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1536124 No.1536124 [Reply] [Original]

Hey /lit/erates, gonna ask for some quick help on developing my writing technique.

Basically, I need help learning to personify. This is my first, likely pathetic attempt.

"The storehouse, which could be more accurately described as an over-sized garage, held within itself a large lithography press which stood surgically assembled and partially dismembered in the center of the diminutive structure. A few of the many arms composing the impressive machine had been wrenched off, scavenged, likely for aid in the creation of another press in a different, obscure and dilapidated building across town or country."

Ideas on how to..well..actually succeed in personifying the "press?" I'm sure the connotation of "surgically" denotes something entirely different than what I'm trying to portray, but it seems to fit.

Any help, advice, or outright flaming is appreciated.

>> No.1536135


Bump because I'm a shitpiece and people are more likely to notice a thread that has a post underneath it.

>> No.1536137

less adjectives

>> No.1536153


Really? But what would Hawthorne say?

>> No.1536164

chaining adjectives only obscures your writing, the opposite of what you want to do by personifying it

>> No.1536174


Understandable. So in those two sentences, what words are better left out, dilapidated I'm sure. I regret that one.

>> No.1536178

Who the zog is Hawthorne and why do you care what he thinks?

Also: if you want to personify the machine, don't say things like "A few of the many arms composing the impressive machine..."; instead, say "a few of the machine's many arms." After all-- are people COMPOSED of arms? Or do they simply have arms?

>> No.1536181



fix'd. Question now.

>> No.1536183

Fuck Hawthorne. He's right.
>different, obscure and dilapidated

>in another dilapidated

You don't need all that shit, it bogs it down.


>surgically assembled
Not getting a very good image of this. You call it partially dismembered literally one word later, then go from there, wasting the potential connotations associated with surgically.

Your writing's not horrible, but I wouldn't publish it.

>> No.1536199


Thank you very much, and I know it's no where near good yet, I'm young and this was my first attempt at writing anything creatively and personally. I'm just trying to develop a style and voice and all that, and I figured input would help me identify the problems in my writing before they had a chance to take hold, you know?

>> No.1536283

You'll get better, but only if you practice. Don't let your skills decay or it'll be an uphill fight if you want to start again.

That's what happened to me. Started writing one summer, acquired a following, then stopped when school started up. Never could finish my work.

>> No.1536305


I'm sorry to hear that. I'm sure you'll get back into the flow of it one day, inspiration is sort of a funny thing, I see that even in my very limited experience.

I also think my writing is better when I'm depressed, clichely enough.

>> No.1536362


Quick question, would referring to a pool of black blood around the machine to mean ink aid in personification or just be cliche and boring.

I say it only slightly more artistically than the above sadly.

>> No.1536368


I. always. forget. question marks.

>> No.1536371

Turn it into a pataphor.

>> No.1536377


So just an extended metaphor? Alright I can do that.

Thank you kindly.

>> No.1536384

It's more like an overextended metaphor, but without the actual metaphor.

>> No.1536390

So it's just long-winded. Roger.

>> No.1536391


Actually, I just realized a serious error in my thinking.

I don't even know if it would be possible for a lithography press to spill ink!

Didn't someone once say write what you know? I've slapped the author of that quote right in the face with this one..

>> No.1536394


Look it up, it's not quite so simple.

>> No.1536398

>Ideas on how to..well..actually succeed in personifying the "press?"

think of it as a person with a personality. give it human like characteristics.

a durr

>> No.1536404


That wasn't OP by the way. I was too busy typing the post right above yours and looking up diagrams of lithography presses. Is there another type of printing machine I should consider? It's very important to my work, and I don't want to sound like an ignorant fool.

>> No.1536409


Well I know that much, but execution is not always as simple you know? That's why I provided an example of me attempting a little personification, so that people could judge my attempt.

>> No.1536417

Ink could be spilled, though not in the way you seem to mean.

>> No.1536456



If an oppressed organization wanted to print simple, physical documents for communication with a large number of people, what type of printing press would they use? The machine can't be too complex because that would conflict with the apparent means of the organization..

Is ink soaked into rollers or on sheets on lithography presses? Would it be able to pool around the machine if suddenly abandoned with key parts removed?

>> No.1536488

bump for knowledge.

>> No.1536514

Can lithography machines have ink fountains? Or is that basically the opposite of what the technology composes..

>> No.1536539


>> No.1536545


Not everyone has to be a Hemingway.

I sat. We drank. She cried. We departed.

