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1538048 No.1538048 [Reply] [Original]

Is the greatest Philosopher. Ever.

>> No.1538052

So tell me about trolling, Jimmy.

>> No.1538064

the Republic sucked

>> No.1538087
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Stupid plato

Go materialism

>> No.1538101

wrong guy retard

>> No.1538111

Plato and St. Augustine are the greatest philosophers to ever live.

Plato is pretty much responsible for ERRthing in Spiritualistic Philosophy, while St. Augustine is the main influence for post-modern phenomenology and hermeneutics.

>> No.1538127
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>Spiritualistic Philosophy
>implying that's a good thing
what a waste of oxygen

>> No.1538136

>Willing to bet last dollar he doesn't know how I'm using 'spiritualism'.

>> No.1538145

>implying it matters
>implying pomo hermeneutics is a complete approach
whatever bro

>> No.1538148


>Plato is pretty much responsible for ERRthing in Spiritualistic Philosophy, while St. Augustine is the main influence for post-modern phenomenology and hermeneutics.

Thanks, but I'll stick with Epicurus, Nietzsche and Schopenhauer

>> No.1538160

The Stoics were the best philosophers around and everyone with at least a moderate level of intelligence knows so.

>> No.1538171

How are you sticking with Epicurus?

>> No.1538202

The most fascinating thing about ancient philosophers is how much authority they seemed to think they had

Like, Aristotle's physics for example. I guess it makes sense since hes the go to guy for a priori reasoning, but still, how much of a tool do you have to be to walk around and going THIS IS LIKE THIS AND THIS IS LIKE THAT. DURP THIS IS HOW CAUSALITY WORKS. I KNOW BECAUSE IM FUCKING ARISTOTLE

Ancient medicine was the worst, apparently, ANYone could just start performing experiments and cutting people open, and then writing about it.

I dunno, philosophy is great, but as far as ancient philosophers go, most of these guys sound like fucking assholes and would probably be completely intolerable to hang out with IRL. Except for maybe Diogenes, I think it would be fun to hang with him while he went around trolling people, plus hes kind to animals which puts him in my good books

>> No.1538210

amazing post. thanks for this.

>> No.1538217

Slaves are slaves because their large backs predisposes them to manual labour


Derp derpy derp.

>> No.1538222


Everyone was fucking Aristotle - he was a total manwhore.

Nice dissection of the authority issue though - although I think that Epicurus may have been a fun guy to hang out with. He was the Tyler Durden of his day.

Actually, he was probably more like a mix of Michael Moore and Naomi Klein, which is pretty fucking horrible when you think of it.

I'll fuck off now.

>> No.1538225

holy shit guys back in the day you didn't need twenty peer reviews before you could talk shit about science :O

>> No.1538245

>but you were liable to be tried for impiety.