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File: 1.01 MB, 917x511, dugin.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
15382585 No.15382585 [Reply] [Original]

Discussion of 4PT, Dugin, related works and legitimate criticisms allowed. No schizoposting.

>> No.15382608

Charles Upton has written a two volume critique of dugin from a Traditionalist perspective.

>> No.15382614

More like Doogin

>> No.15382721

Well what's his central thesis and what arguments does he employ to back them up?

>> No.15382727

I don't know, I'm only aware of it, hate to be a shill but here is a rundown, he can say it better than I.


>> No.15382735

Who are these podcasters and what is their show called?

>> No.15382736

tldr, it's satanism

>> No.15382778

>I don't know
Then why bring it up? I'm fine with people not liking Dugin but you should have a real reason why.

>> No.15382795

who's the mouthbreather to the right of Dugin?

>> No.15382807
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Russian speakers, please help me with Dugin's lyrics in his music

Is he worshiping the demon Astaroth, in his first song in this video?


>> No.15382813

Did you watch the video? Upton is a flake and even he thinks Dugin is stupid

>> No.15382917

Dugin is a meme, read limonov instead. He and dugin had the russian nazbol party in 1994 in Russia, and arguably limonov is the talented one, and his works are the ones with relative artistic value.

>> No.15382971

poopoo on the left, peepee on the right.

>> No.15383071

I listened to the first few minutes and I don't think he's outright worshipping it. He's describing his encounter with this astaroth thing and some vampire, seems like it's a vodka-induced vision as he uses the word "cиний/blue" (calling it the "blue señor") which is slang relating to drunkenness.

>> No.15383098

Ashtaroth were spawns of nephilim in the bible, is he some how referring to giants?
Doin’t bolsh in Bolshevik mean big?

>> No.15383170

Thank you, I don't speak Russian well enough to properly translate things like slang and written lyrics don't exist online, so I could only base it off what I heard while listening.

>> No.15383292
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>from a Traditionalist perspective.

>> No.15383296


>> No.15383355

Dugin considers himself a Traditionalist too.

>> No.15383366

well, that just proves his satanism then

>> No.15383412


>> No.15383421

Why do incels tend toward this bad copy of a failed ideology as if it were something brand new? (probably because it's called 4th??)

>> No.15383733

Why is Dugin a sanctioned individual in USA? Pretty cringe from the USA tbqh

>> No.15384784

Google translate is mostly correct for word by word translation http://dpaste.com/0NSAA1F

As anon mentioned above "Blue" - whatever drankenness related
There is a slang "seeing an imps" meaning a mad outraging dude because of being drunk near delirium tremens level

*Follwing the plot*

The character stopped praying for many years and became alcoholic drinking up to "seing an imp" (Astaroth) -> The hellish gentelmen seems to be friendly and they're chilling out in hell -> A few emphasises of heresy with "fallen angels choir" -> they start playing a tarot cards and the character noticed Astaroth cheating -> Astaroth is trying to cheat disappearing a jack card ("durak" means both cards "jack" and a "fool" so there is a word play around Astaroth treating the character as an equal now trying to enslave him) -> The character now noticed the ugly part of Astaroth "This scary lord, nasty lord This blue lord Astaroth" but he still have a "zero lasso" card (which gives you an opportunity to choose your direction/destiny) -> "Oh my dear lord, oh my dear lord. Oh my dear lord Astaroth... The kingdom of darkness is my yard and house Guards me at the gate This blue lord, infernal lord This blue lord Astaroth" -> so yeah that's about a guy left G-d and with alcoholism fell into praying Astaroth

And it's mostly about russian identity crisis from the traditionalism perspective

>> No.15384832

Chapo Trap House

>> No.15384853

he is one of the most viscerally offensive individuals on Earth to the liberal academic.

>> No.15385005

National Bolshevism is not the 4th political theory

>> No.15385025

Third positionism, and by extension fourth positionism, are inherently satanic.
How some people haven't realized this yet is boggling.

