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File: 64 KB, 1638x1087, tug-of-war-tp.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
15381167 No.15381167 [Reply] [Original]

Literature that explains why certain groups of people fall on one side of the political spectrum?

>> No.15381173

No there's a lot. We like science and believe in the linearity of that so that's influential. There's a lot, politics just scrapes up the parts

>> No.15381206

Based, /pol/ BTFO

>> No.15381233
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>> No.15381249
File: 138 KB, 396x385, 1588119399022.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Conservative: Authority: dominant alpha

>> No.15381258


>> No.15381266

The conservative side unironically sounds more respectable

>> No.15381269
File: 9 KB, 204x247, 234234234234.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Jusus Christ was a progressive according to this silly table, which is ironic that conservatives admire him so much.

>> No.15381275

Well no shit stupid it's made by a conservative

>> No.15381280

It's funny how you people can never say Jesus properly when that wasn't even his real name

>> No.15381283

you cannot be serious

>> No.15381288

>oh no an error!!! xD
Here's your "e", scumbag.

>> No.15381289
File: 57 KB, 800x445, black-jesus-800x445.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And they never acknowledge He was black either.

>> No.15381300

He literally stated outright that the rich cannot get into heaven, it's safe to say most "Christians" are disingenuous hypocrites

>> No.15381313

It's all nonsense, anyone who describes their authority as dominant alpha is pretty much saying nothing. Lots of 'conservatives' are extremely anti war historically. Confuscians were anti-war cf to legalists

>> No.15381318

Doesn't look like a Negroid/Congoid. Looks Caucasian.

>> No.15381319
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>> No.15381334
File: 50 KB, 700x393, 1Kaepernick-Nike-Football_28251771_16x9-e1573841143380.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nigga he's literally got black skin and an afro. He looks like Kaepernick.

>> No.15381340

>He literally stated outright that the rich cannot get into heaven
He said it was incredibly difficult. To say impossible is to asset that Christ could not have fit a camel through the eye of the needle, which he could have done had he wanted to.

>> No.15381342

Most Christians are not rich you retard

>> No.15381344

Progressive just means whatever is radical that time and place. Modern conservatives would be considered radical for not wanting to kills homosexuals a few centuries. Also the most conservative ideology in this world today is ISIS. Don’t listen to libtrards about how real Islam is a progressive religion.

>> No.15381352

Kaepernick looks mixed, not really black.

>> No.15381356

Conservatives are libtards p:

>> No.15381357

Right until he steals your bike then he's just another nigger that needs shot right, /pol/?

>> No.15381362

That doesn’t seem to stop them from white knighting those who are

>> No.15381364

Modern "conservatives" are cucks.

>> No.15381369

he's 50% as likely to steal your bike as a normal black

>> No.15381370

Compared to ISIS yes. It all has to with context and place.

>> No.15381374

Where did that come from? You're a bit defensive and insecure.

>> No.15381375

they are literally liberals in the historical sense

>> No.15381378

No, you're using politics or relativity metaphysics to define liberals. A liberal is a political philosophy justified from a metaphysics of it's time that rejected universal authority, spiritual or physical. A liberal isn't 'nicest ppl living rn' or however you define liberal

>> No.15381381

you fall into liberal or conservative in America if you don't have principles and follow your bare instincts. take that how you will.

>> No.15381384

In the ontological sense. They accept the same major principles. Individual freedom, human rights, separation of church and state, let the citizen decide their life

>> No.15381387

Completely wrong. It’s a sliding scale not set in stone. Liberal of the 1950s would be conservative today. Hegelian Dialectics bitch

>> No.15381391
File: 53 KB, 420x420, 1574791062857.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>My kingdom is not of this world. If it were, my servants would fight to prevent my arrest by the Jews. But now my kingdom is from another place. Also men should cut their cocks off and killing unborn babies is A-okay.
WOAH dude Jesus was like so progressive! hes just like me and my fellow democrats!

>> No.15381392


>> No.15381399

Did you steal bikes when you were a kid?

