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1538399 No.1538399 [Reply] [Original]

>See threads about Nihilism
>Go to youtube to see videos about Nihilism
>Watch this http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qnad6Wv_8RA
>Then scroll down to see this comment
In short, nihilists don't like those mickey mouse stories and they question why mouse talk and have human characteristics when in reality mouse are just one of those animals. They despise every Disney movie ever made because these movies have no intrinsic values what so ever and they tell you nothing about human the "programed" gene carrier.. Plus, they all have morals to tell you, so Disney movies are bs to them.

If you like something called "culture" and "humane" don't be a nihilist

>My face

So it's basically a belief where you hate government or something you don't like, you use murder as an action. Sweet fucking jesus, if the world was nihilism then the murder and suicide rate would be sky rocket all over, since NOTHING fucking matters and EVERYTHING is shit.

Fuck Nihilism.

>> No.1538408

Oh lord, it's worse than atheism

>> No.1538411
File: 2 KB, 116x126, Bunfy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>understanding nihilism through youtube comments
you're worse then them both

>> No.1538412


No, no the atheist never shut the fuck up, I'll give nihilism about that

>> No.1538413


>> No.1538414

>using YT to understand nihilism


>> No.1538417

I didn't watch that video, but that comment sure doesn't sum up nihilism. You'd be better off reading the Wikipedia article.

>> No.1538420

>implying the wikipedia article isn't a reliable source of information
or maybe you weren't

i don't really know

>> No.1538421

I just want to read wonderful stories...
Damn you /lit/ and your relentless philosophical rants!

>> No.1538424

I wasn't.

Even if I was, it would still be better than what OP did. That was like trying to find out what postmodernism is all about via Twitter.

>> No.1538425



Seriously, start out with some actual books if you're so interested.
Cioran's A Short History of Decay is an excellent starting point

>> No.1538427

make a thread faggot

link me over if you already did

this board is just as much about philosophy as it is about narratives

>> No.1538430

i sure showed you you fucking loser that comes here at this time everday probably when youre meant to be working or something. youre not beautiful at all no one thinks that just that youre such a fag.,

>> No.1538431


>> No.1538436

no one thinks your beautiful really. youve said about 4 witty things in your time here

>> No.1538437

disney stories are really good.

>> No.1538439

true nihilist who don't believe in anything don't write. because getting their message out, or expressing themselves would be against the philosophy wouldn't it? i mean to naturally express it is one thing, but to believe you need to express this to others would be believing in some ideal.

>> No.1538444
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So I could rape a woman and it wouldn't matter because nothing ever matters anyway? Good god that belief sucks

>> No.1538449


No restritions /= being an asshole

>> No.1538450


Not bad. I've been here longer and only logged 2.7

>> No.1538452
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>> No.1538454
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But nothing matters, so there wouldn't be such a thing of calling a person an asshole for that or a thing called restrictions

>> No.1538455

Destruction is one possible outcome of a nihilistic world view.

>> No.1538458


By the same token, if nothing matters doesn't it also stand to reason that there's no point in being a dick to people?

The argument of "Everything is permitted" is a fallacy. So many people do things without any consideration of a definition or telos anyway, so it's a pointless argument.

>> No.1538461

this is true of any worldview

sure is romantic rodent in here

>> No.1538464


Actually in Russia from the late 1800's to early 1900's, they murdered politicians because they didn't like the government, so yeah...you could actually think of any stupid reason to rape and murder

>> No.1538466

I was mirroring that posture when I scrolled past this pic. Freaked me out a bit

>> No.1538471


Because then it became fused with political "ambitions" beyond a simply adolescent disavowal of values, which is how it started out essentially.

Political nihilism was essentially anarchistic in nature, in the same vein that French or German or Italian anarchists bombed bureaucrats and bourgeois (even though idealistic outcomes of nihilism varied, from anarchocommunism or primitivism to, well, nothing at all)

>> No.1538473
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>internet opinions formed without any serious research

>> No.1538475

>implying philosophy, particularly nihilism needs research

you /lit/ bums are full of it.

>> No.1538478

>thinks insight can be found on YT, especially in the comments

There's a reason YaleOnline and other university channels block comments on their videos ...

>> No.1538482

are you fucking retarded

i know this was supposed to be all edgy and anti-mind wanking but it really just makes so little sense

>> No.1538485
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>implying philosophy does not require research to be understood

>> No.1538487

>implying philosophy isn't masterbatory bullshit for bored middle to upper class goons.

