boy was I wrong. Fuck him.

>> No.15389914

Jesus you write like a redditor

>> No.15389936

Would that every controlled opposition deep state agent and their families were struck by the bad karma of their own ignominy and mendacity as JP was and his was

>> No.15390257

no-one's ever really gone,
consult your map of meaning,
the one on the rug will do.

>> No.15390262

>I miss him bros.
Stop being a complete waste of space.

>> No.15390265

>off the rack $6000 suit
Everyone that gave this man money got memed hard.

>> No.15390272

>Jordan Peterson introduced a new generation to mythology, gods, archetypes
Sorry, Star Wars did that. Peterson's pop career was a ghost and a thought.

>> No.15390275

>/Lit/ used to genuinely be the best website for discussing literature on the internet.
/lit/ was always garbage.

>> No.15390280

>it just seemed people were kinder.
Yeah, people used to be so kind in the way they made fun of trannies. Lmao.

>> No.15390281

>no-one's ever really gone
Sure thing, Mike Stoklasa

>> No.15390290


>> No.15390665

Why the fuck do people keep posting this retarded image

>> No.15390852

You must be legitimately retarded if you fail to see why it's relevant to discussions of JBP.

>> No.15390955

I don't understand a god damn thing what he is saying or trying hard to say..

This mofo is a depressed piece of shit trying extremely hard to cover up an ideology of faggotry with Jesus as the cock saviour.. fuck him, fuck his ideology and fuck his whole depressing existence

>> No.15390974

remember that he don't understand postmodernism.

>> No.15391007

It's just facile though. JBP is about as blatantly in favor of the status quo as you can get. He dislikes aspects of modern academia and their influence on politics, but he is a strident liberal otherwise. TK's quote applies much better to the people JBP argues against, who claim to be propagating some sort of revolutionary change. JBP just wants people to be responsible and take control of their lives in order to function in society; he is expressly against undermining society.

>> No.15391050

He absolutely does sell himself as some kind of oppressed minority, fuck off.

>> No.15391076

I don't think we changed I think peterson started to go more and more outside his field and since his fans wanked him off he went further and further until you could have gamerbro streamers btfoing him

>> No.15391084

>I don't understand a god damn thing what he is saying or trying hard to say..
Because you are both low in IQ, life experience and knowledge

>> No.15391125

JP my balls cock socker, shut your mouth and go clean your toilet fuck face

>> No.15391223

That is completely beside the point. The TK quote is about those who claim to be making a fundamental change in society but actually support the status quo. JBP very clearly supports the existing structure of society while disagreeing with certain developing aspects of it. None of that is a call to radically change society.

>> No.15391501

Star Wars, the Matrix, the literal whole fucking decade of Marvel movies

>> No.15391522

>refers to three things
ironic, also if you were high iq, had life experience and knowledge you'd have no need for peterson

>> No.15391544

If Peterson is a minority and instructs people to be like himself that is a call to radical change. You are stupid and mistaking external change for the only kind so you can make some half assed pedantic attempt at refusing based Ted's implication, but you fail.

>> No.15391599
File: 155 KB, 500x420, ebony nibba.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>If Peterson is a minority and instructs people to be like himself that is a call to radical change

man you´re dumb as fuck

>> No.15391657

>Petersonfags calling anyone else dumb

>> No.15391658
File: 317 KB, 1195x960, 1524739820990.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15391685

I kinda miss tao Lin and legit literature discussion. The board has been going away from such discussion.

>> No.15391694

>if you recognize Peterson for the hack he is and his cultists as the insipid imbeciles they are...you must be a Zizekfag
your shitty desperate memes in lieu of ability or argument and appeals to partisanship just further reveal how hopeless your mentalities are you know (you don't)

>> No.15391695
File: 69 KB, 680x960, 1581566592820.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

funny thing, i thought the same thing about you

>> No.15391713

t. enjoying the illusion of rebelling without ever having to challenge the system's values

uncle Ted has you down to a T

>> No.15391781
File: 62 KB, 600x438, 94.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.15391877

Zizek ended his career.
It really is this simple.
You have to go to extreme mental gymnastics to not distinguish who deserved more the title of the intellectual between them.