>> No.15381405

Do Americans really...?

>> No.15381406

Well that's entirely wrong because then you can't use liberal to mean anything. Seriously how do you define liberal then? You can't use the polphil definition since it's 'developed' past this interpretation

>> No.15381408
File: 70 KB, 446x435, stop pepe.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Name one (1) good human being who wasn't right wing

>> No.15381409


>> No.15381414

>dominant alpha
Tell me how I knew this was made by a so-called

>> No.15381415
File: 25 KB, 480x481, mosley.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15381416

Rw isn't a thing. Nobody today is particularly noble

>> No.15381419

Define "right-wing".

>> No.15381422

Liberal is contextual and based on the ideology it’s trying to destroy the form of given a particular time. If you can’t agree with and think that liberal can be used to draft an objective set of ideas and philosophies then you’re brainlet and completely disregarding historical context

>> No.15381429

“Social orders and hierarchies? Even if they’re unequal, they have to exist.”

>> No.15381432

So how does liberal now, and definition please, cf to liberal in the 1800s in that they're so different?

>> No.15381435

That's not at all what liberal means. You're thinking progressive or revolutionary. Liberal means " is a political and moral philosophy based on liberty, consent of the governed and equality before the law. Liberals espouse a wide array of views depending on their understanding of these principles, but they generally support free markets, free trade, limited government, individual rights (including civil rights and human rights), capitalism, democracy, secularism, gender equality, racial equality, internationalism, freedom of speech, freedom of the press and freedom of religion." Ben Shapiro for example, is a conservative liberal.

>> No.15381440

Marx had a hierarchy of worker first and bourgeoisie last, was marx a leftist? Or does killing and stealing your land only if you're bourgeoisie not imply a hierarchy

>> No.15381441
File: 202 KB, 937x1484, White Trash.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.15381444

Literally all the Progressive terms are positive, and the Right wing side has stuff like
>supports the rich against the poor(lol)

>> No.15381445

>was marx a leftist?
Did you forget the goal of communism

>> No.15381446

Liberals of 1800s: they are two distinct genders and sexes with their own strength and weaknesses but we should still let women vote as their new viewpoint pay prove to be useful See JSM work on women. He was considered very liberal

Liberals of today: There is no such thing as gender or sex

>> No.15381448

He's arguing a dialectic metaphysics, he's arguing the term has evolved. I'm just not sure what the term would be and how helpful or correct it would be to say it evolved

>> No.15381450

I mean, just watch any lefty protest. They look weak and faggy..

>> No.15381452

Um, based department?

>> No.15381454

>they generally support free markets, free trade, limited government, individual rights (including civil rights and human rights), capitalism, democracy, secularism, gender equality, racial equality,
Except all that is totally dependent on context. Free some does not mean the same thing in each century

>> No.15381491

To have party members over the officers in the military? Is that not a hierarchy either?

>> No.15381501
File: 143 KB, 640x784, lGVTemMu9Zx-ZfETrHtLzQupggiQ_7nZHY-xVnty6Ws.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Unlike the strong right-wing masterrace.

>> No.15381506

Issue: Politics
>Conservative: Based
>Progressive: Cringe

>> No.15381510

Thinking you understand Marx is the first mistake most critics make

>> No.15381517

>Centrist: Ascended Chad.

>> No.15381527


>> No.15381535


>> No.15381550

He literally said that it's difficult, but with God all things are possible. Actually read the Bible instead of just repeating things you heard.

>> No.15381575

He said it's damn near impossible. Overabundance of wealth corrupts the soul.

>> No.15381586


>against the poor



Not biased at all lmao.

>> No.15381595

Have you guys never heard of christian socialism? I mean it doesn't matter anyway since "debunking christianity" is literally a phase that 15 year olds go through. Discuss something that hasn't already been settled many, many times.

>> No.15381602

Those are seen as negative qualities by conservatives. The "dominant alpha" thing gives it away. It's made by a con.

