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15371747 No.15371747 [Reply] [Original]

Why isn’t rapping treated like poetry amongst certain circles?

>> No.15371803

It lacks what many love in poetry proper, such as the extensive employment of metaphor, simile, synecdoche, allusion etc. most of rap is just niggers either whining about whypipo oppression, or boasting how big their dik is without even reflecting on the contradiction of these themes.

>> No.15371837
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No one wants to admit that rap is modern day verse. Rappers are the Pushkin's and Byron's of today

>> No.15371901


>implying dick size isn't a noble subject

For one, it's full of intertextuality. I'd say that the means deviate somewhat from textbook poetry, but it doesn't make rap less poetical.

The endgame is still to produce some sort of sentiment, be it shits or giggles or satire or weeps, and just like classical poetry there are rappers who achieve this to a varying degree. U gutz 2 dig deepers ya lil nigglet

>> No.15371932

Not today's rap. That shit is ass in every way. Rap unironically died with Tupac. Old school rap is superior in both in lyric and production value. Listen to this and tell me it's not better than anything from the last 20 years.

>> No.15371959

Because rappers who try for lyricism make whack music
Young Thug is way more /lit/ than some Pretentious faggy lyrical miracle Trash

>> No.15371971


>> No.15372000

Depends what you mean by "certain circles"
If you mean niggers, it's because niggers think poetry is gay
If you mean racists, it's because rapping is a nigger genre

>> No.15372022

Let me hit it from the back, girl
I won't catch a hernia
Bust off on your couch
Now you got Seaman's furniture.

>> No.15372049

Tribe called quest's Midnight Marauders is peak hip hop.

>> No.15372061

I'll take Young Thugs eccentric interesting rap over Aesop Rock's boring bland trash any day

>> No.15372069

there is nothing /lit/ about Young Thug you stupid fucking zoomer. you dont have to be pretentious about the dumb pop music you like

>> No.15372079

cause it sucks ass

>> No.15372086
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clipping. exists, also Ka just released a new album, and I consider both of them great contemporary rap

>> No.15372119

When you set words to music you sacrifice some poetic value for some musical value. Rap can't do everything that 'poetry' does. Rap should, and is, treated in the same way people treat librettos, lyrics etc. People might say otherwise, but this board knows jack shit about poetry.

>> No.15372331

rap has elements of poetry the same way most song lyrics do. You don't need always try and "elevate" it by saying it's poetry


>> No.15372420

this man has read Bloom

>> No.15372490

>why isn't pop music treated like poetry
>why isn't X treated like Y
Nobody would ever give a shit about those "great" rap lyrics if they weren't part of the whole package (including the beat and everything).

>Listen to this and tell me it's not better than anything from the last 20 years.
It's really not.
The lyrics are basic, the beat is basic. Sure it was great at the time, but it's been surpassed many times since. Even 50 Cent has better songs than that.