>> No.1538490

Why so romantic for romantic?

>> No.1538491

>implying that it still doesn't require research to be understood
a fucking sink requires research to be understood

you're a fool

>> No.1538497

romantics are the cancer killing style

>> No.1538498 [DELETED] 

a sink is real. philosophy is not. things in the purely intellectual realm are flimsy and infinitely debatable. you can pretend you've gotten somewhere but inevitably you're just where you started. enjoy your wasted time, kid.

>> No.1538499

Hey you guys!! Study of the nature of existence is for goons...goons!!!

>> No.1538503

I think it's more another cancer with how you spam it.

>> No.1538506

that was worded horribly

>> No.1538507

it baffles me that schools spend $ keeping philosophy departments going. what a waste. might as well make a department for twilight or some shit.

>> No.1538509

What is so fucking hard to understand about this? The point of nihilism isn't about YOUR idea of good or bad being "good" or "bad."
Your idea of good and bad is not someone else's. They will do according to what they think good or bad is, regardless of your sense of it. Subjectivity and inter-subjectivity can influence these things, but in a base and general sense, that's what this means.
Nihilism is not saying it's ok to be a serial killer. It's just saying there's no basis for saying that being a serial killer is _universally_ bad. He's bad if you say he is. He's good if he says he is. Both statements are "true" to the extent that there is no outside determining force to say that it is bad or good. Another person then says Ed Gein wasn't bad, just twisted and depraved by his abusive mother, that he was a monster made not born.
Morality is a matter of opinion. That's it. That's all nihilism means. It's not a difficult concept, and it does not mean "Yeah go ahead and rape/murder/steal/whatever it's cool." It just means people have to begin with the understanding that their morality is an opinion.
Opinions require reasoning and explanation if they wish to be taken seriously. Law and legislature has worked under and/or struggled against this principle for hundreds of years now, ever since people decided their holy books or sanctified codes (of any culture) didn't seem to cover every possible moral concept.
What I've consistently seen in all of these threads is people expounding on and giving nihilism a thousand different conclusions that it does not reach.

Morality is a matter of opinion.
Opinions are finite and fallible.
Beyond that your assumptions are yours.

>> No.1538512

So what would lower class literature be? That lacking in substance, dull and to the point, putting to the reader no quandary, mediocre and simply entertaining? Sounds terrible.

>> No.1538516

>I'm mad that the profundity of my craft pales in comparison to that of the great thinkers

>> No.1538517

>implying philosophy has anything to do with the nature of existence

get your head out of ass and remember, it's fucking science!

enjoy your wordplay. because that is what philosophy is and will ever be.

>> No.1538518

>dislike the truth
>worded horribly
It's interesting what is meant and what is said.

>> No.1538523

the lack of philosophical education is precisely the reason why you have these youtube monkeys running around.

>> No.1538524

Science is just a school of philosophy.

>> No.1538525

we've been over this

science is the study of the natural objective

philosophy is the study of the natural subjective

>> No.1538530

case in point

>> No.1538533
File: 38 KB, 363x302, fan_pushaway.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i was browsing through some of the comments... this dialogue is worrisome. listen, i dont contend to know about nihilism, i just know about my own point of view, and ive heard me described as such. op saying "They despise every Disney movie ever made because these movies have no intrinsic values what so ever and they tell you nothing about human the "programed" gene carrier" sounded like he was suggesting that because i think about such things, and their rational application to my own existence, does not mean that is all i think about. i accept that i have emotions, and feelings, and that we all do, i just try to put their importance into perspective, and enjoy them as much as possible and not let them hinder me as they so often can. to not accept this would be irrational. a way i enjoy using my emotions is through disney movies, i think it is funny that you put a picture from the lion king up because that is one of my favourites, but yet not even close to alice in wonderland (the original kiddies). i enjoy being an emotional creature, it plays a huge part in what gives me, as a nihilist, a reason to exist, to enjoy sensation. inherent in any success and feeling of great joy is of course struggle, so i also except that. and that is where i try and limit emotions impact.
but to imply i am emotionally dead, or not an appreciation of culture i took quite personally, and do not accept that as what is the reality of being me, a person described as a nihilist. perhaps im not though.

>> No.1538543

that's nice

>> No.1538564

>No capital letters. DO NOT READ!

