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15381686 No.15381686[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]


>> No.15381692

It seems like your purposefully looking for things to be angry.

>> No.15381696

This is why I only started with postmodern thinkers

>> No.15381700

I could give two shits about some pajeet

>> No.15381717

Why is Kant so based bros? Btw look up his views on race

>> No.15381719

You could give two shits to a pajeet? That'd be their lucky day, they love shits.

>> No.15381726

Kant was racist but his racism is irrelevant to the burgeoning racism of Europeans. they didn't use him as an example for their thinking, he was just a mere symptom of how enlightened the Enlightenment really was.

>> No.15381727

take that poo to the loo, anon

>> No.15381728
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>only euros are racist

>> No.15381730

>reading comprehension

>> No.15381733
File: 73 KB, 480x640, 71D0355E-8B2C-418F-B61B-71D548D71E2F.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

In like, 50 years after Kant, Schopie was talking about how sick Eastern religion was. What the fuck are they on about?

>> No.15381744

The non western thinkers just became irrelevant. With few exceptions, everything worthwhile they said was just taken from the Greeks.

>> No.15381748

the greeks took everything worthwhile from the indians

>> No.15381751

That Muslim thinkers repeating Aristotle were unfairly erased.

>> No.15381756

Indian metaphysics is mystical trash, and the only good that came from it is the conception of the number zero.

>> No.15381757

>digging up obscure articles just to get triggered over

>> No.15381763

I don't know why /pol/tards hate the Indians. Northern Indians are your Caucasian brothers.

>> No.15381764 [DELETED] 

This. There was a big interest in eastern philosophy that lasted into the 20th century

Stop dragging this click bait bullshit in here.

>> No.15381775

>muh zero
you have the historical knowledge of a plebbitor

>metaphysics is a science if i do it but mystical if you do it
lol. metaphysics is trash senpai.

>> No.15381781

There are systematic and rational ways of approaching metaphysics, certain Greeks did it, none of the Indians did. Confucius is the only eastern philosopher of any lasting value.

>> No.15381804

You all, a den of racists interested in western philosophy, are angry that it is now associated with racism. Just be honest.

>> No.15381812

That makes it based.

>> No.15381817

Did you read it?

>> No.15381828

yea vaisheshika epistemology is just irrational mystical mumbo jumbo but dude like everything is water is dat pure philosophy kino

>> No.15381857

Lloyd Strickland
office and telephone publicly available for academic inquiry

>> No.15381897

The presocratics were glorified mystics, especially the bean worshipers.

>> No.15382051

let me guess
>so some medieval thinkers read avicenna and avaroes so that means all western thought is islamic and it's okay for white europeans to be replaced in their own homelands

>> No.15382058

laozi you fucking philistine

>> No.15382101

bulshit bullshit. every worthwhile philosophers recognize the work of antiquity and the syncretism of it all, bits and pieces coming from asia and such.

>> No.15382111

I counter with this.

>> No.15382129

nonwhites not having "philosophers" makes them better, because philosophy is largely degenerated religion in the first place.

>> No.15382138

>Imagine misreading a post this bad and outing yourself as a faggot.

>> No.15382148

The bean worshipers were the realist niggers around, take that back.

>> No.15382156
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At least I get laid

>> No.15383203

Man in the same text Kant talks about how he doesn't understand why people all from the equator have different color skin. It's just an example of the dunning-kruger effect, he had no clue about what he didn't know regarding race, as most of us don't. likewise, in a "post-racist" society we dont realize how smart we are regarding racism and cannot possibly understand how someone couldn't be as smart as we are.

>> No.15383356

I only get laid when I lie or get extremely playful. That means I have to rape my own soul to get laid.

>> No.15383361

>i'm oppressing someone
>i walk away
>they follow me
hmmmm really noodles the kaboodle

>> No.15383372

>decide to read non-western and POC thinkers to check my privilege
>read Ibn Khaldun, Muslim historian
> first pages he's already ranting about how blacks are stupid and childish

>> No.15383420

Maybe they weren't erased, maybe they just stopped producing ideas worth discussing and refuting.
Ibn Khaldun is truly based as fuck, wait till you read what he says about the hindu being the smartest on Earth but too racists to make something out of it and the arabs having never contributed to anything in the world. His critic of european kings are also funny as hell.

>> No.15383452

"nigger is just a word" - wittgenstein

>> No.15383454

do you referring THE philosophy as western-philosophy? yeah that is pretty racist.

>> No.15383530

>wait till you read what he says about the hindu being the smartest on Earth but too racists to make something out of it and the arabs having never contributed to anything in the world. His critic of european kings are also funny as hell.

I'm looking forward to it. Seems Ibn Khaldun thought that already in his age Islamic civilization was on the decline.

Here's a nice video if you want to cringe.

