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/lit/ - Literature

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1535171 No.1535171 [Reply] [Original]

Alright /lit/, questions time.

What was the last book you read?

What is the current book you are reading?

What is the next book you are going to read?

1. Catch-22
2. 1984
3. Either "One Flew Over The Cuckoo's Nest" or reread of "The Hobbit"

>> No.1535177

Winston betrays Julia. She Betrays him. Rats, rats everywhere.

>> No.1535179

>Dragons of Eden
>Naked Lunch
>no clue what i'll read next

>> No.1535188


Spoilers don't bother me in the slightest.

>> No.1535202

Roadside Picnic
Atlas Shrugged(It's hard slog)

>> No.1535206

The House Spirit and Other Stories by Kanoko Okamoto
Country Teacher by Katai Tayama
Hiroshima Notes by Kenzaburo Oe
Not sure. Possibly Hojoki by Kamo no Chomei.

>> No.1535211

>Master and Margarita
>The Decamerone
>120 Days of Sodom

>> No.1535221

>A tale of two cities
>Madame Bovary

don't like these threads though

they're mighty boring, no discussion really

>> No.1535228

1. uh... Taras Bulba
2. Sons and Lovers
3. The Temple of Dawn but really I just wanna read all the Horus Heresy books from WH40K but I might lose the respect, love, and adoration from the unwashed masses of /lit/ if I did that.

>> No.1535230

Master & Margarita is on my list for this year. How was it?

>The Unbearable Lightness of Being
>The Picture of Dorian Gray
>The Slynx

>> No.1535236

1. 1984
2. Count of Monte Cristo
3. Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas

>> No.1535249

>Rabbit, Run
>Rabbit, Redux

>> No.1535432

1. Blood Meridian
2. Duma Key
3. Don't know yet (it's not a title)

>> No.1535435

>Ender's Game
>House of Leaves

>> No.1535446

>A Clockwork Orange
Liked it.

>The Stranger (Albert Camus)
It's short, but I somehow can't find the time to finish it. I like it so far.

>Wise Man's Fear
Haters gonna hate.

>> No.1535522

1. The Girl With The Dragon Tattoo
2. The Hangman's Daughter
3. Slaughterhouse Five

>> No.1535536

1. Slaughterhouse-Five
2. Cat's Cradle
3. On Killing, Ender's Game, or Moby Dick.

>> No.1535545

1.Blue man (Blåmann)
2.The Idiot
3.Last harry potter book

>> No.1535572


same current

last: Kant's Critique of Pure Reason
current: The Idiot
next: policy paradox

>> No.1535579

1. The Corrections
2. Freedom
3. A Confederacy of Dunces

>> No.1535593

1. Towing Jehovah
2. them
3. The Woodlanders

>> No.1535609

1- Narcissus and Goldmund
2- Catch-22
3- The Castle- Kafka

>> No.1535641

1.Into The Wild
2.Where Men Go For Glory
3.World War Z

>> No.1535665

>Blood Meridian
>Rabbit, Run
>One Hundred Years of Solitude

>> No.1535675

1. Ivanhoe
2. Catch-22 and Musashi
3. V. or Outlaws of the Marsh

>> No.1535681

>Towing Jehovah

What'd you think? I've never seen it mentioned here besides by me.

>> No.1535684

Ficciones, by Jorge Luis Borges
To the Lighthouse, by Virginia Woolf
Congress, by David Mayhew
>To Read
Ethics, an Essay on the Understanding of Evil, by Alain Badiou

I'm in love with Woolf right now :3

>> No.1535711

defense of poetry
portrait of the artist
early modenism
romantic moderns
flowers of evil
>next book
Jacob's Room
The Waves

>> No.1535726

1. La Morte D'arthur
2. Cry Havoc (a book about how the economies of the nations wanted to start world war two, and the leaders obliged)
3. Dunno. I've got the Aeneid sitting around, might get on that. Maybe one called "Architect or Bee?"

I'm realizing more and more that determinism is a deeper question than "LOL IF GOD NEW WHAT YOU WERE GUNNA DO B4 U DID IT WHY WE GO HELL?"

>> No.1535735


>The Stranger

>The Brothers Karamazov

>> No.1535751

>Reread of V.
>Of Human Bondage

>> No.1535776

Mind of the Raven
Let the right one in (i also read those scary stories books by Schwartz, they keep me entertained and Gammell illustrations are awesome)
A bunch of journals on Animal behavior

>> No.1535793

All The Pretty Horses
Infinite Jest

>> No.1535812

Tender is the Night
The Art of Not Being Governed: An Anarchist History of Upland Southeast Asia
>To read
The Perennial Philosophy

>> No.1535815

Rabbit Run is fucking fantastic, huh?

