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File: 280 KB, 780x1337, Charles_Ernest_Butler_-_King_Arthur.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
15376801 No.15376801 [Reply] [Original]

Why is modern Arthurian lit so anti-Christian?

>> No.15376869

Where do I start with Arthurian mythos?

>> No.15376877

A familiarity with Germanic myths/paganism and Christianity. Then do Parzival, after which you can read all the great French story's.

>> No.15376933

Is real, made to order, properly fitted, plate armour something that guarantees your body looks like a metallic hyper-twink? Or is this the homosexual equivalent of chainmail bikinis?

>> No.15377246

The Mabinogion
Sir Gawain and the Green Knight
Le Morte D’Arthur

>> No.15377306
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hope this helps too...

>> No.15377324
File: 96 KB, 433x600, arthur.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

because the establishment is fairly strongly anti-Christian nowadays (belief in the divine is scoffed at by the masses, who fail to see that science is just another system of belief). Most historical fiction is fairly anti-christian I find, whether it be literature or TV.
That being said, Arthurian legend might be particularly anti-Christian because the figure Arthur is based off of - -a warlord of 5th century Britain - lived at a time when paganism and Christianity were essentially at war for the souls of native Brits, and there is some ambiguity over whether this "real Arthur" was a pagan or Christian
given that our culture naturally scoffs at Christianity, and seems to blame it for most of the imbalances, prejudices, and iniquities of the medieval and modern periods, I suppose they like to paint pagans in a far more positive and generous light, while Christians are made out to be invasive, nastily wanting to "Impose" their values on peaceful natives.

>> No.15377379

>science is a religion, yo. Trust me.

>> No.15377391

>Warlord Trilogy
>Mists of Avalon
Anti-Christian trash

>> No.15377403

the real arthur was a welsh guardian spirit

>> No.15377408

>no no no! you can't speak against MY religion!
kys soiboy

>> No.15377416
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this but unironically
Read Descartes, mate. The only thing I can assert with any certainty is that my consciousness exists, that I am a thinking entity. I take everything else on faith - that the world is as it seems, that other people exist, and yes, that the world was made a certain way. If the only thing you can assert witth any certainty is that "I exist" and nothing else is certain or can be ascertained, it's really equally likely that God exists and that the world was made 6000 years ago, and that evolution never happened, as it is that whatever the sciences spout are true.
That in mind, only religion promises salvation and (In my opinion) existential happiness, while the sciences offer no reward for blind faith in them, and the inherent materialism - we're all just biological machines, bro, there is no afterlife, I have no divine, inalienably valuable soul! - that stems from the sciences can almost be said to guarantee existential nihilism.
Take the redpill, bro. Choose hope. Choose happiness. Believe that you irrefutably matter, no matter what anyone/thing might say to lead you to believe otherwise.
Choose God.

>> No.15377423

What's the best edition of The Mabinogion in English?

>> No.15377434

Science continuously questions itself. Religions are stuck in dogma.
Keeping the childish notion that you’re going to have eternal life after you’re dead has proven a disaster the real world. Your fee fees have ruined us

>> No.15377448

Oxford World Classics translation by Sioned Davies is the most recent and personally I find it the best
Everyman’s Library has a pretty good translation too but it’s from the 1940s

>> No.15377472

It's a bit of an extreme extrapolation from the idea that Arthur is a pre-Christian figure and that all the very Christian stories that define King Arthur i.e. the Matter of Britain, is a later and obscuring embellishment on the "real" story. Combine that with the popularity of "pagan" fantasy in England in particular and you have a dozen different authors ready to give their spin on Arthur.

>> No.15377479
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>Keeping the childish notion that you’re going to have eternal life after you’re dead has proven a disaster the real world. Your fee fees have ruined us
and yet suicide rates, in the western world, in our increasingly atheist age, are skyrocketing.
Do today's Christians, of the Western world, commit senseless acts of terrorism, and invasion, in the hopes it'll lead to salvation? No! And that would be because most of the historical violence we attribute to "religion" likely would have occurred without violence anyway, historically we are a violent species that used religion as an excuse to commit atrocities - just like we also use political ideology and racial identity to do the same, and have done for millennias.
If anything, now that much of the civilized world is coming to grips with its humanity - coming to increasingly abhor violence and things of the sort - now would be a perfect time for revivalism of Christian thought. Modern Christians think the Old Testament to be nonsensical - it's the teachings of Christ that matter, which teaches us still that we are inherently valuable, forever loved by our Father - even if we feel unloved by everyone else on earth - and will forever have a higher purpose to work towards - Salvation - even if our earthly endeavours fail - and that we should love each other unconditionally. Now that international war is increasingly beginning to look like a thing of the past - and that 95% of us have no need for violence anyway - solidification of our new found humanity into divine doctrine might be what we need to become a fully content and harmonious society.
Revive Yahweh! Praise Him!

>> No.15377489

**without religion rather

>> No.15377736

Just ask yourself if a particular religion or tribe would find any benefit in subversion of Christianity.

>> No.15377741

Thanks anon, I'll check them out.

>> No.15377757

I read the Warlord Trilogy when I was a kid, and it was pretty good.

>> No.15377767

Thoughts on Lawhead's Pendragon Cycle?

>> No.15377781

There you go

>> No.15377830

Not an answer to your question the Arthurian stories are mostly pre-Christian in origin that were dressed in Christian imagery. Read Mystery of the Grail.

>> No.15377873
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>> No.15378158 [DELETED] 
File: 152 KB, 1047x535, Mists of Avalon study guid Marion Zimmer Bradley anti-Christian.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Do you have any sources? Any articles about modern Arthurian literature being anti-Christian? Because I only found a study guide on Marion Zimmer Bradley's "The Mists of Avalon."

>> No.15378169


I thought Arthurian mythology grew out of stories of the last Ancient Romans in Great Britain fending off Germanic barbarian pagan tribes of Angles and Saxons while imploring a distant Rome for help that would never arrive?

>> No.15378175
File: 152 KB, 1047x535, Mists of Avalon study guid Marion Zimmer Bradley anti-Christian.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Can you provide any sources or articles about modern Arthurian literature being anti-Christian? Because I've only found a study guide about Marion Zimmer Bradley's "The Mists of Avalon."

>> No.15378176

Awww buttersperg is back

>> No.15378578