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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 519 KB, 1536x2048, Book Shelf 1.jfif.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
15388222 No.15388222 [Reply] [Original]

What, no bookshelf thread?

Need to get a brief history of time, sometime.

>> No.15388236

do you live in a shed?

>> No.15388240


>> No.15388251

Chad behaviour

>> No.15388281
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Just moved back into my dorm room after 2 months of lockdown
Here's my shelf, with some new additions

>> No.15388287

show us your shed op

>> No.15388291
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>> No.15388292

Yeah please i'd like that a lot too

>> No.15388301

show us your shit jug

>> No.15388305

Well that's fucking rude for no reason :(

>> No.15388315 [DELETED] 

Had to move some to another shelf because I was running out of room on my main one. Don't know what I'm gonna do if I keep acquiring books.
Currently reading not pictured: Shelley - Frankenstein, Herbert - Dune, and Jung - Man and His Symbols

>> No.15388328
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>>15388291 (Me)
Had to move some to another shelf because I was running out of room on my main one. Don't know what I'm gonna do if I keep acquiring books.
Currently reading not pictured: Shelley - Frankenstein, Herbert - Dune, and Jung - Man and His Symbols

>> No.15388347
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Best one so far

>> No.15388364
File: 2.06 MB, 3370x1940, Battlestation V200.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You fools are lucky I already cleaned it up earlier

>> No.15388374

i wish i was you

>> No.15388380

well just build a shed? it's not hard, maybe $300 at most

>> No.15388383

Ngl does look kinda cozy.
But you do have to admit, this is not "tidy"

>> No.15388384

Is that your bed on the right side? Holy based.

>> No.15388393

Where do you build them doe also how does nobody rob you?

>> No.15388400
File: 1.88 MB, 3276x2463, Battlestation V5.4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It is for me

>> No.15388420

oh my

>> No.15388423

lmao the mountain dew reload station

>> No.15388425
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>> No.15388687

Fucking based.

>> No.15388719
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Based Jane Eyre bro

>> No.15388726

where did you get that fancy red tome?

>> No.15388733

livin' the dream

>> No.15388744
File: 3.97 MB, 4032x3024, 39B61487-A591-476F-AE03-CFD6C93DEBF3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anybody treat their shelf like a library?

I have a spreadsheet for my friends of all my books and if someone wants to borrow they can see what I have. Seems like the best use of having all these books once I’ve read them

>> No.15388747

I would also like to clarify that the white spot is not cum

>> No.15388751

I do have the database aspect of a library like you (a spreadsheet) but I don't have (and never will) the lending aspect of it.

>> No.15388774

fuckkkk i want that Republic

>> No.15388779

Picked it up at local bookshop with a gift card I won for my writing stuff.

>> No.15388795

Holy based. I salute you, mate.

>> No.15388838

>Joseph Campbell
>DMT the spirit molecule
>Various philosophy, two large works of plato
>Prose Edda
>Eluveite cd
Very based shelf my man.

>> No.15388842

Varg is cringe, though.

>> No.15388847

Oh yeah definitely, but also a great meme man

>> No.15388901

Lookin' really comfy there Ted.

>> No.15388903


>> No.15388912

If I lend someone a book I don’t worry about getting it back. If I wanna read it again I can borrow it from the library or pick up a copy in a used bookstore. Though I don’t own a lot of expensive books desu.

>> No.15389003
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>> No.15389011

Thanks, I think it’s decent.

>> No.15389013
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>> No.15389015

Is that a pizza box hanging up on the wall?

>> No.15389017

Ya the Varg I bought kind of as a meme. I haven’t read it yet.

>> No.15389019
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>> No.15389031
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>> No.15389035

what's the publisher of that Julien Gracq book?

>> No.15389038
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Would love some recommendations, I have a lot of communist lit coming in the mail next, as well as a LOT of Greek/Roman stuff

>> No.15389039
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>> No.15389042

Mirin the Audubon society

>> No.15389047
File: 2.99 MB, 4032x1960, Wallpaper.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You mean my wall paper?

>> No.15389049

im in love desu

>> No.15389050

Pushkin Press. They make great long lasting paperbacks with French folds and thick paper all throughout. Lots of reprints of stuff that was obscure in their own time and never got republished.

>> No.15389053

yo, can I borrow The Black Swan by Taleb?

>> No.15389064

Your shelf is always one of my favorites, makes me want to start learning math
Based red baron

>> No.15389066

Thanks for the info, I wasn't aware of them. Will check them out.

>> No.15389070

If you haven't already, read The Wealth of Nations, Adam Smith recognizes the oppressive aspects of free market systems that empower the rich against the poor. Very based

>> No.15389079

Sure fren

>> No.15389102

I actually will probably buy that, thanks.
Spring Comes Again by Jorian Jenks (left this one on my coffee table) talks about that from a British fascist perspective. Very interesting ways that he shows how free markets have no choice but to sell their own people out for “better deals” in trade with other countries to do better in business, and then short their host country for the sake of bettering their own company rather than their own nation.

>> No.15389106

okay, I'll meet you at science world in Vancouver on Tuesday, sound good?

>> No.15389149
File: 2.19 MB, 2830x3457, IMG_20200515_132948.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Brief History is very average shedanon. I was super disappointed by it. Struggling to find good science writing. I used to like Bryson sorta stuff but it's too basic. Sapolsky is good but specific and again, basic. I like Sacks but it's basically just mini-autobiographies. I've taken to just reading journals or equivalent.