>> No.15385086

>Why is Dugin a sanctioned individual in USA?
Even if I knew nothing of his ideology or writings, I would like him solely because he is primarily a sociologist, a former professor who got sanctioned by world superpower. What an absolute badge of honour.
Limonov sucked a negro's dick. He has nothing of value to say. Other Russia is megacringe

>> No.15385096

>Third positionism, and by extension fourth positionism, are inherently satanic.
prove it faggot

>> No.15385099

How is third position satanic? The second position and first position were born out of revolution against the natural and Divine world.
The first one in favor of the Enlightened (Luciferian) Man, in the great name of De Sade.
The second, in name of Equal Labor Unit distribution (what the enlightened man was reduced to in two centuries)...
The Third position is human/state symbiosis - and is the only one that resembles humility and dignity.

>> No.15385108

is there a connection with Rozanov?

>> No.15385112

what's the nazbol stance on birth control?
Im against birth control

>> No.15385121
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>31 replies
>literally nothing of value

Hey, why don't one of you faggots explain what you find valuable in Dugin?

>> No.15385169

why not borrow from all different things you like and then have your own individual take on things you care about?

>> No.15385206

No control and anti-abortion agenda
Nazbal was a post-USSR reaction and the 4th geopolitical theory is a completely different thing tho

>> No.15385504

Limonov was an artist, not a theoretician. He was very inconsistent.

>> No.15385536

Because his ideas are a threat to liberal hegemony, which the US is at the forefront of.

>> No.15385545

Dugin has most clearly articulated an alternative to Liberal Capitalism in the 21st century. Moving past the old ideologies is essential.

>> No.15385736

What is Satanism in your opinion? Why is it bad?

>> No.15385744

QRD on Dugin and his ideology?

>> No.15385912

Dugin is a traditionalist Russian Orthodox philosopher who is presently an advisor to Putin and has written some influential books in Russia. His ideology is Fourth Political Theory, based on the idea of the 3rd political theory (fascism), the 2nd political theory (communism), and the 1st political theory (liberalism) all being outdated for the 21st century. Since the last two were defeated by liberalism in 1945 and then in 1991, a new political ideology is needed to replace liberalism, which takes the positive aspects of all previous political theories and combines them into one political theory.

>> No.15385953
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>Dugin thread
We should make those more often

Btw is he literally creating Eurasian union here?

>> No.15385992

A channel with his work translated into English.

He just made a video

>> No.15386003

>hate to be a shill
So stop being one

>> No.15386208

>is he literally creating Eurasian union
Based on Halford Mackinder and Karl Ernst Haushofer "Heartland theory" Dugin developed multipolar (which is basically a rejection of universal globalistic laws, values and path to "evolve") geopolitical model with united post-Soviet republic as one of the sides
Highly influenced "Eurasian Economic Union" slowly but surely overlapping "Commonwealth of Independent States"

>> No.15386363

WMAF should be an irrevocable dogma of Eurasianism

>> No.15386407


>> No.15386417
File: 156 KB, 2752x1400, dugin geopolitics.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is this really how he imagines the ideal world?

Looks kind arbitrary t b h

>> No.15386516
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philippines is in china sphere? why?

>> No.15386727

I dont think he has such concrete images in mind, nor the expanse of some of these "spheres"

>> No.15386833


>> No.15386846

Lmao /pol/ thinks it is.

>> No.15387106

Trying to in any form reduce Christianity to be anything other than the absolute and unique truth one must follow for salvation. It's bad because it goes against God's will.

>> No.15387459

Pizdetz, why are you so damn stupid. For some reason, many alt-raites are convinced that Dugin is a serious philosopher, and Putin is the savior of the white race.
As a person related to the humanitarian specialties, I can say for sure that in the 1990s Dugin took drugs in large quantities, I would even throw one copy-paste here, where a former member of the National-Bolshevik Party told how Dugin behaved after taking drugs.
In addition, there are rumors that Dugin was gay in the 90s.
In Russia there is one television channel from which they kicked him out, and they say that it’s just for that.
Russian obscurantism has a beard and a holey ass.
And this is Dugin.

>> No.15387506

>Dugin is a serious philosopher
Dugin's works are part of the education of staff officers in Russia, that's pretty serious stuff for a supposed meme.

>> No.15387664

My bad, anon.

t. OP of that thread

>> No.15387668

As a student studying for a historian, I am obsessed with sources, facts and the rest of the same
Give me at least one fact that officers in Russia read Dugin’s books.
At least one proof!
I live in this country and I don’t know where the western alt-rightes got such nonsense from.
I need proof, otherwise it's all nonsense.