>> No.15392004

I couldn't agree more. It shocked me to come back here after years away and discover that /lit/ had degenerated into /pol/ holding a book upside down, pretending to read.

>> No.15392044

No, he's correct. Some of us were here and remember. For one thing, /lit/ didn't used to be a place where people quoted the Unabomber to own the libs.

>> No.15392050

This is just ridiculous. Being a minority or depicting yourself as a minority does not make you a radical in relation to the current system. Peterson still believes in a liberal democratic order based on capitalism. He doesn't claim to be against any part of the existing order except very specific expressions, and even then only in relation to political coercion (is ok with trans people but is against pronoun legislation, for example).

His calls for internal change are also completely in line with the system. Being personally responsible so that you can function effectively in the modern world is so obviously in agreement with the status quo I don't know how you could think otherwise.

I generally agree with Ted in ISAF, I just think this application doesn't make sense. Accusing JBP of perpetuating the system like it's some sort of gotcha is absurd. He very clearly argues in favor of the system, this is not some hidden part of his agenda.

>> No.15392171
File: 26 KB, 576x532, 93485DC2-0FC7-4211-99D7-3C5634FE8AD5.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15392215

>to own the libs.
you stink of reddit and newfag
Kaczynski has been well received in varying degrees of irony for well beyond what "you remember"

>> No.15392218

How long can it actually take to get off benzos? Ive quit alcohol like 3 different times during his "Rehab."

>> No.15392219

My favorite one is with the Spartans, where Peterson says "This is a very bad idea. Don't you know, Leonidas? Western civilization is individualistic!"

>> No.15392229

I've been here for years and most of /lit/ doesn't read. It's always been like this.

>> No.15392240
File: 116 KB, 618x537, 1550364756568.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>sullying the good name of Nietzsche to elegize the king of midwits and incels the world over
I wish you could know the embarrassment I know on your behalf.

>> No.15392251
File: 153 KB, 620x869, Untitled-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Shoops and pasta aren't even required. Nothing can top the true Peterson as refutation of Peterson.

>> No.15392258

I've been here since /lit/ started. He wasn't.

>> No.15392264

He wasn't meaninglessly waggled to end conversations by someone who hasn't read any books, no.

>> No.15392277

If you mean the discourse of peterson between anti and pro pets, than yah, but just singling out one group, then no.

>> No.15392281
File: 314 KB, 1864x320, for larping retards.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>No, he's correct. Some of us were here and remember. For one thing, /lit/ didn't used to be a place where people quoted the Unabomber to own the libs.

>> No.15392290


>> No.15392304
File: 70 KB, 756x564, 3ab.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What's next, are you going to wow us with a triforce? Fuck off retard, Kaczynski is exactly the type of contrarianism celebrated on 4chan. I don't know why you suggest otherwise when you're practically transparent in your newfaggotry.

>> No.15392310

the absolute state of peterson cultists

>> No.15392314

idk why, but leftists seem to love to claim like their place was subverted, not that rightoids dont do the same. But somehow, lefts always make it sound so much more pretentious.

>> No.15392316

But he's quoting the unabomber to own Peterson? Hardly a lib icon? What are you talking about

>> No.15392326

The poster in your pic was a larping retard. There were always such people, but the majority were serious, and the Nazi posters recognised themselves as fringe participants.

Quoting him as if he was a serious political commentator is quite different from the "contrarianism celebrated on 4chan". A phrase which confirms that you are the newcomer.

>> No.15392328

The absolute state of anti-peterson cult. you guys are just as bad, if not worse since you are all driven by antithesis. Over the past few months, guess which group keeps making threads obsessed by the topic?

>> No.15392330

>The poster in your pic was a larping retard.
le goalpost whirligig

>> No.15392331

The mongoloid seems unaware that Peterson isn't a liberal academic like all the rest. Why are you wasting your time defending him rather than accepting that water is wet?

>> No.15392362

Fucking hell. And you apparently don't know what we think of tripfags either. I was here when that shit was being posted.