>> No.1538570

my first ever post on 4chan, and the first comment ive ever received and it really had an emotional impact, one i enjoyed, thank you so much.
ctrl + print screen :)

>> No.1538581

that's not true. there's two.

>> No.1538587

nihilism is like totally not believing in anything at all man

>> No.1538590

don't worry bro. i don't use caps either. i do in formal emails for work and shit. but the point of language is to communicate. however, this is the /lit/ board so you can expect lonely nerds here to rage.

>> No.1538608


>> No.1538615


Where much contemporary philosophy seeks to stave off the "threat" of nihilism by safeguarding the experience of meaning--characterized as the defining feature of human existence--from the Enlightenment logic of disenchantment, this book attempts to push nihilism to its ultimate conclusion by forging a link between revisionary naturalism in Anglo-American philosophy and anti-phenomenological realism in recent French philosophy. Contrary to an emerging "post-analytic" consensus which would bridge the analytic-continental divide by uniting Heidegger and Wittgenstein against the twin perils of scientism and skepticism, this book short-circuits both traditions by plugging eliminative materialism directly into speculative realism.

>> No.1538626

true. and reading back through my writing was a bit embarrassing too. i was just so stunned that what people so easily and quickly attribute to my way of life is an emotional sterility; this when i feel that it is me being a person not willing to accept any "given" just because it is said it is given is what makes me appreciate culture so much - something that allows me appreciate emotion so much. i am NOT emotionally sterile. and the discussion on here seemed to suggest that the people debating this are intellectually sterile. yes. my grammar sucks i cant keep on track in a sentence and my tenses never match. but as you say, it is just a way to communicate thoughts. and im glad at least one got the jist of it. and i expected /lit/ to have discussions like adults, not like /b/tards. a personal lesson in realistic expectations i suppose.

>> No.1538643
File: 18 KB, 429x410, mein gott.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>it's basically a belief where you hate government or something you don't like, you use murder as an action.

that's anarchy, not nihilism.

this is what happens when you watch youtube videos instead of reading books.

>> No.1538664


Sure is something in here. Honestly this thread attracted some real deep thinkers.

Back to /v/ with me.

>> No.1538674

WHO CARES!!?? who cares, what the exact definition of nihilism is, and whether or not the details of how it has been applied constitutes nihilism in the truest sense? /lit/ is not a fucking dictionary, so the definitions vary little by little person to person, it is where we can agree on the term that we should focus. what the video was saying was not "go out and kill your local senator", it was using history to say "wow, if throughout time this way of thought has provoked such incredibly drastic action, maybe it could provoke a little not quite so drastic in your own? maybe you could get up off your ass and do something to make the world into the shape youd like to see it rather than what you are told it is? you live in a free democracy (likely) and yeah, rights are getting infringed upon lately, but shit, you still got a lot of leeway considering almost every other historical example, so what are you able to do ? protip: it's not kill people. "

>> No.1538676

are you being sarcastic or some shit?

>> No.1538683

this post has launched me into one of the dullest migraines i've ever experienced

shame on you

>> No.1538684

>deep thinker
of course he is.

>> No.1538689


What tipped you off?

"Destruction is a possibility when considering any world view"

Sure would be nice to be fourteen again and not feel like an idiot when saying stupid shit.

>> No.1538692


>> No.1538694

ITT: Why? Why not? Because I said so! Well fuck you!! No, fuck you man!!!

>> No.1538696


This guy is all the worst parts of every tripfag rolled into one.

At least D&E is capable of trolling and has shown he holds a firm grasp over the English language. You can hardly see a post by Fabulous where he doesn't make an obvious grammatical mistake.

>> No.1538699

inb4 Fabulous takes his name and trip and speaks as anonymous in support of himself.

>> No.1538707


He seems pretty universally hated. I've seen him in a few arguments and he is just straight up stupid.

Ask him to use pretentious in a sentence, I dare you.

>> No.1538708

People who try to argue seriously with Fabulous are even dumber than people who try to argue (seriously) with me

>> No.1538711

none of you are interesting enough to actually hold a conversation with me

we can talk when you start talking back

>> No.1538717


That's cool

>> No.1538718

well really, people who hear of an historical example used in an explanation of something and immediately suggest it is then preaching to use the exact methods right now, rather than asking themselves what it says about the subject being discussed is either unable to focus or a liar.
and then i got preachy in my explanation - too bad.