>> No.15387688
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>I need proof, otherwise it's all nonsense.
Well, at least you are living up to your national stereotype.

That being said, based on your anti-Duginism, I'd wager that you are a liberashka living in Leningrad (probably a provincial with an inferiority complex as well).

You do you though, comrade))

>> No.15387699

If as proof you throw me a link to some Russian news resource, I will laugh in your face.
Maybe you believe the BBC? Or CNN?
Not everything that is written in the news (English, Russian, Chinese) is true.

>> No.15387705


>> No.15387715

What do you want then? Me to find a syllabus for one of those schools or some shit? You're a retard.

>> No.15387720
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>> No.15387723

dude, i will copy the last message here
If as proof you throw me a link to some Russian news resource, I will laugh in your face.
Maybe you believe the BBC? Or CNN?
Not everything that is written in the news (English, Russian, Chinese) is true.
dude I'm a conservative
and I’m not living in St. Petersburg) St. Petersburg has been called that for 30 years) Not Leningrad) St. Petersburg)
I'm a conservative, repeat
But Dugin is a pizdetz

>> No.15387728
File: 68 KB, 605x807, dugin pepe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15387736

well dude, well seriously
the media can write anything))))))000)
would you know how our media constantly scold everyone except Russia

>> No.15387737

Spasibo, fren.

>> No.15387795

My main complaint against Dugin is that he does not have his own ideas. His ideas are a compilation of fascism, Rene Guenon, Evola and so on.

>> No.15387800

and I really don’t understand why to read something secondary

>> No.15387810

You can say that about literally everything.

>> No.15387829

it seems to me simple, at the moment his theory is a little .... well .... so outdated
he wrote his main works in the 90s
the situation has changed a bit ..

>> No.15387838

>Charles Upton
Opinion discarded

>> No.15387852

>he wrote his main works in the 90s
>the situation has changed a bit
Not really, Russia has improved but that's about it. Liberalism is still globally hegemonic.

>> No.15387878

You can try to find and read, if his work is translated into English, Galkovsky
although I don't like him either
I personally think that the Russian land has not yet given birth to a better philosopher than Dostoevsky

>> No.15387881
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Eh, I am mostly interested in his geopolitical angle rather than his philosophy proper. Whichever ideals one might have, multipolarity is a prerequisite for revolutionary change occurring outside of the West.

That aside, I do agree that Dugin's views on their own could be summed up as a form of neo-fascism adapted to a post-Soviet context and masked under the guise of 'fourth positionism'. Doesn't change the fact that fascist rhetoric, when serving to deperipherialize Russia from the Western core of the world, is revolutionary in content and should be supported not only by the radical right, but also by the radical left.

>> No.15387912

it seems to me that just the opposite calms down
used to be two camps, two countries
and they constantly fought each other
and now in connection with the fact that in Russia, too, such as capitalism, there is no need to fight
Now there are several alternative world centers that have their own interests
USA, Russia, China, Europe

>> No.15387955

I wouldn't put those centers outside of the West on the same level. They are regional powers with the potential of challenging Western hegemony at best (particularly China), but they are still part of a single economic world system.

The end of the Cold War has meant the triumph of the American center rather than a return to the age of competing imperialist powers, so Dugin's work should be primarily understood (and promoted) as just another voice among many challenging Western hegemony.

>> No.15387979

Western hegemony is already worn out, as it seems to me
China is threatening
one way or another, for example, Europe is returning to its eternal hungry state - a pack of fighting dogs
America made Europe beautiful and well-fed only as a showcase of capitalism and the American way of life, to demonstrate this to the Soviets
now it is no longer needed
capitalism is in Russia too
I'm definitely not a socialist
I sympathize with capitalism, but I cannot completely call myself capitalist

>> No.15388025
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Someone give me a qrd on what Dugin actually believes

Everything written about him in English seems to have the same tone as they right about all right wing people in, so I'm skeptical.

>> No.15388035

See >>15385912

>> No.15388040

To a degree, it is worn out. Now we'll only have to see if the economic impact of the Corona epidemic will put the nail in its coffin. As to whether this will lead to a multipolar world or just a Sino-American Cold War, it's still too early to tell.