>> No.15381635

This picture really redpilled me on media optics manipulation. yeah this retarded monkey looking dude is there but so is a chad (to the left of le monke's face). Take a picture of that dude and suddenly that protest is composed of cool and attractive people. The media is so brazen with this sort of shit lol, hundreds or thousands of pics are taken of protests and they consistently use heroic looking ones for liberal movements and mong-tier ones for rightie movements

>> No.15381644

Those are seen as negative things by progressives, the alpha caricature is frequently used as an insult against conservatives. The image was incredibly clearly made by a progressive

>> No.15381651

Yea, you're probably right.

>> No.15381653

The fact that you say that means you either don't understand the image or you're some weird type of conservative yourself.

>> No.15381662

Do you really think a lwer would say a rwer is sentimental about culture? The freudian slip is it's sentimental about past but lwers try to pretend they dominate sentimentality

>> No.15381661

Same could be apply to "lefty" protests, though. We see what we want to see.

>> No.15381665

applied* ffs.

>> No.15381669

Also do lwers not consider themselves loyal in regards to war?

>> No.15381672

As an extreme conservative I think it's pretty fair. On the Authority section they were just opposing "dominant alpha type" to "spread authority type" beliefs on organizational structure, though I guess it sounds kinda cringe. There are people in here calling OP's bait biased for each side so that should be something of an indication that it isn't that biased. If anything the fact that it might look bad for conservatives to a normie is just proof of the normative moral status of left-liberalism

>> No.15381677

Marx is a conservative

>> No.15381679


>> No.15381681

The right interpreting left side makes sense. There's nothing out of the ordinary but left interpreting right side is weird. It was either a left winger trying too hard to be unbiased that they said rwers are loyal in war cf lwers or it was a rwer who missed his bias on how he viewed things

>> No.15381685

>As an extreme conservative
How extreme are you really? Because I've noticed that modern conservatives are barely even socially conservative and not at all economically conservative (they like rampant capitalism).

>> No.15381690

Politics != a damned thing, I'm just saying for a lwer to give those traits to a rwer is a huge oversight. I'd never call a rwer sentimental if my whole platform was based on sentimentalizing groups of ppl and I thought the rw didn't. A more objective term would be traditional

>> No.15381693

Sentimental is a pejorative here, it's meant to make them sound irrationally emotional about their culture
again loyalty is referring to in group preference

If a conservative made this image the Con side would have stuff like 'self-sufficient', 'supports freedom', etc. and the progressive side would have stuff like 'jealous', 'censorious'.

Idk how you guys can not see the asymmetry in how many of the Conservative qualities are negative, and 0 of the progressive ones are.

>> No.15381705

Those are definitely reaches. I wouldn't in war say someone else, in contradiction to me, is loyal especially if I meant they had 'in group biases' whatever the ff that means

>> No.15381706

Fair enough.

>> No.15381708

When has a commie not supported a commie in war?

>> No.15381709

"spread authority" sounds a bit like authoritarianism

>> No.15381713

>again loyalty is referring to in group preference
So the retarded American marines dying for Israel in shit wars are supposedly loyal to Burgerland, correct?

>> No.15381720

They said that conservatives are 'assertive, defensive, wary, loyal'. They contrasted this with progressives being 'conciliatory, cooperative, diplomatic'. You're going to tell me that is a conservative bias?

The loyal thing is obviously meant as a jab at them, saying they will protect and fight back for their side no matter what instead of seeking to solve the conflict. How obvious does this have to be

>> No.15381722

David stood in front of his elementary school students. He couldn't believe it. Here he was in Japan, leading his first lesson as a real live English teacher. His dream had finally come true. The students stood, and bowed to him, their new sensei, then sat down again. It was time to do his self-introduction lesson, which he had practiced for ten hours straight at his dispatch company's compound outside Tokyo. He cleared his throat. "Good morning!" he said, joyously. "Goodo morinuno," his students responded in unison. David smiled broadly. Their pronunciation could use some work, but they understood the meaning. "My name is David. Please call me David-sensei." The children looked at each other, bewildered. David pointed to his chest, then, remembering his cross-cultural sensitivity training, pointed instead to his nose. "David." He said. The kids understood. "Debito," they repeated. A chill ran through David. What on earth were they saying? Who was this mysterious Debito? "No, no, no. David." "Debito." "NO! David! My name is David!" "Debito." "DAVID! DAVID! DAVID! DAVID!" Just as the children began to say "De-," David screamed like a wild animal at the top of his lungs. He tore off his shirt and collapsed to the floor. He began rolling around in circles, crying and shitting himself. This wasn't the Japan he'd had in mind.

