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15365526 No.15365526[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Catholics on this site are deeply misinformed people. They think they don't need to listen to everything the pope says unless it is ex cathedra. They are wrong. In fact, they must obey literally every word that comes out of the pope's mouth at all times. Always.

Canon Law 752 states:
>Although not an assent of faith, a religious submission of the intellect and will must be given to a doctrine which the Supreme Pontiff or the college of bishops declares concerning faith or morals when they exercise the authentic magisterium, even if they do not intend to proclaim it by definitive act; therefore, the Christian faithful are to take care to avoid those things which do not agree with it.

What does this submission entail? Per Donum Veritatis, written in 1990 by the Pope and approved by the CDF, this means that you must force yourself to agree with what the pope or any bishop says under pain of mortal sin:
>Such a disagreement could not be justified if it were based solely upon the fact that the validity of the given teaching is not evident or upon the opinion that the opposite position would be the more probable. Nor, furthermore, would the judgment of the subjective conscience of the theologian justify it because conscience does not constitute an autonomous and exclusive authority for deciding the truth of a doctrine.

>This will mean an intense and patient reflection on his part and a readiness, if need be, to revise his own opinions and examine the objections which his colleagues might offer him (28-29).

But what if you still disagree?
>Faced with a proposition to which he feels he cannot give his intellectual assent, the theologian nevertheless has the duty to remain open to a deeper examination of the question (31).
>For a loyal spirit, animated by love for the Church, such a situation can certainly prove a difficult trial. It can be a call to suffer for the truth, in silence and prayer, but with the certainty that if the truth really is at stake, it will ultimately prevail (31).

This means, in other words, that for everything the pope or any bishop says, you must ALWAYS agree in your heart and mind 100%. If you do not, you must constantly struggle to make yourself believe otherwise, bringing yourself to pain and tears. If you do anything less, you are violating canon law and are in a state of mortal sin that cannot be lifted until you agree.

Now keep in mind the pope sanctioned worship of a demon idol in the Vatican last summer. This means that every Catholic must fully embrace demon worship and defend it to their deaths. Or else they go to hell. Isn't canon law interesting? Remember, this does not only apply to infallible statements! Any time a pope or bishop speaks, every Catholic must obey and submit completely. Every time.

>> No.15365545

>Jesus: everyone fails under the Law

>> No.15365556
File: 64 KB, 802x386, Jorge Mario Bergoglio.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This man is definitely not a pedophile. Trust him.

>> No.15365800

Kek based. Daily reminder the catechism says Muslims go to heaven and Jews didn't need Jesus (in direct contrast to Jesus himself)

>> No.15365808

>catechism says Muslims go to heaven and Jews didn't need Jesus

>> No.15365868

841 The Church's relationship with the Muslims. "The plan of salvation also includes those who acknowledge the Creator, in the first place amongst whom are the Muslims; these profess to hold the faith of Abraham, and together with us they adore the one, merciful God, mankind's judge on the last day"

>> No.15365873

The relationship of the Church with the Jewish People. When she delves into her own mystery, the Church, the People of God in the New Covenant, discovers her link with the Jewish People,326 "the first to hear the Word of God."327 The Jewish faith, unlike other non-Christian religions, is already a response to God's revelation in the Old Covenant. To the Jews "belong the sonship, the glory, the covenants, the giving of the law, the worship, and the promises; to them belong the patriarchs, and of their race, according to the flesh, is the Christ",328 "for the gifts and the call of God are irrevocable."329

>> No.15365875

>the plan of salvation
>no where in that statement does it say muslims Go to heaven
based retard, are you american?

>> No.15365884

Disgusting. When was this shit written?

>> No.15365886

Either it is saying that Muslims go to heaven, or it is deliberately worded to appear that way. Now if it's the latter, why would they do that? Why be deliberately vague to allow such readings? The answer to that question is not a flattering one for the church.

>> No.15365894
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>Nick Fuentes larpers have provoked a new wave of fedoraposting
I called it six months ago and people said I was crazy

>> No.15365897

90s. JP2 wrote it. It's ironic that people hate Francis when JP was low key way worse actually.

