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/lit/ - Literature

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15364347 No.15364347 [Reply] [Original]

>read book
>visualize the characters as anime characters
>enjoyment increases exponentially
anyone else?

>> No.15364355

I can't relate, sorry.

>> No.15364385
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Anon you may truly be too far gone. I am so sorry.

>> No.15364389

No, that's only you faggot.

>> No.15364428


>> No.15364445

My efault is to picture them as anime characters but then I try to counter it in my brain by picturing them realistic, but because of that I now have no fucking clue if they are anime characters or realistic. Its like a fog between the two

>> No.15364459


3 separate individuals, 100% of the surveyed populations thus far, have indicated that you opinion is either uncommon, pitiful, or abhorrent. Your response to this is:


Man, you deserve the fires. I'll smile when they greet you.

>> No.15364466

It is not uncommon for me to visualize book characters as low poly 3d models.

>> No.15364795

>read book
>can only pay attention to the style
>can't remember anything about the plot or characters

>> No.15364834


Honestly, you're not missing much below a certain threshold. Usually the style and ideas communicated are far more important than names and ages. In better works, the characters are inextricable from the ideas themselves. Hesse's Steppenwolf, Shakespeare's Lear, Dostoyevsky's Raskolnikov and everything with a pulse in the Brothers Karamazov.

>> No.15364841

This and OP is the pinnacle of literature

>> No.15365023

anyone else not visualize anything? its just words to me.

>> No.15365060

I had to actively stop visualizing in order to actually finish a book. Because of the often abstract and interpretive nature of language, I would get tripped up over description and spend too much time reading and re-reading to get an idea of how something looked, and it slowed reading down enough that I would just get frustrated and never finish anything.

Nowadays I try to read authors that I can't respect, so that I don't care if I don't "get" what they're talking about and I just move on. In addition, I try to actively suppress the urge to visualize. When you suppress it, your brain automatically visualizes the things that are clear and ignores the muddy shit.

>> No.15365077

rent free

>> No.15365095

Found the npc

Yes, even when I try to remember my past I can only visualize it in an anime version

>> No.15365098
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>read book
>visualize the characters as sexy qt furries
>enjoyment increases exponentially

>> No.15365266

Only the Bible

>> No.15365361

Are you Asian? They are NPCs and cant visualize.

>> No.15365433

Not with books, but back when I watched anime when I was younger I would create massive anime worlds in my head. It had my favorite characters as a harem around me, and I would make it as detailed as possible. I would imagine anime girls cuddling me as I slept, too. It got to the point where I was using so much brain power to do this (primarily when I was falling asleep) that I had to stop because it would give me pretty bad headaches at night.

>> No.15365484

your probably schizoid

>> No.15365542

I'm pretty sure a schizoid wouldn't do that, considering they're physically incapable of needing or wanting relationships.

>> No.15365604

Let me give you a little picture of the phenomenology of my reading experience. Occasionally an image in a text will call a particular visual to mind or I'll check my internal library of visual images to see if they are congruent with what I think the writer is trying to present me with. But a lot of the time when I’m reading a text, even if it's quite highly visual, I don’t consciously envision what's being described. What I'm more attentive to is the relationship between the semantics of the language and the credibility or otherwise overall meaning of the scene that's being presented. I don't need to continually recheck my visual sense. Novels are made of words. And literary style exists for a reason.

>> No.15365812

>considering they're physically incapable of needing or wanting relationships.

That's for IRL relationships. In their fantasies they are simps and coomers.

>> No.15367031

I'm halfway through Faust and I've just binged season 4 of Rick and Morty. I cant stop reading Faust as Morty and Mephistopheles as Rick.

Fucking kill me

>> No.15367059
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>read book
>visualize the characters as cute traps
>enjoyment increases exponentially

>> No.15367104

post address and i will.

>> No.15367285


>> No.15367305
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>read book
>picture characters in a period appropriate art style

>> No.15367427

cope dilate seethe incel have sex cringe youll never be a real woman sneed

>> No.15367441

stop posting

>> No.15368053
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That's nothing, when I read I always visualise every character but especially the main character and imagine it's me but looking like Tyler Durden from fight club or Jules winfield and Vincent Vega from pulp fiction, If the main character is ever in a losing scenario, I change roles and imagine myself as the bad guy, makes no difference to me, and I fucking love it.

>> No.15368086

depends on the story. i picture Dostoevsky, dickens, and nabakov books as anime, hemming way is film noir, comedic books look like sitcoms, and i try to picture melville as happening around me.

>> No.15368114

fucking based

>> No.15368436

Yes I’ve tried to become more imaginative while reading. Can’t be an NPC

>> No.15368499

sad af are you by any chance gay or bi?

>> No.15368572
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I do, and I direct every scene in my head in a dramatic anime style.

>> No.15368668

Everyone is bi

>> No.15368683

i have some baaad news for ye partner...

>> No.15368738

>read portnoys complaint
>imagine alexander as george costanza
>his parents as mr and mrs costanza
>never once does any of them say anything out of character
i highly recommend it.

>> No.15368757

I had to actively stop visualizing in order to actually finish a book. Because of the often abstract and interpretive nature of language, I would get tripped up over description and spend too much time reading and re-reading to get an idea of how something looked, and it slowed reading down enough that I would just get frustrated and never finish anything
I'm exactly the same as you, anon, except I like having to visualise and enjoy abook, eventhough I am much slower at reading

>> No.15368799

sometimes as a kid it fellt like i wouldnt even see the words on the page, just straight up hallucinate until mom called dinner. i can't do that anymore but theres still a mental image of sorts. some books are either to picture than others, of course. dfw is always interupting himself so you cant make any kind of movie, only a series of still images with the dialog as a voice over. authors like stienbeck or hemmingway will really lets you get into it.

>> No.15369224


>> No.15369259

A younger me did this all the time. Read a lot of Steven King visualized with characters from Akira, DBZ, and whatever else I was watching at the time.

>> No.15369314
File: 59 KB, 1000x1527, Page_004_(Faust,_1925).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're suppose to imagine him as a Light Yagami incel

>> No.15369493

Never tried it, but i'll give it a shot. Fuck it, it might make things more entertaining.

>> No.15369575

I see I am in fine company.

>> No.15370329

>read book
>visualize characters in different styles, often in the same book
>still end up mentally directing many scenes in a shoneny way

I was able to finish but I'll admit that I get bogged down trying to mentally work out very technical or very flowery descriptions (the ship internals-heavy parts of Blindsight come to mind).

>> No.15370424
