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/lit/ - Literature

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15366174 No.15366174 [Reply] [Original]

Any good Nonfiction recommendations? I enjoy books like Malcolm Gladwell and Mary Roach and Alex Boese, but I'm also interested in history and conspiracies and weird shit

>> No.15366835
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Gödel, Escher, Bach: an Eternal Golden Braid
by Douglas Hofstadter

>> No.15366864

Edmund Wilson - To the Finland Station - it's a history of revolutionary thought and socialism

On the more Gladwellian side of things, two books I really enjoyed:
Florence Williams - The Nature Fix - a book about how nature makes us happier
Michael Pollan - How to Change Your Mind - part journalism, part memoir, part scientific study of the effects of psychedelic mushrooms and LSD. Really well-written

Chuck Klosterman - But what if We're Wrong?: Thinking about the Past as if it were the Present - a book where the title is kind of self-explanatory. Looks at theoretical projections of where different elements of our culture such as TV and reading and gravity might be in the future, and how we'll look at those things like a 100 years from now.

random nonfiction:
Steven Hyden - Twilight of the Gods - a book about the history, sociology, and cultural philosophy of classic rock, and where it stands now. Light reading, but fun and informative.

>> No.15367208
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Some real good looking reads here, man
Thank you

>> No.15367437

Read Herodotus

>> No.15367599
File: 27 KB, 312x474, Desperate Deception Wendell Wilkie UK Intelligence Republican Primary.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A propos 'election meddling'