>> No.15365899
File: 220 KB, 347x440, 1587480638938.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the plan of salvation "vaguely" implies that muslims go to heaven

>> No.15365901

>"n-no, it means muslims will share in the plan of salvation by going to Hell"

>> No.15365912

Ex muslim here. When I left islam I considered becoming a christian, catholic. The priests I talked to said I don't need to become a catholic to be saved, one of them said I should just stay a muslim and I'll be fine.

>> No.15365914

I can't speak for others but I'm a former Catholic. I post not to tip but to expose the evils of the church. Other Christians are fine. Catholics are uniquely political, duplicitous and hypocritical. I'm not op btw

>> No.15365928

I'm all for religious debate but
>posting vaguely-relevant catechism snippets as epik takedowns
>blatantly upvoting your own posts
What exactly is the purpose?

>> No.15365930

What specifically does it mean then? Also bear in mind that liberal Catholics do in fact interpret it that way. Really, stop the cringe posting and explain why they would say something so odd if they arent saying Muslims go to heaven

>> No.15365938

the plan of salvation can imply that through the muslim actions many people will convert to christianity. we already see it happening, you're probably a literal interpretation prottie

>> No.15365942

The catechism is a statement of faith. There is no gotcha. What is written there is literally word for word what you must believe to be Catholic. What's the issue.

>> No.15365951

It's a catechism. It should need to be interpreted in any way other than literal. Unless you're implying the catechism includes lies or deliberate misrepresentation.

Seriously are you saying that we SHOULDN'T interpret the catechism Literally? The absolute fucking state.

>> No.15365952

It doesnt mean that though, it means that muslims are saved because they worship the same god.

>> No.15365966

Best case scenario is that God has mercy on them for at least being close. Justin Martyr and others discussed the "virtuous pagans" when Christianity was still in its infancy, it's not like this is some big scandal you're uncovering.
Muslims are still followers of a false prophet and may very well be damned unless they accept Christ, but it's no man's place to make a proclamation one way or another. Catholics don't do the proddie shit where any literal who can proclaim with certainty who's going to heaven and hell.

>> No.15365971

>Seriously are you saying that we SHOULDN'T interpret the catechism Literally
if we do interpret it literally, it still doesn't imply what you are claiming

>> No.15365982

>yfw you just owned two millennia of theologians and magisterium by misreading Catholicism For Dummies

>> No.15366000

Ok well the Church declared infallibly that "outside the Church there is no salvation". Now the fact that they decides to walk that back and reinterpret it because they got pozzed isn't my problem. The fact is that Catholics clearly didn't believe Muslims went to heaven for the vast majority of Catholic history.

Again they said it infallibly, not me. Now spin your way out of that little contradiction using their own weasel words you've been trained to learn that explain that when they said that they didn't REALLY mean it.

>> No.15366015

>being wrong for 2000 years some how makes it no longer wrong

>> No.15366020

Liberal theologians believe Muslims go to heaven though, and the reading is clearly there. You still haven't explain why exactly they would write a sentence like that in the catechism if Muslims don't go to heaven. They could have just said nothing or said Muslims go to he'll or Muslims aren't saved.

But that's not how they chose to word it. The fact is, and I'll skip to the punchline here, the liberal Catholics lobbied to have it say that because it CAN be interpreted the way they want.

But having a vague statement like that which can go various ways isn't a win for the Catholic side. It's pathetic.

>> No.15366027
File: 337 KB, 409x517, 1477154464293.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>"I don't take repeatedly transcribed/translated words from millennia ago literally therefore I don't take words written in the 90s literally"

>> No.15366050
File: 93 KB, 900x1200, popo franc.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.15366111

>for at least being close
They deny that Christ died on the cross and rose on the third day.
They deny that Christ is God.
We should all convert to arianism then since it's apparently fine and close enough.

>> No.15366122

>they worship the same god

>> No.15366148

He is an Anti Pope you miserable half-wit.

