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15383210 No.15383210 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.15383216

I get all my books from libgen. I used to buy them but I realized that it's a waste of time, space and money. A good e-reader is perfect for me.

>> No.15383222

I borrow from the library, duh

>> No.15383228
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I download books from slsk and read them on my kindle, which I discovered fits inside a fanny pack pretty recently. Big rec.

>> No.15383277
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I buy most of my books because I like to feel the weight of good book in my hands. If I can't buy it because it's too old and isn't in print anymore I'll resort to online archives. I think libraries are going the way of the Dodo. They always push the "popular" books for children these days, never anything interesting or informative.

>> No.15383350

I live in eastern europe and most books that I'm interested in are not translated to my native language so buying them in the bookstore is not an option. Amazoning them is too expensive, so internet it is.

>> No.15383351

This. Quite ironically, the more I read, and the more seriously I take reading, the fewer physical books I buy.

>> No.15383374

I can only physical copies. I download books to see their content. If it's good, I will either buy it or print it, if it's too expensive or unavailable

>> No.15383393

i love my ereader but im getting kind of tired of seeing this thread everyday.

>> No.15383397

I bought ~30 or so, the ones I consider to be worthy of rereading trough all life. As for the rest, libgen/zlib/google books

>> No.15383401

Only buy those that I cannot get from libgen or the ones that I want to have around.

>> No.15383616

I borrow them from the library for (nearly) free.

>> No.15385238

I edit my more favorite books and give them better HD covers and fix any formatting errors. Making sure to get the right cover for the right edition and publisher. Does any else do this? Where my Sigil boys at.

>> No.15385251


>> No.15385252

most of the books I read are cheap as dirt on ebay or can eventually be found in goodwill

>> No.15385261

>not spending your entire life curating a legacy by acquiring hardback copies on acid free paper of the works you cherish the most, so that one day your great grandchildren may come to know you through your written notes and marginalia
Modernity was a mistake. Does the e-reader make it easy to switch tabs to hardcore pornography?

>> No.15385273

I haven't jerked off in awhile but even if I did I could use an app which prevents it

>> No.15385443

Yes, FBI, I (((buy))) my books.

>> No.15385546

>I bought ~30 or so, the ones I consider to be worthy of rereading trough all life. As for the rest, libgen/zlib/google books
The only right answer in this thread.

>> No.15385567

Do you have a cover on that thing? Someone is going to bump into it with some sharp corner and there goes your Kindle.

>> No.15385594

Yes, and a strap for holding. Comes with me pretty much everywhere.

>> No.15385632

This. Yes they take up space and money but it's pretty comfy to have a couple shelves. Always something there for me whatever my mood might be. I donate books I'll never read again and so my collection has reached a sort of equilibrium. Though I'll be adding a bunch of children's books soon.

>> No.15385640
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i've been collecting physical books for a while. combination between new and used.

i honestly could never move to an ereader; i like the physical feel, screens hurt my eyes for prolonged periods, i use a fountain pen with custom ink for writing in my books which adds an aesthetic dimension, i like to share/circulate books to friends, etc.

the only situation that it becomes justifiable in my eyes is for nomadic lifestyles/people who travel and also read a lot. packing up a full library to move is a pain in the ass.

i'd also be so much more inclined to consider an ereader if there were some feature or service that enabled one to transfer physical rights already owned to digital rights. would hate to repurchase things i already own just for a kindle version.

>> No.15385649

aggressively bASED

>> No.15386160

Physical. Not having a hunk of sliced wood in my hands feels funny.

>> No.15386916

I think I speak for the whole board when I say that we're incels here and are never going to have any grandchildren.

>> No.15386931


>> No.15386933

Based rapture
Post collection

>> No.15386942

I buy stuff I want to remember

>> No.15386953

E-ink screens don't cause eye strain. Also you wouldn't have to repurchase anything because you could just download everything for free.

>> No.15386965

How dare you think you have the authority to speak for me!
You're totally right, though.

>> No.15386983

Switched to an e-reader when I started reading more.

>> No.15388406

Libgen but I'll buy if it's good enough that I won't be embarrassed giving it away as a recommendation or gift if ever necessary

>> No.15388434

I spend the entire day reading pdfs on my computer and phone.

>> No.15389004

why not epubs

>> No.15389018

Digital reading is not good for your retention nor your eyesight so I always read physical.

>> No.15389022

Where in Eastern Europe, slav fren?

>> No.15389029

I get headaches when I try to read from a pdf or epub file so I buy all my books physical instead.

>> No.15389059

Anything <10 years old - buy new
Non-fiction > 10yo - buy used or find online epub
Fiction > 10yo - buy used if possible or maybe new on overstock type sales

>> No.15389080

>buying books

Only if there is no other way, otherwise I just use the Internet that I pay for every month to fulfill the very purpose of book acquisition.

>> No.15389088

I haven't bought a book in 5 years it's 2020

>> No.15389134

My fucking kindle keyboard broke so I went back to reading my physical backlog.

>> No.15389151

>steals books
>doesn't steal internet

Priorities, dude. Imagine how many books you could afford w/o that unnecessary recurring payment.

>> No.15389503

What kind of retard are you? The usual kind?

>> No.15389588 [DELETED] 

we can't all live up to your high standards, mr delux retard.

>> No.15389635

we can't all live up to your high standards, mr deluxe retard

>> No.15389679

I can't even read bro

>> No.15390260

Ever since I discovered how to download books for my reader I do the following
Read a book, if I don't enjoy it I do nothing
If I enjoy it I plan to get a physical copy for myself in the near future

>> No.15390406

I will only use online if I can read a preview/copy to see if I actually want to buy it and have it in person. The only other reason is expensive as fuck books or just inaccessible ones.

>> No.15390419

Consumption implies exactly that you use up the resource, it implies ephemerality and lack of legacy, meaning that curating a collection for posterity is the exact opposite of the consoomer mindset.

>> No.15390445

i only buy books that i'll read more than once or hard to find editions

>> No.15390449

>a boomer with a houseful of collectable trinkets isn't a consoomer

>> No.15390620

how to steal internet?