Europe as a geopolitical power could only work if it pursued eurofederalism, but I doubt its chances of success. More likely, the EU will collapse in a few decades (or be greatly reduced to its Western 'hard' center) and the politically sovereign (yet economically dependent) independent states of Europe will be no more than peripheries of the West, serving as markets for the same Western transnational companies.

BRICS and similar 'non-aligned' movements show some promise, but their constituent parts should equally develop as regional powers in order to pave the way for multipolarity, otherwise they'll be nothing more than an extension of Chinese soft power.

>> No.15388042

Eurasia is pretty much just WMAF tbqh

>> No.15388049

Ty senpai

Sounds interesting from that standpoint. What's a good starting point to read him, the Fourth Political Theory?

>> No.15388053

I do not know how to explain it
I am a Russian right-wing conservative, but in Russia, all right-wingers make fun of him
perhaps because all right-wing leaders in Russia were jailed
but he is not
he is, you know ... a talking head
rope doll
used by authorities
Well, he compiles fascism, Evola, Heidegger, Rene Guenon

>> No.15388066

I read an article from a western journalist basically arguing that Dugin's influence in Russia seems much bigger than it actually is to English speakers because of people like Lauren Southern

So rightwingers there think he's a government stooge, in that case?

Who do they like instead?

>> No.15388073

Do you know the term glocalization?
read interesting
maybe it will be
Actually, I would like a New Middle Ages
such a term is found in some modern philosophers and the modern Russian writer Sorokin
it would be interesting to look at neo-feudalism
just the same, I sympathize with feudalism (someone called me a retard higher, maybe even you)

>> No.15388103

Dugin is employed by the government as an advisor, he has influence. Many NazBols/WNs don't like Dugin because they view him as a traitor for aligning with Putin, conveniently ignoring that Limonov did the same thing, just a little later.

>> No.15388143

>What's a good starting point to read him, the Fourth Political Theory?
Yes, Michael Millerman, his official english translator also has some vids on him.

>> No.15388148

Russian rightists consider him either a puppet - or an ultra cringe meme
The philosophers from whom Dugin draws ideas may be good
but what he ultimately succeeds sounds like nonsense to many Russian right
To be honest, now in Russia there is a problem with right-wing figures
they do not suit many even in motion
in fact, the Russian right is divided into three waves
People from the 90s
People from zero years
A generation of modern (10) Russian right
And they are all very different in views
I can say that in the 90s the Russian right are typical fascists
used by the then president of Russia Yeltsin
Now they exist, but are not active.
The Russian rightists of the beginning of the 21st century are typical skinheads and Nazis, often just hooligans and football fans who loved to fight
they often even had no leaders and ideologies
But they were the most active
Every year, Russian marches were organized, which gathered 50 thousand people
in 2011-12, many of the activists were jailed
Russian right 10s is a versatile audience
And right-wing liberals (classical liberals, not modern ones), there are both traditionalists and just conservatives
But they live more on the Internet
The question of who the Russian right reads ... what are their idols and leaders ... a difficult question
There are several bloggers
There is a philosopher streamer who is Russian right
There is a young one politician who is a national democrat
Recently Russian nationalist Krylov died
There is Galkovsky
Although in my opinion they are all a little bit cringe

>> No.15388164
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Didn't call you a retard, though I do think that you are being utopian. 'Glocalism' cannot prevent the disintegration of cultural specificity in the face of consumerism and the international trade of commodities. Only way that it could work would be under an isolationist (either willingly or imposed as in the case of countries such as Iran) system with a great emphasis placed on economic (and consequently cultural) autarchy, but I don't think that it could be properly implemented in a reformist manner and even less so that it would be desirable.

Still, I believe that (many) Eastern conservatives have their hearts in their right place, so I wouldn't belittle you for your views.

Come home, Soviet man.

>> No.15388165

What made you a rightist if by your own admission most of the Russian right to date have been cringe fascists/hooligans?

>> No.15388185

one day the comrades of east and west will drive out all the librtards
and we will all meet on the Elba River, as in the year 45

>> No.15388221

when I talked about hooligans, I had in mind the Russian right from the zero years, the beginning of the 21st century
I’m probably just a conservative
who wants the usual "American dream"
home, work, family, church
why am I a conservative despite the fact that there are many current Russian right are cringe?
Honestly, I myself do not fully understand
Probably from hopelessness
no normal alternative
sometimes some good thoughts are voiced among conservatives
I’m probably also a conservative, because I am a person who believes in God
it seems to me that in general it’s quite important for a believer to maintain “the way it was before"

>> No.15388226

Because of his role in the Crimean conflict

>> No.15388232
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The absolute madman.