>> No.15392369

Who am I defending? Wtf

>> No.15392384

You claimed something and the guy posted direct evidence of you being wrong

>> No.15392469

No, he wasn't being quoted there to "own the libs", but in one of a bunch of posts that were started by people using that particular image. I. Was. There. It. Wasn't. Like. You. Pretend. To. Remember.

>> No.15392475

Why are you pretending not to know who you're defending? Do you have no short-term memory?

>> No.15392481

lol just admit you were wrong

>> No.15392509

I never said that nobody ever quoted the Unabomber in the history of /lit, I said nobody did it to own the libs. In other words, nobody thought they had won the argument by quoting him, and nobody quoted him so liberally and uncomprehendingly that they could use a quote from him as inaptly as this anon did >>15388664.

>> No.15392544

Jordan Peterson said weak man can't be virtuous. Does that mean he can't be virtuous?

>> No.15392600

He's not a weak man. His period of recuperation is plainly in part a time to do serious work. I expect he's dictating his next book. Fame was in danger of driving him away from his real field of expertise and passions. I wouldn't be surprised if he returns with his best work yet.

Fame in the 21st century would be difficult for most serious-minded people to cope with. He found himself taking responsibility for the education of a generation within a very short space of time. He was also called upon to explain their outlook to the world, which is a very odd position for a middle-aged scholar to be put in - lecturers like to think they influence their students, but to be so identified with their worldview that you're taken as their guru or leader is more responsibility than most of them could shoulder. Admittedly, he made a great error in beginning to use tranquilizers.

>> No.15392636

I did absolutely nothing but ask a person to clarify their post. Are you schizophrenic?

>> No.15392650
File: 273 KB, 876x506, 1538783232760m.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Contrivances, on top of prevarications, on top of contrivances on top...

You're deeply stupid, anyone who was around long enough knows that. Anyone who wasn't can spend 3 seconds on any of the archives to see it.

>> No.15392665

>Contrivances, on top of prevarications, on top of contrivances on top...
No, I was here then and I've spoken the truth. The Unabomber as a meme is very different from the Unabomber mistaken for a valid thinker.

>> No.15392672

>a valid thinker.
your mind is reddit and memes

>> No.15392674

He's not dead, don't get my hopes up like that you bastard.

>> No.15392712

One datapoint isn’t a mountain of evidence.

The way I remember it there was a pretty marked rightwing shift around the beginning of Trump’s campaign. Before that there was little open racism/anti-semitism and what there was of it was rightfully pointed back to /pol/. Anti-semitism as the default position in every thread certainly wasn’t the case. Back in the day the focus was more on fiction and less on philosophy. I remember that right-wing philosophy was niche and had its own dedicated thread, like sci-fi/fantasy has today.

>> No.15392715

Again would that every kike shill receive full karmic retribution in life like JP did. The world would be a better place.

>> No.15392732

He might be honestly, wasnt he in a coma or something? How long does it take to get sober from pills? Not a year+?

>> No.15392747

Sounds like excuses for his weakness. Would a strong man have relied on drugs to cope? Would a strong man have folded under pressure or would he have persevered? I'm not saying I'm any better. Far from it. But I'm not the one preaching to the world the virtues of strength. Let us hope his recent struggles humble him.

>> No.15393651
File: 1.18 MB, 3492x978, canada exports.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Peterson is the quintessential weak westerner, so desperate and heavy is his facade of wisdom and strength he's actually convinced himself along with a crowd of stooges. You'll notice this type are always anathema to real action, they abhor violence and only ever seek to abstract the desire for change with the management of desire itself, with scrutiny of the philosophy of change, or maybe "ourness" itself. Of course if this wasn't pure psychobabble and the likes of Peterson or his cult could actually face inward and look at themselves, they'd find they are empty, people are what they do, and playing at enlightenment is to do nothing, for this person self improvement is purely recreational. The only real question that remains is his initial intent, was it simple narcissism or does Peterson retain some dignity as a conman gone astray?

>> No.15393704

Daily reminder that Peterson could not name a single postmodernist he considers to be the enemy of the west in the biggest public appearance of his life. Also, it’s bad enough to use anti-depressants, but to become dependent on them?