>> No.15383599

problem is
1. there are no non-western thinkers. the same applies to logic, that is the throbbing heart of thought.
2. why should western philosophers study non-western "philosophy" while, say, western languages speakers shouldn't learn non-western languages? or non-western "science"?
3. why should western philosophers study non-western "philosophy" and not the other way around? have you ever heard of some brahmin knowing kant and carnap?
4. if anything, it's the west, not the east, the one having specific departments dedicated to the study of eastern laguages, religions, "arts" and "philosophies".

i m tired of all this exoticism. when the mongoloids and the poos will give us a handel or a brunelleschi or a maxwell we will study them.

>> No.15383621

Kant changed his mind about racism around 1792, after he completed his critical project. In Perpetual Peace he argues for a truly cosmopolitan world in which every nation is to be granted the same dignity and autonomy, and in which all forms of international oppression (mioitary and economic colonialism are both mentioned) are to be condemned.
Also while his 1760 Anthropology contained a hierarchy of races, in the 1790 one he says that ethnicity does not lead to any difference in the capacity for thought and action (theoretical and practical reason: basically everything that matters when it comes to humans, at least according to Kant), he also provides countless arguments for this claim in the last 2 critiques (the 3rd one was essential to do so, since before its formulation he had no stable philosophy of biology)
It is surprising how anti-racist late Kant was, I don't know why people keep pretending that his scientific racism was a product of his critical philosophy (if anything it was confutated by it!)

For those who are interested in an historical overview, "Kant's second thoughts on race" by Kleingeld is a great short paper on this matter

>> No.15383633

not the best article. not as many sources as one would hope and it didn't mention schopenhauer since he goes against the narrative. it's a shame because the claim of the article is very interesting

>> No.15383671

>problem is
>1. there are no non-western thinkers. the same applies to logic, that is the throbbing heart of thought
>2. why should western philosophers study non-western "philosophy" while, say, western languages speakers shouldn't learn non-western languages? or non-western "science"?
Who the fuck says that?
>3. why should western philosophers study non-western "philosophy" and not the other way around? have you ever heard of some brahmin knowing kant and carnap?
Because western philosophy can be a remarkable, self-centered circlejerk?
>4. if anything, it's the west, not the east, the one having specific departments dedicated to the study of eastern laguages, religions, "arts" and "philosophies".
There are plenty of non-western universities with dedicated departments for Western philology.

>> No.15383809

>slavery good
>never do anything different, ever

>> No.15383824

>How Western Philosophy Became Racist
>Skips 2300+ years
>implying western == English-language history
what a cancer

>> No.15383830

non-western 'philosophy' is just a bunch of glorified self-help authors. the concept of argumentation and socratic method never reached the lesser races.

>> No.15383849

>and it didn't mention schopenhauer since he goes against the narrative
If I had to guess, the objective of the article is not to "show truth" to people. It is to reduce the status of Western philosophy and of the Western past.

It is just an attempt at demoralization.

>> No.15383851

Thanks for the recommended article, I’ll check it out

>> No.15383898

thinking = logical thinking. asian "philosophies" are at a pre-aristotelian state. simple as that.
> who the fuck says that?
it is an example, retard. in other words: why would western philosophy NEED to study eastern "philosophies" at all?
> Because western philosophy can be a remarkable, self-centered circlejerk?
that's your own opinion. op's article states that , for some obscure reason, europeans shouldn't ignore asian "philosophies" and religions. i ask why this "obscure reason" applies to europeans alone and not to mongoloids and poos too.

>> No.15383935

Actually there is speculation that Ibn Khaldun was really of Berber descent, and just lied about his Arab ancestry in order to gain social prestige.
So if this were the case, Ibn Khaldun was actually white (explains his basedness)

>> No.15384003

I’m sure Ali Baba and the forty adjuncts really care what we think of their rich history of thought. And dont get me started on how narrowminded the chinks are.

>> No.15384131

This but Iranians

>> No.15384153

This is worse than what op posted

>> No.15384168

God Sunnis really suck

>> No.15384192

Although raised as a Good Goy I am now rethinking racism. It really makes a lot of sense.

>> No.15384194

Unironically true, yes.

>> No.15384209

If racism is so bad then why are Jews against it for filthy goyim (but of course not themselves)? ALWAYS do the opposite of what Jews tell you to do, or at least think about it very hard.

>> No.15384212

unironically filtered

>> No.15384242

>n-no you got filtered
The equivalent of getting shitfaced off of two beers and calling your friends plebs for moving on to whisky and leaving you beneath the table

>> No.15384260

if you can't understand any of the indian philosophy you obviously have never read, then i don't know what to tell you. it's your loss. continue being a peasant.

>> No.15384340

Oh, I understand it perfectly, which is why even the most pitiful, embryonic western models blow it out of the water, Prakesh.

>> No.15384484

pre-socratic philosophy led to the discovery of important concepts such as the "essence" of something, the divisibity of space and its paradoxes, the atomic theory, the first cosmological theories in history, the pythagorean mathematical theorems, etc.

indian trash led to drinking cow piss and calling that nirvana.

>> No.15384674

>Revolt against the modern world
Every time