>> No.1536564

yeah but I hope you see the difference between being Hemingway, and looking up words on the thesaurus for words to jam into your writing

>> No.1536570
File: 9 KB, 350x226, litho_press.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


errrm, I dunno, maybe a photocopier? They might not print things of course, they might use this new interweb technology that gives you a "paperless office" and "desktop publishing", but I sususpect that's just a myth the young use to frighten the old.

Protip: Lithography presses are effectively like a big roller with stone and cloth in it - they don't have "arms". They're a press, innit.

I don't know what the beginning of your story is trying to tell me, or make me feel, but if I'm honest, it's failing. Unless you wanted to make me feel "yawn".

Pic related: it's a lithography press

>> No.1536574


Oh I do. I know my mistake and I've corrected it. It sounds quite a bit better now I think.

>> No.1536595



FEWER relates to countable nouns, like adjectives, men, fucktards like you: things you can delineate from one another.

LESS relates to uncountable nouns like milk, water, or the come that spatters your mum's face every night down by the canal. It is for nouns that are agglomerated and uncountable.

Adjectives are countable, so you say fewer.

You repugnant, tripfagging, waste of skin. The best bit of you ran down your mum's leg, and without you there would be one less cunt in the world (LESS = COUNTABLE).


>> No.1536600



That's what I based my image on, oh and that's not the beginning of my story. That's just the part I attempted personification.

>> No.1536617
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>> No.1536625


Then you based your image on shit. Now you've seen the actual machine, start again. And incidentally (and I know I'll regret asking this, but I'm going for it anyway), why the fuck do you want to personify a litho printer anyway? And why are you writing about printing machines when you've clearly not even done the basic research (google) that a modern writer can be expected to do.

Oh, and why are you bugging me with this? And why am I spending so much effort to respond?

>> No.1536630
File: 39 KB, 600x442, faggot.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>LESS relates to uncountable

If you are going to be the worst kind of nitpicking douche, you should at least proof your posts.

>> No.1536645


A second image.

I did use google, and I found these images and constructed an image in my mind that lithography machines must have rollers similar to those in these pictures. I can't answer your other questions because I don't know the answer.


Is offset lithography different?

>> No.1536649
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I'm not just mad, I'm absolutely livid. If you can't master this basic difference, then get out of my language, please.

>> No.1536663


You are an complete idiot.

>> No.1536674


you do not undersand what you are talking about.

Less does relate to uncountable nouns. i.e. Hey, Anon, there was less come in your mom's hair last night than usual when she comes back from work at night. UNCOUNTABLE.


Hey, anon, your mom fucked fewer men (MEN ARE COUNTABLE) last night down at the truckstop tittybar than she usually does, are you still going to be able to borrow money from her for cheap porn and sizzurp, or will we have to make do with less? (MONEY IS UNCOUNTABLE, SEE, FUCKHOLE?)

>> No.1536667


>> No.1536682

hah, i thought the same thing

>> No.1536695



Now shut up - even chavs understand this shit well enough to get their hook-a-duck qualifications.

>> No.1536697

Oh look..another tripfag getting his way by derailing another thread from its topic.

I give up on you /lit/

>> No.1536699

anon's bringing up parenthetical inconsistency of douchie one's post - you are now douchie two

>> No.1536716


As the OP, I feel it's my duty to wish death upon you all.

>> No.1536719
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My point remains that you did not proof read your post and that you in fact said, and I quote:

>LESS relates to uncountable nouns

Which one is it, tard?

>> No.1536722


Which tripfag? As far as I can see, this has descended into another pointless argument about grammar. I mean, yeah, still depsair of /lit/ but in for the right reasons.

There was a nice discussion about Irish poetry going on earlier - what do you think the chances are that's still going on? Maybe we could check that out...

>> No.1536728
File: 89 KB, 400x400, calm.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


So what you're saying is that there would be one FEWER cunt in the world?

I guess you both have a point.

>> No.1536730


The argument came about because of


^ Someone pointed out he used less instead of fewer. Then it turned into the usual trolling trolls who..fuck it you get the picture.

>> No.1536738


No, I couldn't care about the proper usage of less and fewer, I was pointing out that, in being a giant raging douche about a minuscule point of grammar, >>1536595 was himself making a mistake.

Matthew 7:1

>> No.1536747

Any of you know if offset lithography is different than normal lithography?

Also.. is there such a thing as an offset lithography machine..or press..or printer..or..anything?

>> No.1536845


Sorry, bro. We're, like, arguing grammar here.