>> No.15394298
File: 24 KB, 128x121, trembling.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Also, it’s bad enough to use anti-depressants, but to become dependent on them?


>> No.15394313

I think it's pretty ironic that before his addiction in between bemoaning old USSR camps, he advocated in favor of people taking brain meds, then he took them, got addicted, and is now apparently comatose in Russia, the former USSR, which was the only place that could save him (?)

It's so poetic that I wonder if God sent him down as a joke

>> No.15394944

You're wrong, but for the right reasons. Investing in your weaknesses is not a new concept, and it sucks that intellchsual snowflakey internet nerd Obama-era-contrarians wouldn't listen to their parents saying the exact same things.

>> No.15394966

I don't really see the irony in going to Russia for treatment while condemning gulags

>> No.15394972
File: 262 KB, 700x394, EW-gQaPXQAIjs1H.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>as if he was a serious political commentator
>sending bombs in the mail isn't a serious political comment

>> No.15394981

That's okay, I do. His fate is a funhouse mirror of all the stuff he talked about.

>> No.15394994

People recreate personal traumas all the time. His lifelong obsession with Russia is 100% connected to seeking treatment there. Is it ironic? Yes, but also not in the slightest. Is it hilarious? Kind of, but only if you've earned the right to laugh. Is he unaware of the irony? Not at all. Does that make him a transcendent genius? Also not at all.

>> No.15395009

You may as well say it's ironic for someone to have visited Soviet Russia if they didn't like the Tsars

>> No.15395018

You're not in a conversation with someone who thinks Peterson is a transcendent genius, so I'm not sure we have anywhere to take this.

>> No.15395030

Not really, smoothlobe. What more is there to say?

>> No.15395033

Yeah really, it's the exact same situation, criticizing the former regime of a place.

>> No.15395074

Im not going to spoonfeed this to you any more than I have already, you don't really have to get it, not very important

>> No.15395078

>The only real question that remains is his initial intent, was it simple narcissism or does Peterson retain some dignity as a conman gone astray?
He made millions off Patreon and will make even more once he releases his new book. All the fags itt mocking his downfall fail to realize that it only propel him further into relevance once he returns back into the public eye, he is building enormous anticipation and finally has a real story to tell.

>> No.15395084

You're just wrong, it's fine.

>> No.15395089

That's the thing about lightning, it always strikes twice.
Out of your system yet? Wanna give me one more? Here's a prompt: u dum

>> No.15395097

I explained to you clearly why you were wrong and you either realized this and started deflecting or you're just genuinely too stupid to understand it.

>> No.15395110

I understand your screeching, I just have no interest in bringing you around to my side. I literally don't care if you get it or dont get it. But your clinging to the point is starting to be really funny to me

>> No.15395117


>> No.15395121

You just look like an idiot because you can't respond to the basic comparison of someone who went to Soviet Russia who criticized the Tsars

>> No.15395128

How I look in your eyes is of no concern to me, worm. Keep dancing on the hook.

>> No.15395136

It is or you wouldn't still be replying. Your posts contain no actual content, you're just seething while pretending you don't care.

>> No.15395142

I've told you a few times that at this point I'm replying to see how long you're going to maintain this crusade. For my part, there is no crusade, anyone reading can plainly see I'm not trying to convince you of anything.

>> No.15395147

You're replying because you want to have the last word, but are incapable of responding to the example I gave you that shows why you're an idiot.

>> No.15395431

>my observations are a direct statement about your personality

>> No.15395468

Fuck Peterstein and fuck Jews

>> No.15395572
File: 194 KB, 1500x1044, 1586901106227.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I didn't start going to /lit/ until maybe five years ago or so, I'd just like to say that I don't mind leaving politics at the door but despicable, whiny fags like you really bring out the worst in me and in others. If you really wanted this place to be better you would shut the fuck up with this gay shit.

>> No.15395859

Anyone else actually think his psychological lectures are brilliant. Like his whole personality series is pretty good

>> No.15396142

Name a better website for literature and philosophy discussion.