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/lit/ - Literature

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1538290 No.1538290 [Reply] [Original]

capsguy general

Genealogy of Morals
Crime & Punishment

Paradise Lost
Raymond Carver's "Where I'm Calling from" short story collection

some philosophy book
maybe something on norse mythology
something ultra-post-modern because I am really fucking tired of all this boring old fart reading material

>> No.1538309
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qui ubi bump

>> No.1538314

ban this fucker.

>> No.1538318


last 3: Some Lermontov, some Gogol, some Chekhov
current: Some D.H. Lawrence
will: Some Mishima, some Bely, some Iroquois myths

>> No.1538330
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yeah let's ban him for making a literature thread!
the trial
collections of essays (not sure if count?)


w/e my pleasure

>> No.1538335

what are some good books on buddhism.

>> No.1538345
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>Last 3
The Shining (King)
Haunted (Palahniuk)
Factotum (Bukowski)

Less Than Zero (Ellis)

>Next 3
Rules of Attraction (Ellis)
Post Office (Bukowksi)
The Great Gatsby (Fitzgerald)

>> No.1538347

sociology of law survey thingy
something by dummett that sucked

constitution of agency by christine korsgaard

will read
naturalising jurisprudence leiter

>> No.1538348


introduction to buddhism by D T Suzuki, Zen Mind Beginners Mind, stuff by Alan Watts

>> No.1538349
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The Sirens of Titan (Vonnegut)
Ficciones (Borges)
Leaves of Grass (Whitman)

To the Lighthouse (Woolf)
Congress: The Electoral Connection (Mayhew)

Ethics (Badiou)
Gender Trouble (Butler)
Gravity's Rainbow (Pynchon)

>> No.1538353

what about descriptive studies of buddhism particularly as it is practiced in china

>> No.1538356

How much do you hate Frankenstein?

>> No.1538359

>Last three
Hojoki by Kamo no Chomei
The House Spirit and Other Stories by Kanoko Okamoto
Red Sorghum by Mo Yan

>Currently reading
Country Teacher by Katai Tayama
The Doctor's Wife by Sawako Ariyoshi
Hiroshima Notes by Kenzaburo Oe

>Next three
I dunno, I think I might do something different and read some Japanese authors.

>> No.1538363

more like ban him for being a tripfaggot.

>> No.1538365

dunno about china, always was concerned more about the daoism and confucianism over there

>> No.1538375

most anons should be banned judged by the content of their posts

>> No.1538376

Who ever you are, I really like your tastes.

>> No.1538379

Shut up, tripfag.

>> No.1538380


>> No.1538382

So you guys like FLCL or...

>> No.1538386

spawn more overlords.

>> No.1538389
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lemme just check the rul-
almost had me buddy!
why would we ban tripcode users when they're a collection of 4chan elites?
the most intelligent and knowledgeable users on this board who don't make shit posts like you've been doing in this thread.

you fucking prole

>> No.1538390

can we be a little less poop and a little more constructive? Stop reminding me why I rarely bother posting here.

As such, anyone got any recs as far as further reading on Gender? I really loved the topic in my cultural anthropology class and Butler was the first thing I got ahold.

>> No.1538392

I peon you.

>> No.1538395

Have you read Helene Cixous' Sorties?

>> No.1538396

He/she has very different taste, I bet you haven't read a single book on that list.

>> No.1538397
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>> No.1538400


eh i'm not that far in yet, but it's starting to just be people fucking whining all day erry day.

i'm reading the norton critical edition so half of the book is taken up with responses from different critisicm perspectives.


>> No.1538401
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>mfw clever comment.

>> No.1538402

I have not. Looks interesting though. Thanks bro.

>> No.1538403

n1. raymond carver is a man amongst men.

soseki- and then
wolff- bach: the learned musician
mishima- the sound of waves

yoshikawa- musashi

soseki- kokoro
oe- a quiet life
oe- nip the buds, shoot the kids

>> No.1538405
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that's pretty funny but you shouldn't do it

>> No.1538410


Well, I feel obligated to tell you that it's a piece of shit.

>> No.1538416

why does one make a thread like this?

books are never actually talked about in them

>> No.1538426

Maybe you should um...


>> No.1538429


>> No.1538432

gtfo is wat you faggot

>> No.1538441

U MY BRO. i love oe and he's rarely talked about here, even in the jap lit threads.

>> No.1538453


talk about some books?

>> No.1538457

well i can't in this thread

and i wasn't trying to say that they shit up the board or anything

i just don't think there is really any point in making them

>> No.1538462

why can't you talk about books in this thread? all you have to do is pick one from someone's list, give an opinion on it or ask a question, and there you go- discussion.

>> No.1538474
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or better yet, he could even read.

>> No.1538480

but so little has been posted now

I will say that
is brilliant and beautiful

and that i intend on translating it eventually

>> No.1538489

-The Mysterious Island by Verne
- War of the Worlds by Wells
- Through the Looking Glass by Carroll

- The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes by Doyle
- Notes from the Underground by Dostoevsky

Planning to
- The God Delusion by Dawkins
- God is Not Great by Hitchens

>> No.1538495

Metamorphoses was such a terrible read I wailed and beat my breast and tore my hair

>> No.1538501

See? Now you can dispute what
said and you have that which you were seeking.