>> No.15366182

No shit

>> No.15366194
File: 35 KB, 383x250, 1545458430597.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I legitimately do not give a shit about most christian theology. All I know is uphold Gods law and show higher priority to priest caste. Most of it is just impractical nonsense that exists in some world divorced from reality as is the case with most philosophy.
>but w-why d-do believe christcuck teachings!
I believe I owe a debt to my recent ancestors as to not besmirch certain aspects of their lifestyle.

>> No.15366214

youre blatantly lying, faggot

>> No.15366227

damn orthos seething hard to be making these threads

>> No.15366233
File: 633 KB, 662x488, a7040fc5068b22e4e8ba0909b8bbe007.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Theology ENDED with St. Alphonsus. I have not read anything past him and never will.

>> No.15366314

yes, Muslims are more based than fucking atheists, problem?

>> No.15366345
File: 40 KB, 512x512, DiJBEbDQ.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this thread again. Pathetic.

>> No.15366374

Then you are anathema or at best in mortal sin per canon law. Congrats.

>> No.15366385

Yeah I bet it's really frustrating given it exposes Catholics as uninformed about their own religion and totally incapable of rational discussion. You all got so btfo in the last thread I'm surprised anyone of you came back.

>> No.15366438

Orthos usually don't care about us, the ones with the endless seething are protties.
Just pray for them, breh.

>> No.15366488

one of the biggest youtube orthos spend a considerable amount of his time shitting on Catholicism

>> No.15366494

>Orthos usually don't care about us
Lol it's funny that you Catholics all think this. Orthodox have an extremely deep hatred for Catholics, worse than any other. You have no idea how deluded that is to say. Your clergy sell you on the idea that you are brothers but the orthodox clergy are singing a very different time.

Doesn't help that you all were the bad guys of history either

>> No.15366512

>Orthos usually don't care about us

>> No.15366529

>Orthos usually don't care about us
Online Orthos do care quite a bit about Catholics, especially if they're converts and/or Americans.

>> No.15366546

Uhh real life orthos care far more. There is deep historical animosity there, especially in Europe. Not surprising given Catholics were basically colonizers of orthodox countries for centuries. Then there's stuff like Catholics sacking Constantinople causing the fall of eastern Christendom to Muslims.

Catholics are literally responsible for the rise of Islam.

>> No.15366560

>especially if they're converts and/or Americans
This is a fucking baldfaced lie. Thanks for trying to make the thread American rage thread 10000000 though

>> No.15366565

quick q for all the tradcaths on this board, when i slobber on nigger feet do i need to use the tongue or is just sucking on the toes a bit fine?

>> No.15366579

I think you want to ask the neocon Catholics mon frere

>> No.15366626

Catholics prevented a Muslim invasion of Europe in Lepanto. The sackers of Constantinople were excommunicated.

>> No.15366630

Tradcaths like Francis?

>> No.15366672

>but it's no man's place to make a proclamation one way or another. Catholics don't do the proddie shit where any literal who can proclaim with certainty who's going to heaven and hell.
The Church has a right and responsibility to make clear what leads one to heaven or hell, especially the most absolute basic requirements of salvation. You're suggesting that the Church abdicate its role. Not surprising coming from a Catholic. You have leftist politicians to suck up to and abortions to fund with collection plate donations. Fucking freaks.

>> No.15366692

Why are Catholics so fucking retarded about EVERYTHING? They get so confused by their leaders' propaganda that they cannot form a single coherent thought about anything. It's always roundabout, ass backwards reasoning and incessant equivocation. Nothing their Church says can ever be taken at face value. They always have to run to their apologetics sites to find the torturous readings that prove "nothing has changed" every time something changes.

The NO SALVATION OUTSIDE THE CHURCH thing is a great example. The entire fucking church honestly believes that it makes sense that the new catechism changed this statement to mean "actually there is a lot of various pathways to salvation outside the church, and we always meant this, it just wasn't clear, but this is a new and honest development clarifying what the church always already believed".