>> No.1535824


I'm only like 30 pages in so I'm reserving judgment so far. I've heard people on /lit/ rave about it, though.

>> No.1535829

>>1535726 here, are there any counterpoints to the books I brought up?

>> No.1535834

1. John Dies at the End
2. Beyond Good and Evil
3. Thus Spoke Zarathustrata

>> No.1535836

Kite Runner


Brave New World

>> No.1535849

1= dark tower book 2 the drawing of three
2= 2001 a apace odyssey, full meta alchemist #10, dark tower 3 the wastelands
3. one of many- dark tower 4, fullmetla alchemist 11, or any other book i own

>> No.1535852

The Trial
Bleak House
Art (play) - Yasmina Reza

>> No.1535871

last = kafka on the shore
current = the disposessed

as for next, i'll let /lit/ decide

gravitys rainbow or man on the high castle?

>> No.1535887

Last - The Purgatorio

Currently - The Complete Poems of Anne Sexton

Next - Les Miserables

>> No.1536385

Last- On Beauty (Zadie Smith)
Current- Captive of my Desires (Johanna Lindsey)
Next- The Reader (Bernhard Schlink)

>> No.1536436

How did you like On Beauty? I really enjoyed White Teeth and gave up on Autograph Man but my sister says On Beauty's her best

>> No.1536464

>Breakfast of Champions by Vonnegut
>The Sun Also Rises by Hemmingway

>> No.1536470

It`s been a year, and we`re all still reading the same shit

>> No.1536476

ITT: Everybody lies.

>> No.1536479
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"Faust" Goethe. My favorite version of the Dr. Faustus story.

"How To Live Safely In A Science Fictional Universe" Charles Yu. So far it's hilarious.
"Songs Of Innocence And Of Experience" William Blake. Normally I don't go for poetry, but I love this collection. It combines art and the written word beautifully.

"The Picture Of Dorian Grey" Oscar Wilde. Or, "Stiff" Mary Roach. Perhaps both. I've already read them though, so I'll see if something new and interesting crosses my path.

>> No.1536513
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1. Hard-Boiled Wonderland and the End of the World
2. The Crying of Lot 49, Alice in Wonderland, It, A collection of Charles Bukowski's Poems and short stories
3. Blood Meridian

>> No.1537064

Fatherland by Robert Harris
Fahrenheit 451
One Flew over the Cuckoo's nest

>> No.1537092

Last one:

Timelike Infinity - Stephen Baxter

Current one:

Yoga for People Who Can't Be Bothered To do It - Geoff Dyer

Next one:

Probably Chronic City - Jonathan Lethem

>> No.1537095

The Subtle Knife - Phillip Pullman

The Road - Cormac McCarthy

Dark Universe - Daniel Galouye

>> No.1537102

1. 1984
2. lord of the flies
3. probably to kill a mocking bird or the curious incident of the dog in the night

>> No.1537101

1. The Outlaw and the Lady
2. Startide Rising
3. No idea, I just read bits of books on my e-reader until I settle on one though I'll probably just read The Uplift War

>> No.1537133

Last Read: Technically, God Bless You Dr. Kevorkian, by Vonegut, but I hardly count it since it was so short. Before that I read Slapstick by Kurt Vonnegut.

Currently reading: Mother Night, by Kurt Vonnegut

Next to read: Island, by Aldous Huxley, or Breakfast of Champions, by none other than Kurt Vonnegut.

>> No.1537137


read one flew over the cuckoos nest.

Its unreal how good it is

>> No.1537212
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ITT: Autism

Seriously, what is the point of these threads? Nobody comments, just writes their amazon wishlist, or their /lit/ wishlist of "books I'd liek 2 B pretendinn 2 reed so /lit/ thnk I's k00lz0rz".


In an attempt to redeem this thread, and indeed my immortal fucking soul, then I'm going to comment on this, and suggest to this Anon that after Ficciones, Woolf must be a crashing disappointment. After Borges, every other writer looks a bit like a hack for a while. It's like when you do LSD for the first time, and then you come down, and you're still not totallly sure where the boundaries of reality are and you touch things and they seem fragile, frangible and frail. After Borges, lierature seems very artificial. I almost wish I'd never read his work.

But then I'd have missed out on the greatest writer of the 20th century. Perhaps ever.

>> No.1537294

1. The Desert Spear by Peter V. Brett
2. Dwarves by Markus Heitz
3. The War of the Dwarves by Markus Heitz

>> No.1537303
File: 46 KB, 500x277, 1204323864669.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

1. Roadside Picnic.

2. On the Road (pic related).

3. Slaughterhouse-Five.

>> No.1537341

are u really that retarded

>> No.1537354

i really think this is the most pretentious piece of shit post I have read on this board. no joke

>> No.1537361

lol @ borges being greatest writer.

good trolling

>> No.1537371

1. Slaughterhouse Five.
2. Lord of the Flies.
3. Fahrenheit 451.

Best is probably Roadside Picnic.