>> No.1538505

fuck off

>> No.1538511
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>> No.1538519
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do you derive some sort of gorgeous pleasure from this?

>> No.1538527

>Last 3:
Soseki - Botchan
Bellow - The Actual
Perkins Gilman - The Yellow Wallpaper

Machiavelli - The Prince
Wilde - The PIcture of Dorian Gray
Lodge - Nice Work

Dunno lol. I intend to read more works by Australian authors because I'll be going there soon hopefully. Any good writers besides Patrick White and Peter Carey?

>> No.1538532

But srsly what do you think of Paradise Lost?

>> No.1538541


You guys gonna fuck or what? I'll try not to get any spooges on you from the corner.

>> No.1538540



Art of War
How to Practice: The Way to a Meaningful Life
World War Z


Mapping Human History

Hitchhiker's Guide

>> No.1538550

Renegade - Mark E Smith
The Interesting Narrative of the Life of Olaudah Equiano

Naked Lunch

Crime & Punishment
A People's History of the United States

>> No.1538551

written well

a bit over rated

better than dante


>implying i would fuck a philosophy major

>> No.1538567

He's clearly not a philosophy major.

>> No.1538575


>> No.1538594

i don't remember

forty stories by donald barthelme
a collection of all of raymond carver's stories
the bible

i dunno lol. maybe the odyssey

>> No.1539535

that is probably the most fucked up painting I've ever seen

and the painting itself sucks too


a new height in fucking bad

>> No.1539544

i'm sorry

>> No.1539548

So deep wat is your opinion on House of Leaves

>> No.1539562


>>1539535 <--- me

don't take it so hard
try again
do better
this one's not a classic
but next year's will be
rock on

>> No.1541282

I haven't read it but it's a piece of shit

>> No.1541284


>> No.1541302

Last three:
The Moon & Sixpence by W. Somerset Maugham
A Pair of Blue Eyes by Thomas Hardy
Three Men in a Boat by Jerome K. Jerome

Currently reading:
The History of Pendennis by William Makepeace Thackeray

Next Three:
Rebecca and Rowena by William Makepeace Thackeray
The History of Henry Esmond, Esq. by William Makepeace Thackeray
Robinson Crusoe by Daniel Defoe

>> No.1541313
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political satire is funny

>> No.1541333

There is some political satire that transcend the ages. Not much though, because it's too specific of an attack. Generalized satire is the best.

>> No.1541350

if you learn the facts about the politics of the day, they can remain relevant. although the funny may come from observing vast shifts in political values.

>> No.1541380

Hamlet by William Shakespeare
The Plague by Albert Camus
The Glass Menagerie by Tennessee Williams

The Merchant of Venice by William Shakespeare

Notes from Underground by Fyodor Dostoevsky (rereading)
A People's Tragedy by Orlando Figes
Gulag by Anne Applebaum

>> No.1541649

Last 3:
Plato - Phaedo
Huxley - Island
Bukowski - Women

Currently reading:
Foucault - Discipline and Punish

Next 3:
Holberg - The Political Tinker
Balzac - Eugénie Grandet
Milton - Paradise Lost

>> No.1541899

The Dice Man
The Stranger
Roadside Picnic

On the road


Well the dice man was pretty shit, and on the road is fucking terrible.

>> No.1541917

>the dice man was pretty shit
what didn't you like about it?

>> No.1541934

I think that there was way too much untapped potential in it, basically. The majority of the interesting parts were barely explored.

The whole thing about dice centers and the whole movement actually catching on was a bit too... Well, brief, if you ask me.

It took a while to really get going (there's nopthing wrong with that) and then the last third of the book or so was way too rushed.

That was my opinion of it, anyway.

>> No.1541942

>The whole thing about dice centers and the whole movement actually catching on was a bit too... Well, brief, if you ask me.
I can completely agree with this, I didn't even like the fact that it turned to the dice center stuff.

>> No.1541948

Last 3: Molloy; Antigone, Oedipus Rex, Electra; Nausea
Reading: Age of Reason
Next: Foucault's Pendulum if it's ever returned to the library, the rest of Trilogy, Being and Nothingness

>> No.1541975
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Slaughterhouse 5
Life of Pi
Fight Club

Catch 22

The Diary of a Young Girl (the Anne Frank diary)
Brave New World or Clockwork Orange

>> No.1541984
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Breakfast of Champions
Narcissus and Goldmund

On the Road - The Original Scroll

Slaughterhouse 5
Enders Game
The Trial

>> No.1541993


Slaughterhouse 5 was quite entertaining. I laughed out loud on several occasions, got a couple of weird looks from people in the café. Have a good read.

>> No.1542016

Last Read:
A History of the Crusades - Thomas Asbridge
Sherlock Holmes - Arthur Conan Doyle

Currently Reading:
Manstein: Hitler's greatest general - Mungo Melvin
Road of Bones: The Siege of Kohima 1944 - Fergal Keane

Will Read:
The Genesis Genealogies: God's Administration in the History of Redemption - Abraham Park
Depending on how ^ goes the next two in the series.

>> No.1542074

>Last Three
The Great Philosophers: The Disturbers - Karl Jaspers
The Sun Also Rises - Hemingway
Room - Emma Donoghue

Rabbit, Run - John Updike

>Will Read
More from the Rabbit series
Cutting for Stone - Abraham Verghese
Maybe some Steinbeck