>> No.15381724

It literally means the opposite, to not let one person or group have it, but allow more people a say.

>> No.15381738

and who allow more people a say?.

>> No.15381743

Yeah I mean no political rally is in short supply of deviants or genetic monstrosities. Looks above all matter to normal people because ugly people typically have low social capital and associating with them might threaten one's own social capital. That "Optics" is a discrete category of political strategy and not the whole of it just reveals the fringe status of any political activist, for normal people optics is basically the entire content of thought. This is why the media has and will continue to have such an easy time creating realities

>> No.15381778

Heh I guess it's somewhat embarrassing to call oneself an extreme conservative in a society that's been a liberal democracy for hundreds of years (so what are you, a liberal from 40 rather than 20 years ago?). But I would say that I'm something of a High Tory (but only a larper because I'm American). I would also probably join a scary "right wing socialist" movement if it had sufficient sacral and mystical qualities

>> No.15381793

They suffix 'oo' sound so 'u'

>> No.15382039

Jesus was not a socially progressive black marxist, he was the son of God

>> No.15382053

He was perceived as progressive and rebellious in his time. Certainly not a conservative or else he wouldn't have been killed.

>> No.15382539

>he was the son of God
Who isn't?

>> No.15382545

The Controversy of Zion
"Jews often, and quite genuinely, cannot envisage a calamity involving Jews, and no matter how many more non-Jews, as anything but ―a Jewish catastrophe."

>> No.15382549

Tan or black?

>> No.15382560

>be semetic
>this is now black
Someone tell Jerry Seinfeld he can now pull the race card.

>> No.15382580

ask me how i know OP's pic was made by a progressive.

btw, progressives are NOT tolerant, and they don't support the poor, they're not fair or egalitarian, and they don't share authority. They're not even inquisitive and questioning. They're just as dogmatic as they claim conservatives are.

>> No.15382605

They're not anything you moron, it's all politics. If you're upset by fake descriptions then you're the one w the problem

>> No.15382694

my diary.
why shouldn't they? take any category and see that people divide into two camps, and those indifferent are not seen or heard. then the fact that people have preference for change or for sameness is boring conversation

>> No.15382734

Propaganda by Edward Bernays.

>> No.15382744

What was once progressive becomes tradition over time. Conservatives merely adopt and cherish what the progressives once fought for. It is a fallacy to think that society necessarily improves over time.

>> No.15382810
File: 75 KB, 276x247, matthias.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

jesus was way blacker than that in real life

>> No.15382825

I'm progressive on all those points but leftists would call me a neonazi (and I'm not even racist).

>> No.15383130

And right after he said that, the apostles asked him how anyone could be saved at all if it's so difficult for a man to be saved just for being rich, and Jesus said with God all things are possible. Again, actually read the Bible.

>> No.15383145


>> No.15383173

>progressive culture
Lmao who made this? Modern day progressives are the least tolerant people of everyone, they actively campaign to get anyone who doesn't parrot their narrow view of the world to get thrown off online platforms and even want hate speech laws so that the government can imprison people who make offensive comments.

>> No.15383844

As a radical Marxist, i want to abolish all this, except sex/Gender (this one, it's the Capital who wants to abolish it).

>> No.15384152

On reals to this, another to that wall;

'tis the same error that deludes them all

>> No.15384156

There is an inbred malady in every one of us, there is seminarium stultifia, a seminary of folly.

>> No.15384160

Now say "Jesus Christ," or "Jesus of Nazareth" in full.