>> No.1537374

1. Pemberley Manor by Kathryn L Nelon (Do NOT recommend this book)
2. The Tenant of Wildfell Hall by Anne Bronte
3. Pendennis by William Makepeace Thackeray

>> No.1537380

My concentration span got strangely short, too short to read novels. In these days I am mostly listening to audiobooks.

Now I am at 'Virtual lights' by Gibson. Next will be something by Vonnegut, I am too lazy to check what.


Despite Vonnegut being famous and critically acclaimed etc. I found "Roadside picnic" much more fitted in contend of my heart then "Slaughterhouse-Five". I would like to hear opinion of someone about their own perception of both in terms of dominant satisfaction. Please leave comment about in. Maybe it will be the same time when my eyes will be tracing /lit/ and I will get what I ask for. Thanks in advance.

>> No.1537388


You must be new here. Welcome

>> No.1537391


Name one better, pendejo

>> No.1537400

Virginia Woolf

>> No.1537498
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>> No.1537500

the entire fact that you assume there is a 'best' writer is laughable and only serves to illustrate how moronic you truly are.

>> No.1537506

Uh But there is a best writer (William Shakespeare)

>> No.1537508

1. Return of the Crimson Guard
2. Stonewielder
3. The Crippled God

>> No.1537511

best is a subjective term, it isn't readily quantifiable.
how does one define best?
popular certainly doesn't equate to it, why should your opinion over-ride someone elses?

>> No.1537512
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>he didn't read Borges in Spanish but he thinks he can call his work superior to everything else

>> No.1537514

>Animal Farm
>Cat's Cradle
>Brave New World

>> No.1537523

I personally don't think there is a best. Maybe best in one's opinion but not in general. Someone might call something the best due to the 'quality' but then again how does someone define quality? Again, everyone has their own opinion of quality as well. Though I do have my own personal views for what I prefer, I'm not naive enough to call it the best.

>> No.1537524

1) The Stranger- Camus
2) Pattern Recognition- Gibson
3) something better by gibson because I liked Neuromancer

>> No.1537534

/lit/ proved for once again to read the same 150 classic books all over.

>> No.1537537

nothing wrong with the classics

>> No.1537541

Rereading is necessary for deeper understanding of the text

>> No.1537544

I for one, can completely agree with this.

>> No.1537560

1. The Scarlet Letter
2. The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn
3. Watership Down

>> No.1538086


I read him in Spanish, capullo.

>> No.1538158

1. reread of bartimaeus trilogy (not as good as I remembered them, but ok)
2. Zen and the art of motorcycle maintenance (anyone read it?)
3. dunno yet

>> No.1538177

How did you like John dies at the end?

>> No.1538193

1. Hearts in Atlantis - Stephen King: Definitely recommended
2. Persuader - Lee Child: Good so far, and easy reading for the bus
3. Probably The Hobbit: I've never read it but I loved the 1977 animated movie as a kid

>> No.1538200

The Catcher in the Rye

>> No.1538206

Last - The Cosmicomics By Italo Calvino

Now - The War At The End Of The World - Mario Varga Llosa

Next - Faucault's Pendulum - I forgot his name.

>> No.1538207

1. A Clockwork Orange
2. Brave New World
3. 1984

/Catching up on dystopian classics

>> No.1538303

last - The road
current - Let the right on in
next - Prince caspian
(none of these are lies)

>> No.1538320

The Book of the Short Sun

The Novel: an Alternative History by Steven Moore
Good for anyone who enjoys reading, but go easier on your hobby horses, dude.

The next Hugh Cook book on my shelf, then an anthropoplgy book from the library.

>> No.1538366
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>Last 3
The Shining (King)
Haunted (Palahniuk)
Factotum (Bukowski)

Less Than Zero (Ellis)

>Next 3
Rules of Attraction (Ellis)
Post Office (Bukowksi)
The Great Gatsby (Fitzgerald)

>> No.1538377

forgot we had this thread

>> No.1538398

Last - Brave New World
Current - Catch 22
Next - Breakfast of Champions

>> No.1538415

1 > Metro 2033

2 & 3 > can't deside :(

>> No.1538576

here's a bump 4 u, D&E

>> No.1538605

1. Something by Thomas Ziehe. Don't really remember.
2. Diary of a drug fiend - Aleister Crowley
3. I'll probably reread Crime and Punishment. Long time no see

>> No.1538854
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>> No.1538873

Hunters of Dune
Sandworms of Dune
House of Leaves