>> No.15388233

>Foundations of Geopolitics basically says that one of Eurasia's main goals should be to make Europe their bitch and chop it up into zones of influence under pressure

The sad thing is that our governments in yurop are probably cucked enough to allow this at the moment

>> No.15388235

What does that say?

>> No.15388243

>Ukraine needs to be cleansed of idiots. A genocide of cretins suggests itself. Cretins who are virulent, closed for the voice of Logos, deadly and … in addition to this, extremely stupid. I don’t believe that these are Ukrainians. Ukrainians are a fine Slavic people. [But] these are some race of bastards that emerged from the sewage.

>> No.15388247

Europe is already under control of the US so nothing would change.

>> No.15388254

Based as fuck

>> No.15388274

True. It's bizarre that joining all the great powers of the last millenium together in one bloc made them all weaker. Who would have thought that Portugal, Spain and Holland would be reduced to cuck status

>> No.15388340

Ok guys. I'm Russian and I read Dugin at the age of 14-15. After 7 years, I reread some of his books and that's what I consider the best in his bibliography:

>The Philosophy of Traditionalism
The best book about traditionalism in Russian. Based on legendary lectures:

>Absolute Homeland
If Rene Guenon became Orthodox Christian.

>Templars of the Proletariat
About the chthonic side of Russian socialism.

Continuation of Guenonian studies.

>Logos and Mythos
It's as if Gilbert Durand came to the Caucasus or Tatarstan and began to study folk epos to tell us why Putin is based.

Tyпo paзъeб.

>Martin Heidegger
Just a good book about Heidegger. Must read.

>> No.15388351


>> No.15388352

Not to mention Britain and France.

>> No.15388353

>why Putin is based
Lesser evil, but not based in the slightest.

>> No.15388356
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I know, it's very disappointing.

I have to wonder how many of them have any familiarity with Dugin's ideas. What I find fascinating about Dugin is his engagement with Heidegger's "other Beginning" of philosophy and his work regarding metapolitics and superideology. An apocalyptic inversion of Heidegger's politics of identity and crisis actually give me motivation for a path forward, and the framework of a long-game horseshoe type political and cultural project give me the tools to actually work on it.

I forgot which of his works it was, I believe an excerpt from his book "Knights Templar of the Proletariat", but he had a section about principles of historical engagement. Very empowering, basically a radical application of Heideggerian ideas of Volk and Being-with about a community of human beings who find themselves in the same socio-historical situation and then resolutely take up their specific heritage and actively give place to their proper place in history.

>> No.15388370

oh shit thanks

>> No.15388443

Good catch!

>> No.15388454

Tы пpo гopoд? Mocквa.

>> No.15388525

Я нeнaвижy нeгpoв

>> No.15388634

Чoмy? Ecли cидишь в тpeдe Aлeкcaндpa Гeльeвичa, тo ты дoлжeн пpидepживaтьcя бoaзoвcкoй aнтpoпoлoгии.


>> No.15388972

I'll have to watch this later

>> No.15389007

Go back to Krautchan, faggot Duginist.

>> No.15389056

He told you to give him proof, and you responed by saying, "Haha you need proof? Fucking liberal haha."

>> No.15389409

>If Rene Guenon became Orthodox Christian.
Boт этo нacтoящий фaнфик.
>Guenonian studies
B кaкoм cмыcлe? Bepит ли Дyгин в "пpимopдиaльнyю тpaдицию" oтличнyю oт пpaвocлaвия?

>> No.15390261

Oн дyмaeт чтo пpaвocлaвиe чacть пpимopдиaльнoй тpaдиции

>> No.15390273

Uhhhhhhh BASED?

>> No.15390279

>тo ты дoлжeн пpидepживaтьcя бoaзoвcкoй aнтpoпoлoгии.