>> No.1538724


Who would want to?
By the way amigo;


>> No.1538731
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>maybe you could get up off your ass
now you're talking about being slothful, not nihilism

>and do something to make the world into the shape youd like to see it
because the nihilist knows that this is ultimately pointless. For example, the founding fathers of America wrote the Bill of Rights and the Declaration of Independence and gave freedom to Americans, right? They should pat themselves on the back for bettering the world, right? Well the nihilist knows that their actions were for naught, because all their hard work to better America is being undone by the current politicians. Every law passed in the past century was designed to take away freedom.

I know it's an ad hominem attack, but you seriously must be a sophomore in high school to get so riled up over a misconception of an anti-philosophy that you know nothing about.

>> No.1538733


I have as of yet to see you display any non-plagiarized insight into a work of actual literature.

What I'm getting at is..you're more or less a laughable fool.

>> No.1538740
File: 139 KB, 465x600, 1296482919095.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Science and philosophy are both objective

Science uses the object blindly, Philosophy attempts to define it

>> No.1538742

After entering the building while having a red carpet strewn out before him, a woman behind me called that man "pretentious"

i remember that thread, i was right, i liked when i asked you to prove me incorrect and you told me you already did and i just wasn't looking hard enough

>> No.1538751


good god I hope you don't really write like that.

>> No.1538755

>Well the nihilist knows that their actions were for naught, because all their hard work to better America is being undone by the current politicians. Every law passed in the past century was designed to take away freedom.

Ah I wish I was a braindead moron like you. I assume life is so much more pleasant,

>> No.1538760


If it makes you feel any better, Arkansas and New York are considering legislation to make it illegal to walk on the sidewalk in the city while listening to your ipod or talking on your cell phone.

>> No.1538768

thanks for proving me right coyote

>> No.1538778
File: 7 KB, 130x125, 1296852498879.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I remember a thread where you insisted against all reason that a certain group of actions were pretentious.

After having the real, actual definition of pretentious rammed down your throat you bitched and complained about people not proving you wrong (so you must be right) and made the ridiculous argument that all words could be used in multiple ways and so you were allowed to just make up definitions and use them completely incorrectly in the wrong context.

>> No.1538780

don't forget the Real ID Act

>> No.1538782

Nihilism: The belief that nothing matters because of nothing nothing everythings nothing nothing nothing hitler.

>> No.1538787


And you just proved my point, so no, thank you.

>> No.1538796

>when he's wrong he will claim to be trolling

He's exactly like all the rest of them. Dime-a-dozen. The antithesis of unique. Sack of Shit. He's that and much more.

>> No.1538799


He didn't claim to be trolling. It would have been nice if he had. I would have believed him.

>> No.1538813

a nihilist does not try to better america, a nihilist only tries to better himself and existence as a whole. or ruin it. or not care. each is valid as long as it is consciously decided, it is up to the nihilist herself to decide what is right for her. but rarely does a nihilist get all nationalistic. it's hard enough to keep me thinking inside the confines of the species.

>> No.1538816
File: 107 KB, 250x250, 1296348713067.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


You're a doo-doo head!
Nuh uh, you're a doo-doo head!
Nuh uh! You're a doo-doo head!

>> No.1538822


If the embarrassment becomes great enough he will.

>> No.1538838
File: 4 KB, 250x242, 1296275159024.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Nah he'll say that we don't understand him or that we aren't interesting enough for him to talk to.

He's a very special boy.

>> No.1538844


Yep. I just wish he understood his uselessness.

>> No.1538846
File: 1.20 MB, 480x360, 1296797562499.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Never change, /lit/.

>> No.1538849


How original.

>> No.1538875

tell me how i was incorrect in using pretentious

>implying i've ever done that
>implying i ever will

you're all so tired an act

>> No.1538896

bumping for answers

not that i should expect them from a group as stingy as /lit/

>> No.1538939


Nope. You're the tired act. There's not a thing that's unique or interesting about you.

You're quite dull really.

>> No.1538951

>answered nothing
i am more intelligent than you

time will forget you in lieu of I

>> No.1538959


Quick question, would you say time will forget I? Would that be grammatically correct in your opinion?

>> No.1538961

>time will forget you in lieu of I
lol no one likes you though

>> No.1538971

"No one over the age of 30 is a nihilist" - Goethe

Don't confuse discontent with nihilism.