Any good recs for science writers? Not pop-sci shit. Topic is generally irrelevant. Pic related for reference.

>> No.15389339

Streetguru, is that you? And if so, how have you been? Haven't seen you in years.

>> No.15389344

My twitter is @Lordstreetguru

mostly fine. need job.

>> No.15389360

Nice, glad you are still around. Over on /g/ there was conjecture (years ago) that you had frozen to death during a particularly cold winter.

Good luck with the job hunt, but hopefully you can enjoy some cozy quarantine time in the interim.

>> No.15389506

the spine of that c++ is absolutely horrifying

>> No.15389517

I've basically had them stored in trash bags lying around on the floor for like a year

>> No.15390828

Are you streetguru?

>> No.15390856


>> No.15390885
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After all these years, still living in a shed. I've got to hand it to him.

>> No.15390924

>3 copies of Jane Eyre
>entire James Sallis bibliography
>multiple copies of Jurassic park

What the actual fuck

>> No.15391018
File: 2.72 MB, 3024x3608, IMG_8060.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Got a new shelf installed last week after living among piles for a year.
Gonna post a few.

>> No.15391024
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>> No.15391029
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>> No.15391036


>> No.15391037
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>> No.15391296

I'm lazy and unemployed, otherwise I would have upgraded to an RV.

>> No.15391357

Are you a faggot?

>> No.15391451


fucking lmao

>> No.15391486
File: 1.79 MB, 4160x1610, IMG_20200518_162208.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sadly my bookshelf is now basically wrecked apart from this one level or rack or whatever its called

>> No.15391493
File: 1.94 MB, 2786x3050, IMG_20200518_162443.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

got this over lil shelf tho where I've moved the rest of my books. The top 3 are the last ones I've read

>> No.15391820

Digging the stendall, never read him

>> No.15391839

you should, he's fucking great

>> No.15392046
File: 3.83 MB, 4032x3024, 7E53684A-F2B4-4F39-B160-1B9888B6A91B.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Potentially identifying books/journals hidden.


>> No.15392056


Yeah, so, what
What’s the story here

>> No.15392059

I live in a shed?

>> No.15392062
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>> No.15392074
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>> No.15392087
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Thats most of them except for books I'm currently reading or pulled to thumb through and a couple cookbooks currently in the kitchen.

>> No.15392158

based kalevala

>> No.15392380

Why do you live like this?

>> No.15392434

Le viral marketting. Whoever this faggot is, this thread is the first time they've ever been mentioned on /lit/.

>> No.15392480

he's a guy who was in every battlestation thread on /g/ a couple of years ago

>> No.15392496

What a fucking irrelevant thing to be known for.

>> No.15392596
File: 2.62 MB, 2993x2746, 5370CDC0-2727-4C0E-A794-E4BB72C35A08.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is my miscellaneous shelf. My other one is mostly military history.

>> No.15392617

I don't think he is trying to impress you anon he lives in a shed

>> No.15392657

This is a child’s library.

Why would we want to see the equivalent of an inner city school library collection?

>> No.15392789

>Diary of a Wimpy Kid
>No Rodrick Rules
Get your shit together Anon

>> No.15392941
File: 2.55 MB, 4032x2538, 20200518_120251.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Managed to get quite a few of my books from used bookstores and my departments bookcases. Even though they're paper backs I try to take care of them

>> No.15392946

You have the same works of Shakespeare books as me

>> No.15392952
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>> No.15392955

Looks good op

>> No.15392982

BASED Zola reader. You've done what I mean to do in the near future. I think Oxford is only lacking one (or two?) novels in that series.

>> No.15393033

Goddamn anon. I'm jealous.

>> No.15393041
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>> No.15393059

god you're fat

>> No.15393067

>The Red Baron pizza box as a decoration
Holy kek

>> No.15393076

the "i don't read" look

>> No.15393091

>wait you have a BED? jesus christ im soaking wet rn

>> No.15393102


>> No.15393121

Hi streetguru. I legit thought you died already. Sorry for ever doubting you.

>> No.15393324

Hold on guys, All my books are in pdf form on my computer, should I kill myself?

>> No.15393328


>> No.15393335

Just follow my twitter or subscribe to my only fans if you want updates

>> No.15393338

>should I kill myself?
You're posting on /lit/, that goes without saying

>> No.15393541

Doctor Pascal is the only one Oxford hasnt had translated yet. I hope they have a translation in the works

>> No.15393796

the zoomabomber shed

>> No.15393811

Haven't made my 3d printed guns yet

>> No.15394099

I don’t have any friends so there wouldn’t be a point

>> No.15394101

I went home recently but my sister was reading my copy so I couldn't take it back with me

>> No.15394112

This. Lotr has not been cracked open once

>> No.15394163

Because it's new and I haven't read it yet.
I read the first two books last year on a kindle, but before this year, I didn't really read at all.
Because I've read LoTR recently, they aren't high up on my priority list, but I wanted nice copies because they are my favorite books. The box set was secondhand and dirt cheap.

>> No.15394194

*ring*...*ring*...uhh, hello? Based department?

>> No.15394311

They do, it’s coming out in November

>> No.15394324
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>> No.15394816

Oh man, its about time

>> No.15394862