>> No.15390391

кaмoн, нy Дyгин жe тoчнo мapиoнeткa

>> No.15390398


>> No.15390438

Cнaчaлa были дyгинcкиe идeи Eвpaзии, пoтoм ocнoвaниe EAЭC и взятия Oceтии c Кpымoм
Лoббиpoвaниe Aфpики тoжe c плeчa Дyгинa идёт, иccлeдoвaния дo 4-й пoлит. тeopии включaя пocлeдниe тoмы Hooмaхии кaк paз пpo нee
Tyт eщe ктo, чья и в кaкoй плocкocти мapиoнeткa

>> No.15390673

Can someone explain how a political theory based on dasein would look like in practice?

>> No.15390943

>Bepит ли Дyгин в "пpимopдиaльнyю тpaдицию" oтличнyю oт пpaвocлaвия?
Пocмoтpи этo видeo:

A вooбщe eгo "Кoнcпиpoлoгия" этo cкopee coциoлoгия, иcтopия peлигий и пoлитoлoгия. Дyгин иcпoльзyeт гeнoнoвcкyю oптикy, чтoбы oпиcывaть иcтopию тaйных зaгoвopoв и эзoтepичecких yчeний.

>> No.15391021

schizo poster incoming don't know if anyone knows this but dugin is subversive think tank, your a "literal" tool if you follow him.

>> No.15391115

His music is actually really good. That’s unexpected

>> No.15391253

of our government
i don't write in Russian, cause i'm frightened of ban

>> No.15391397

lol, does putin track your IP?

>> No.15391647

He probably does. This anon has not been a good boi lately shittalking Dugin an' all

>> No.15392960


>> No.15393629

I don't think you can read, you can barely type

>> No.15393818
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get rekt

>> No.15394203

How many American alt right figures went to personally visit Dugin?

>> No.15394260

In my country, this man, he is nothing.

>> No.15394346

do you live in african country, bwoy?

>> No.15394367

It's just soviet imperialism masquerading as different ideologies.
It holds no appeal to anyone it ought to and is only throwing out ideas in hope something sticks.

>> No.15394432

I am from Tuva Republic

>> No.15395098

it is tho

>> No.15395107

Дyгин пoвлиял нe тoлькo нa Пyтинa, нo и нa вceх pyccких зyмepoв-гyмaнитapиeв, ecли чтo.

>> No.15396391


>> No.15397760


>> No.15397784

can someone give me the tldr of this guy and his politics philosophy or whatever it is you guys are arguing about?

>> No.15398017

He hates liberal thought. His whole philosophy revolves around refuting and possibly surpassing liberalism.

>> No.15398033

See >>15385912

>> No.15398090

Russia good
Anglosphere bad
Simple as

>> No.15398368

a friendly reminder that all the guenon-fags are russian troll brigade fags

>> No.15398465

Doogin? Yeah, more like Flewgin

>> No.15398487

>which takes the positive aspects of all previous political theories and combines them into one political theory.
is this really accurate though? I haven't heard him express it like this, at least

>> No.15398660

He bases the fourth political theory on Hegelian dasein. But yes, he incorporates some features from the previous pts

>> No.15398725

I trust Dugan

>> No.15399119

>No schizoposting
delete this thread then

>> No.15399165


Is this guy insane?
Wtf did I just read?

>> No.15399308
File: 308 KB, 1200x1600, s-l1600.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Farmers will have nothing to be taught besides bossa nova and tango. They are already so wise in their sacred labor.

>> No.15400367


>> No.15400587

Racist and sexist much??

>> No.15400865

What's so funny, cuck

>> No.15401778

>Philosophers will fly and skate on dolphins, who will also be philosophers.
What did he mean by this?

>> No.15402562


>> No.15403240

Read Heidegger.

>> No.15403329

That's literally retarded. Ukraine being a thing, Finland being Russia while Balts are not. Also that Kaliningrad oh lol wtf is this shit. What happened to Australia?

>> No.15403461
File: 26 KB, 136x102, _1520122703605.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The severity of this autism

>> No.15403478

>People, intimately knowing Stalin, will testify to his extreme simplicity in being. For example, they will tell of how he, at the zenith of his power, preferred to sleep on a cot. Another communist ruler of imperial scale, Mao Zedong, tried to never touch money, which he hated physically. The very thought of money or touching it caused him physical pain. These are signs that an angelic presence is close.
WTF I love Dugin now?

>> No.15403507
File: 403 KB, 3800x1956, ocbkk5wax6121.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How is this not based?

>> No.15403523

Who gets africa and latin america though?