>> No.1538997

fine i take it back

you all still have not answered my questions

>> No.1539025


>>1538961 is my first post in this thread
Just came to restate that no one likes you in hopes that you'll stop being such a raging faggot.

>> No.1539027


>Using the term "nihilist"

Something isn't right ...

>> No.1539031

i've tried that

i got nothing done

>> No.1539049

Ohkay, then I suggest you stop coming here.

>> No.1539067

but i want to come here

>> No.1539078

Whatever happened to /lit/?
It used to be a decent board, especially when it just started

>> No.1539085


"A blank page is rad as hell because it's unmarked and full of potential"
-- Some Author

>> No.1539086
File: 232 KB, 663x496, lit sucks.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1539103

Nihilism as a worldview has been marred by idiots using it for their own purposes rather than seeing what fits into place with the KNOWLEDGE of nothing.

The literal belief of nothing - even if marred by this video is still not worth bothering. I could cry about how worthless life is, but the buddha did that too.

What was his answer? Disregarding the religious elements.

>> No.1539191


Well here you're implying that anyone will ever remember you or your posts. Which is false and pretentious.


Do we have to get into this again? You said that a group of people being annoyed by a high school student who could barely read was pretentious. Many many people pointed out that. while it's certainly mean to bring it up it's not pretentious by definition.

>making claim to or creating an appearance of (often undeserved) importance or distinction

Since there is clearly no importance or distinction in being able to READ in high school this hardly fits the definition of pretentious.

Now if he said "oh you couldn't read and enjoy finnegans wake in grade seven? Wow that's pretty pathetic"; that would be pretentious.

The more you know

>> No.1539206

whatever happened to the zine anyway

>> No.1539211

see the problem was that you misinterpreted my stance entirely

almost none of those high school kids actually had no ability to read

they just don't care

and it was pretentious of /lit/ that day to assume that because everyone in high school wasn't refined and primped and scholarly that they were something to laugh at

>> No.1539213


What's funny is that this is all true and /lit/ is still a slow fucking board.

>> No.1539225


So okay wait. You agree with me that in the example I pointed out the /lit/ posters were not acting pretentiously?

Good, because that's the situation that was being discussed.

You weren't there. You don't know whether or not they cared. And honestly them not caring is the reason you should laugh at them. If they don't care about being able to read well in high school they probably deserve mockery. If they do care, but are unable, they likely have a learning disability, or dyslexia and laughing would be unfair and unkind.

That said, it was never pretentious.

>> No.1539231

I think the publishers finally admitted to themselves that they were publishing shoddy work, not doing any editing, and not even rejecting bad submissions, and they were embarrassing themselves and they gave up.

Thank fucking god. ZWG was an abomination.

polite sage so this retarded thread can die

>> No.1539233

You weren't there. You don't know whether or not they cared. And honestly them not caring is the reason you should laugh at them. If they don't care about being able to read well in high school they probably deserve mockery. If they do care, but are unable, they likely have a learning disability, or dyslexia and laughing would be unfair and unkind.
sorry but you're pretentious

i will explain why when you ask

>> No.1539234


I'm leaving now though, so reply if you wish. I'm not purposely ignoring you I just have places to be.

This is as far as I'm willing to take this particular argument anyways. You will never admit that you may have been mistaken in YOUR interpretation of the scenario, and you certainly won't admit that you were using the word pretentious incorrectly.

Being wrong happens to everyone fabulous, it's not really that shaming.

>> No.1539240

What's goin on in here boys?

>> No.1539246
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>mfw fabulous gets told

>> No.1539247

but i admit i'm wrong all the time...

just not then

>> No.1539254


Now hold on here just a second now hold on right now hold back take it down a notch turn back the dial pull the throttle back and let off the gas

kno wut im sayin?

>> No.1539390

You guys are all forgetting that Niestche REJECTED Nihilism becuase he said it was a waist of time and all his works of philosophy are about avoiding or overcoming nihilism

>> No.1539396

I fucking hate that guy. he is the biggest peice of cancer on all of /lit/

>> No.1539558


I hear he was gay once.

>> No.1539572

Nihilism atheism anarchism communism etc again.

>> No.1539588

you being a tripfag isn't much better...

but at least you're not fagulous

...I'm watching you.

>> No.1539645
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Thanks sir, I won't get into no trouble sir, the millicents got nothing on me, I promise sir!

>> No.1539747


I missed this, but sure shoot.

>> No.1539757
File: 20 KB, 368x278, sean_hannity1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why does this stupid post have so many comments on it? OP should have gone to wikipedia and should stay off /lit/.

>> No.1539778

Man. Being a trip is hard. Nobody respects you and even other trips are repulsed by your heightened sense of self.

Still, there is the plus side that everyone knows which idiotic comments are yours, and that's gotta be worth it all.

>> No.1539981

if i a nihilist hates disney movies, then i say nihilists don't exist, because no one hates disney movies.

they might say they do, but they are lying.

>> No.1540005

none of you could best me in an honest debate

>> No.1540022

You seem somewhat formidable, but I'll bet D&E could take you.

Of course anons couldn't. They're of a lower echelon.

>> No.1540026

well d&e is many times more learned than me

but with some wordplay i think i could drag it out a thread or two

>> No.1540032

that doesn't count faggotfaced niggerlover

>> No.1540036


lololol no.

>> No.1540040

well he is

if any tripfag has any redeeming qualities at all it is him

>> No.1540047

Your claim in non-falsifiable!! I call shenanagins!!

>> No.1540050

Yeah, just like it wouldn't matter just as much as if you didn't rape her.

But first you'd have to define 'matters'.
I mean, if you're just looking really deep down and specific at some person's own personal life, then yeah, it could make a significant difference. I believe nihilists look at it from "the grand scheme of things" kind of view. Does one girl getting rape REALLY make any notable difference in the city she lives in? The country? The continent? The planet? The solar system? The galaxy? The universe?

No, it doesn't.

>> No.1540055

Your wanting to suck him off is not a "redeeming quality." Well, for you, I guess it is.

The rest of us can see what a posturing loser he is by not being burdened with semen tinted glasses.

>> No.1540061

how petty of you

i didn't say i liked the motherfucker

he is only a mind you see, not a presence

>> No.1540062

Not following you.
Yup. Also me. Prolly Jade sally too 'cause he wreaks havoc and has sick gets.

>> No.1540065

who the fuck is that

>> No.1540071

Are you that hapless anon he fucked so ruthlessly a bit earlier?

>> No.1540084
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>> No.1540095

JD Salinger. Jade Sally.

>> No.1540107

you name him that?


>> No.1540117


But... I have.

>> No.1540119

I think Tofu was the one who coined it.

>> No.1540138

screen cap or just remind me the thread and i'lll tell you if you are right or wrong

>> No.1540139

You're a nihilist? I heard that it's exhausting.

>> No.1540145


Look I understand the arrogant user persona on a real message board where someone has ten thousand credible posts under his/her belt.

But honestly I have never seen you come off well in an argument or thread. It's irritating and you should stop it.

>> No.1540155

Yeah it was Tofu. I tried to come up with something better but finally resigned to this. Hate being one-upped by Tofu but it is what it is.

>> No.1540156

not me

i'm elegant

and i do admit when i am wrong but that whole
thing was just fucking stupid

you can't honestly beleive i don't know how to use a term as simple as it

>> No.1540159

>mfw you become what you hate within 2 weeks.

can't wait to welcome you into the fold.

>> No.1540175

holy shit do you realize

at this point the big name tripfags are actually producing more tripfags through their efforts alone

like it's actually cancer

>> No.1540182

Oh shit Jade Sally caught on?

>> No.1540186
File: 11 KB, 200x199, 1288594297239.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw I now realize this

>> No.1540198

You did it bro!

You've got that. Fab's got "campy as fuck". I'll have mine within 48 hours. Not gonna fail you guys. Not gonna fail myself.

>> No.1540214

Jade Sally got into that Shakespeare shit like an hour after birth. That was bad as fuck, beautiful grade-A trolling.

>> No.1540239

I'm actually going to just stop now. This is possibly the worst board on 4chan and in this case it really is the tripfags.

None of you are worth my time.

>> No.1540240


Oh but p.s

>I wasn't wrong It was just a joke
>I was just trolling

>> No.1540250


Raw power. No practice. No grooming. Born into a hostile world and immediately seizing his destiny. We could all learn something from him.

>> No.1541204

Nothing could drive me to stop caring as surely as an avalanche of clumsy attempts to discredit the perspective.

>> No.1541233

I'm a nihilist and I like mickey mouse.

>> No.1541244

2.0 nihilism is such a heavy cross to bear

